Revision a121721f975fc4105ed24ebd0ad1020d08d07a38 authored by Shuhei Kadowaki on 01 November 2021, 10:49:07 UTC, committed by GitHub on 01 November 2021, 10:49:07 UTC
* inference: form `PartialStruct` for extra type information propagation

This commit forms `PartialStruct` whenever there is any type-level
refinement available about a field, even if it's not "constant" information.

In Julia "definitions" are allowed to be abstract whereas "usages"
(i.e. callsites) are often concrete. The basic idea is to allow inference
to make more use of such precise callsite type information by encoding it
as `PartialStruct`.

This may increase optimization possibilities of "unidiomatic" Julia code,
which may contain poorly-typed definitions, like this very contrived example:
struct Problem
    n; s; c; t

function main(args...)
    prob = Problem(args...)
    s = 0
    for i in 1:prob.n
        m = mod(i, 3)
        s += m == 0 ? sin(prob.s) : m == 1 ? cos(prob.c) : tan(prob.t)
    return prob, s

main(10000, 1, 2, 3)

One of the obvious limitation is that this extra type information can be
propagated inter-procedurally only as a const-propagation.
I'm not sure this kind of "just a type-level" refinement can often make
constant-prop' successful (i.e. shape-up a method body and allow it to
be inlined, encoding the extra type information into the generated code),
thus I didn't not modify any part of const-prop' heuristics.

So the improvements from this change might not be very useful for general
inter-procedural analysis currently, but they should definitely improve the
accuracy of local analysis and very simple inter-procedural analysis.
1 parent 6c274ed
Raw File
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

module Rounding

let fenv_consts = Vector{Cint}(undef, 9)
    ccall(:jl_get_fenv_consts, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cint},), fenv_consts)
    global const JL_FE_INEXACT = fenv_consts[1]
    global const JL_FE_UNDERFLOW = fenv_consts[2]
    global const JL_FE_OVERFLOW = fenv_consts[3]
    global const JL_FE_DIVBYZERO = fenv_consts[4]
    global const JL_FE_INVALID = fenv_consts[5]

    global const JL_FE_TONEAREST = fenv_consts[6]
    global const JL_FE_UPWARD = fenv_consts[7]
    global const JL_FE_DOWNWARD = fenv_consts[8]
    global const JL_FE_TOWARDZERO = fenv_consts[9]

    RoundingMode, RoundNearest, RoundToZero, RoundUp, RoundDown, RoundFromZero,
    RoundNearestTiesAway, RoundNearestTiesUp,
    rounding, setrounding,
    get_zero_subnormals, set_zero_subnormals

## rounding modes ##

A type used for controlling the rounding mode of floating point operations (via
[`rounding`](@ref)/[`setrounding`](@ref) functions), or as
optional arguments for rounding to the nearest integer (via the [`round`](@ref)

Currently supported rounding modes are:

- [`RoundNearest`](@ref) (default)
- [`RoundNearestTiesAway`](@ref)
- [`RoundNearestTiesUp`](@ref)
- [`RoundToZero`](@ref)
- [`RoundFromZero`](@ref) ([`BigFloat`](@ref) only)
- [`RoundUp`](@ref)
- [`RoundDown`](@ref)
struct RoundingMode{T} end


The default rounding mode. Rounds to the nearest integer, with ties (fractional values of
0.5) being rounded to the nearest even integer.
const RoundNearest = RoundingMode{:Nearest}()


[`round`](@ref) using this rounding mode is an alias for [`trunc`](@ref).
const RoundToZero = RoundingMode{:ToZero}()


[`round`](@ref) using this rounding mode is an alias for [`ceil`](@ref).
const RoundUp = RoundingMode{:Up}()


[`round`](@ref) using this rounding mode is an alias for [`floor`](@ref).
const RoundDown = RoundingMode{:Down}()


Rounds away from zero.
This rounding mode may only be used with `T == BigFloat` inputs to [`round`](@ref).

# Examples
julia> BigFloat("1.0000000000000001", 5, RoundFromZero)
const RoundFromZero = RoundingMode{:FromZero}() # mpfr only


Rounds to nearest integer, with ties rounded away from zero (C/C++
[`round`](@ref) behaviour).
const RoundNearestTiesAway = RoundingMode{:NearestTiesAway}()


