Revision a121721f975fc4105ed24ebd0ad1020d08d07a38 authored by Shuhei Kadowaki on 01 November 2021, 10:49:07 UTC, committed by GitHub on 01 November 2021, 10:49:07 UTC
* inference: form `PartialStruct` for extra type information propagation

This commit forms `PartialStruct` whenever there is any type-level
refinement available about a field, even if it's not "constant" information.

In Julia "definitions" are allowed to be abstract whereas "usages"
(i.e. callsites) are often concrete. The basic idea is to allow inference
to make more use of such precise callsite type information by encoding it
as `PartialStruct`.

This may increase optimization possibilities of "unidiomatic" Julia code,
which may contain poorly-typed definitions, like this very contrived example:
struct Problem
    n; s; c; t

function main(args...)
    prob = Problem(args...)
    s = 0
    for i in 1:prob.n
        m = mod(i, 3)
        s += m == 0 ? sin(prob.s) : m == 1 ? cos(prob.c) : tan(prob.t)
    return prob, s

main(10000, 1, 2, 3)

One of the obvious limitation is that this extra type information can be
propagated inter-procedurally only as a const-propagation.
I'm not sure this kind of "just a type-level" refinement can often make
constant-prop' successful (i.e. shape-up a method body and allow it to
be inlined, encoding the extra type information into the generated code),
thus I didn't not modify any part of const-prop' heuristics.

So the improvements from this change might not be very useful for general
inter-procedural analysis currently, but they should definitely improve the
accuracy of local analysis and very simple inter-procedural analysis.
1 parent 6c274ed
Raw File
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

## printing with color ##

const text_colors = Dict{Union{Symbol,Int},String}(
    :black         => "\033[30m",
    :red           => "\033[31m",
    :green         => "\033[32m",
    :yellow        => "\033[33m",
    :blue          => "\033[34m",
    :magenta       => "\033[35m",
    :cyan          => "\033[36m",
    :white         => "\033[37m",
    :light_black   => "\033[90m", # gray
    :light_red     => "\033[91m",
    :light_green   => "\033[92m",
    :light_yellow  => "\033[93m",
    :light_blue    => "\033[94m",
    :light_magenta => "\033[95m",
    :light_cyan    => "\033[96m",
    :normal        => "\033[0m",
    :default       => "\033[39m",
    :bold          => "\033[1m",
    :underline     => "\033[4m",
    :blink         => "\033[5m",
    :reverse       => "\033[7m",
    :hidden        => "\033[8m",
    :nothing       => "",

for i in 0:255
    text_colors[i] = "\033[38;5;$(i)m"

const disable_text_style = Dict{Symbol,String}(
    :bold      => "\033[22m",
    :underline => "\033[24m",
    :blink     => "\033[25m",
    :reverse   => "\033[27m",
    :hidden    => "\033[28m",
    :normal    => "",
    :default   => "",
    :nothing   => "",

# Create a docstring with an automatically generated list
# of colors.
let color_syms = collect(Iterators.filter(x -> !isa(x, Integer), keys(text_colors))),
    formatting_syms = [:normal, :bold, :default]
    global const available_text_colors = cat(
        sort!(intersect(color_syms, formatting_syms), rev=true),
        sort!(setdiff(  color_syms, formatting_syms));

const available_text_colors_docstring =
    string(join([string("`:", key,"`")
                 for key in available_text_colors], ",\n", ", or \n"))

"""Dictionary of color codes for the terminal.

Available colors are: $available_text_colors_docstring as well as the integers 0 to 255 inclusive.

