Revision 9a4b354c8ea56366f62fd3764a92ebdc28006f0b authored by Nicolas Jeannerod on 11 February 2023, 22:59:20 UTC, committed by GitHub on 11 February 2023, 22:59:20 UTC
* Enter flake-parts

* Run `nixfmt`

* Move `mkDerivation` to own lib

* Enable pre-commit hooks

* Rework CI to use Cachix

* Enable cache in flake

* Try TeXlive medium

* Try TeXlive small

* Try TeXlive basic

* Custom TeXlive

* Use action to create PR comment

* +enumitem

* Enable action for testing purposes

* github.event.issue.number

* github.event.number

* +wrapfig

* Comment token

* Missing slash

* Re-disable action

* Run `prettier` on CSS files

* Run `prettier` on YAML files

* Run flake checks in CI as well

* Move `nixConfig` to proper place in flake

* Base on `scheme-small`

* Move packages to own files

* Breaaathe
1 parent 4f41204
Raw File
Tip revision: 9a4b354c8ea56366f62fd3764a92ebdc28006f0b authored by Nicolas Jeannerod on 11 February 2023, 22:59:20 UTC
Rework and improve Nix environment (#150)
Tip revision: 9a4b354
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