Revision 9f4a2f7c153fe8a1566c8c0ff1bd796083ef587a authored by Pierre-Yves Strub on 03 November 2022, 05:50:59 UTC, committed by Pierre-Yves Strub on 07 November 2022, 20:30:11 UTC
The entry is `file_exclude`. It is a space-separated list of
globs. A file is excluded if its basename matches any of the glob.

See `fnmatch.fnmatch` of the standard Python libraries to get a
description of which glob patterns are supported.

Fix #303
1 parent 8d4e67d
Raw File
Tip revision: 9f4a2f7c153fe8a1566c8c0ff1bd796083ef587a authored by Pierre-Yves Strub on 03 November 2022, 05:50:59 UTC
[ec-runtest]: add the possibility to exclude file based on the name
Tip revision: 9f4a2f7
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open EcUtils
open EcSymbols
open EcEnv
open EcDecl
open EcPath
open EcLocation
open EcParsetree
open EcTypes
open EcModules
open EcFol

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type wp = EcEnv.env -> EcMemory.memenv -> stmt -> EcFol.form -> EcFol.form option
val  wp : wp option ref

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type opmatch = [
  | `Op   of EcPath.path * EcTypes.ty list
  | `Lc   of EcIdent.t
  | `Var  of EcTypes.prog_var
  | `Proj of EcTypes.prog_var * EcMemory.proj_arg

type 'a mismatch_sets = [`Eq of 'a * 'a | `Sub of 'a ]

type 'a suboreq       = [`Eq of 'a | `Sub of 'a ]

type mismatch_funsig =
| MF_targs  of ty * ty                               (* expected, got *)
| MF_tres   of ty * ty                               (* expected, got *)
| MF_restr  of EcEnv.env * Sx.t mismatch_sets
| MF_compl     of EcEnv.env *
                  ((form * form) option
                   * (form * form) Mx.t) suboreq
| MF_unbounded

type restr_failure = Sx.t * Sm.t

type restr_eq_failure = Sx.t * Sm.t * Sx.t * Sm.t

type mismatch_restr = [
  | `Sub    of restr_failure          (* Should not be allowed *)
  | `RevSub of restr_failure option   (* Should be allowed. None is everybody *)
  | `Eq     of restr_eq_failure       (* Should be equal *)
  | `FunCanCallUnboundedOracle of symbol * EcPath.xpath

type restriction_who =
| RW_mod of EcPath.mpath
| RW_fun of EcPath.xpath

type restriction_error = restriction_who * [
  | `Sub of restr_failure              (* Should not be allowed *)
  | `RevSub of restr_failure option    (* Should be allowed *)

exception RestrictionError of EcEnv.env * restriction_error

type tymod_cnv_failure =
| E_TyModCnv_ParamCountMismatch
| E_TyModCnv_ParamTypeMismatch of EcIdent.t
| E_TyModCnv_MissingComp       of symbol

| E_TyModCnv_MismatchRestr of symbol * mismatch_restr

| E_TyModCnv_MismatchFunSig    of symbol * mismatch_funsig
| E_TyModCnv_SubTypeArg        of
    EcIdent.t * module_type * module_type * tymod_cnv_failure

type modapp_error =
| MAE_WrongArgCount      of int * int  (* expected, got *)
| MAE_InvalidArgType     of EcPath.mpath * tymod_cnv_failure
| MAE_AccesSubModFunctor

type modtyp_error =
| MTE_IncludeFunctor
| MTE_InnerFunctor
| MTE_DupProcName of symbol

type modsig_error =
| MTS_DupProcName of symbol
| MTS_DupArgName  of symbol * symbol

type funapp_error =
| FAE_WrongArgCount

type mem_error =
| MAE_IsConcrete

type fxerror =
| FXE_EmptyMatch
| FXE_MatchParamsMixed
| FXE_MatchParamsDup
| FXE_MatchParamsUnk
| FXE_MatchNonLinear
| FXE_MatchDupBranches
| FXE_MatchPartial
| FXE_CtorUnk
| FXE_CtorAmbiguous
| FXE_CtorInvalidArity of (symbol * int * int)

