Revision 9757810488e595638996e7b84dace5787733e9c6 authored by 1p on 18 April 2014, 01:54:37 UTC, committed by 1p on 18 April 2014, 01:54:37 UTC
1 parent fa07825
Raw File
#include "edmac-memcpy.h"
#include "dryos.h"
#include "edmac.h"
#include "bmp.h"


static struct semaphore * edmac_memcpy_sem = 0; /* to allow only one memcpy running at a time */
static struct semaphore * edmac_read_done_sem = 0; /* to know when memcpy is finished */

static struct edmac_info src_edmac_info;
static struct edmac_info dst_edmac_info;

/* pick some free (check using debug menu) EDMAC channels write: 0x00-0x06, 0x10-0x16, 0x20-0x21. read: 0x08-0x0D, 0x18-0x1D,0x28-0x2B */
#if defined(CONFIG_5D2) || defined(CONFIG_50D)
uint32_t edmac_read_chan = 0x19;
uint32_t edmac_write_chan = 0x03;
R 2-15
W 3-8 10-15
#elif defined(CONFIG_650D) || defined(CONFIG_EOSM) || defined(CONFIG_700D) || defined(CONFIG_100D)
uint32_t edmac_read_chan = 0x19;
uint32_t edmac_write_chan = 0x13;
//~ r 2 3 5 7 8 9 10 11-13
//~ w 3 4 6 10 11-15
#elif defined(CONFIG_60D)
uint32_t edmac_read_chan = 0x19;  /* free indices: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 */
uint32_t edmac_write_chan = 0x06; /* 1, 4, 6, 10 */
#elif defined(CONFIG_6D)
uint32_t edmac_read_chan = 0x19;  /* Read: 0 5 7 11 14 15 */
uint32_t edmac_write_chan = 0x11; /* Write: 6 8 15 */
#elif defined(CONFIG_7D)
uint32_t edmac_read_chan = 0x19;  /*Read 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 */
uint32_t edmac_write_chan = 0x05;	/* Write 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 */
//5 zoom, 6 not
uint32_t edmac_read_chan = 0x19;
uint32_t edmac_write_chan = 0x11;

/* both channels get connected to this... lets call it service. it will just output the data it gets as input */
uint32_t dmaConnection = 6;

static struct LockEntry * resLock = 0;

static void edmac_memcpy_init()
    edmac_memcpy_sem = create_named_semaphore("edmac_memcpy_sem", 1);
    edmac_read_done_sem = create_named_semaphore("edmac_read_done_sem", 0);

    /* */
    uint32_t write_edmacs[] = {0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x20, 0x21};
    uint32_t read_edmacs[]  = {0x08, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1A, 0x1B, 0x1C, 0x1D, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2A, 0x2B};
    /* lookup the edmac channel indices for reslock */
    int read_edmac_index = -1;
    int write_edmac_index = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < COUNT(read_edmacs); i++)
        if (read_edmacs[i] == edmac_read_chan)
            read_edmac_index = i;

    for (int i = 0; i < COUNT(write_edmacs); i++)
        if (write_edmacs[i] == edmac_write_chan)
            write_edmac_index = i;

    if (read_edmac_index >= 0 && write_edmac_index >= 0)
        uint32_t resIds[] = {
            0x00000000 + write_edmac_index, /* write edmac channel */
            0x00010000 + read_edmac_index, /* read edmac channel */
            0x00020000 + dmaConnection, /* write connection */
            0x00030000 + dmaConnection, /* read connection */
        resLock = CreateResLockEntry(resIds, 4);
    //~ else bmp_printf(FONT_MED, 50, 50, "%d %d %d %d %d ", edmac_write_chan, write_edmac_index, edmac_read_chan, read_edmac_index, dmaConnection, resLock);

INIT_FUNC("edmac_memcpy", edmac_memcpy_init);

static void edmac_read_complete_cbr(void *ctx)

static void edmac_write_complete_cbr(void * ctx)

void edmac_memcpy_res_lock()
    //~ bmp_printf(FONT_MED, 50, 50, "Locking");
    int r = LockEngineResources(resLock);
    if (r & 1)
        NotifyBox(2000, "ResLock fail %x %x", resLock, r);
    //~ bmp_printf(FONT_MED, 50, 50, "Locked!");

void edmac_memcpy_res_unlock()

void* edmac_copy_rectangle_cbr_start(void* dst, void* src, int src_width, int src_x, int src_y, int dst_width, int dst_x, int dst_y, int w, int h, void (*cbr_r)(void*), void (*cbr_w)(void*), void *cbr_ctx)
    /* dmaFlags are set up for 16 bytes per transfer, and overflow checking seems to be done every 8 bytes */
    /* widths that are not modulo 8 will cause overflow (the DMA will not stop) */
    /* do not remove this check, or risk permanent camera bricking */
    if (dst_width % 8)
        return 0;

    take_semaphore(edmac_memcpy_sem, 0);
    /* see wiki, register map, EDMAC what the flags mean. they are for setting up copy block size */
    uint32_t dmaFlags = 0x40001000;