The color `:default` will print text in the default color while the color `:normal`
will print text with all text properties (like boldness) reset.
Printing with the color `:nothing` will print the string without modifications.

function with_output_color(@nospecialize(f::Function), color::Union{Int, Symbol}, io::IO, args...;
        bold::Bool = false, underline::Bool = false, blink::Bool = false,
        reverse::Bool = false, hidden::Bool = false)
    buf = IOBuffer()
    iscolor = get(io, :color, false)::Bool
    try f(IOContext(buf, io), args...)
        str = String(take!(buf))
        if !iscolor
            print(io, str)
            bold && color === :bold && (color = :nothing)
            underline && color === :underline && (color = :nothing)
            blink && color === :blink && (color = :nothing)
            reverse && color === :reverse && (color = :nothing)
            hidden && color === :hidden && (color = :nothing)
            enable_ansi  = get(text_colors, color, text_colors[:default]) *
                               (bold ? text_colors[:bold] : "") *
                               (underline ? text_colors[:underline] : "") *
                               (blink ? text_colors[:blink] : "") *
                               (reverse ? text_colors[:reverse] : "") *
                               (hidden ? text_colors[:hidden] : "")

            disable_ansi = (hidden ? disable_text_style[:hidden] : "") *
                           (reverse ? disable_text_style[:reverse] : "") *
                           (blink ? disable_text_style[:blink] : "") *
                           (underline ? disable_text_style[:underline] : "") *
                           (bold ? disable_text_style[:bold] : "") *
                               get(disable_text_style, color, text_colors[:default])
            first = true
            for line in eachsplit(str, '\n')
                first || print(buf, '\n')
                first = false
                isempty(line) && continue
                print(buf, enable_ansi, line, disable_ansi)
            print(io, String(take!(buf)))

    printstyled([io], xs...; bold::Bool=false, underline::Bool=false, blink::Bool=false, reverse::Bool=false, hidden::Bool=false, color::Union{Symbol,Int}=:normal)

Print `xs` in a color specified as a symbol or integer, optionally in bold.

Keyword `color` may take any of the values $(Base.available_text_colors_docstring)
or an integer between 0 and 255 inclusive. Note that not all terminals support 256 colors.

Keywords `bold=true`, `underline=true`, `blink=true` are self-explanatory.
Keyword `reverse=true` prints with foreground and background colors exchanged,
and `hidden=true` should be invisibe in the terminal but can still be copied.
These properties can be used in any combination.

See also [`print`](@ref), [`println`](@ref), [`show`](@ref).

!!! compat "Julia 1.7"
    Keywords except `color` and `bold` were added in Julia 1.7.
printstyled(io::IO, msg...; bold::Bool=false, underline::Bool=false, blink::Bool=false, reverse::Bool=false, hidden::Bool=false, color::Union{Int,Symbol}=:normal) =
    with_output_color(print, color, io, msg...; bold=bold, underline=underline, blink=blink, reverse=reverse, hidden=hidden)
printstyled(msg...; bold::Bool=false, underline::Bool=false, blink::Bool=false, reverse::Bool=false, hidden::Bool=false, color::Union{Int,Symbol}=:normal) =
    printstyled(stdout, msg...; bold=bold, underline=underline, blink=blink, reverse=reverse, hidden=hidden, color=color)

    Base.julia_cmd(juliapath=joinpath(Sys.BINDIR::String, julia_exename()))

Return a julia command similar to the one of the running process.
Propagates any of the `--cpu-target`, `--sysimage`, `--compile`, `--sysimage-native-code`,
`--compiled-modules`, `--inline`, `--check-bounds`, `--optimize`, `-g`,
`--code-coverage`, `--track-allocation`, `--color`, `--startup-file`, and `--depwarn`
command line arguments that are not at their default values.

Among others, `--math-mode`, `--warn-overwrite`, and `--trace-compile` are notably not propagated currently.

!!! compat "Julia 1.1"
    Only the `--cpu-target`, `--sysimage`, `--depwarn`, `--compile` and `--check-bounds` flags were propagated before Julia 1.1.

