Revision 96974e765b2df991bd5c26eba83e233fbdad4f80 authored by Jörg Buchwald on 01 June 2021, 12:53:26 UTC, committed by Dmitry Yu. Naumov on 02 June 2021, 14:42:51 UTC
1 parent 7b69a4a
Raw File
 * \file
 * \author Thomas Fischer
 * \date   2011-09-12
 * \brief  Definition of the TetGenInterface class.
 * \copyright
 * Copyright (c) 2012-2021, OpenGeoSys Community (
 *            Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
 *              See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or

#pragma once

#include <vector>

// GeoLib
#include "GeoLib/Point.h"
#include "GeoLib/GEOObjects.h"

// forward declaration of class Node and Element
namespace MeshLib
    class Node;
    class Element;
    class Mesh;

namespace FileIO
 * class TetGenInterface is used to read file formats used by <a href="">TetGen</a>.
 * Currently supported formats are:
 *   poly - Geometric point and surface definition
 *   node - mesh node / geometric point definition
 *   ele  - mesh element definition
class TetGenInterface final

     * Method reads geometry from a TetGen poly or smesh file.
     * @param geo_fname   file name of the poly file
     * @param geo_objects  where the geometry is written to
     * @return on success  the method returns true, otherwise it returns false
    bool readTetGenGeometry (std::string const& geo_fname,
                             GeoLib::GEOObjects &geo_objects);

     * Method reads the TetGen mesh from node file and element file.
     * @param nodes_fname  file name of the nodes file
     * @param ele_fname    file name of the elements file
     * @return on success  the method returns a (pointer to a) CFEMesh, else the method returns nullptr
    MeshLib::Mesh* readTetGenMesh (std::string const& nodes_fname,
                                   std::string const& ele_fname);

     * Writes the geometry of a given name to TetGen smesh-file.
     * @param file_name         file name of the new smesh file.
     * @param geo_objects       the container for the geometry.
     * @param geo_name          the name for the geometry containing the subsurface boundary representation used for meshing.
     * @param attribute_points  attribute points containing material IDs (if the vector is empty no attributes are written).
     * @return returns true on success and false otherwise.
    static bool writeTetGenSmesh(
        const std::string& file_name,
        const GeoLib::GEOObjects& geo_objects,
        const std::string& geo_name,
        const std::vector<GeoLib::Point>& attribute_points);

     * Writes the geometry of a given name to TetGen smesh-file.
     * @param file_name         file name of the new smesh file.
     * @param mesh              mesh containing the subsurface boundary representation used for meshing.
     * @param attribute_points  attribute points containing material IDs (if the vector is empty no attributes are written).
     * @return returns true on success and false otherwise.
    bool writeTetGenSmesh(const std::string &file_name,
                          const MeshLib::Mesh &mesh,
                          std::vector<MeshLib::Node> &attribute_points) const;

    /// Returns the declared number of facets in the poly file.
    std::size_t getNFacets(std::ifstream &input);

     * Method parses the lines reading the facets from TetGen smesh file
     * @param input       the input stream (input)
     * @param surfaces    the vector of surfaces to be filled (output)
     * @param points      the point vector needed for creating surfaces (input)
     * @param pnt_id_map  the id map to compensate for possibly changed point ids after adding the point vector to GEOObjects
     * @return true, if the facets have been read correctly, false if the method detects an error
    bool parseSmeshFacets(std::ifstream &input,
                          std::vector<GeoLib::Surface*> &surfaces,
                          const std::vector<GeoLib::Point*> &points,
                          const std::vector<std::size_t> &pnt_id_map);

     * Method reads the nodes from stream and stores them in a node vector.
     * For this purpose it uses methods parseNodesFileHeader() and parseNodes().
     * @param ins    the input stream
     * @param nodes  output vector of nodes.
     * @return true, if all information is read, false if the method detects an
     * error
    bool readNodesFromStream(std::ifstream& ins,
                             std::vector<MeshLib::Node*>& nodes);

