Revision 97116a19ab5e4323b8c5566f016d2dc6d77b217b authored by Adrian Baddeley on 06 November 2009, 10:18:11 UTC, committed by cran-robot on 06 November 2009, 10:18:11 UTC
1 parent de378e6
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Tip revision: 97116a19ab5e4323b8c5566f016d2dc6d77b217b authored by Adrian Baddeley on 06 November 2009, 10:18:11 UTC
version 1.17-1
Tip revision: 97116a1
AreaInter               The Area Interaction Point Process Model
BadGey                  Hybrid Geyer Point Process Model
DiggleGratton           Diggle-Gratton model
Emark                   Diagnostics for random marking
F3est                   Empty Space Function of a Three-Dimensional
                        Point Pattern
Fest                    Estimate the empty space function F
G3est                   Nearest Neighbour Distance Distribution
                        Function of a Three-Dimensional Point Pattern
Gcross                  Multitype Nearest Neighbour Distance Function
Gdot                    Multitype Nearest Neighbour Distance Function
Gest                    Nearest Neighbour Distance Function G
Geyer                   Geyer's Saturation Point Process Model
Gmulti                  Marked Nearest Neighbour Distance Function
Hest                    Spherical Contact Distribution Function
Iest                    Estimate the I-function
Jcross                  Multitype J Function (i-to-j)
Jdot                    Multitype J Function (i-to-any)
Jest                    Estimate the J-function
Jmulti                  Marked J Function
K3est                   K-function of a Three-Dimensional Point Pattern
Kcross                  Multitype K Function (Cross-type)
Kcross.inhom            Inhomogeneous Cross K Function
Kdot                    Multitype K Function (i-to-any)
Kdot.inhom              Inhomogeneous Multitype K Dot Function
Kest                    K-function
Kest.fft                K-function using FFT
Kinhom                  Inhomogeneous K-function
Kmeasure                Reduced Second Moment Measure
Kmulti                  Marked K-Function
Lcross                  Multitype L-function (cross-type)
Lcross.inhom            Inhomogeneous Cross Type L Function
Ldot                    Multitype L-function (i-to-any)
Ldot.inhom              Inhomogeneous Multitype L Dot Function
LennardJones            The Lennard-Jones Potential
Lest                    L-function
Linhom                  L-function
MultiStrauss            The Multitype Strauss Point Process Model
MultiStraussHard        The Multitype/Hard Core Strauss Point Process
Ord                     Generic Ord Interaction model
OrdThresh               Ord's Interaction model
PairPiece               The Piecewise Constant Pairwise Interaction
                        Point Process Model
Pairwise                Generic Pairwise Interaction model
Poisson                 Poisson Point Process Model
SatPiece                Piecewise Constant Saturated Pairwise
                        Interaction Point Process Model
Saturated               Saturated Pairwise Interaction model
Softcore                The Soft Core Point Process Model
Strauss                 The Strauss Point Process Model
StraussHard             The Strauss / Hard Core Point Process Model
[.fasp                  Extract Subset of Function Array
[.fv                    Extract Subset of Function Values
[.im                    Extract Subset of Image
[.ppp                   Extract or Replace Subset of Point Pattern
[.psp                   Extract Subset of Line Segment Pattern
[.quad                  Subset of Quadrature Scheme
[.splitppp              Extract or Replace Sub-Patterns
[.tess                  Extract or Replace Subset of Tessellation
[<                  Reset Values in Subset of Image
[<-.listof              Extract or Replace Subset of a List of Things
adaptive.density        Intensity Estimate of Point Pattern Using
affine                  Apply Affine Transformation
affine.owin             Apply Affine Transformation To Window
affine.ppp              Apply Affine Transformation To Point Pattern
affine.psp              Apply Affine Transformation To Line Segment
allstats                Calculate four standard summary functions of a
                        point pattern.