    /* create a memory suite from a already existing (continuous) memory block with given size. */
    uint32_t src_adjusted = ((uint32_t)src & 0x1FFFFFFF) + src_x + src_y * src_width;
    uint32_t dst_adjusted = ((uint32_t)dst & 0x1FFFFFFF) + dst_x + dst_y * dst_width;
    /* only read channel will emit a callback when reading from memory is done. write channels would just continue */
    RegisterEDmacCompleteCBR(edmac_read_chan, cbr_r, cbr_ctx);
    RegisterEDmacAbortCBR(edmac_read_chan, cbr_r, cbr_ctx);
    RegisterEDmacPopCBR(edmac_read_chan, cbr_r, cbr_ctx);
    RegisterEDmacCompleteCBR(edmac_write_chan, cbr_w, cbr_ctx);
    RegisterEDmacAbortCBR(edmac_write_chan, cbr_w, cbr_ctx);
    RegisterEDmacPopCBR(edmac_write_chan, cbr_w, cbr_ctx);
    /* connect the selected channels to 6 so any data read from RAM is passed to write channel */
    ConnectWriteEDmac(edmac_write_chan, dmaConnection);
    ConnectReadEDmac(edmac_read_chan, dmaConnection);
    /* xb is width */
    /* yb is height-1 (number of repetitions) */
    /* off1b is the number of bytes to skip after every xb bytes being transferred */
    src_edmac_info.xb = w;
    src_edmac_info.yb = h-1;
    src_edmac_info.off1b = src_width - w;
    /* destination setup has no special cropping */
    dst_edmac_info.xb = w;
    dst_edmac_info.yb = h-1;
    dst_edmac_info.off1b = dst_width - w;
    SetEDmac(edmac_read_chan, (void*)src_adjusted, &src_edmac_info, dmaFlags);
    SetEDmac(edmac_write_chan, (void*)dst_adjusted, &dst_edmac_info, dmaFlags);
    /* start transfer. no flags for write, 2 for read channels */
    StartEDmac(edmac_write_chan, 0);
    StartEDmac(edmac_read_chan, 2);
    return dst;

/* cleanup channel configuration and release semaphore */
void edmac_copy_rectangle_adv_cleanup()
    /* set default CBRs again and stop both DMAs */


/* this function waits for the DMA transfer being finished by blocked wait on the read semaphore.
   as soon the semaphore was taken, cleanup edmac configuration and release global EDMAC semaphore.
void edmac_copy_rectangle_adv_finish()
    /* wait until read is finished */
    int r = take_semaphore(edmac_read_done_sem, 1000);
    if(r != 0)
        NotifyBox(2000, "EDMAC timeout");

void* edmac_copy_rectangle_adv_start(void* dst, void* src, int src_width, int src_x, int src_y, int dst_width, int dst_x, int dst_y, int w, int h)
    return edmac_copy_rectangle_cbr_start(dst, src, src_width, src_x, src_y, dst_width, dst_x, dst_y, w, h, &edmac_read_complete_cbr, &edmac_write_complete_cbr, NULL);

void* edmac_copy_rectangle_adv(void* dst, void* src, int src_width, int src_x, int src_y, int dst_width, int dst_x, int dst_y, int w, int h)
    void* ans = edmac_copy_rectangle_adv_start(dst, src, src_width, src_x, src_y, dst_width, dst_x, dst_y, w, h);
    if (ans) edmac_copy_rectangle_adv_finish();
    return ans;

void* edmac_copy_rectangle(void* dst, void* src, int src_width, int x, int y, int w, int h)
    return edmac_copy_rectangle_adv(dst, src, src_width, x, y, w, 0, 0, w, h);

void* edmac_copy_rectangle_start(void* dst, void* src, int src_width, int x, int y, int w, int h)
    return edmac_copy_rectangle_adv_start(dst, src, src_width, x, y, w, 0, 0, w, h);

void edmac_copy_rectangle_finish()
    return edmac_copy_rectangle_adv_finish();

