Revision a121721f975fc4105ed24ebd0ad1020d08d07a38 authored by Shuhei Kadowaki on 01 November 2021, 10:49:07 UTC, committed by GitHub on 01 November 2021, 10:49:07 UTC
* inference: form `PartialStruct` for extra type information propagation

This commit forms `PartialStruct` whenever there is any type-level
refinement available about a field, even if it's not "constant" information.

In Julia "definitions" are allowed to be abstract whereas "usages"
(i.e. callsites) are often concrete. The basic idea is to allow inference
to make more use of such precise callsite type information by encoding it
as `PartialStruct`.

This may increase optimization possibilities of "unidiomatic" Julia code,
which may contain poorly-typed definitions, like this very contrived example:
struct Problem
    n; s; c; t

function main(args...)
    prob = Problem(args...)
    s = 0
    for i in 1:prob.n
        m = mod(i, 3)
        s += m == 0 ? sin(prob.s) : m == 1 ? cos(prob.c) : tan(prob.t)
    return prob, s

main(10000, 1, 2, 3)

One of the obvious limitation is that this extra type information can be
propagated inter-procedurally only as a const-propagation.
I'm not sure this kind of "just a type-level" refinement can often make
constant-prop' successful (i.e. shape-up a method body and allow it to
be inlined, encoding the extra type information into the generated code),
thus I didn't not modify any part of const-prop' heuristics.

So the improvements from this change might not be very useful for general
inter-procedural analysis currently, but they should definitely improve the
accuracy of local analysis and very simple inter-procedural analysis.
1 parent 6c274ed
Raw File
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

# Twice-precision arithmetic.

# Necessary for creating nicely-behaved ranges like r = 0.1:0.1:0.3
# that return r[3] == 0.3.  Otherwise, we have roundoff error due to
#     0.1 + 2*0.1 = 0.30000000000000004

    hi, lo = splitprec(F::Type{<:AbstractFloat}, i::Integer)

Represent an integer `i` as a pair of floating-point numbers `hi` and
`lo` (of type `F`) such that:
- `widen(hi) + widen(lo) ≈ i`. It is exact if 1.5 * (number of precision bits in `F`) is greater than the number of bits in `i`.
- all bits in `hi` are more significant than any of the bits in `lo`
- `hi` can be exactly multiplied by the `hi` component of another call to `splitprec`.

In particular, while `convert(Float64, i)` can be lossy since Float64
has only 53 bits of precision, `splitprec(Float64, i)` is exact for
any Int64/UInt64.
function splitprec(::Type{F}, i::Integer) where {F<:AbstractFloat}
    hi = truncbits(F(i), cld(precision(F), 2))
    ihi = oftype(i, hi)
    hi, F(i - ihi)

function truncmask(x::F, mask) where {F<:IEEEFloat}
    reinterpret(F, mask & reinterpret(uinttype(F), x))
truncmask(x, mask) = x

function truncbits(x::F, nb) where {F<:IEEEFloat}
    truncmask(x, typemax(uinttype(F)) << nb)
truncbits(x, nb) = x

## Dekker arithmetic

    hi, lo = canonicalize2(big, little)

Generate a representation where all the nonzero bits in `hi` are more
significant than any of the nonzero bits in `lo`. `big` must be larger
in absolute value than `little`.
function canonicalize2(big, little)
    h = big+little
    h, (big - h) + little

    zhi, zlo = add12(x, y)

A high-precision representation of `x + y` for floating-point
numbers. Mathematically, `zhi + zlo = x + y`, where `zhi` contains the
most significant bits and `zlo` the least significant.

Because of the way floating-point numbers are printed, `lo` may not
look the way you might expect from the standpoint of decimal
representation, even though it is exact from the standpoint of binary

julia> 1.0 + 1.0001e-15

julia> big(1.0) + big(1.0001e-15)

julia> hi, lo = Base.add12(1.0, 1.0001e-15)
(1.000000000000001, -1.1012302462515652e-16)

julia> big(hi) + big(lo)

`lo` differs from 1.0e-19 because `hi` is not exactly equal to
the first 16 decimal digits of the answer.
function add12(x::T, y::T) where {T}
    x, y = ifelse(abs(y) > abs(x), (y, x), (x, y))
    canonicalize2(x, y)
add12(x, y) = add12(promote(x, y)...)

    zhi, zlo = mul12(x, y)

