Revision a0245c8b4f04a6cf2a6055946f69c16a8c977bd8 authored by Maarten Paul on 13 July 2020, 07:08:35 UTC, committed by Maarten Paul on 13 July 2020, 07:08:35 UTC
1 parent d6d27a3
# Select folder with files that need to be analyzed
pathToFiles = MLfolder # Should always end with /
# Set pixelsize [um] and time step [s] corresponding to acquisition parameters
pixSize = 0.100
t = 0.030
# Select all files from folder
# If not all files should be selected, provide array with seperate filenames (filenames as strings with .txt)
filename = []
for file in os.listdir(pathToFiles):
# Feature extraction (in principle, parameters never need to be changed)
addFeat = ['meanMSD', 'xy']
maxOrder = 2
shift = 2
nClasses = 2
min1state = 1
x = []
y = []
indices = [0]
indfile = 0
for name in filename:
xfile, yfile = loadRealData(np.loadtxt(pathToFiles + name))
indfile += len(xfile)
for trackx, tracky in zip(xfile, yfile):
d = getDist(x, y)
featVec = getFeatVec(d, x, y, addFeat, maxOrder, shift)
foldername = pathToFiles[[i for i, j in enumerate(pathToFiles) if j == '/'][-2] + 1:\
[i for i, j in enumerate(pathToFiles) if j == '/'][-1]]
print('Folder: ' + str(np.array(foldername)) + ' (' + str(len(filename)) + ' files) \n')
print('Data loaded and features extracted')
Computing file changes ...