type filter_error =
| FE_InvalidIndex of int
| FE_NoMatch

type tyerror =
| UniVarNotAllowed
| FreeTypeVariables
| TypeVarNotAllowed
| OnlyMonoTypeAllowed    of symbol option
| NoConcreteAnonParams
| UnboundTypeParameter   of symbol
| UnknownTypeName        of qsymbol
| UnknownTypeClass       of qsymbol
| UnknownRecFieldName    of qsymbol
| UnknownInstrMetaVar    of symbol
| UnknownMetaVar         of symbol
| UnknownProgVar         of qsymbol * EcMemory.memory
| DuplicatedRecFieldName of symbol
| MissingRecField        of symbol
| MixingRecFields        of EcPath.path tuple2
| UnknownProj            of qsymbol
| AmbiguousProj          of qsymbol
| AmbiguousProji         of int * ty
| InvalidTypeAppl        of qsymbol * int * int
| DuplicatedTyVar
| DuplicatedLocal        of symbol
| DuplicatedField        of symbol
| NonLinearPattern
| LvNonLinear
| NonUnitFunWithoutReturn
| TypeMismatch           of (ty * ty) * (ty * ty)
| TypeClassMismatch
| TypeModMismatch        of mpath * module_type * tymod_cnv_failure
| NotAFunction
| NotAnInductive
| AbbrevLowArgs
| UnknownVarOrOp         of qsymbol * ty list
| MultipleOpMatch        of qsymbol * ty list * (opmatch * EcUnify.unienv) list
| UnknownModName         of qsymbol
| UnknownTyModName       of qsymbol
| UnknownFunName         of qsymbol
| UnknownModVar          of qsymbol
| UnknownMemName         of symbol
| InvalidFunAppl         of funapp_error
| InvalidModAppl         of modapp_error
| InvalidModType         of modtyp_error
| InvalidModSig          of modsig_error
| InvalidMem             of symbol * mem_error
| InvalidMatch           of fxerror
| InvalidFilter          of filter_error
| FunNotInModParam       of qsymbol
| FunNotInSignature      of symbol
| InvalidVar
| NoActiveMemory
| PatternNotAllowed
| MemNotAllowed
| UnknownScope           of qsymbol
| NoWP
| FilterMatchFailure
| MissingMemType
| SchemaVariableReBinded of EcIdent.t
| SchemaMemBinderBelowCost
| ModuleNotAbstract      of symbol
| ProcedureUnbounded     of symbol * symbol
| LvMapOnNonAssign
| NoDefaultMemRestr
| ProcAssign             of qsymbol

exception TymodCnvFailure of tymod_cnv_failure
exception TyError of EcLocation.t * env * tyerror

val tyerror : EcLocation.t -> env -> tyerror -> 'a

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
val unify_or_fail : env -> EcUnify.unienv -> EcLocation.t -> expct:ty -> ty -> unit

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type typolicy

val tp_tydecl : typolicy
val tp_relax  : typolicy

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
val transtyvars:
  env -> (EcLocation.t * ptyparams option) -> EcUnify.unienv

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
val transty : typolicy -> env -> EcUnify.unienv -> pty -> ty

val transtys :
    typolicy -> env -> EcUnify.unienv -> pty list -> ty list

val transtvi : env -> EcUnify.unienv -> ptyannot -> EcUnify.tvar_inst

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
val trans_binding : env -> EcUnify.unienv -> ptybindings ->
  env * (EcIdent.t * EcTypes.ty) list

val trans_gbinding : env -> EcUnify.unienv -> pgtybindings ->
  env * (EcIdent.t * EcFol.gty) list

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
val transexp :
  env -> [`InProc|`InOp] -> EcUnify.unienv -> pexpr -> expr * ty

val transexpcast :
  env -> [`InProc|`InOp] -> EcUnify.unienv -> ty -> pexpr -> expr

val transexpcast_opt :
  env -> [`InProc|`InOp] -> EcUnify.unienv -> ty option -> pexpr -> expr

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type ismap = (instr list) EcMaps.Mstr.t

val transstmt : ?map:ismap -> env -> EcUnify.unienv -> pstmt -> stmt

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type ptnmap = ty EcIdent.Mid.t ref
type metavs = EcFol.form Msym.t

val transmem       : env -> EcSymbols.symbol located -> EcIdent.t

val trans_form_opt :
  env -> ?mv:metavs ->
  ?schema_mpreds:(EcIdent.t list) ->
  ?schema_mt:sc_params ->
  EcUnify.unienv -> pformula -> ty option -> EcFol.form

val trans_form     :
  env -> ?mv:metavs ->
  ?schema_mpreds:(EcIdent.t list) ->
  ?schema_mt:sc_params ->
  EcUnify.unienv -> pformula -> ty -> EcFol.form

val trans_prop     :
  env -> ?mv:metavs ->
  ?schema_mpreds:(EcIdent.t list) ->
  ?schema_mt:sc_params ->
  EcUnify.unienv -> pformula -> EcFol.form

val trans_pattern  : env -> ptnmap -> EcUnify.unienv -> pformula -> EcFol.form

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
val trans_memtype :
  env -> EcUnify.unienv -> pmemtype -> EcMemory.memtype

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
val trans_restr_for_modty :
  env -> module_type -> pmod_restr option -> module_type

val transmodsig  : env -> pinterface -> top_module_sig
val transmodtype : env -> pmodule_type -> module_type * module_sig
val transmod     : attop:bool -> env -> pmodule_def -> module_expr

val trans_topmsymbol : env -> pmsymbol located -> mpath
val trans_msymbol    : env -> pmsymbol located -> mpath * module_smpl_sig
val trans_gamepath   : env -> pgamepath -> xpath
val trans_oracle     : env -> psymbol * psymbol -> xpath * form
val trans_restr_mem : env -> pmod_restr_mem -> Sx.t use_restr * Sm.t use_restr

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* This only checks the memory restrictions. *)
val check_mem_restr_fun :
  env -> xpath -> mod_restr -> unit

val check_modtype :
  env -> mpath -> module_sig -> module_type ->
  [> `Ok | `ProofObligation of EcFol.form list ]

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
val get_ring  : (ty_params * ty) -> env -> EcDecl.ring  option
val get_field : (ty_params * ty) -> env -> EcDecl.field option
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