A high-precision representation of `x * y` for floating-point
numbers. Mathematically, `zhi + zlo = x * y`, where `zhi` contains the
most significant bits and `zlo` the least significant.

julia> x = Float32(π)

julia> x * x

julia> Float64(x) * Float64(x)

julia> hi, lo = Base.mul12(x, x)
(9.869605f0, -1.140092f-7)

julia> Float64(hi) + Float64(lo)
function mul12(x::T, y::T) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
    h = x * y
    ifelse(iszero(h) | !isfinite(h), (h, h), canonicalize2(h, fma(x, y, -h)))
mul12(x::T, y::T) where {T} = (p = x * y; (p, zero(p)))
mul12(x, y) = mul12(promote(x, y)...)

    zhi, zlo = div12(x, y)

A high-precision representation of `x / y` for floating-point
numbers. Mathematically, `zhi + zlo ≈ x / y`, where `zhi` contains the
most significant bits and `zlo` the least significant.

julia> x, y = Float32(π), 3.1f0
(3.1415927f0, 3.1f0)

julia> x / y

julia> Float64(x) / Float64(y)

julia> hi, lo = Base.div12(x, y)
(1.013417f0, 3.8867366f-8)

julia> Float64(hi) + Float64(lo)
function div12(x::T, y::T) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
    # We lose precision if any intermediate calculation results in a subnormal.
    # To prevent this from happening, standardize the values.
    xs, xe = frexp(x)
    ys, ye = frexp(y)
    r = xs / ys
    rh, rl = canonicalize2(r, -fma(r, ys, -xs)/ys)
    ifelse(iszero(r) | !isfinite(r), (r, r), (ldexp(rh, xe-ye), ldexp(rl, xe-ye)))
div12(x::T, y::T) where {T} = (p = x / y; (p, zero(p)))
div12(x, y) = div12(promote(x, y)...)

## TwicePrecision

    TwicePrecision{T}(hi::T, lo::T)
    TwicePrecision{T}((num, denom))

A number with twice the precision of `T`, e.g., quad-precision if `T =
Float64`. `hi` represents the high bits (most significant bits) and
`lo` the low bits (least significant bits). Rational values
`num//denom` can be approximated conveniently using the syntax
`TwicePrecision{T}((num, denom))`.

When used with `T<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64}` to construct an "exact"
`StepRangeLen`, `ref` should be the range element with smallest
magnitude and `offset` set to the corresponding index.  For
efficiency, multiplication of `step` by the index is not performed at
twice precision: `step.hi` should have enough trailing zeros in its
`bits` representation that `(0:len-1)*step.hi` is exact (has no
roundoff error).  If `step` has an exact rational representation
`num//denom`, then you can construct `step` using

    step = TwicePrecision{T}((num, denom), nb)

where `nb` is the number of trailing zero bits of `step.hi`.  For
ranges, you can set `nb = ceil(Int, log2(len-1))`.
struct TwicePrecision{T}
    hi::T    # most significant bits
    lo::T    # least significant bits

TwicePrecision{T}(x::T) where {T} = TwicePrecision{T}(x, zero(T))

function TwicePrecision{T}(x) where {T}
    xT = convert(T, x)
    Δx = x - xT
    TwicePrecision{T}(xT, T(Δx))

function TwicePrecision{T}(x::TwicePrecision) where {T}
    TwicePrecision{T}(x.hi, x.lo)

TwicePrecision{T}(i::Integer) where {T<:AbstractFloat} =
    TwicePrecision{T}(canonicalize2(splitprec(T, i)...)...)

TwicePrecision(x) = TwicePrecision{typeof(x)}(x)

# Numerator/Denominator constructors
function TwicePrecision{T}(nd::Tuple{Integer,Integer}) where {T<:Union{Float16,Float32}}
    n, d = nd

function TwicePrecision{T}(nd::Tuple{Any,Any}) where {T}
    n, d = nd
    TwicePrecision{T}(TwicePrecision{T}(n) / d)

function TwicePrecision{T}(nd::Tuple{I,I}, nb::Integer) where {T,I}
    twiceprecision(TwicePrecision{T}(nd), nb)

# Fix #39798
# See steprangelen_hp(::Type{Float64}, ref::Tuple{Integer,Integer},
#                         step::Tuple{Integer,Integer}, nb::Integer,
#                         len::Integer, offset::Integer)
function TwicePrecision{T}(nd::Tuple{Integer,Integer}, nb::Integer) where T
    twiceprecision(TwicePrecision{T}(nd), nb)

