Revision 9bcd4c1de68d0f0e8300f14272ccd449b9ba7abd authored by William Matlock on 24 March 2023, 23:27:55 UTC, committed by GitHub on 24 March 2023, 23:27:55 UTC
1 parent 1011f08
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The repository accompanies *Matlock, W. and Lipworth, S. et al. Enterobacterales plasmid sharing amongst human bloodstream infections, livestock, wastewater, and waterway niches in Oxfordshire, UK. eLife. 2023 12:e85302. doi:*

- Shell scripts (those ending in `.sh`) are formatted for a Slurm scheduler, but they also record the parameters used for any tools.
- If you want help/other materials (e.g., any plotting/data wrangling scripts), please don't hesitate to get in touch! 😊

| Script | Description | Dependencies |
| -------|-------------|--------------|
|``|Calculate the short-read coverage of genome assemblies for e.g. NCBI upload requirements. |bwa, samtools, bedtools|
|``|Benchmarks Louvain network clustering over a range of edge weight thresholds.| Python: community_louvain, collections, networkx, numpy, pandas |
|``|Records the largest connected component, number of connected components, and number of singletons, for a network over a range of edge weight thresholds.| Python: networkx, numpy, pandas |
|``|Annotates genomes with abricate (various databases), AMRFinder, and prokka. Parallelised for a list of genomes. | abricate, AMRFinder, prokka|
|``|Runs COPLA in parallel on a list of genomes. |COPLA|
|``| Runs IQ-TREE in parallel for list of a plasmid clusters. |IQ-Tree|
|``|Calculate the mash edgelist for the plasmids | mash |
|``|Runs MOB-typer in parallel for a list of plasmids. | MOB-typer
|``| Runs panaroo in parallel for list of a plasmid clusters | panaroo |
|``| Reformats assembly fasta headers for NCBI upload-compliant location/plasmid-name/topology/completeness | Python: Bio|
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