Revision a121721f975fc4105ed24ebd0ad1020d08d07a38 authored by Shuhei Kadowaki on 01 November 2021, 10:49:07 UTC, committed by GitHub on 01 November 2021, 10:49:07 UTC
* inference: form `PartialStruct` for extra type information propagation

This commit forms `PartialStruct` whenever there is any type-level
refinement available about a field, even if it's not "constant" information.

In Julia "definitions" are allowed to be abstract whereas "usages"
(i.e. callsites) are often concrete. The basic idea is to allow inference
to make more use of such precise callsite type information by encoding it
as `PartialStruct`.

This may increase optimization possibilities of "unidiomatic" Julia code,
which may contain poorly-typed definitions, like this very contrived example:
struct Problem
    n; s; c; t

function main(args...)
    prob = Problem(args...)
    s = 0
    for i in 1:prob.n
        m = mod(i, 3)
        s += m == 0 ? sin(prob.s) : m == 1 ? cos(prob.c) : tan(prob.t)
    return prob, s

main(10000, 1, 2, 3)

One of the obvious limitation is that this extra type information can be
propagated inter-procedurally only as a const-propagation.
I'm not sure this kind of "just a type-level" refinement can often make
constant-prop' successful (i.e. shape-up a method body and allow it to
be inlined, encoding the extra type information into the generated code),
thus I didn't not modify any part of const-prop' heuristics.

So the improvements from this change might not be very useful for general
inter-procedural analysis currently, but they should definitely improve the
accuracy of local analysis and very simple inter-procedural analysis.
1 parent 6c274ed
Raw File
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

## thread/task locking abstraction

@noinline function concurrency_violation()
    # can be useful for debugging
    #try; error(); catch; ccall(:jlbacktrace, Cvoid, ()); end
    throw(ConcurrencyViolationError("lock must be held"))


Abstract supertype describing types that
implement the synchronization primitives:
[`lock`](@ref), [`trylock`](@ref), [`unlock`](@ref), and [`islocked`](@ref).
abstract type AbstractLock end
function lock end
function unlock end
function trylock end
function islocked end
unlockall(l::AbstractLock) = unlock(l) # internal function for implementing `wait`
relockall(l::AbstractLock, token::Nothing) = lock(l) # internal function for implementing `wait`
assert_havelock(l::AbstractLock, tid::Integer) =
    (islocked(l) && tid == Threads.threadid()) ? nothing : concurrency_violation()
assert_havelock(l::AbstractLock, tid::Task) =
    (islocked(l) && tid === current_task()) ? nothing : concurrency_violation()
assert_havelock(l::AbstractLock, tid::Nothing) = concurrency_violation()


This struct does not implement a real lock, but instead
pretends to be always locked on the original thread it was allocated on,
and simply ignores all other interactions.
It also does not synchronize tasks; for that use a real lock such as [`RecursiveLock`](@ref).
This can be used in the place of a real lock to, instead, simply and cheaply assert
that the operation is only occurring on a single cooperatively-scheduled thread.
It is thus functionally equivalent to allocating a real, recursive, task-unaware lock
immediately calling `lock` on it, and then never calling a matching `unlock`,
except that calling `lock` from another thread will throw a concurrency violation exception.
struct AlwaysLockedST <: AbstractLock
    AlwaysLockedST() = new(Threads.threadid())
assert_havelock(l::AlwaysLockedST) = assert_havelock(l, l.ownertid)
lock(l::AlwaysLockedST) = assert_havelock(l)
unlock(l::AlwaysLockedST) = assert_havelock(l)
trylock(l::AlwaysLockedST) = l.ownertid == Threads.threadid()
islocked(::AlwaysLockedST) = true

## condition variables


Abstract implementation of a condition object
for synchronizing tasks objects with a given lock.
struct GenericCondition{L<:AbstractLock}

    GenericCondition{L}() where {L<:AbstractLock} = new{L}(InvasiveLinkedList{Task}(), L())
    GenericCondition{L}(l::L) where {L<:AbstractLock} = new{L}(InvasiveLinkedList{Task}(), l)
    GenericCondition(l::AbstractLock) = new{typeof(l)}(InvasiveLinkedList{Task}(), l)

assert_havelock(c::GenericCondition) = assert_havelock(c.lock)
lock(c::GenericCondition) = lock(c.lock)
unlock(c::GenericCondition) = unlock(c.lock)
trylock(c::GenericCondition) = trylock(c.lock)
islocked(c::GenericCondition) = islocked(c.lock)

lock(f, c::GenericCondition) = lock(f, c.lock)