# Truncating constructors. Useful for generating values that can be
# exactly multiplied by small integers.
function twiceprecision(val::T, nb::Integer) where {T<:IEEEFloat}
    hi = truncbits(val, nb)
    TwicePrecision{T}(hi, val - hi)

function twiceprecision(val::TwicePrecision{T}, nb::Integer) where {T<:IEEEFloat}
    hi = truncbits(val.hi, nb)
    TwicePrecision{T}(hi, (val.hi - hi) + val.lo)

nbitslen(r::StepRangeLen) = nbitslen(eltype(r), length(r), r.offset)
nbitslen(::Type{T}, len, offset) where {T<:IEEEFloat} =
    min(cld(precision(T), 2), nbitslen(len, offset))
# The +1 here is for safety, because the precision of the significand
# is 1 bit higher than the number that are explicitly stored.
nbitslen(len, offset) = len < 2 ? 0 : ceil(Int, log2(max(offset-1, len-offset))) + 1

eltype(::Type{TwicePrecision{T}}) where {T} = T

promote_rule(::Type{TwicePrecision{R}}, ::Type{TwicePrecision{S}}) where {R,S} =
promote_rule(::Type{TwicePrecision{R}}, ::Type{S}) where {R,S<:Number} =

(::Type{T})(x::TwicePrecision) where {T<:Number} = T(x.hi + x.lo)::T
TwicePrecision{T}(x::Number) where {T} = TwicePrecision{T}(T(x), zero(T))

convert(::Type{TwicePrecision{T}}, x::TwicePrecision{T}) where {T} = x
convert(::Type{TwicePrecision{T}}, x::TwicePrecision) where {T} =
    TwicePrecision{T}(convert(T, x.hi), convert(T, x.lo))

convert(::Type{T}, x::TwicePrecision) where {T<:Number} = T(x)
convert(::Type{TwicePrecision{T}}, x::Number) where {T} = TwicePrecision{T}(x)

float(x::TwicePrecision{<:AbstractFloat}) = x
float(x::TwicePrecision) = TwicePrecision(float(x.hi), float(x.lo))

big(x::TwicePrecision) = big(x.hi) + big(x.lo)

-(x::TwicePrecision) = TwicePrecision(-x.hi, -x.lo)

function zero(::Type{TwicePrecision{T}}) where {T}
    z = zero(T)
    TwicePrecision{T}(z, z)

# Arithmetic

function +(x::TwicePrecision, y::Number)
    s_hi, s_lo = add12(x.hi, y)
    TwicePrecision(canonicalize2(s_hi, s_lo+x.lo)...)
+(x::Number, y::TwicePrecision) = y+x

function +(x::TwicePrecision{T}, y::TwicePrecision{T}) where T
    r = x.hi + y.hi
    s = abs(x.hi) > abs(y.hi) ? (((x.hi - r) + y.hi) + y.lo) + x.lo : (((y.hi - r) + x.hi) + x.lo) + y.lo
    TwicePrecision(canonicalize2(r, s)...)
+(x::TwicePrecision, y::TwicePrecision) = +(promote(x, y)...)

-(x::TwicePrecision, y::TwicePrecision) = x + (-y)
-(x::TwicePrecision, y::Number) = x + (-y)
-(x::Number, y::TwicePrecision) = x + (-y)

function *(x::TwicePrecision, v::Number)
    v == 0 && return TwicePrecision(x.hi*v, x.lo*v)
    x * TwicePrecision(oftype(x.hi*v, v))
function *(x::TwicePrecision{<:IEEEFloat}, v::Integer)
    v == 0 && return TwicePrecision(x.hi*v, x.lo*v)
    nb = ceil(Int, log2(abs(v)))
    u = truncbits(x.hi, nb)
    TwicePrecision(canonicalize2(u*v, ((x.hi-u) + x.lo)*v)...)
*(v::Number, x::TwicePrecision) = x*v

function *(x::TwicePrecision{T}, y::TwicePrecision{T}) where {T}
    zh, zl = mul12(x.hi, y.hi)
    ret = TwicePrecision{T}(canonicalize2(zh, (x.hi * y.lo + x.lo * y.hi) + zl)...)
    ifelse(iszero(zh) | !isfinite(zh), TwicePrecision{T}(zh, zh), ret)
*(x::TwicePrecision, y::TwicePrecision) = *(promote(x, y)...)

