Revision 992b26194d93be4867a817da8170e4040c49e9a3 authored by pchintalapudi on 10 April 2022, 18:47:02 UTC, committed by GitHub on 10 April 2022, 18:47:02 UTC
* Use pooled contexts

* Allow move construction of the resource pool
1 parent 3d87815
Raw File
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

# Deprecated functions and objects
# Please add new deprecations at the bottom of the file.
# A function deprecated in a release will be removed in the next one.
# Please also add a reference to the pull request which introduced the
# deprecation. For simple cases where a direct replacement is available,
# use @deprecate. @deprecate takes care of calling the replacement
# and of exporting the function.
# For more complex cases, move the body of the deprecated method in this file,
# and call depwarn() directly from inside it. The symbol depwarn() expects is
# the name of the function, which is used to ensure that the deprecation warning
# is only printed the first time for each call place.

    @deprecate old new [export_old=true]

Deprecate method `old` and specify the replacement call `new`, defining a new method `old`
with the specified signature in the process.

To prevent `old` from being exported, set `export_old` to `false`.

!!! compat "Julia 1.5"
    As of Julia 1.5, functions defined by `@deprecate` do not print warning when `julia`
    is run without the `--depwarn=yes` flag set, as the default value of `--depwarn` option
    is `no`.  The warnings are printed from tests run by `Pkg.test()`.

# Examples
julia> @deprecate old(x) new(x)
old (generic function with 1 method)

julia> @deprecate old(x) new(x) false
old (generic function with 1 method)