# have waiter wait for c
function _wait2(c::GenericCondition, waiter::Task)
    ct = current_task()
    push!(c.waitq, waiter)
    # since _wait2 is similar to schedule, we should observe the sticky bit now
    if waiter.sticky && Threads.threadid(waiter) == 0
        # Issue #41324
        # t.sticky && tid == 0 is a task that needs to be co-scheduled with
        # the parent task. If the parent (current_task) is not sticky we must
        # set it to be sticky.
        # XXX: Ideally we would be able to unset this
        ct.sticky = true
        tid = Threads.threadid()
        ccall(:jl_set_task_tid, Cvoid, (Any, Cint), waiter, tid-1)


Block the current task until some event occurs, depending on the type of the argument:

* [`Channel`](@ref): Wait for a value to be appended to the channel.
* [`Condition`](@ref): Wait for [`notify`](@ref) on a condition and return the `val`
  parameter passed to `notify`.
* `Process`: Wait for a process or process chain to exit. The `exitcode` field of a process
  can be used to determine success or failure.
* [`Task`](@ref): Wait for a `Task` to finish. If the task fails with an exception, a
  `TaskFailedException` (which wraps the failed task) is thrown.
* [`RawFD`](@ref): Wait for changes on a file descriptor (see the `FileWatching` package).

If no argument is passed, the task blocks for an undefined period. A task can only be
restarted by an explicit call to [`schedule`](@ref) or [`yieldto`](@ref).

Often `wait` is called within a `while` loop to ensure a waited-for condition is met before
function wait(c::GenericCondition)
    ct = current_task()
    _wait2(c, ct)
    token = unlockall(c.lock)
        return wait()
        ct.queue === nothing || list_deletefirst!(ct.queue, ct)
        relockall(c.lock, token)

    notify(condition, val=nothing; all=true, error=false)

Wake up tasks waiting for a condition, passing them `val`. If `all` is `true` (the default),
all waiting tasks are woken, otherwise only one is. If `error` is `true`, the passed value
is raised as an exception in the woken tasks.

Return the count of tasks woken up. Return 0 if no tasks are waiting on `condition`.
notify(c::GenericCondition, @nospecialize(arg = nothing); all=true, error=false) = notify(c, arg, all, error)
function notify(c::GenericCondition, @nospecialize(arg), all, error)
    cnt = 0
    while !isempty(c.waitq)
        t = popfirst!(c.waitq)
        schedule(t, arg, error=error)
        cnt += 1
        all || break
    return cnt

notify_error(c::GenericCondition, err) = notify(c, err, true, true)

n_waiters(c::GenericCondition) = length(c.waitq)


Return `true` if no tasks are waiting on the condition, `false` otherwise.
isempty(c::GenericCondition) = isempty(c.waitq)

# default (Julia v1.0) is currently single-threaded
# (although it uses MT-safe versions, when possible)

Create an edge-triggered event source that tasks can wait for. Tasks that call [`wait`](@ref) on a
`Condition` are suspended and queued. Tasks are woken up when [`notify`](@ref) is later called on
the `Condition`. Edge triggering means that only tasks waiting at the time [`notify`](@ref) is
called can be woken up. For level-triggered notifications, you must keep extra state to keep
track of whether a notification has happened. The [`Channel`](@ref) and [`Threads.Event`](@ref) types do
this, and can be used for level-triggered events.

This object is NOT thread-safe. See [`Threads.Condition`](@ref) for a thread-safe version.
const Condition = GenericCondition{AlwaysLockedST}

lock(c::GenericCondition{AlwaysLockedST}) =
    throw(ArgumentError("`Condition` is not thread-safe. Please use `Threads.Condition` instead for multi-threaded code."))
unlock(c::GenericCondition{AlwaysLockedST}) =
    throw(ArgumentError("`Condition` is not thread-safe. Please use `Threads.Condition` instead for multi-threaded code."))
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