Revision 9b7155788db0ccf7afc0ef108537bd1ea09792cb authored by Yipeng Qin on 07 December 2020, 12:00:56 UTC, committed by Yipeng Qin on 07 December 2020, 12:00:56 UTC
1 parent 9631730
Tip revision: 9b7155788db0ccf7afc0ef108537bd1ea09792cb authored by Yipeng Qin on 07 December 2020, 12:00:56 UTC
teaser image update
teaser image update
Tip revision: 9b71557
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "geodesic_mesh_elements.h"
#include "geodesic_memory.h"
#include "geodesic_constants_and_simple_functions.h"
namespace geodesic{
class Mesh
template<class Points, class Faces>
void initialize_mesh_data(unsigned num_vertices,
Points& p,
unsigned num_faces,
Faces& tri); //build mesh from regular point-triangle representation
template<class Points, class Faces>
void initialize_mesh_data(Points& p, Faces& tri); //build mesh from regular point-triangle representation
std::vector<Vertex>& vertices(){return m_vertices;};
std::vector<Edge>& edges() {return m_edges;};
std::vector<Face>& faces() {return m_faces;};
void build_adjacencies(); //build internal structure of the mesh
bool verify(); //verifies connectivity of the mesh and prints some debug info
typedef void* void_pointer;
void_pointer allocate_pointers(unsigned n)
return m_pointer_allocator.allocate(n);
std::vector<Vertex> m_vertices;
std::vector<Edge> m_edges;
std::vector<Face> m_faces;
SimlpeMemoryAllocator<void_pointer> m_pointer_allocator; //fast memory allocating for Face/Vertex/Edge cross-references
template<class Points, class Faces>
void Mesh::initialize_mesh_data(Points& p, Faces& tri) //build mesh from regular point-triangle representation
assert(p.size() % 3 == 0);
unsigned const num_vertices = p.size() / 3;
assert(tri.size() % 3 == 0);
unsigned const num_faces = tri.size() / 3;
initialize_mesh_data(num_vertices, p, num_faces, tri);
template<class Points, class Faces>
void Mesh::initialize_mesh_data(unsigned num_vertices,
Points& p,
unsigned num_faces,
Faces& tri)
unsigned const approximate_number_of_internal_pointers = (num_vertices + num_faces) * 4;
unsigned const max_number_of_pointer_blocks = 100;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < num_vertices; ++i) //copy coordinates to vertices
Vertex& v = m_vertices[i]; = i;
unsigned shift = 3 * i;
v.x() = p[shift];
v.y() = p[shift + 1];
v.z() = p[shift + 2];
for(unsigned i = 0; i < num_faces; ++i) //copy adjacent vertices to polygons/faces
Face& f = m_faces[i]; = i;
f.adjacent_vertices().set_allocation(allocate_pointers(3),3); //allocate three units of memory
unsigned shift = 3 * i;
for(unsigned j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
unsigned vertex_index = tri[shift + j];
//unsigned vertex_index = tri[shift + j] - 1;// The vertex index may start from 1
assert(vertex_index < num_vertices);
f.adjacent_vertices()[j] = &m_vertices[vertex_index];
build_adjacencies(); //build the structure of the mesh
inline void Mesh::build_adjacencies()
// Vertex->adjacent Faces
std::vector<unsigned> count(m_vertices.size()); //count adjacent vertices
for(unsigned i = 0; i < m_faces.size(); ++i)
Face& f = m_faces[i];
for(unsigned j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
unsigned vertex_id = f.adjacent_vertices()[j]->id();
assert(vertex_id < m_vertices.size());
for(unsigned i = 0; i < m_vertices.size(); ++i) //reserve space
Vertex& v = m_vertices[i];
unsigned num_adjacent_faces = count[i];
v.adjacent_faces().set_allocation(allocate_pointers(num_adjacent_faces), //allocate three units of memory
std::fill(count.begin(), count.end(), 0);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < m_faces.size(); ++i)
Face& f = m_faces[i];
for(unsigned j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
vertex_pointer v = f.adjacent_vertices()[j];
v->adjacent_faces()[count[v->id()]++] = &f;
//find all edges
//i.e. find all half-edges, sort and combine them into edges
std::vector<HalfEdge> half_edges(m_faces.size() * 3);
unsigned k = 0;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < m_faces.size(); ++i)
Face& f = m_faces[i];