function /(x::TwicePrecision, v::Number)
    x / TwicePrecision(oftype(x.hi/v, v))

function /(x::TwicePrecision, y::TwicePrecision)
    hi = x.hi / y.hi
    uh, ul = mul12(hi, y.hi)
    lo = ((((x.hi - uh) - ul) + x.lo) - hi*y.lo)/y.hi
    ret = TwicePrecision(canonicalize2(hi, lo)...)
    ifelse(iszero(hi) | !isfinite(hi), TwicePrecision(hi, hi), ret)

## StepRangeLen

# Use TwicePrecision only for Float64; use Float64 for T<:Union{Float16,Float32}
# See also _linspace1
# Ratio-of-integers constructors
function steprangelen_hp(::Type{Float64}, ref::Tuple{Integer,Integer},
                         step::Tuple{Integer,Integer}, nb::Integer,
                         len::Integer, offset::Integer)
                 TwicePrecision{Float64}(step, nb), len, offset)

function steprangelen_hp(::Type{T}, ref::Tuple{Integer,Integer},
                         step::Tuple{Integer,Integer}, nb::Integer,
                         len::Integer, offset::Integer) where {T<:IEEEFloat}
    StepRangeLen{T}(ref[1]/ref[2], step[1]/step[2], len, offset)

# AbstractFloat constructors (can supply a single number or a 2-tuple
const F_or_FF = Union{AbstractFloat, Tuple{AbstractFloat,AbstractFloat}}
asF64(x::AbstractFloat) = Float64(x)
asF64(x::Tuple{AbstractFloat,AbstractFloat}) = Float64(x[1]) + Float64(x[2])

function steprangelen_hp(::Type{Float64}, ref::F_or_FF,
                         step::F_or_FF, nb::Integer,
                         len::Integer, offset::Integer)
                 twiceprecision(TwicePrecision{Float64}(step...), nb), len, offset)

function steprangelen_hp(::Type{T}, ref::F_or_FF,
                         step::F_or_FF, nb::Integer,
                         len::Integer, offset::Integer) where {T<:IEEEFloat}
    StepRangeLen{T}(asF64(ref), asF64(step), len, offset)

StepRangeLen(ref::TwicePrecision{T}, step::TwicePrecision{T},
             len::Integer, offset::Integer=1) where {T} =
    StepRangeLen{T,TwicePrecision{T},TwicePrecision{T}}(ref, step, len, offset)

# Construct range for rational start=start_n/den, step=step_n/den
function floatrange(::Type{T}, start_n::Integer, step_n::Integer, len::Integer, den::Integer) where T
    len = len + 0 # promote with Int
    if len < 2 || step_n == 0
        return steprangelen_hp(T, (start_n, den), (step_n, den), 0, len, oneunit(len))
    # index of smallest-magnitude value
    L = typeof(len)
    imin = clamp(round(typeof(len), -start_n/step_n+1), oneunit(L), len)
    # Compute smallest-magnitude element to 2x precision
    ref_n = start_n+(imin-1)*step_n  # this shouldn't overflow, so don't check
    nb = nbitslen(T, len, imin)
    steprangelen_hp(T, (ref_n, den), (step_n, den), nb, len, imin)

function floatrange(a::AbstractFloat, st::AbstractFloat, len::Real, divisor::AbstractFloat)
    len = len + 0 # promote with Int
    T = promote_type(typeof(a), typeof(st), typeof(divisor))
    m = maxintfloat(T, Int)
    if abs(a) <= m && abs(st) <= m && abs(divisor) <= m
        ia, ist, idivisor = round(Int, a), round(Int, st), round(Int, divisor)
        if ia == a && ist == st && idivisor == divisor
            # We can return the high-precision range
            return floatrange(T, ia, ist, len, idivisor)
    # Fallback (misses the opportunity to set offset different from 1,
    # but otherwise this is still high-precision)
    steprangelen_hp(T, (a,divisor), (st,divisor), nbitslen(T, len, 1), len, oneunit(len))