!!! compat "Julia 1.5"
    The flags `--color` and `--startup-file` were added in Julia 1.5.
function julia_cmd(julia=joinpath(Sys.BINDIR::String, julia_exename()))
    opts = JLOptions()
    cpu_target = unsafe_string(opts.cpu_target)
    image_file = unsafe_string(opts.image_file)
    addflags = String[]
    let compile = if opts.compile_enabled == 0
                  elseif opts.compile_enabled == 2
                  elseif opts.compile_enabled == 3
                      "" # default = "yes"
        isempty(compile) || push!(addflags, "--compile=$compile")
    let depwarn = if opts.depwarn == 1
                  elseif opts.depwarn == 2
                      "" # default = "no"
        isempty(depwarn) || push!(addflags, "--depwarn=$depwarn")
    let check_bounds = if opts.check_bounds == 1
                      "yes" # on
                  elseif opts.check_bounds == 2
                      "no" # off
                      "" # default = "auto"
        isempty(check_bounds) || push!(addflags, "--check-bounds=$check_bounds")
    opts.can_inline == 0 && push!(addflags, "--inline=no")
    opts.use_compiled_modules == 0 && push!(addflags, "--compiled-modules=no")
    opts.opt_level == 2 || push!(addflags, "-O$(opts.opt_level)")
    opts.opt_level_min == 0 || push!(addflags, "--min-optlevel=$(opts.opt_level_min)")
    push!(addflags, "-g$(opts.debug_level)")
    if opts.code_coverage != 0
        # Forward the code-coverage flag only if applicable (if the filename is pid-dependent)
        coverage_file = (opts.output_code_coverage != C_NULL) ?  unsafe_string(opts.output_code_coverage) : ""
        if isempty(coverage_file) || occursin("%p", coverage_file)
            if opts.code_coverage == 1
                push!(addflags, "--code-coverage=user")
            elseif opts.code_coverage == 2
                push!(addflags, "--code-coverage=all")
            isempty(coverage_file) || push!(addflags, "--code-coverage=$coverage_file")
    if opts.malloc_log == 1
        push!(addflags, "--track-allocation=user")
    elseif opts.malloc_log == 2
        push!(addflags, "--track-allocation=all")
    if opts.color == 1
        push!(addflags, "--color=yes")
    elseif opts.color == 2
        push!(addflags, "--color=no")
    if opts.startupfile == 2
        push!(addflags, "--startup-file=no")
    if opts.use_sysimage_native_code == 0
        push!(addflags, "--sysimage-native-code=no")
    return `$julia -C$cpu_target -J$image_file $addflags`

function julia_exename()
    if ccall(:jl_is_debugbuild, Cint, ()) == 0
        return @static Sys.iswindows() ? "julia.exe" : "julia"
        return @static Sys.iswindows() ? "julia-debug.exe" : "julia-debug"


`securezero!` fills the memory associated with an object `o` with zeros.
Unlike `fill!(o,0)` and similar code, which might be optimized away by
the compiler for objects about to be discarded, the `securezero!` function
will always be called.
function securezero! end
@noinline securezero!(a::AbstractArray{<:Number}) = fill!(a, 0)
@noinline unsafe_securezero!(p::Ptr{T}, len::Integer=1) where {T} =
    ccall(:memset, Ptr{T}, (Ptr{T}, Cint, Csize_t), p, 0, len*sizeof(T))
unsafe_securezero!(p::Ptr{Cvoid}, len::Integer=1) = Ptr{Cvoid}(unsafe_securezero!(Ptr{UInt8}(p), len))

    Base.getpass(message::AbstractString) -> Base.SecretBuffer

Display a message and wait for the user to input a secret, returning an `IO`
object containing the secret.

