Revision a121721f975fc4105ed24ebd0ad1020d08d07a38 authored by Shuhei Kadowaki on 01 November 2021, 10:49:07 UTC, committed by GitHub on 01 November 2021, 10:49:07 UTC
* inference: form `PartialStruct` for extra type information propagation

This commit forms `PartialStruct` whenever there is any type-level
refinement available about a field, even if it's not "constant" information.

In Julia "definitions" are allowed to be abstract whereas "usages"
(i.e. callsites) are often concrete. The basic idea is to allow inference
to make more use of such precise callsite type information by encoding it
as `PartialStruct`.

This may increase optimization possibilities of "unidiomatic" Julia code,
which may contain poorly-typed definitions, like this very contrived example:
struct Problem
    n; s; c; t

function main(args...)
    prob = Problem(args...)
    s = 0
    for i in 1:prob.n
        m = mod(i, 3)
        s += m == 0 ? sin(prob.s) : m == 1 ? cos(prob.c) : tan(prob.t)
    return prob, s

main(10000, 1, 2, 3)

One of the obvious limitation is that this extra type information can be
propagated inter-procedurally only as a const-propagation.
I'm not sure this kind of "just a type-level" refinement can often make
constant-prop' successful (i.e. shape-up a method body and allow it to
be inlined, encoding the extra type information into the generated code),
thus I didn't not modify any part of const-prop' heuristics.

So the improvements from this change might not be very useful for general
inter-procedural analysis currently, but they should definitely improve the
accuracy of local analysis and very simple inter-procedural analysis.
1 parent 6c274ed
Raw File
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

# Support for @fastmath

# This module provides versions of math functions that may violate
# strict IEEE semantics.

# This allows the following transformations. For more information see
# nnan: No NaNs - Allow optimizations to assume the arguments and
#       result are not NaN. Such optimizations are required to retain
#       defined behavior over NaNs, but the value of the result is
#       undefined.
# ninf: No Infs - Allow optimizations to assume the arguments and
#       result are not +/-Inf. Such optimizations are required to
#       retain defined behavior over +/-Inf, but the value of the
#       result is undefined.
# nsz:  No Signed Zeros - Allow optimizations to treat the sign of a
#       zero argument or result as insignificant.
# arcp: Allow Reciprocal - Allow optimizations to use the reciprocal
#       of an argument rather than perform division.
# fast: Fast - Allow algebraically equivalent transformations that may
#       dramatically change results in floating point (e.g.
#       reassociate). This flag implies all the others.

module FastMath

export @fastmath

import Core.Intrinsics: sqrt_llvm_fast, neg_float_fast,
    add_float_fast, sub_float_fast, mul_float_fast, div_float_fast, rem_float_fast,
    eq_float_fast, ne_float_fast, lt_float_fast, le_float_fast

const fast_op =
    Dict(# basic arithmetic
         :+ => :add_fast,
         :- => :sub_fast,
         :* => :mul_fast,
         :/ => :div_fast,
         :(==) => :eq_fast,
         :!= => :ne_fast,
         :< => :lt_fast,
         :<= => :le_fast,
         :abs => :abs_fast,
         :abs2 => :abs2_fast,
         :cmp => :cmp_fast,
         :conj => :conj_fast,
         :inv => :inv_fast,
         :rem => :rem_fast,
         :sign => :sign_fast,
         :isfinite => :isfinite_fast,
         :isinf => :isinf_fast,
         :isnan => :isnan_fast,
         :issubnormal => :issubnormal_fast,
         # math functions
         :^ => :pow_fast,
         :acos => :acos_fast,
         :acosh => :acosh_fast,
         :angle => :angle_fast,
         :asin => :asin_fast,
         :asinh => :asinh_fast,
         :atan => :atan_fast,
         :atanh => :atanh_fast,
         :cbrt => :cbrt_fast,
         :cis => :cis_fast,
         :cos => :cos_fast,
         :cosh => :cosh_fast,
         :exp10 => :exp10_fast,
         :exp2 => :exp2_fast,
         :exp => :exp_fast,
         :expm1 => :expm1_fast,
         :hypot => :hypot_fast,
         :log10 => :log10_fast,
         :log1p => :log1p_fast,
         :log2 => :log2_fast,
         :log => :log_fast,
         :max => :max_fast,
         :min => :min_fast,
         :minmax => :minmax_fast,
         :sin => :sin_fast,
         :sincos => :sincos_fast,
         :sinh => :sinh_fast,
         :sqrt => :sqrt_fast,
         :tan => :tan_fast,
         :tanh => :tanh_fast)