for(unsigned j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
half_edges[k].face_id = i;
unsigned vertex_id_1 = f.adjacent_vertices()[j]->id();
unsigned vertex_id_2 = f.adjacent_vertices()[(j+1) % 3]->id();
half_edges[k].vertex_0 = std::min(vertex_id_1, vertex_id_2);
half_edges[k].vertex_1 = std::max(vertex_id_1, vertex_id_2);
std::sort(half_edges.begin(), half_edges.end());
unsigned number_of_edges = 1;
for(unsigned i = 1; i < half_edges.size(); ++i)
if(half_edges[i] != half_edges[i-1])
if(i<half_edges.size()-1) //sanity check: there should be at most two equal half-edges
{ //if it fails, most likely the input data are messed up
assert(half_edges[i] != half_edges[i+1]);
// Edges->adjacent Vertices and Faces
unsigned edge_id = 0;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < half_edges.size();)
Edge& e = m_edges[edge_id]; = edge_id++;
e.adjacent_vertices().set_allocation(allocate_pointers(2),2); //allocate two units of memory
e.adjacent_vertices()[0] = &m_vertices[half_edges[i].vertex_0];
e.adjacent_vertices()[1] = &m_vertices[half_edges[i].vertex_1];
e.length() = e.adjacent_vertices()[0]->distance(e.adjacent_vertices()[1]);
assert(e.length() > 1e-100); //algorithm works well with non-degenerate meshes only
if(i != half_edges.size()-1 && half_edges[i] == half_edges[i+1]) //double edge
e.adjacent_faces()[0] = &m_faces[half_edges[i].face_id];
e.adjacent_faces()[1] = &m_faces[half_edges[i+1].face_id];
i += 2;
else //single edge
e.adjacent_faces().set_allocation(allocate_pointers(1),1); //one adjucent faces
e.adjacent_faces()[0] = &m_faces[half_edges[i].face_id];
i += 1;
// Vertices->adjacent Edges
std::fill(count.begin(), count.end(), 0);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < m_edges.size(); ++i)
Edge& e = m_edges[i];
for(unsigned i = 0; i < m_vertices.size(); ++i)
std::fill(count.begin(), count.end(), 0);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < m_edges.size(); ++i)
Edge& e = m_edges[i];
for(unsigned j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
vertex_pointer v = e.adjacent_vertices()[j];
v->adjacent_edges()[count[v->id()]++] = &e;
// Faces->adjacent Edges
for(unsigned i = 0; i < m_faces.size(); ++i)
std::fill(count.begin(), count.end(), 0);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < m_edges.size(); ++i)
Edge& e = m_edges[i];
for(unsigned j = 0; j < e.adjacent_faces().size(); ++j)
face_pointer f = e.adjacent_faces()[j];
f->adjacent_edges()[count[f->id()]++] = &e;
// compute angles for the faces
for(unsigned i = 0; i < m_faces.size(); ++i)
Face& f = m_faces[i];
double abc[3];
double sum = 0;
for(unsigned j = 0; j < 3; ++j) //compute angle adjacent to the vertex j
for(unsigned k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
vertex_pointer v = f.adjacent_vertices()[(j + k)%3];
abc[k] = f.opposite_edge(v)->length();
double angle = angle_from_edges(abc[0], abc[1], abc[2]);
assert(angle>1e-5); //algorithm works well with non-degenerate meshes only
if (angle < 1e-5)
std::cout<< "degenerate mesh" << std::endl;
f.corner_angles()[j] = angle;
sum += angle;
assert(std::abs(sum - M_PI) < 1e-5); //algorithm works well with non-degenerate meshes only
// define m_turn_around_flag for vertices
std::vector<double> total_vertex_angle(m_vertices.size());
for(unsigned i = 0; i < m_faces.size(); ++i)
Face& f = m_faces[i];
for(unsigned j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
vertex_pointer v = f.adjacent_vertices()[j];
total_vertex_angle[v->id()] += f.corner_angles()[j];
for(unsigned i = 0; i < m_vertices.size(); ++i)
Vertex& v = m_vertices[i];
v.saddle_or_boundary() = (total_vertex_angle[] > 2.0*M_PI - 1e-5);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < m_edges.size(); ++i)
Edge& e = m_edges[i];
e.adjacent_vertices()[0]->saddle_or_boundary() = true;
e.adjacent_vertices()[1]->saddle_or_boundary() = true;
inline bool Mesh::verify() //verifies connectivity of the mesh and prints some debug info
std::cout << std::endl;
// make sure that all vertices are mentioned at least once.