Note that on Windows, the secret might be displayed as it is typed; see
`Base.winprompt` for securely retrieving username/password pairs from a
graphical interface.
function getpass end

if Sys.iswindows()
function getpass(input::TTY, output::IO, prompt::AbstractString)
    input === stdin || throw(ArgumentError("getpass only works for stdin"))
    print(output, prompt, ": ")
    s = SecretBuffer()
    plen = 0
    while true
        c = UInt8(ccall(:_getch, Cint, ()))
        if c == 0xff || c == UInt8('\n') || c == UInt8('\r')
            break # EOF or return
        elseif c == 0x00 || c == 0xe0
            ccall(:_getch, Cint, ()) # ignore function/arrow keys
        elseif c == UInt8('\b') && plen > 0
            plen -= 1 # delete last character on backspace
        elseif !iscntrl(Char(c)) && plen < 128
            write(s, c)
    return seekstart(s)
function getpass(input::TTY, output::IO, prompt::AbstractString)
    (input === stdin && output === stdout) || throw(ArgumentError("getpass only works for stdin"))
    msg = string(prompt, ": ")
    unsafe_SecretBuffer!(ccall(:getpass, Cstring, (Cstring,), msg))

# allow new getpass methods to be defined if stdin has been
# redirected to some custom stream, e.g. in IJulia.
getpass(prompt::AbstractString) = getpass(stdin, stdout, prompt)

    prompt(message; default="") -> Union{String, Nothing}

Displays the `message` then waits for user input. Input is terminated when a newline (\\n)
is encountered or EOF (^D) character is entered on a blank line. If a `default` is provided
then the user can enter just a newline character to select the `default`.

See also `Base.getpass` and `Base.winprompt` for secure entry of passwords.
function prompt(input::IO, output::IO, message::AbstractString; default::AbstractString="")
    msg = !isempty(default) ? "$message [$default]: " : "$message: "
    print(output, msg)
    uinput = readline(input, keep=true)
    isempty(uinput) && return nothing  # Encountered an EOF
    uinput = chomp(uinput)
    isempty(uinput) ? default : uinput

# allow new prompt methods to be defined if stdin has been
# redirected to some custom stream, e.g. in IJulia.
prompt(message::AbstractString; default::AbstractString="") = prompt(stdin, stdout, message, default=default)

# Windows authentication prompt
if Sys.iswindows()
    struct CREDUI_INFO

    const CREDUIWIN_GENERIC                 = 0x0001
    const CREDUIWIN_IN_CRED_ONLY            = 0x0020

    const CRED_PACK_GENERIC_CREDENTIALS     = 0x0004

    const ERROR_SUCCESS                     = 0x0000
    const ERROR_CANCELLED                   = 0x04c7

    function winprompt(message, caption, default_username; prompt_username = true)
        # Step 1: Create an encrypted username/password bundle that will be used to set
        #         the default username (in theory could also provide a default password)
        credbuf = Vector{UInt8}(undef, 1024)
        credbufsize = Ref{UInt32}(sizeof(credbuf))
        succeeded = ccall((:CredPackAuthenticationBufferW, "credui.dll"), stdcall, Bool,
            (UInt32, Cwstring, Cwstring, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt32}),
             CRED_PACK_GENERIC_CREDENTIALS, default_username, "", credbuf, credbufsize)
        if !succeeded
            credbuf = resize!(credbuf, credbufsize[])
            succeeded = ccall((:CredPackAuthenticationBufferW, "credui.dll"), stdcall, Bool,
                (UInt32, Cwstring, Cwstring, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt32}),
                 CRED_PACK_GENERIC_CREDENTIALS, default_username, "", credbuf, credbufsize)
            @assert succeeded

        # Step 2: Create the actual dialog
        #      2.1: Set up the window
        messageArr = Base.cwstring(message)
        captionArr = Base.cwstring(caption)
        pfSave = Ref{Bool}(false)
        cred = Ref{CREDUI_INFO}(CREDUI_INFO(sizeof(CREDUI_INFO), C_NULL, pointer(messageArr), pointer(captionArr), C_NULL))
        if !prompt_username
            # Disable setting anything other than default_username
            dwflags |= CREDUIWIN_IN_CRED_ONLY
        authPackage = Ref{Culong}(0)
        outbuf_data = Ref{Ptr{Cvoid}}(C_NULL)
        outbuf_size = Ref{Culong}(0)