alltypes                Calculate Summary Statistic for All Types in a
                        Multitype Point Pattern
amacrine                Hughes' Amacrine Cell Data
anemones                Beadlet Anemones Data
angles.psp              Orientation Angles of Line Segments
anova.ppm               ANOVA for Fitted Point Process Models
ants                    Harkness-Isham ants' nests data
append.psp              Combine Two Line Segment Patterns
applynbd                Apply Function to Every Neighbourhood in a
                        Point Pattern
area.owin               Area of a Window
areaGain                Difference of Disc Areas
areaLoss                Difference of Disc Areas
as.box3                 Convert Data to Three-Dimensional Box       Coerce Point Pattern to a Data Frame       Coerce Line Segment Pattern to a Data Frame
as.hyperframe           Convert Data to Hyperframe
as.hyperframe.ppx       Extract coordinates and marks of
                        multidimensional point pattern                   Convert to Pixel Image
as.mask                 Pixel Image Approximation of a Window            Convert Pixel Image to Matrix
as.owin                 Convert Data To Class owin
as.polygonal            Convert a Window to a Polygonal Window
as.ppp                  Convert Data To Class ppp
as.psp                  Convert Data To Class psp
as.rectangle            Window Frame
as.tess                 Convert Data To Tessellation
bdist.pixels            Distance to Boundary of Window
bdist.points            Distance to Boundary of Window
bdist.tiles             Distance to Boundary of Window
bei                     Tropical rain forest trees
bermantest              Berman's Tests for Point Process Model
betacells               Beta Ganglion Cells in Cat Retina
blur                    Apply Gaussian Blur to a Pixel Image
border                  Border Region of a Window            Bounding Box of a Window or Point Pattern         Convex Hull of Points
box3                    Three-Dimensional Box
bramblecanes            Hutchings' Bramble Canes data
bronzefilter            Bronze gradient filter data                   Apply Function to Image Broken Down by Factor
by.ppp                  Apply a Function to a Point Pattern Broken Down
                        by Factor
cells                   Biological Cells Point Pattern
centroid.owin           Centroid of a window
chop.tess               Subdivide a Window or Tessellation using a Set
                        of Lines
chorley                 Chorley-Ribble Cancer Data
clarkevans              Clark and Evans Aggregation Index
clickpoly               Interactively Define a Polygon
clickppp                Interactively Add Points
clip.infline            Intersect Infinite Straight Lines with a Window
closing                 Morphological Closing
coef.ppm                Coefficients of Fitted Point Process Model
colourmap               Colour Lookup Tables
compatible.fasp         Test Whether Two Function Arrays Are Compatible
compatible.fv           Test Whether Two Function Objects Are
                        Compatible           Test Whether Two Pixel Images Are Compatible
complement.owin         Take Complement of a Window
concatxy                Concatenate x,y Coordinate Vectors
connected               Connected components of an image or window              Contour plot of pixel image
convexhull              Convex Hull
convexhull.xy           Convex Hull of Points
coords                  Extract Coordinates of a Spatial or
                        Spatiotemporal Point Pattern
copper                  Berman-Huntington points and lines data
corners                 Corners of a rectangle
crossdist               Pairwise distances
crossdist.default       Pairwise distances between two different sets
                        of points
crossdist.ppp           Pairwise distances between two different point
crossdist.psp           Pairwise distances between two different line
                        segment patterns
crossing.psp            Crossing Points of Two Line Segment Patterns                  Convert Pixel Image from Numeric to Factor
cut.ppp                 Classify Points in a Point Pattern
data.ppm                Extract Original Data from a Fitted Point
                        Process Model
default.dummy           Generate a Default Pattern of Dummy Points
delaunay                Delaunay Triangulation of Point Pattern
deltametric             Delta Metric
demopat                 Artificial Data Point Pattern
density.ppp             Kernel Smoothed Intensity of Point Pattern
