Revision 9b8e5755d39111293d8613be5355668efe19dfe7 authored by Simon Byrne on 02 December 2023, 20:33:33 UTC, committed by Simon Byrne on 02 December 2023, 20:33:33 UTC
1 parent f2df9d3
Raw File
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

# ImmutableArrays (arrays that implement getindex but not setindex!)

# This test file defines an array wrapper that is immutable. It can be used to
# test the action of methods on immutable arrays.

module ImmutableArrays

export ImmutableArray

"An immutable wrapper type for arrays."
struct ImmutableArray{T,N,A<:AbstractArray} <: AbstractArray{T,N}

ImmutableArray(data::AbstractArray{T,N}) where {T,N} = ImmutableArray{T,N,typeof(data)}(data)

# Minimal AbstractArray interface
Base.size(A::ImmutableArray) = size(
Base.size(A::ImmutableArray, d) = size(, d)
Base.getindex(A::ImmutableArray, i...) = getindex(, i...)

# The immutable array remains immutable after conversion to AbstractArray
AbstractArray{T}(A::ImmutableArray) where {T} = ImmutableArray(AbstractArray{T}(
AbstractArray{T,N}(A::ImmutableArray{S,N}) where {S,T,N} = ImmutableArray(AbstractArray{T,N}(

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