// though the loose vertex is not a bug, it most likely indicates that something is wrong with the mesh
std::vector<bool> map(m_vertices.size(), false);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < m_edges.size(); ++i)
edge_pointer e = &m_edges[i];
map[e->adjacent_vertices()[0]->id()] = true;
map[e->adjacent_vertices()[1]->id()] = true;
assert(std::find(map.begin(), map.end(), false) == map.end());
//make sure that the mesh is connected trough its edges
//if mesh has more than one connected component, it is most likely a bug
std::vector<face_pointer> stack(1,&m_faces[0]);
std::fill(map.begin(), map.end(), false);
map[0] = true;
face_pointer f = stack.back();
for(unsigned i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
edge_pointer e = f->adjacent_edges()[i];
face_pointer f_adjacent = e->opposite_face(f);
if(f_adjacent && !map[f_adjacent->id()])
map[f_adjacent->id()] = true;
assert(std::find(map.begin(), map.end(), false) == map.end());
//print some mesh statistics that can be useful in debugging
std::cout << "mesh has " << m_vertices.size()
<< " vertices, " << m_faces.size()
<< " faces, " << m_edges.size()
<< " edges\n";
unsigned total_boundary_edges = 0;
double longest_edge = 0;
double shortest_edge = 1e100;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < m_edges.size(); ++i)
Edge& e = m_edges[i];
total_boundary_edges += e.is_boundary() ? 1 : 0;
longest_edge = std::max(longest_edge, e.length());
shortest_edge = std::min(shortest_edge, e.length());
std::cout << total_boundary_edges << " edges are boundary edges\n";
std::cout << "shortest/longest edges are "
<< shortest_edge << "/"
<< longest_edge << " = "
<< shortest_edge/longest_edge
<< std::endl;
double minx = 1e100;
double maxx = -1e100;
double miny = 1e100;
double maxy = -1e100;
double minz = 1e100;
double maxz = -1e100;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < m_vertices.size(); ++i)
Vertex& v = m_vertices[i];
minx = std::min(minx, v.x());
maxx = std::max(maxx, v.x());
miny = std::min(miny, v.y());
maxy = std::max(maxy, v.y());
minz = std::min(minz, v.z());
maxz = std::max(maxz, v.z());
std::cout << "enclosing XYZ box:"
<<" X[" << minx << "," << maxx << "]"
<<" Y[" << miny << "," << maxy << "]"
<<" Z[" << minz << "," << maxz << "]"
<< std::endl;
double dx = maxx - minx;
double dy = maxy - miny;
double dz = maxz - minz;
std::cout << "approximate diameter of the mesh is "
<< sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz)
<< std::endl;
double min_angle = 1e100;
double max_angle = -1e100;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < m_faces.size(); ++i)
Face& f = m_faces[i];
for(unsigned j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
double angle = f.corner_angles()[j];
min_angle = std::min(min_angle, angle);
max_angle = std::max(max_angle, angle);
std::cout << "min/max face angles are "
<< min_angle/M_PI*180.0 << "/"
<< max_angle/M_PI*180.0
<< " degrees\n";
std::cout << std::endl;
return true;
} //geodesic
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