density.psp             Kernel Smoothing of Line Segment Pattern
density.splitppp        Kernel Smoothed Intensity of Split Point
diagnose.ppm            Diagnostic Plots for Fitted Point Process Model
diameter                Diameter of a Window
diameter.box3           Geometrical Calculations for Three-Dimensional
dilated.areas           Areas of Morphological Dilations
dilation                Morphological Dilation
dirichlet               Dirichlet Tessellation of Point Pattern
dirichlet.weights       Compute Quadrature Weights Based on Dirichlet
disc                    Circular Window
discpartarea            Area of Part of Disc
discretise              Safely Convert Point Pattern Window to Binary
distfun                 Distance Map as a Function
distmap                 Distance Map
distmap.owin            Distance Map of Window
distmap.ppp             Distance Map of Point Pattern
distmap.psp             Distance Map of Line Segment Pattern
dummy.ppm               Extract Dummy Points Used to Fit a Point
                        Process Model
duplicated.ppp          Determine Duplicated Points in a Spatial Point
eem                     Exponential Energy Marks
effectfun               Compute Fitted Effect of a Spatial Covariate in
                        a Point Process Model
endpoints.psp           Endpoints of Line Segment Pattern
envelope                Simulation envelopes of summary function
eroded.areas            Areas of Morphological Erosions
erosion                 Morphological Erosion
eval.fasp               Evaluate Expression Involving Function Arrays
eval.fv                 Evaluate Expression Involving Functions                 Evaluate Expression Involving Pixel Images
ewcdf                   Weighted Empirical Cumulative Distribution
expand.owin             Expand Window By Factor
fasp.object             Function Arrays for Spatial Patterns
finpines                Pine saplings in Finland.
fitin.ppm               Extract the Interaction from a Fitted Point
                        Process Model
fitted.ppm              Fitted Conditional Intensity for Point Process
fryplot                 Fry Plot of Point Pattern
fv.object               Data Frames of Function Values
ganglia                 Beta Ganglion Cells in Cat Retina, Old Version
gpc2owin                Convert Polygonal Region into Different Format
gridcentres             Rectangular grid of points
gridweights             Compute Quadrature Weights Based on Grid Counts
hamster                 Aherne's hamster tumour data
harmonic                Basis for Harmonic Functions
heather                 Diggle's Heather Data                 Histogram of Pixel Values in an Image
humberside              Humberside Data on Childhood Leukaemia and
hyperframe              Hyper Data Frame
identify.ppp            Identify Points in a Point Pattern
im                      Create a Pixel Image Object
im.object               Class of Images
incircle                Find Largest Circle Inside Window
infline                 Infinite Straight Lines         Infinite Order Interaction Family
inside.owin             Test Whether Points Are Inside A Window               Interpolate a Pixel Image
intersect.owin          Intersection, Union or Set Subtraction of Two
intersect.tess          Intersection of Two Tessellations
iplot                   Point and Click Interface for Displaying a
                        Point Pattern
is.convex               Test Whether a Window is Convex
is.empty                Test Whether An Object Is Empty                   Test Whether An Object Is A Pixel Image
is.marked               Test Whether Marks Are Present
is.marked.ppm           Test Whether A Point Process Model is Marked
is.marked.ppp           Test Whether A Point Pattern is Marked
is.multitype            Test whether Object is Multitype
is.multitype.ppm        Test Whether A Point Process Model is Multitype
is.multitype.ppp        Test Whether A Point Pattern is Multitype
is.owin                 Test Whether An Object Is A Window
is.ppm                  Test Whether An Object Is A Fitted Point
                        Process Model
is.ppp                  Test Whether An Object Is A Point Pattern
is.subset.owin          Determine Whether One Window is Contained In
istat                   Point and Click Interface for Exploratory
                        Analysis of Point Pattern
japanesepines           Japanese Pines Point Pattern
kaplan.meier            Kaplan-Meier Estimator using Histogram Data                   Kaplan-Meier and Reduced Sample Estimator using