function (:)(start::T, step::T, stop::T) where T<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64}
    step == 0 && throw(ArgumentError("range step cannot be zero"))
    # see if the inputs have exact rational approximations (and if so,
    # perform all computations in terms of the rationals)
    step_n, step_d = rat(step)
    if step_d != 0 && T(step_n/step_d) == step
        start_n, start_d = rat(start)
        stop_n, stop_d = rat(stop)
        if start_d != 0 && stop_d != 0 &&
                T(start_n/start_d) == start && T(stop_n/stop_d) == stop
            den = lcm_unchecked(start_d, step_d) # use same denominator for start and step
            m = maxintfloat(T, Int)
            if den != 0 && abs(start*den) <= m && abs(step*den) <= m &&  # will round succeed?
                    rem(den, start_d) == 0 && rem(den, step_d) == 0      # check lcm overflow
                start_n = round(Int, start*den)
                step_n = round(Int, step*den)
                len = max(0, Int(div(den*stop_n - stop_d*start_n + step_n*stop_d, step_n*stop_d)))
                # Integer ops could overflow, so check that this makes sense
                if isbetween(start, start + (len-1)*step, stop + step/2) &&
                        !isbetween(start, start + len*step, stop)
                    # Return a 2x precision range
                    return floatrange(T, start_n, step_n, len, den)
    # Fallback, taking start and step literally
    # n.b. we use Int as the default length type for IEEEFloats
    lf = (stop-start)/step
    if lf < 0
        len = 0
    elseif lf == 0
        len = 1
        len = round(Int, lf) + 1
        stop′ = start + (len-1)*step
        # if we've overshot the end, subtract one:
        len -= (start < stop < stop′) + (start > stop > stop′)
    steprangelen_hp(T, start, step, 0, len, 1)

step(r::StepRangeLen{T,TwicePrecision{T},TwicePrecision{T}}) where {T<:AbstractFloat} = T(r.step)
step(r::StepRangeLen{T,TwicePrecision{T},TwicePrecision{T}}) where {T} = T(r.step)

function range_start_step_length(a::T, st::T, len::Integer) where T<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64}
    len = len + 0 # promote with Int
    start_n, start_d = rat(a)
    step_n, step_d = rat(st)
    if start_d != 0 && step_d != 0 &&
            T(start_n/start_d) == a && T(step_n/step_d) == st
        den = lcm_unchecked(start_d, step_d)
        m = maxintfloat(T, Int)
        if abs(den*a) <= m && abs(den*st) <= m &&
                rem(den, start_d) == 0 && rem(den, step_d) == 0
            start_n = round(Int, den*a)
            step_n = round(Int, den*st)
            return floatrange(T, start_n, step_n, len, den)
    steprangelen_hp(T, a, st, 0, len, 1)

# This assumes that r.step has already been split so that (0:len-1)*r.step.hi is exact
function unsafe_getindex(r::StepRangeLen{T,<:TwicePrecision,<:TwicePrecision}, i::Integer) where T
    # Very similar to _getindex_hiprec, but optimized to avoid a 2nd call to add12
    i isa Bool && throw(ArgumentError("invalid index: $i of type Bool"))
    u = i - r.offset
    shift_hi, shift_lo = u*r.step.hi, u*r.step.lo
    x_hi, x_lo = add12(r.ref.hi, shift_hi)
    T(x_hi + (x_lo + (shift_lo + r.ref.lo)))

function _getindex_hiprec(r::StepRangeLen{<:Any,<:TwicePrecision,<:TwicePrecision}, i::Integer)
    i isa Bool && throw(ArgumentError("invalid index: $i of type Bool"))
    u = i - r.offset
    shift_hi, shift_lo = u*r.step.hi, u*r.step.lo
    x_hi, x_lo = add12(r.ref.hi, shift_hi)
    x_hi, x_lo = add12(x_hi, x_lo + (shift_lo + r.ref.lo))
    TwicePrecision(x_hi, x_lo)

function getindex(r::StepRangeLen{T,<:TwicePrecision,<:TwicePrecision}, s::OrdinalRange{S}) where {T, S<:Integer}
    @boundscheck checkbounds(r, s)
    len = length(s)
    L = typeof(len)
    sstep = step_hp(s)
    rstep = step_hp(r)
    if S === Bool
        #rstep *= one(sstep)
        if len == 0
            return StepRangeLen{T}(first(r), rstep, zero(L), oneunit(L))
        elseif len == 1
            if first(s)
                return StepRangeLen{T}(first(r), rstep, oneunit(L), oneunit(L))
                return StepRangeLen{T}(first(r), rstep, zero(L), oneunit(L))
        else # len == 2
            return StepRangeLen{T}(last(r), step(r), oneunit(L), oneunit(L))
        soffset = round(L, (r.offset - first(s))/sstep + 1)
        soffset = clamp(soffset, oneunit(L), len)
        ioffset = L(first(s) + (soffset - oneunit(L)) * sstep)
        if sstep == 1 || len < 2
            newstep = rstep #* one(sstep)
            newstep = rstep * sstep
            newstep = twiceprecision(newstep, nbitslen(T, len, soffset))
        soffset = max(oneunit(L), soffset)
        if ioffset == r.offset
            return StepRangeLen{T}(r.ref, newstep, len, soffset)
            return StepRangeLen{T}(r.ref + (ioffset-r.offset)*rstep, newstep, len, soffset)