        #      2.2: Do the actual request
        code = ccall((:CredUIPromptForWindowsCredentialsW, "credui.dll"), stdcall, UInt32, (Ptr{CREDUI_INFO}, UInt32, Ptr{Culong},
            Ptr{Cvoid}, Culong, Ptr{Ptr{Cvoid}}, Ptr{Culong}, Ptr{Bool}, UInt32), cred, 0, authPackage, credbuf, credbufsize[],
            outbuf_data, outbuf_size, pfSave, dwflags)

        #      2.3: If that failed for any reason other than the user canceling, error out.
        #           If the user canceled, just return nothing
        code == ERROR_CANCELLED && return nothing
        windowserror(:winprompt, code != ERROR_SUCCESS)

        # Step 3: Convert encrypted credentials back to plain text
        passbuf = Vector{UInt16}(undef, 1024)
        passlen = Ref{UInt32}(length(passbuf))
        usernamebuf = Vector{UInt16}(undef, 1024)
        usernamelen = Ref{UInt32}(length(usernamebuf))
        # Need valid buffers for domain, even though we don't care
        dummybuf = Vector{UInt16}(undef, 1024)
        succeeded = ccall((:CredUnPackAuthenticationBufferW, "credui.dll"), Bool,
            (UInt32, Ptr{Cvoid}, UInt32, Ptr{UInt16}, Ptr{UInt32}, Ptr{UInt16}, Ptr{UInt32}, Ptr{UInt16}, Ptr{UInt32}),
            0, outbuf_data[], outbuf_size[], usernamebuf, usernamelen, dummybuf, Ref{UInt32}(1024), passbuf, passlen)
        windowserror(:winprompt, !succeeded)

        # Step 4: Free the encrypted buffer
        # ccall(:SecureZeroMemory, Ptr{Cvoid}, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Csize_t), outbuf_data[], outbuf_size[]) - not an actual function
        unsafe_securezero!(outbuf_data[], outbuf_size[])
        ccall((:CoTaskMemFree, "ole32.dll"), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},), outbuf_data[])

        # Done.
        passbuf_ = passbuf[1:passlen[]-1]
        result = (String(transcode(UInt8, usernamebuf[1:usernamelen[]-1])),
                  SecretBuffer!(transcode(UInt8, passbuf_)))

        return result


unsafe_crc32c(a, n, crc) = ccall(:jl_crc32c, UInt32, (UInt32, Ptr{UInt8}, Csize_t), crc, a, n)

_crc32c(a::NTuple{<:Any, UInt8}, crc::UInt32=0x00000000) =
    unsafe_crc32c(Ref(a), length(a) % Csize_t, crc)
_crc32c(a::Union{Array{UInt8},FastContiguousSubArray{UInt8,N,<:Array{UInt8}} where N}, crc::UInt32=0x00000000) =
    unsafe_crc32c(a, length(a) % Csize_t, crc)

_crc32c(s::String, crc::UInt32=0x00000000) = unsafe_crc32c(s, sizeof(s) % Csize_t, crc)

function _crc32c(io::IO, nb::Integer, crc::UInt32=0x00000000)
    nb < 0 && throw(ArgumentError("number of bytes to checksum must be ≥ 0, got $nb"))
    # use block size 24576=8192*3, since that is the threshold for
    # 3-way parallel SIMD code in the underlying jl_crc32c C function.
    buf = Vector{UInt8}(undef, min(nb, 24576))
    while !eof(io) && nb > 24576
        n = readbytes!(io, buf)
        crc = unsafe_crc32c(buf, n, crc)
        nb -= n
    return unsafe_crc32c(buf, readbytes!(io, buf, min(nb, length(buf))), crc)
_crc32c(io::IO, crc::UInt32=0x00000000) = _crc32c(io, typemax(Int64), crc)
_crc32c(io::IOStream, crc::UInt32=0x00000000) = _crc32c(io, filesize(io)-position(io), crc)
_crc32c(uuid::UUID, crc::UInt32=0x00000000) =
    ccall(:jl_crc32c, UInt32, (UInt32, Ref{UInt128}, Csize_t), crc, uuid.value, 16)
_crc32c(x::UInt64, crc::UInt32=0x00000000) =
    ccall(:jl_crc32c, UInt32, (UInt32, Ref{UInt64}, Csize_t), crc, x, 8)