const rewrite_op =
    Dict(:+= => :+,
         :-= => :-,
         :*= => :*,
         :/= => :/,
         :^= => :^)

function make_fastmath(expr::Expr)
    if expr.head === :quote
        return expr
    elseif expr.head === :call && expr.args[1] === :^ && expr.args[3] isa Integer
        # mimic Julia's literal_pow lowering of literal integer powers
        return Expr(:call, :(Base.FastMath.pow_fast), make_fastmath(expr.args[2]), Val{expr.args[3]}())
    op = get(rewrite_op, expr.head, :nothing)
    if op !== :nothing
        var = expr.args[1]
        rhs = expr.args[2]
        if isa(var, Symbol)
            # simple assignment
            expr = :($var = $op($var, $rhs))
        elseif isa(var, Expr) && var.head === :ref
            var = var::Expr
            # array reference
            arr = var.args[1]
            inds = var.args[2:end]
            arrvar = gensym()
            indvars = Any[gensym() for _ in inds]
            expr = quote
                $(Expr(:(=), arrvar, arr))
                $(Expr(:(=), Base.exprarray(:tuple, indvars), Base.exprarray(:tuple, inds)))
                $arrvar[$(indvars...)] = $op($arrvar[$(indvars...)], $rhs)
    Base.exprarray(make_fastmath(expr.head), Base.mapany(make_fastmath, expr.args))
function make_fastmath(symb::Symbol)
    fast_symb = get(fast_op, symb, :nothing)
    if fast_symb === :nothing
        return symb
make_fastmath(expr) = expr

    @fastmath expr

Execute a transformed version of the expression, which calls functions that
may violate strict IEEE semantics. This allows the fastest possible operation,
but results are undefined -- be careful when doing this, as it may change numerical

This sets the [LLVM Fast-Math flags](,
and corresponds to the `-ffast-math` option in clang. See [the notes on performance
annotations](@ref man-performance-annotations) for more details.

# Examples
julia> @fastmath 1+2

julia> @fastmath(sin(3))
macro fastmath(expr)

# Basic arithmetic

const FloatTypes = Union{Float16,Float32,Float64}

sub_fast(x::FloatTypes) = neg_float_fast(x)

add_fast(x::T, y::T) where {T<:FloatTypes} = add_float_fast(x, y)
sub_fast(x::T, y::T) where {T<:FloatTypes} = sub_float_fast(x, y)
mul_fast(x::T, y::T) where {T<:FloatTypes} = mul_float_fast(x, y)
div_fast(x::T, y::T) where {T<:FloatTypes} = div_float_fast(x, y)
rem_fast(x::T, y::T) where {T<:FloatTypes} = rem_float_fast(x, y)

add_fast(x::T, y::T, zs::T...) where {T<:FloatTypes} =
    add_fast(add_fast(x, y), zs...)
mul_fast(x::T, y::T, zs::T...) where {T<:FloatTypes} =
    mul_fast(mul_fast(x, y), zs...)

@fastmath begin
    cmp_fast(x::T, y::T) where {T<:FloatTypes} = ifelse(x==y, 0, ifelse(x<y, -1, +1))
    log_fast(b::T, x::T) where {T<:FloatTypes} = log_fast(x)/log_fast(b)

eq_fast(x::T, y::T) where {T<:FloatTypes} = eq_float_fast(x, y)
ne_fast(x::T, y::T) where {T<:FloatTypes} = ne_float_fast(x, y)
lt_fast(x::T, y::T) where {T<:FloatTypes} = lt_float_fast(x, y)
le_fast(x::T, y::T) where {T<:FloatTypes} = le_float_fast(x, y)

isinf_fast(x) = false
isfinite_fast(x) = true
isnan_fast(x) = false
issubnormal_fast(x) = false