*(x::Real, r::StepRangeLen{<:Real,<:TwicePrecision}) =
    StepRangeLen(x*r.ref, twiceprecision(x*r.step, nbitslen(r)), length(r), r.offset)
*(r::StepRangeLen{<:Real,<:TwicePrecision}, x::Real) = x*r
/(r::StepRangeLen{<:Real,<:TwicePrecision}, x::Real) =
    StepRangeLen(r.ref/x, twiceprecision(r.step/x, nbitslen(r)), length(r), r.offset)

StepRangeLen{T,R,S,L}(r::StepRangeLen{T,R,S,L}) where {T<:AbstractFloat,R<:TwicePrecision,S<:TwicePrecision,L} = r

StepRangeLen{T,R,S,L}(r::StepRangeLen) where {T<:AbstractFloat,R<:TwicePrecision,S<:TwicePrecision,L} =
    _convertSRL(StepRangeLen{T,R,S,L}, r)

StepRangeLen{Float64}(r::StepRangeLen) =
    _convertSRL(StepRangeLen{Float64,TwicePrecision{Float64},TwicePrecision{Float64},Int}, r)
StepRangeLen{T}(r::StepRangeLen) where {T<:IEEEFloat} =
    _convertSRL(StepRangeLen{T,Float64,Float64,Int}, r)

StepRangeLen{Float64}(r::AbstractRange) =
    _convertSRL(StepRangeLen{Float64,TwicePrecision{Float64},TwicePrecision{Float64},Int}, r)
StepRangeLen{T}(r::AbstractRange) where {T<:IEEEFloat} =
    _convertSRL(StepRangeLen{T,Float64,Float64,Int}, r)

function _convertSRL(::Type{StepRangeLen{T,R,S,L}}, r::StepRangeLen{<:Integer}) where {T,R,S,L}
    StepRangeLen{T,R,S,L}(R(r.ref), S(r.step), L(length(r)), L(r.offset))

function _convertSRL(::Type{StepRangeLen{T,R,S,L}}, r::AbstractRange{<:Integer}) where {T,R,S,L}
    StepRangeLen{T,R,S,L}(R(first(r)), S(step(r)), L(length(r)))

function _convertSRL(::Type{StepRangeLen{T,R,S,L}}, r::AbstractRange{U}) where {T,R,S,L,U}
    # if start and step have a rational approximation in the old type,
    # then we transfer that rational approximation to the new type
    f, s = first(r), step(r)
    start_n, start_d = rat(f)
    step_n, step_d = rat(s)
    if start_d != 0 && step_d != 0 &&
            U(start_n/start_d) == f && U(step_n/step_d) == s
        den = lcm_unchecked(start_d, step_d)
        m = maxintfloat(T, Int)
        if den != 0 && abs(f*den) <= m && abs(s*den) <= m &&
                rem(den, start_d) == 0 && rem(den, step_d) == 0
            start_n = round(Int, f*den)
            step_n = round(Int, s*den)
            return floatrange(T, start_n, step_n, L(length(r)), den)
    return __convertSRL(StepRangeLen{T,R,S,L}, r)

function __convertSRL(::Type{StepRangeLen{T,R,S,L}}, r::StepRangeLen{U}) where {T,R,S,L,U}
    StepRangeLen{T,R,S,L}(R(r.ref), S(r.step), L(length(r)), L(r.offset))
function __convertSRL(::Type{StepRangeLen{T,R,S,L}}, r::AbstractRange{U}) where {T,R,S,L,U}
    StepRangeLen{T,R,S,L}(R(first(r)), S(step(r)), L(length(r)))