     * Method parses the header of the nodes file created by TetGen
     * @param line              the header is in this string (input)
     * @param n_nodes           number of nodes in the file (output)
     * @param dim               the spatial dimension of the node (output)
     * @param n_attributes      the number of attributes for each node (output)
     * @param boundary_markers  have the nodes boundary information (output)
     * @return true, if the file header is read, false if the method detects an error
    static bool parseNodesFileHeader(std::string const& line,
                                     std::size_t& n_nodes,
                                     std::size_t& dim,
                                     std::size_t& n_attributes,
                                     bool& boundary_markers);
     * method parses the lines reading the nodes from TetGen nodes file
     * @param ins      the input stream (input)
     * @param nodes    the nodes vector to be filled (input)
     * @param n_nodes  the number of nodes to read (input)
     * @param dim      the spatial dimension of the node (input)
     * @return true, if the nodes are read, false if the method detects an error
    bool parseNodes(std::ifstream &ins,
                    std::vector<MeshLib::Node*> &nodes,
                    std::size_t n_nodes,
                    std::size_t dim);

     * Method reads the elements from stream and stores them in an element
     * vector. For this purpose it uses methods parseElementsFileHeader() and
     * parseElements().
     * @param ins       the input stream
     * @param elements  the elements vector to be filled
     * @param materials the vector containing material ids to be filled
     * @param nodes     the node information needed for creating elements
     * @return true, if all information is read, false if the method detects an
     * error
    bool readElementsFromStream(std::ifstream& ins,
                                std::vector<MeshLib::Element*>& elements,
                                std::vector<int>& materials,
                                const std::vector<MeshLib::Node*>& nodes) const;
     * Method parses the header of the elements file created by TetGen
     * @param line              the header is in this string (input)
     * @param n_tets            the number of tets to read (input)
     * @param n_nodes_per_tet   the number of nodes per tets (input)
     * @param region_attribute  is on output true, if there
     * @return
    static bool parseElementsFileHeader(std::string& line,
                                        std::size_t& n_tets,
                                        std::size_t& n_nodes_per_tet,
                                        bool& region_attribute);
     * Method parses the tetrahedras and put them in the element vector of the mesh class.
     * @param ins the input stream
     * @param elements          the elements vector to be filled
     * @param materials         the vector containing material ids to be filled
     * @param nodes             the node information needed for creating elements
     * @param n_tets            the number of tetrahedras that should be read
     * @param n_nodes_per_tet   the number of nodes per tetrahedron
     * @param region_attribute  if region attribute is true, region information is read
     * @return true, if the tetrahedras are read, false if the method detects an error
    bool parseElements(std::ifstream& ins,
                       std::vector<MeshLib::Element*> &elements,
                       std::vector<int> &materials,
                       const std::vector<MeshLib::Node*> &nodes,
                       std::size_t n_tets,
                       std::size_t n_nodes_per_tet,
                       bool region_attribute) const;

     * Writes the elements from a 2D mesh to a TetGen smesh-file.
     * @param out               the output stream the information is written to.
     * @param mesh              mesh containing the subsurface boundary representation used for meshing.
     * @return returns true on success and false otherwise.
    void write2dElements(std::ofstream &out,
                         const MeshLib::Mesh &mesh) const;

     * Writes the elements from a 3D mesh to a TetGen smesh-file.
     * @param out               the output stream the information is written to.
     * @param mesh              the 3D mesh.
     * @param attribute_points  attribute points containing material IDs (emptied when called and then filled with correct values).
     * @return returns true on success and false otherwise.
    void write3dElements(std::ofstream &out,
                         const MeshLib::Mesh &mesh,
                         std::vector<MeshLib::Node> &attribute_points) const;

    /// Writes facet information from a 2D element to the stream and increments the total element count accordingly
    static void writeElementToFacets(std::ofstream& out,
                                     const MeshLib::Element& element,
                                     unsigned& element_count,
                                     std::string const& matId);

    /// the value is true if the indexing is zero based, else false
    bool _zero_based_idx{false};

    /// true if boundary markers are set, false otherwise
    bool _boundary_markers{false};
}  // namespace FileIO
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