void* edmac_memset(void* dst, int value, size_t length)
    uint32_t blocksize = 64;
    uint32_t leading = MIN(length, (blocksize - ((uint32_t)dst % blocksize)) % blocksize);
    uint32_t trailing = (length - leading) % blocksize;
    uint32_t copyable = length - leading - trailing;
    /* less makes no sense as it would most probably be slower */
    if(copyable < 8 * blocksize)
        return memset(dst, value, length);
    uint32_t copies = copyable / blocksize - 1;
    /* fill the first line to have a copy source */
    memset(dst + leading, value, blocksize);
    /* now copy the first line over the next lines */
    edmac_copy_rectangle_adv_start(dst + leading + blocksize, dst + leading, 0, 0, 0, blocksize, 0, 0, blocksize, copies);
    /* leading or trailing bytes that edmac cannot handle? */
        memset(dst, value, leading);
        memset(dst + length - trailing, value, trailing);

    return dst;

uint32_t edmac_find_divider(size_t length)
    int blocksize = 4096;
    /* find a fitting 2^x divider */
    while((blocksize > 0) && (length % blocksize))
        blocksize >>= 1;
    /* could not find a fitting divider */
        return 0;
    return blocksize;

void* edmac_memcpy(void* dst, void* src, size_t length)
    int blocksize = edmac_find_divider(length);
        return memcpy(dst, src, length);
    return edmac_copy_rectangle_adv(dst, src, blocksize, 0, 0, blocksize, 0, 0, blocksize, length / blocksize);

void* edmac_memcpy_start(void* dst, void* src, size_t length)
    int blocksize = edmac_find_divider(length);
        void * ret = memcpy(dst, src, length);
        /* simulate a started copy operation */
        take_semaphore(edmac_memcpy_sem, 0);
        return ret;
    return edmac_copy_rectangle_adv_start(dst, src, blocksize, 0, 0, blocksize, 0, 0, blocksize, length / blocksize);

void edmac_memcpy_finish()
    return edmac_copy_rectangle_adv_finish();


/* use this to detect unused edmac channels (call from don't click me) */
#if 0
#include "property.h"
void find_free_edmac_channels()
    for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
            if (!lv) force_liveview();
            bmp_printf(FONT_MED, 50, 50, 
                "Trying write channel [%d]...\n"
                "Press PLAY if not working", 
            int res[] = { 0x00000000 + i }; /* write edmac channel */
            struct LockEntry * resLock = CreateResLockEntry(res, 1);
            if (lv)
                bmp_printf(FONT_MED, 50, 70, "Write channel [%d] seems to work", i);
                console_printf("Write channel [%d] seems to work\n", i);
            if (!lv) force_liveview();
            bmp_printf(FONT_MED, 50, 50, 
                "Trying read channel [%d]...\n"
                "Press PLAY if not working", 
            int res[] = { 0x00010000 + i }; /* read edmac channel */
            struct LockEntry * resLock = CreateResLockEntry(res, 1);
            if (lv)
                bmp_printf(FONT_MED, 50, 70, "Read channel [%d] seems to work", i);
                console_printf("Read channel [%d] seems to work\n", i);

/** this method bypasses Canon's lv_save_raw and slurps the raw data directly from connection #0 */

/* for other cameras, find a free channel with find_free_edmac_channels  */ 
#ifdef CONFIG_5D3
uint32_t raw_write_chan = 4;

#ifdef CONFIG_60D
uint32_t raw_write_chan = 1;

#ifdef CONFIG_600D 
// write-index 1, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13
uint32_t raw_write_chan = 4;

static void edmac_slurp_complete_cbr (void* ctx)
    /* set default CBRs again and stop both DMAs */
    /* idk what to do with those; if I uncomment them, the camera crashes at startup in movie mode with raw_rec enabled */
    //~ UnregisterEDmacCompleteCBR(raw_write_chan);
    //~ UnregisterEDmacAbortCBR(raw_write_chan);
    //~ UnregisterEDmacPopCBR(raw_write_chan);

void edmac_raw_slurp(void* dst, int w, int h)
    /* see wiki, register map, EDMAC what the flags mean. they are for setting up copy block size */
    uint32_t dmaFlags = 0x20001000;
    /* @g3gg0: this callback does get called */
    RegisterEDmacCompleteCBR(raw_write_chan, &edmac_slurp_complete_cbr, 0);
    RegisterEDmacAbortCBR(raw_write_chan, &edmac_slurp_complete_cbr, 0);
    RegisterEDmacPopCBR(raw_write_chan, &edmac_slurp_complete_cbr, 0);
    /* connect the selected channels to 0 so the raw data from sensor is passed to write channel */
    ConnectWriteEDmac(raw_write_chan, 0);
    /* xb is width */
    /* yb is height-1 (number of repetitions) */
    static struct edmac_info dst_edmac_info;
    dst_edmac_info.xb = w;
    dst_edmac_info.yb = h-1;
    SetEDmac(raw_write_chan, (void*)dst, &dst_edmac_info, dmaFlags);
    /* start transfer. no flags for write, 2 for read channels */
    StartEDmac(raw_write_chan, 0);
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