function sum(r::StepRangeLen)
    l = length(r)
    # Compute the contribution of step over all indices.
    # Indexes on opposite side of r.offset contribute with opposite sign,
    #    r.step * (sum(1:np) - sum(1:nn))
    np, nn = l - r.offset, r.offset - 1  # positive, negative
    # To prevent overflow in sum(1:n), multiply its factors by the step
    sp, sn = sumpair(np), sumpair(nn)
    W = widen(typeof(l))
    Δn = W(sp[1]) * W(sp[2]) - W(sn[1]) * W(sn[2])
    s = r.step * Δn
    # Add in contributions of ref
    ref = r.ref * l
    convert(eltype(r), s + ref)
function sum(r::StepRangeLen{<:Any,<:TwicePrecision,<:TwicePrecision})
    l = length(r)
    # Compute the contribution of step over all indices.
    # Indexes on opposite side of r.offset contribute with opposite sign,
    #    r.step * (sum(1:np) - sum(1:nn))
    np, nn = l - r.offset, r.offset - 1  # positive, negative
    # To prevent overflow in sum(1:n), multiply its factors by the step
    sp, sn = sumpair(np), sumpair(nn)
    tp = _tp_prod(r.step, sp[1], sp[2])
    tn = _tp_prod(r.step, sn[1], sn[2])
    s_hi, s_lo = add12(tp.hi, -tn.hi)
    s_lo += tp.lo - tn.lo
    # Add in contributions of ref
    ref = r.ref * l
    sm_hi, sm_lo = add12(s_hi, ref.hi)
    add12(sm_hi, sm_lo + ref.lo)[1]

# sum(1:n) as a product of two integers
sumpair(n::Integer) = iseven(n) ? (n+1, n>>1) : (n, (n+1)>>1)

function +(r1::StepRangeLen{T,R}, r2::StepRangeLen{T,R}) where T where R<:TwicePrecision
    len = length(r1)
    (len == length(r2) ||
        throw(DimensionMismatch("argument dimensions must match")))
    if r1.offset == r2.offset
        imid = r1.offset
        ref = r1.ref + r2.ref
        imid = round(typeof(len), (r1.offset+r2.offset)/2)
        ref1mid = _getindex_hiprec(r1, imid)
        ref2mid = _getindex_hiprec(r2, imid)
        ref = ref1mid + ref2mid
    step = twiceprecision(r1.step + r2.step, nbitslen(T, len, imid))
    StepRangeLen{T,typeof(ref),typeof(step),typeof(len)}(ref, step, len, imid)

## LinRange

# For Float16, Float32, and Float64, this returns a StepRangeLen
function range_start_stop_length(start::T, stop::T, len::Integer) where {T<:IEEEFloat}
    len = len + 0 # promote with Int
    len < 2 && return _linspace1(T, start, stop, len)
    if start == stop
        return steprangelen_hp(T, start, zero(T), 0, len, 1)
    # Attempt to find exact rational approximations
    start_n, start_d = rat(start)
    stop_n, stop_d = rat(stop)
    if start_d != 0 && stop_d != 0
        den = lcm_unchecked(start_d, stop_d)
        m = maxintfloat(T, Int)
        if den != 0 && abs(den*start) <= m && abs(den*stop) <= m
            start_n = round(Int, den*start)
            stop_n = round(Int, den*stop)
            if T(start_n/den) == start && T(stop_n/den) == stop
                return _linspace(T, start_n, stop_n, len, den)
    _linspace(start, stop, len)

function _linspace(start::T, stop::T, len::Integer) where {T<:IEEEFloat}
    len = len + 0 # promote with Int
    (isfinite(start) && isfinite(stop)) || throw(ArgumentError("start and stop must be finite, got $start and $stop"))
    # Find the index that returns the smallest-magnitude element
    Δ, Δfac = stop-start, 1
    if !isfinite(Δ)   # handle overflow for large endpoints
        Δ, Δfac = stop/len - start/len, len
    tmin = -(start/Δ)/Δfac            # t such that (1-t)*start + t*stop == 0
    L = typeof(len)
    lenn1 = len - oneunit(L)
    imin = round(L, tmin*lenn1 + 1) # index approximately corresponding to t
    if 1 < imin < len
        # The smallest-magnitude element is in the interior
        t = (imin - 1)/lenn1
        ref = T((1-t)*start + t*stop)
        step = imin-1 < len-imin ? (ref-start)/(imin-1) : (stop-ref)/(len-imin)
    elseif imin <= 1
        imin = oneunit(L)
        ref = start
        step = (Δ/(lenn1))*Δfac
        imin = len
        ref = stop
        step = (Δ/(lenn1))*Δfac
    if len == 2 && !isfinite(step)
        # For very large endpoints where step overflows, exploit the
        # split-representation to handle the overflow
        return steprangelen_hp(T, start, (-start, stop), 0, len, oneunit(L))
    # 2x calculations to get high precision endpoint matching while also
    # preventing overflow in ref_hi+(i-offset)*step_hi
    m, k = prevfloat(floatmax(T)), max(imin-1, len-imin)
    step_hi_pre = clamp(step, max(-(m+ref)/k, (-m+ref)/k), min((m-ref)/k, (m+ref)/k))
    nb = nbitslen(T, len, imin)
    step_hi = truncbits(step_hi_pre, nb)
    x1_hi, x1_lo = add12((1-imin)*step_hi, ref)
    x2_hi, x2_lo = add12((len-imin)*step_hi, ref)
    a, b = (start - x1_hi) - x1_lo, (stop - x2_hi) - x2_lo
    step_lo = (b - a)/(len - 1)
    ref_lo = a - (1 - imin)*step_lo
    steprangelen_hp(T, (ref, ref_lo), (step_hi, step_lo), 0, len, imin)