kppm                    Fit cluster point process model
kstest.ppm              Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test for Point Process Model
lansing                 Lansing Woods Point Pattern
lengths.psp             Lengths of Line Segments
letterR                 Window in Shape of Letter R
levelset                Level Set of a Pixel Image
lgcp.estK               Fit a Log-Gaussian Cox Point Process by Minimum
localK                  Neighbourhood density function
logLik.ppm              Log Likelihood for Poisson Point Process Model
longleaf                Longleaf Pines Point Pattern
lurking                 Lurking variable plot
lut                     Lookup Tables
markconnect             Mark Connection Function
markcorr                Mark Correlation Function
markcorrint             Mark Correlation Integral
markstat                Summarise Marks in Every Neighbourhood in a
                        Point Pattern
marktable               Tabulate Marks in Neighbourhood of Every Point
                        in a Point Pattern
markvario               Mark Variogram
matchingdist            Distance for a Point Pattern Matching
matclust.estK           Fit the Matern Cluster Point Process by Minimum
                        Contrast                 Mean, Median and Range of Pixel Values in an
midpoints.psp           Midpoints of Line Segment Pattern
mincontrast             Method of Minimum Contrast
miplot                  Morishita Index Plot
model.images            Compute Images of Constructed Covariates
model.matrix.ppm        Extract Design Matrix from Point Process Model
multiplicity.ppp        Count Multiplicity of Duplicate Points
murchison               Murchison gold deposits
nbfires                 Point Patterns of New Brunswick Forest Fires
nearest.raster.point    Find Pixel Nearest to a Given Point
nearestsegment          Find Line Segment Nearest to Each Point
nncorr                  Nearest-Neighbour Correlation Indices of Marked
                        Point Pattern
nncross                 Nearest Neighbours Between Two Patterns
nndist                  Nearest neighbour distances
nndist.psp              Nearest neighbour distances between line
nnwhich                 Nearest neighbour
nztrees                 New Zealand Trees Point Pattern
opening                 Morphological Opening              Ord Interaction Process Family
owin                    Create a Window
owin.object             Class owin
pairdist                Pairwise distances
pairdist.default        Pairwise distances
pairdist.ppp            Pairwise distances
pairdist.psp            Pairwise distances between line segments          Saturated Pairwise Interaction Point Process
                        Family         Pairwise Interaction Process Family
pcf                     Pair Correlation Function
pcf.fasp                Pair Correlation Function obtained from array
                        of K functions
pcf.fv                  Pair Correlation Function obtained from K
pcf.ppp                 Pair Correlation Function of Point Pattern
pcfcross                Multitype pair correlation function
perimeter               Perimeter Length of Window                Perspective Plot of Pixel Image
pixellate               Convert Spatial Object to Pixel Image
pixellate.owin          Convert Window to Pixel Image
pixellate.ppp           Convert Point Pattern to Pixel Image
pixelquad               Quadrature Scheme Based on Pixel Grid
plot.bermantest         Plot Result of Berman Test
plot.colourmap          Plot a Colour Map
plot.fasp               Plot a Function Array
plot.fv                 Plot Function Values
plot.hyperframe         Plot Entries in a Hyperframe                 Plot a Pixel Image
plot.kppm               Plot a fitted cluster point process
plot.kstest             Plot a Spatial Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
plot.listof             Plot a List of Things
plot.owin               Plot a Spatial Window
plot.plotppm            Plot a plotppm Object Created by plot.ppm
plot.pp3                Plot a three-dimensional point pattern
plot.ppm                plot a Fitted Point Process Model
plot.ppp                plot a Spatial Point Pattern
plot.psp                plot a Spatial Line Segment Pattern
plot.quad               plot a Spatial Quadrature Scheme
plot.splitppp           Plot a List of Point Patterns
plot.tess               Plot a tessellation
pointsOnLines           Place Points Evenly Along Specified Lines
ponderosa               Ponderosa Pine Tree Point Pattern