Rounds to nearest integer, with ties rounded toward positive infinity (Java/JavaScript
[`round`](@ref) behaviour).
const RoundNearestTiesUp = RoundingMode{:NearestTiesUp}()

to_fenv(::RoundingMode{:Nearest}) = JL_FE_TONEAREST
to_fenv(::RoundingMode{:ToZero}) = JL_FE_TOWARDZERO
to_fenv(::RoundingMode{:Up}) = JL_FE_UPWARD
to_fenv(::RoundingMode{:Down}) = JL_FE_DOWNWARD

function from_fenv(r::Integer)
    if r == JL_FE_TONEAREST
        return RoundNearest
    elseif r == JL_FE_DOWNWARD
        return RoundDown
    elseif r == JL_FE_UPWARD
        return RoundUp
    elseif r == JL_FE_TOWARDZERO
        return RoundToZero
        throw(ArgumentError("invalid rounding mode code: $r"))

    setrounding(T, mode)

Set the rounding mode of floating point type `T`, controlling the rounding of basic
arithmetic functions ([`+`](@ref), [`-`](@ref), [`*`](@ref),
[`/`](@ref) and [`sqrt`](@ref)) and type conversion. Other numerical
functions may give incorrect or invalid values when using rounding modes other than the
default [`RoundNearest`](@ref).

Note that this is currently only supported for `T == BigFloat`.

!!! warning

    This function is not thread-safe. It will affect code running on all threads, but
    its behavior is undefined if called concurrently with computations that use the
setrounding(T::Type, mode)


Get the current floating point rounding mode for type `T`, controlling the rounding of basic
arithmetic functions ([`+`](@ref), [`-`](@ref), [`*`](@ref), [`/`](@ref)
and [`sqrt`](@ref)) and type conversion.

See [`RoundingMode`](@ref) for available modes.

setrounding_raw(::Type{<:Union{Float32,Float64}}, i::Integer) = ccall(:jl_set_fenv_rounding, Int32, (Int32,), i)
rounding_raw(::Type{<:Union{Float32,Float64}}) = ccall(:jl_get_fenv_rounding, Int32, ())

rounding(::Type{T}) where {T<:Union{Float32,Float64}} = from_fenv(rounding_raw(T))

    setrounding(f::Function, T, mode)

Change the rounding mode of floating point type `T` for the duration of `f`. It is logically
equivalent to:

    old = rounding(T)
    setrounding(T, mode)
    setrounding(T, old)

See [`RoundingMode`](@ref) for available rounding modes.
function setrounding(f::Function, ::Type{T}, rounding::RoundingMode) where T
    old_rounding_raw = rounding_raw(T)
        return f()
function setrounding_raw(f::Function, ::Type{T}, rounding) where T
    old_rounding_raw = rounding_raw(T)
        return f()

# Should be equivalent to:
#   setrounding(Float64,r) do
#       convert(T,x)
#   end
# but explicit checks are currently quicker (~20x).
# Assumes conversion is performed by rounding to nearest value.

# To avoid ambiguous dispatch with methods in mpfr.jl:
(::Type{T})(x::Real, r::RoundingMode) where {T<:AbstractFloat} = _convert_rounding(T,x,r)::T

_convert_rounding(::Type{T}, x::Real, r::RoundingMode{:Nearest}) where {T<:AbstractFloat} = convert(T,x)::T
function _convert_rounding(::Type{T}, x::Real, r::RoundingMode{:Down}) where T<:AbstractFloat
    y = convert(T,x)::T
    y > x ? prevfloat(y) : y
function _convert_rounding(::Type{T}, x::Real, r::RoundingMode{:Up}) where T<:AbstractFloat
    y = convert(T,x)::T
    y < x ? nextfloat(y) : y
function _convert_rounding(::Type{T}, x::Real, r::RoundingMode{:ToZero}) where T<:AbstractFloat
    y = convert(T,x)::T
    if x > 0.0
        y > x ? prevfloat(y) : y
        y < x ? nextfloat(y) : y

    set_zero_subnormals(yes::Bool) -> Bool

If `yes` is `false`, subsequent floating-point operations follow rules for IEEE arithmetic
on subnormal values ("denormals"). Otherwise, floating-point operations are permitted (but
not required) to convert subnormal inputs or outputs to zero. Returns `true` unless
`yes==true` but the hardware does not support zeroing of subnormal numbers.

`set_zero_subnormals(true)` can speed up some computations on some hardware. However, it can
break identities such as `(x-y==0) == (x==y)`.

!!! warning

    This function only affects the current thread.
set_zero_subnormals(yes::Bool) = ccall(:jl_set_zero_subnormals,Int32,(Int8,),yes)==0

    get_zero_subnormals() -> Bool

Return `false` if operations on subnormal floating-point values ("denormals") obey rules
for IEEE arithmetic, and `true` if they might be converted to zeros.

!!! warning

    This function only affects the current thread.
get_zero_subnormals() = ccall(:jl_get_zero_subnormals,Int32,())!=0

end #module
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