# range for rational numbers, start = start_n/den, stop = stop_n/den
# Note this returns a StepRangeLen
_linspace(::Type{T}, start::Integer, stop::Integer, len::Integer) where {T<:IEEEFloat} = _linspace(T, start, stop, len, one(start))
function _linspace(::Type{T}, start_n::Integer, stop_n::Integer, len::Integer, den::Integer) where T<:IEEEFloat
    len = len + 0 # promote with Int
    len < 2 && return _linspace1(T, start_n/den, stop_n/den, len)
    L = typeof(len)
    start_n == stop_n && return steprangelen_hp(T, (start_n, den), (zero(start_n), den), 0, len, oneunit(L))
    tmin = -start_n/(Float64(stop_n) - Float64(start_n))
    imin = round(typeof(len), tmin*(len-1)+1)
    imin = clamp(imin, oneunit(L), len)
    W = widen(L)
    start_n = W(start_n)
    stop_n = W(stop_n)
    ref_num = W(len-imin) * start_n + W(imin-1) * stop_n
    ref_denom = W(len-1) * den
    ref = (ref_num, ref_denom)
    step_full = (stop_n - start_n, ref_denom)
    steprangelen_hp(T, ref, step_full, nbitslen(T, len, imin), len, imin)

# For len < 2
function _linspace1(::Type{T}, start, stop, len::Integer) where T<:IEEEFloat
    len >= 0 || throw(ArgumentError("range($start, stop=$stop, length=$len): negative length"))
    if len <= 1
        len == 1 && (start == stop || throw(ArgumentError("range($start, stop=$stop, length=$len): endpoints differ")))
        # Ensure that first(r)==start and last(r)==stop even for len==0
        # The output type must be consistent with steprangelen_hp
        if T<:Union{Float32,Float16}
            return StepRangeLen{T}(Float64(start), Float64(start) - Float64(stop), len, 1)
        else # T == Float64
            return StepRangeLen(TwicePrecision(start, zero(T)), TwicePrecision(start, -stop), len, 1)
    throw(ArgumentError("should only be called for len < 2, got $len"))

### Numeric utilities

# Approximate x with a rational representation as a pair of Int values.
# Guaranteed to return, but not guaranteed to return a precise answer.
function rat(x)
    y = x
    a = d = 1
    b = c = 0
    m = maxintfloat(narrow(typeof(x)), Int)
    while abs(y) <= m
        f = trunc(Int, y)
        y -= f
        a, c = f*a + c, a
        b, d = f*b + d, b
        max(abs(a), abs(b)) <= convert(Int,m) || return c, d
        oftype(x,a)/oftype(x,b) == x && break
        y = inv(y)
    return a, b

# This version of lcm does not check for overflows
lcm_unchecked(a::T, b::T) where T<:Integer = a * div(b, gcd(a, b))

narrow(::Type{T}) where {T<:AbstractFloat} = Float64
narrow(::Type{Float64}) = Float32
narrow(::Type{Float32}) = Float16
narrow(::Type{Float16}) = Float16

function _tp_prod(t::TwicePrecision, x, y...)
    _tp_prod(t * x, y...)
_tp_prod(t::TwicePrecision) = t
<(x::TwicePrecision{T}, y::TwicePrecision{T}) where {T} =
    x.hi < y.hi || ((x.hi == y.hi) & (x.lo < y.lo))

isbetween(a, x, b) = a <= x <= b || b <= x <= a
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