# complex numbers

ComplexTypes = Union{ComplexF32, ComplexF64}

@fastmath begin
    abs_fast(x::ComplexTypes) = hypot(real(x), imag(x))
    abs2_fast(x::ComplexTypes) = real(x)*real(x) + imag(x)*imag(x)
    conj_fast(x::T) where {T<:ComplexTypes} = T(real(x), -imag(x))
    inv_fast(x::ComplexTypes) = conj(x) / abs2(x)
    sign_fast(x::ComplexTypes) = x == 0 ? float(zero(x)) : x/abs(x)

    add_fast(x::T, y::T) where {T<:ComplexTypes} =
        T(real(x)+real(y), imag(x)+imag(y))
    add_fast(x::Complex{T}, b::T) where {T<:FloatTypes} =
        Complex{T}(real(x)+b, imag(x))
    add_fast(a::T, y::Complex{T}) where {T<:FloatTypes} =
        Complex{T}(a+real(y), imag(y))

    sub_fast(x::T, y::T) where {T<:ComplexTypes} =
        T(real(x)-real(y), imag(x)-imag(y))
    sub_fast(x::Complex{T}, b::T) where {T<:FloatTypes} =
        Complex{T}(real(x)-b, imag(x))
    sub_fast(a::T, y::Complex{T}) where {T<:FloatTypes} =
        Complex{T}(a-real(y), -imag(y))

    mul_fast(x::T, y::T) where {T<:ComplexTypes} =
        T(real(x)*real(y) - imag(x)*imag(y),
          real(x)*imag(y) + imag(x)*real(y))
    mul_fast(x::Complex{T}, b::T) where {T<:FloatTypes} =
        Complex{T}(real(x)*b, imag(x)*b)
    mul_fast(a::T, y::Complex{T}) where {T<:FloatTypes} =
        Complex{T}(a*real(y), a*imag(y))

    @inline div_fast(x::T, y::T) where {T<:ComplexTypes} =
        T(real(x)*real(y) + imag(x)*imag(y),
          imag(x)*real(y) - real(x)*imag(y)) / abs2(y)
    div_fast(x::Complex{T}, b::T) where {T<:FloatTypes} =
        Complex{T}(real(x)/b, imag(x)/b)
    div_fast(a::T, y::Complex{T}) where {T<:FloatTypes} =
        Complex{T}(a*real(y), -a*imag(y)) / abs2(y)

    eq_fast(x::T, y::T) where {T<:ComplexTypes} =
        (real(x)==real(y)) & (imag(x)==imag(y))
    eq_fast(x::Complex{T}, b::T) where {T<:FloatTypes} =
        (real(x)==b) & (imag(x)==T(0))
    eq_fast(a::T, y::Complex{T}) where {T<:FloatTypes} =
        (a==real(y)) & (T(0)==imag(y))

    ne_fast(x::T, y::T) where {T<:ComplexTypes} = !(x==y)

    # Note: we use the same comparison for min, max, and minmax, so
    # that the compiler can convert between them
    max_fast(x::T, y::T) where {T<:FloatTypes} = ifelse(y > x, y, x)
    min_fast(x::T, y::T) where {T<:FloatTypes} = ifelse(y > x, x, y)
    minmax_fast(x::T, y::T) where {T<:FloatTypes} = ifelse(y > x, (x,y), (y,x))

    max_fast(x::T, y::T, z::T...) where {T<:FloatTypes} = max_fast(max_fast(x, y), z...)
    min_fast(x::T, y::T, z::T...) where {T<:FloatTypes} = min_fast(min_fast(x, y), z...)

# fall-back implementations and type promotion

for op in (:abs, :abs2, :conj, :inv, :sign)
    op_fast = fast_op[op]
    @eval begin
        # fall-back implementation for non-numeric types
        $op_fast(xs...) = $op(xs...)

for op in (:+, :-, :*, :/, :(==), :!=, :<, :<=, :cmp, :rem, :min, :max, :minmax)
    op_fast = fast_op[op]
    @eval begin
        # fall-back implementation for non-numeric types
        $op_fast(xs...) = $op(xs...)
        # type promotion
        $op_fast(x::Number, y::Number, zs::Number...) =
        # fall-back implementation that applies after promotion
        $op_fast(x::T,ys::T...) where {T<:Number} = $op(x,ys...)

# Math functions
exp2_fast(x::Union{Float32,Float64})  = Base.Math.exp2_fast(x)
exp_fast(x::Union{Float32,Float64})   = Base.Math.exp_fast(x)
exp10_fast(x::Union{Float32,Float64}) = Base.Math.exp10_fast(x)

# builtins

pow_fast(x::Float32, y::Integer) = ccall("llvm.powi.f32", llvmcall, Float32, (Float32, Int32), x, y)
pow_fast(x::Float64, y::Integer) = ccall("llvm.powi.f64", llvmcall, Float64, (Float64, Int32), x, y)
pow_fast(x::FloatTypes, ::Val{p}) where {p} = pow_fast(x, p) # inlines already via llvm.powi
@inline pow_fast(x, v::Val) = Base.literal_pow(^, x, v)

sqrt_fast(x::FloatTypes) = sqrt_llvm_fast(x)
sincos_fast(v::FloatTypes) = sincos(v)