Calls to `@deprecate` without explicit type-annotations will define deprecated methods
accepting arguments of type `Any`. To restrict deprecation to a specific signature, annotate
the arguments of `old`. For example,
```jldoctest; filter = r"in Main at.*"
julia> new(x::Int) = x;

julia> new(x::Float64) = 2x;

julia> @deprecate old(x::Int) new(x);

julia> methods(old)
# 1 method for generic function "old":
[1] old(x::Int64) in Main at deprecated.jl:70
will define and deprecate a method `old(x::Int)` that mirrors `new(x::Int)` but will not
define nor deprecate the method `old(x::Float64)`.
macro deprecate(old, new, export_old=true)
    meta = Expr(:meta, :noinline)
    if isa(old, Symbol)
        oldname = Expr(:quote, old)
        newname = Expr(:quote, new)
            export_old ? Expr(:export, esc(old)) : nothing,
            :(function $(esc(old))(args...)
                  depwarn($"`$old` is deprecated, use `$new` instead.", Core.Typeof($(esc(old)))
    elseif isa(old, Expr) && (old.head === :call || old.head === :where)
        oldcall = sprint(show_unquoted, old)
        newcall = sprint(show_unquoted, new)
        # if old.head is a :where, step down one level to the :call to avoid code duplication below
        callexpr = old.head === :call ? old : old.args[1]
        if callexpr.head === :call
            if isa(callexpr.args[1], Symbol)
                oldsym = callexpr.args[1]::Symbol
            elseif isa(callexpr.args[1], Expr) && callexpr.args[1].head === :curly
                oldsym = callexpr.args[1].args[1]::Symbol
                error("invalid usage of @deprecate")
            error("invalid usage of @deprecate")
        export_old ? Expr(:export, esc(oldsym)) : nothing,
            :($(esc(old)) = begin
                  depwarn($"`$oldcall` is deprecated, use `$newcall` instead.", Core.Typeof($(esc(oldsym)))
        error("invalid usage of @deprecate")

function depwarn(msg, funcsym; force::Bool=false)
    opts = JLOptions()
    if opts.depwarn == 2
    deplevel = force || opts.depwarn == 1 ? CoreLogging.Warn : CoreLogging.BelowMinLevel
            bt = backtrace()
            frame, caller = firstcaller(bt, funcsym)
            linfo = caller.linfo
            if linfo isa Core.MethodInstance
                def = linfo.def
                def isa Module ? def : def.module
                Core    # TODO: Is it reasonable to attribute callers without linfo to Core?
        maxlog=funcsym === nothing ? nothing : 1

firstcaller(bt::Vector, ::Nothing) = Ptr{Cvoid}(0), StackTraces.UNKNOWN
firstcaller(bt::Vector, funcsym::Symbol) = firstcaller(bt, (funcsym,))
function firstcaller(bt::Vector, funcsyms)
    # Identify the calling line
    found = false
    for ip in bt
        lkups = StackTraces.lookup(ip)
        for lkup in lkups
            if lkup == StackTraces.UNKNOWN || lkup.from_c
            if found
                return ip, lkup
            found = lkup.func in funcsyms
            # look for constructor type name
            if !found
                li = lkup.linfo
                if li isa Core.MethodInstance
                    ft = ccall(:jl_first_argument_datatype, Any, (Any,), (li.def::Method).sig)
                    if isa(ft, DataType) && ===
                        ft = unwrap_unionall(ft.parameters[1])
                        found = (isa(ft, DataType) && in funcsyms)
    return C_NULL, StackTraces.UNKNOWN

deprecate(m::Module, s::Symbol, flag=1) = ccall(:jl_deprecate_binding, Cvoid, (Any, Any, Cint), m, s, flag)

macro deprecate_binding(old, new, export_old=true, dep_message=:nothing, constant=true)
    dep_message === :nothing && (dep_message = ", use $new instead.")
    return Expr(:toplevel,
         export_old ? Expr(:export, esc(old)) : nothing,
         Expr(:const, Expr(:(=), esc(Symbol(string("_dep_message_",old))), esc(dep_message))),
         constant ? Expr(:const, Expr(:(=), esc(old), esc(new))) : Expr(:(=), esc(old), esc(new)),
         Expr(:call, :deprecate, __module__, Expr(:quote, old)))

macro deprecate_stdlib(old, mod, export_old=true, newname=old)
    rename = old === newname ? "" : " as `$newname`"
    dep_message = """: it has been moved to the standard library package `$mod`$rename.
                        Add `using $mod` to your imports."""
    new = GlobalRef(Base.root_module(Base, mod), newname)
    return Expr(:toplevel,
         export_old ? Expr(:export, esc(old)) : nothing,
         Expr(:const, Expr(:(=), esc(Symbol(string("_dep_message_",old))), esc(dep_message))),
         Expr(:const, Expr(:(=), esc(old), esc(new))),
         Expr(:call, :deprecate, __module__, Expr(:quote, old)))

macro deprecate_moved(old, new, export_old=true)
    eold = esc(old)
    emsg = string(old, " has been moved to the package ", new, ".jl.\n",
        "Run `Pkg.add(\"", new, "\")` to install it, restart Julia,\n",
        "and then run `using ", new, "` to load it.")
    return Expr(:toplevel,
        :($eold(args...; kwargs...) = error($emsg)),
        export_old ? Expr(:export, eold) : nothing,
        Expr(:call, :deprecate, __module__, Expr(:quote, old), 2))

# BEGIN 1.0 deprecations

@deprecate one(i::CartesianIndex)                    oneunit(i)
@deprecate one(I::Type{CartesianIndex{N}}) where {N} oneunit(I)

@deprecate BigFloat(x, prec::Int)                               BigFloat(x; precision=prec)
@deprecate BigFloat(x, prec::Int, rounding::RoundingMode)       BigFloat(x, rounding; precision=prec)
@deprecate BigFloat(x::Real, prec::Int)                         BigFloat(x; precision=prec)
@deprecate BigFloat(x::Real, prec::Int, rounding::RoundingMode) BigFloat(x, rounding; precision=prec)

# END 1.0 deprecations

# BEGIN 1.5 deprecations

    isimmutable(v) -> Bool
!!! warning
    Consider using `!ismutable(v)` instead, as `isimmutable(v)` will be replaced by `!ismutable(v)` in a future release. (Since Julia 1.5)
Return `true` iff value `v` is immutable.  See [Mutable Composite Types](@ref)
for a discussion of immutability. Note that this function works on values, so if you give it
a type, it will tell you that a value of `DataType` is mutable.

# Examples
julia> isimmutable(1)

julia> isimmutable([1,2])
isimmutable(@nospecialize(x)) = !ismutable(x)
export isimmutable
# Note isimmutable is not @deprecated out of performance concerns

macro get!(h, key0, default)
    f, l = __source__.file, __source__.line
    @warn "`@get!(dict, key, default)` at $f:$l is deprecated, use `get!(()->default, dict, key)` instead."
    return quote
        get!(()->$(esc(default)), $(esc(h)), $(esc(key0)))

pointer(V::SubArray{<:Any,<:Any,<:Array,<:Tuple{Vararg{RangeIndex}}}, is::Tuple) = pointer(V, CartesianIndex(is))

# END 1.5 deprecations

# BEGIN 1.6 deprecations

# These changed from SimpleVector to `MethodMatch`. These definitions emulate
# being a SimpleVector to ease transition for packages that make explicit
# use of (internal) APIs that return raw method matches.
iterate(match::Core.MethodMatch, field::Int=1) =
    field > nfields(match) ? nothing : (getfield(match, field), field+1)
getindex(match::Core.MethodMatch, field::Int) =
    getfield(match, field)

# these were internal functions, but some packages seem to be relying on them
tuple_type_head(T::Type) = fieldtype(T, 1)
tuple_type_cons(::Type, ::Type{Union{}}) = Union{}
function tuple_type_cons(::Type{S}, ::Type{T}) where T<:Tuple where S
    Tuple{S, T.parameters...}
function parameter_upper_bound(t::UnionAll, idx)
    return rewrap_unionall((unwrap_unionall(t)::DataType).parameters[idx], t)

# these were internal functions, but some packages seem to be relying on them
@deprecate cat_shape(dims, shape::Tuple{}, shapes::Tuple...) cat_shape(dims, shapes) false
cat_shape(dims, shape::Tuple{}) = () # make sure `cat_shape(dims, ())` do not recursively calls itself

@deprecate unsafe_indices(A) axes(A) false
@deprecate unsafe_length(r) length(r) false

# these were internal type aliases, but some pacakges seem to be relying on them
const Any16{N} = Tuple{Any,Any,Any,Any,Any,Any,Any,Any,
const All16{T,N} = Tuple{T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,

# END 1.6 deprecations

# BEGIN 1.7 deprecations

# the plan is to eventually overload getproperty to access entries of the dict
@noinline function getproperty(x::Pairs, s::Symbol)
    depwarn("use values(kwargs) and keys(kwargs) instead of and kwargs.itr", :getproperty, force=true)
    return getfield(x, s)

# This function was marked as experimental and not exported.
@deprecate catch_stack(task=current_task(); include_bt=true) current_exceptions(task; backtrace=include_bt) false

# END 1.7 deprecations

# BEGIN 1.8 deprecations

const var"@_inline_meta" = var"@inline"
const var"@_noinline_meta" = var"@noinline"
@deprecate getindex(t::Tuple, i::Real) t[convert(Int, i)]

# END 1.8 deprecations
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