pp3                     Three Dimensional Point Pattern
ppm                     Fit Point Process Model to Data
ppm.object              Class of Fitted Point Process Models
ppp                     Create a Point Pattern
ppp.object              Class of Point Patterns
pppdist                 Distance Between Two Point Patterns
pppmatching             Create a Point Matching
pppmatching.object      Class of Point Matchings
ppx                     Multidimensional Space-Time Point Pattern
predict.kppm            Prediction from a Fitted Cluster Point Process
predict.ppm             Prediction from a Fitted Point Process Model
print.box3              Methods for Three-Dimensional Box                Print Brief Details of an Image
print.owin              Print Brief Details of a Spatial Window
print.pp3               Methods for three-dimensional point patterns
print.ppm               Print a Fitted Point Process Model
print.ppp               Print Brief Details of a Point Pattern Dataset
print.ppx               Methods for Multidimensional Space-Time Point
print.psp               Print Brief Details of a Line Segment Pattern
print.quad              Print a Quadrature Scheme
profilepl               Profile Maximum Pseudolikelihood
progressreport          Print Progress Reports
project2segment         Move Point To Nearest Line
psp                     Create a Line Segment Pattern
psp.object              Class of Line Segment Patterns
qqplot.ppm              Q-Q Plot of Residuals from Fitted Point Process
quad.object             Class of Quadrature Schemes
quad.ppm                Extract Quadrature Scheme Used to Fit a Point
                        Process Model
quadrat.test            Chi-Squared Dispersion Test for Spatial Point
                        Pattern Based on Quadrat Counts
quadrat.test.splitppp   Chi-Squared Test of CSR for Split Point Pattern
quadratcount            Quadrat counting for a point pattern
quadratresample         Resample a Point Pattern by Resampling Quadrats
quadrats                Divide Region into Quadrats
quadscheme              Generate a Quadrature Scheme from a Point
                        Pattern             Sample Quantiles of Pixel Image
rGaussPoisson           Simulate Gauss-Poisson Process
rMatClust               Simulate Matern Cluster Process
rMaternI                Simulate Matern Model I
rMaternII               Simulate Matern Model II
rMosaicField            Mosaic Random Field
rMosaicSet              Mosaic Random Set
rNeymanScott            Simulate Neyman-Scott Process
rSSI                    Simulate Simple Sequential Inhibition
rStrauss                Perfect Simulation of the Strauss Process
rThomas                 Simulate Thomas Process
raster.x                Cartesian Coordinates for a Pixel Raster
rcell                   Simulate Baddeley-Silverman Cell Process
reach                   Interaction Distance of a Point Process
reduced.sample          Reduced Sample Estimator using Histogram Data
redwood                 California Redwoods Point Pattern (Ripley's
redwoodfull             California Redwoods Point Pattern (Entire
rescale                 Convert dataset to another unit of length              Convert Pixel Image to Another Unit of Length
rescale.owin            Convert Window to Another Unit of Length
rescale.ppp             Convert Point Pattern to Another Unit of Length
rescale.psp             Convert Line Segment Pattern to Another Unit of
rescue.rectangle        Convert Window Back To Rectangle
residuals.ppm           Residuals for Fitted Point Process Model
residualspaper          Data and Code From JRSS Discussion Paper on
ripras                  Estimate window from points alone
rjitter                 Random Perturbation of a Point Pattern
rlabel                  Random Re-Labelling of Point Pattern
rlinegrid               Generate grid of parallel lines with random
rmh                     Simulate point patterns using the
                        Metropolis-Hastings algorithm.
rmh.default             Simulate Point Process Models using the
                        Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm.
rmh.ppm                 Simulate from a Fitted Point Process Model
rmhcontrol              Set Control Parameters for Metropolis-Hastings
rmhmodel                Define Point Process Model for
                        Metropolis-Hastings Simulation.
rmhmodel.default        Build Point Process Model for
                        Metropolis-Hastings Simulation.
rmhmodel.list           Define Point Process Model for
                        Metropolis-Hastings Simulation.