@inline function sincos_fast(v::Float16)
    s, c = sincos_fast(Float32(v))
    return Float16(s), Float16(c)
sincos_fast(v::AbstractFloat) = (sin_fast(v), cos_fast(v))
sincos_fast(v::Real) = sincos_fast(float(v)::AbstractFloat)
sincos_fast(v) = (sin_fast(v), cos_fast(v))

@fastmath begin
    hypot_fast(x::T, y::T) where {T<:FloatTypes} = sqrt(x*x + y*y)

    # complex numbers

    function cis_fast(x::T) where {T<:FloatTypes}
        s, c = sincos_fast(x)
        Complex{T}(c, s)

    # See <>
    pow_fast(x::T, y::T) where {T<:ComplexTypes} = exp(y*log(x))
    pow_fast(x::T, y::Complex{T}) where {T<:FloatTypes} = exp(y*log(x))
    pow_fast(x::Complex{T}, y::T) where {T<:FloatTypes} = exp(y*log(x))
    acos_fast(x::T) where {T<:ComplexTypes} =
        convert(T,π)/2 + im*log(im*x + sqrt(1-x*x))
    acosh_fast(x::ComplexTypes) = log(x + sqrt(x+1) * sqrt(x-1))
    angle_fast(x::ComplexTypes) = atan(imag(x), real(x))
    asin_fast(x::ComplexTypes) = -im*asinh(im*x)
    asinh_fast(x::ComplexTypes) = log(x + sqrt(1+x*x))
    atan_fast(x::ComplexTypes) = -im*atanh(im*x)
    atanh_fast(x::T) where {T<:ComplexTypes} = convert(T,1)/2*(log(1+x) - log(1-x))
    cis_fast(x::ComplexTypes) = exp(-imag(x)) * cis(real(x))
    cos_fast(x::ComplexTypes) = cosh(im*x)
    cosh_fast(x::T) where {T<:ComplexTypes} = convert(T,1)/2*(exp(x) + exp(-x))
    exp10_fast(x::T) where {T<:ComplexTypes} =
        exp10(real(x)) * cis(imag(x)*log(convert(T,10)))
    exp2_fast(x::T) where {T<:ComplexTypes} =
        exp2(real(x)) * cis(imag(x)*log(convert(T,2)))
    exp_fast(x::ComplexTypes) = exp(real(x)) * cis(imag(x))
    expm1_fast(x::ComplexTypes) = exp(x)-1
    log10_fast(x::T) where {T<:ComplexTypes} = log(x) / log(convert(T,10))
    log1p_fast(x::ComplexTypes) = log(1+x)
    log2_fast(x::T) where {T<:ComplexTypes} = log(x) / log(convert(T,2))
    log_fast(x::T) where {T<:ComplexTypes} = T(log(abs2(x))/2, angle(x))
    log_fast(b::T, x::T) where {T<:ComplexTypes} = T(log(x)/log(b))
    sin_fast(x::ComplexTypes) = -im*sinh(im*x)
    sinh_fast(x::T) where {T<:ComplexTypes} = convert(T,1)/2*(exp(x) - exp(-x))
    sqrt_fast(x::ComplexTypes) = sqrt(abs(x)) * cis(angle(x)/2)
    tan_fast(x::ComplexTypes) = -im*tanh(im*x)
    tanh_fast(x::ComplexTypes) = (a=exp(x); b=exp(-x); (a-b)/(a+b))

# fall-back implementations and type promotion

for f in (:acos, :acosh, :angle, :asin, :asinh, :atan, :atanh, :cbrt,
          :cis, :cos, :cosh, :exp10, :exp2, :exp, :expm1,
          :log10, :log1p, :log2, :log, :sin, :sinh, :sqrt, :tan,
    f_fast = fast_op[f]
    @eval begin
        $f_fast(x) = $f(x)

for f in (:^, :atan, :hypot, :log)
    f_fast = fast_op[f]
    @eval begin
        # fall-back implementation for non-numeric types
        $f_fast(x, y) = $f(x, y)
        # type promotion
        $f_fast(x::Number, y::Number) = $f_fast(promote(x, y)...)
        # fall-back implementation that applies after promotion
        $f_fast(x::T, y::T) where {T<:Number} = $f(x, y)

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