Revision 9f6a2f9c698e6c47fa841a0b040bc45d82a601c5 authored by Benjamin Gregoire on 07 July 2016, 06:32:45 UTC, committed by Benjamin Gregoire on 07 July 2016, 06:32:45 UTC
1 parent 776af38
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Tip revision: 9f6a2f9c698e6c47fa841a0b040bc45d82a601c5 authored by Benjamin Gregoire on 07 July 2016, 06:32:45 UTC
add make
Tip revision: 9f6a2f9
require import Int Real Distr FSet Dice_sampling.

clone GenDice as D4_6 with
  type t <- int,
  type input <- unit,
  pred valid = predT,
  op d (i:unit) <- [1..6],
  op test (i:unit) x <- 1 <= x <= 4,
  op sub_supp (i:unit) <- Interval.interval 1 4,
  type t' <- int,
  op d' (i:unit) <- [1..4]
  proof *.
realize valid_nonempty. smt. qed.
realize dU. smt. qed.
realize test_sub_supp. smt. qed.
realize test_in_supp. smt. qed.
realize d'_uni.
  by progress; rewrite -Dinter_uni.dinter_is_dinter /Dinter_uni.dinter Duni.mu_x_def_in; first smt.

module D4 = {
  proc sample () : int = {
    var r : int;
    r = $[1..4];
    return r;

lemma prD4 : forall k &m, Pr[D4.sample() @ &m : res = k] =
   if 1 <= k && k <= 4 then 1%r/4%r else 0%r.
  move=> k &m; byphoare=> //.
  proc; rnd; skip; progress => //.
  by rewrite -/(pred1 _) -/(mu_x _ _); case (1 <= k <= 4)=> Hk;
     [rewrite Dinter.mu_x_def_in|rewrite Dinter.mu_x_def_notin];

module D6 = {
  proc sample () : int = {
    var r : int;
    r = 5;
    while (5 <= r) r = $[1..6];
    return r;

equiv D4_Sample : D4.sample ~ D4_6.Sample.sample : true ==> ={res}.
proof. proc; rnd => //. qed.

equiv D6_RsampleW : D6.sample ~ D4_6.RsampleW.sample : r{2} = 5 ==> ={res}.
  proc; while (={r}).
    by rnd; skip; smt.
  by wp.

lemma D4_D6 (f finv : int -> int) :
    (forall i, 1 <= i <= 4 <=> 1 <= f i <= 4) =>
    (forall i, 1 <= i <= 4 => f (finv i) = i /\ finv (f i) = i) =>
    equiv [D4.sample ~ D6.sample : true ==> res{1} = finv res{2}].
  move=> Hbound Hbij.
  transitivity D4_6.Sample.sample (true ==> ={res}) (true ==> res{1} = finv res{2}) => //.
    by apply D4_Sample.
  transitivity D4_6.RsampleW.sample (r{2} = 5 ==> res{1} = finv res{2})
      (r{1} = 5 ==> res{2} = res{1}) => //.
    by move=> _ _ _;exists ((),5).
    conseq [-frame] (D4_6.Sample_RsampleW f finv) => //.
    move=> &m1 &m2 -> /=; split; first by smt.
    split; first by rewrite /D4_6.valid.
    split; first by rewrite Dinter.weight_def.
    split; first by move=> x; rewrite Dinter.supp_def; exact/Hbound.
    split; first by move=> x Hx; cut:= Hbij x _.
    by move=> x; rewrite Dinter.supp_def => Hx; cut:= Hbij x _.
  by symmetry; apply/D6_RsampleW.

lemma prD6 : forall k &m, Pr[D6.sample() @ &m : res = k] =
      if 1 <= k && k <= 4 then 1%r/4%r else 0%r.
  move=> k &m.
  rewrite -(_:Pr[D4.sample() @ &m : res = k] = Pr[D6.sample() @ &m : res = k]).
    by byequiv (D4_D6 (fun x, x) (fun x, x) _ _).
  by apply (prD4 k &m).
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