rmhmodel.ppm            Interpret Fitted Model for Metropolis-Hastings
rmhstart                Determine Initial State for Metropolis-Hastings
rmpoint                 Generate N Random Multitype Points
rmpoispp                Generate Multitype Poisson Point Pattern
rotate                  Rotate
rotate.owin             Rotate a Window
rotate.ppp              Rotate a Point Pattern
rotate.psp              Rotate a Line Segment Pattern
rpoint                  Generate N Random Points
rpoisline               Generate Poisson Random Line Process
rpoislinetess           Poisson Line Tessellation
rpoispp                 Generate Poisson Point Pattern
rpoisppOnLines          Generate Poisson Point Pattern on Line Segments
rshift                  Random Shift
rshift.ppp              Randomly Shift a Point Pattern
rshift.psp              Randomly Shift a Line Segment Pattern
rshift.splitppp         Randomly Shift a List of Point Patterns
rstrat                  Simulate Stratified Random Point Pattern
rsyst                   Simulate systematic random point pattern
rthin                   Random Thinning
runifdisc               Generate N Uniform Random Points in a Disc
runifpoint              Generate N Uniform Random Points
runifpointOnLines       Generate N Uniform Random Points On Line
scanpp                  Read Point Pattern From Data File
selfcrossing.psp        Crossing Points in a Line Segment Pattern
setcov                  Set Covariance of a Window
setmarks                Set or Reset the Marks in a Point Pattern
shapley                 Galaxies in the Shapley Supercluster
shift                   Apply Vector Translation                Apply Vector Translation To Pixel Image
shift.owin              Apply Vector Translation To Window
shift.ppp               Apply Vector Translation To Point Pattern
shift.psp               Apply Vector Translation To Line Segment
simdat                  Simulated Point Pattern
simplify.owin           Approximate a Polygon by a Simpler Polygon
simulate.kppm           Simulate a Fitted Cluster Point Process Model
simulate.ppm            Simulate a Fitted Gibbs Point Process Model
smooth.ppp              Spatial smoothing of observations at irregular
solutionset             Evaluate Logical Expression Involving Pixel
                        Images and Return Region Where Expression is
spatstat-package        The Spatstat Package
spatstat.options        Internal Options in Spatstat Package                Divide Image Into Sub-images
split.ppp               Divide Point Pattern into Sub-patterns
spokes                  Spokes pattern of dummy points
spruces                 Spruces Point Pattern
square                  Square Window
stieltjes               Compute Integral of Function Against Cumulative
suffstat                Sufficient Statistic of Point Process Model              Summarizing a Pixel Image
summary.listof          Summary of a List of Things
summary.owin            Summary of a Spatial Window
summary.ppm             Summarizing a Fitted Point Process Model
summary.ppp             Summary of a Point Pattern Dataset
summary.psp             Summary of a Line Segment Pattern Dataset
summary.quad            Summarizing a Quadrature Scheme
summary.splitppp        Summary of a Split Point Pattern
superimpose             Superimpose Several Point Patterns
superimposePSP          Superimpose Several Line Segment Patterns
swedishpines            Swedish Pines Point Pattern
tess                    Create a Tessellation
thomas.estK             Fit the Thomas Point Process by Minimum
tiles                   Extract List of Tiles in a Tessellation
trim.rectangle          Cut margins from rectangle
union.quad              Union of Data and Dummy Points
unique.ppp              Extract Unique Points from a Spatial Point
unitname                Name for Unit of Length
unmark                  Remove Marks
update.kppm             Update a Fitted Cluster Point Process Model
update.ppm              Update a Fitted Point Process Model
urkiola                 Urkiola Woods Point Pattern
vcov.ppm                Variance-Covariance Matrix for a Fitted Point
                        Process Model
vertices                Vertices of a Window
with.fv                 Evaluate an Expression in a Function Table
with.hyperframe         Evaluate an Expression in Each Row of a
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