Revision 97b4cfb290dfd3f530ec50b4b7d9545b810a690f authored by Deepayan Sarkar on 11 August 2007, 00:00:00 UTC, committed by Gabor Csardi on 11 August 2007, 00:00:00 UTC
1 parent ef368aa
Raw File
\title{ Default Superpanel Function for splom}
  This is the default superpanel function for \code{splom}.

            panel = lattice.getOption("panel.splom"),
            lower.panel = panel,
            upper.panel = panel,
            diag.panel = "diag.panel.splom",
            as.matrix = FALSE,
            groups = NULL,
            pscales = 5,
%             packet.number, panel.number,
            prepanel.limits = function(x) if (is.factor(x)) levels(x) else
            extend.limits(range(as.numeric(x), finite = TRUE)),

            varname.col, varname.cex, varname.font,
            varname.fontfamily, varname.fontface,
            axis.text.col, axis.text.cex, axis.text.font,
            axis.text.fontfamily, axis.text.fontface,
            axis.line.col, axis.line.lty, axis.line.lwd,
            axis.line.alpha, axis.line.tck,
diag.panel.splom(x = NULL,
                 varname = NULL, limits, at = NULL, lab = NULL,
                 draw = TRUE,
                 varname.col, varname.cex,
                 varname.lineheight, varname.font,
                 varname.fontfamily, varname.fontface,
                 axis.text.col, axis.text.alpha,
                 axis.text.cex, axis.text.font, 
                 axis.text.fontfamily, axis.text.fontface,
                 axis.line.col, axis.line.alpha,
                 axis.line.lty, axis.line.lwd,
  \item{z}{ The data frame used for the plot.}
  \item{panel, lower.panel, upper.panel}{
    The panel function used to display each pair of variables. If
    specified, \code{lower.panel} and \code{upper.panel} are used for
    panels below and above the diagonal respectively.
    The panel function used for the diagonals. See arguments to
    \code{diag.panel.splom} to know what arguments this function is
    passed when called.
    logical. If \code{TRUE}, the layout of the panels will have origin
    on the top left instead of bottom left (similar to
    \code{pairs}). This is in essence the same functionality as provided
    by \code{as.table} for the panel layout
  \item{groups}{ Grouping variable, if any }
    logical specifying whether the panel function accepts an argument
    named \code{subscripts}.
  \item{subscripts}{ The indices of the rows of \code{z} that are to be
    displayed in this (super)panel.
  \item{pscales}{ Controls axis labels, passed down from \code{splom}.
    If \code{pscales} is a single number, it indicates the approximate
    number of equally-spaced ticks that should appear on each axis.  If
    \code{pscales} is a list, it should have one component for each
    column in \code{z}, each of which itself a list with the following
    valid components:

    \code{at}: a numeric vector specifying tick locations

    \code{labels}: character vector labels to go with at

    \code{limits}: numeric 2-vector specifying axis limits (should be
    made more flexible at some point to handle factors)

    These are specifications on a per-variable basis, and used on all
    four sides in the diagonal cells used for labelling.  Factor
    variables are labelled with the factor names.  Use \code{pscales=0}
    to supress the axes entirely.
  \item{prepanel.limits}{ The \sQuote{regular} high level lattice plots
    such as \code{xyplot} use the \code{prepanel} function for deciding
    on axis limits from data.  This function serves a similar function,
    and works on a per-variable basis, by calculating the limits, which
    can be overridden by the corresponding \code{limits} component in
    the \code{pscales} list.
    data vector corresponding to that row / column (which will be the
    same for diagonal \sQuote{panels}).
  \item{varname}{ (scalar) character string or expression that is to be
    written centred within the panel
    numeric of length 2, or, vector of characters, specifying the scale
    for that panel (used to calculate tick locations when missing)
  \item{at}{ locations of tick marks}
  \item{lab}{ optional labels for tick marks}
    logical, specifying whether to draw the tick marks and labels. If
    \code{FALSE}, only variable names are written
%   \item{panel.number, packet.number}{ integer indices for panel and
%     packet number (see \code{\link{xyplot}}).  Passed on to
%     \code{panel}, \code{lower.panel}, \code{upper.panel} and
%     \code{diag.panel}. }
  \item{varname.col, varname.cex, varname.lineheight, varname.font,
    varname.fontfamily, varname.fontface}{ graphical parameters for the
    variable name in each diagonal panel }
  \item{axis.text.col, axis.text.cex, axis.text.font,
    axis.text.fontfamily, axis.text.fontface, axis.line.col,
    axis.line.lty, axis.line.lwd, axis.text.alpha, axis.line.alpha}{
    graphical parameters for axis tick marks and labels }
  \item{axis.line.tck}{ length of tick marks in diagonal panels }
  \item{\dots}{ extra arguments passed on to \code{panel},
    \code{lower.panel}, \code{upper.panel} and \code{diag.panel} from
    \code{panel.pairs}.  Currently ignored by \code{diag.panel.splom}. }


  \code{panel.pairs} is the function that is actually passed in as the
  \code{panel} function in a trellis object produced by splom (taking
  the \code{panel} function as its argument).

  Note that the axis labeling does not support date-time classes at


\author{ Deepayan Sarkar \email{}}

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