    @kwdef typedef

This is a helper macro that automatically defines a keyword-based constructor for the type
declared in the expression `typedef`, which must be a `struct` or `mutable struct`
expression. The default argument is supplied by declaring fields of the form `field::T =
default` or `field = default`. If no default is provided then the keyword argument becomes
a required keyword argument in the resulting type constructor.

Inner constructors can still be defined, but at least one should accept arguments in the
same form as the default inner constructor (i.e. one positional argument per field) in
order to function correctly with the keyword outer constructor.

!!! compat "Julia 1.1"
    `Base.@kwdef` for parametric structs, and structs with supertypes
    requires at least Julia 1.1.

# Examples
julia> Base.@kwdef struct Foo
           a::Int = 1         # specified default
           b::String          # required keyword

julia> Foo(b="hi")
Foo(1, "hi")

julia> Foo()
ERROR: UndefKeywordError: keyword argument b not assigned
macro kwdef(expr)
    expr = macroexpand(__module__, expr) # to expand @static
    expr isa Expr && expr.head === :struct || error("Invalid usage of @kwdef")
    expr = expr::Expr
    T = expr.args[2]
    if T isa Expr && T.head === :<:
        T = T.args[1]

    params_ex = Expr(:parameters)
    call_args = Any[]

    _kwdef!(expr.args[3], params_ex.args, call_args)
    # Only define a constructor if the type has fields, otherwise we'll get a stack
    # overflow on construction
    if !isempty(params_ex.args)
        if T isa Symbol
            kwdefs = :(($(esc(T)))($params_ex) = ($(esc(T)))($(call_args...)))
        elseif T isa Expr && T.head === :curly
            T = T::Expr
            # if T == S{A<:AA,B<:BB}, define two methods
            #   S(...) = ...
            #   S{A,B}(...) where {A<:AA,B<:BB} = ...
            S = T.args[1]
            P = T.args[2:end]
            Q = Any[U isa Expr && U.head === :<: ? U.args[1] : U for U in P]
            SQ = :($S{$(Q...)})
            kwdefs = quote
                ($(esc(S)))($params_ex) =($(esc(S)))($(call_args...))
                ($(esc(SQ)))($params_ex) where {$(esc.(P)...)} =
            error("Invalid usage of @kwdef")
        kwdefs = nothing

# @kwdef helper function
# mutates arguments inplace
function _kwdef!(blk, params_args, call_args)
    for i in eachindex(blk.args)
        ei = blk.args[i]
        if ei isa Symbol
            #  var
            push!(params_args, ei)
            push!(call_args, ei)
        elseif ei isa Expr
            if ei.head === :(=)
                lhs = ei.args[1]
                if lhs isa Symbol
                    #  var = defexpr
                    var = lhs
                elseif lhs isa Expr && lhs.head === :(::) && lhs.args[1] isa Symbol
                    #  var::T = defexpr
                    var = lhs.args[1]
                    # something else, e.g. inline inner constructor
                    #   F(...) = ...
                defexpr = ei.args[2]  # defexpr
                push!(params_args, Expr(:kw, var, esc(defexpr)))
                push!(call_args, var)
                blk.args[i] = lhs
            elseif ei.head === :(::) && ei.args[1] isa Symbol
                # var::Typ
                var = ei.args[1]
                push!(params_args, var)
                push!(call_args, var)
            elseif ei.head === :block
                # can arise with use of @static inside type decl
                _kwdef!(ei, params_args, call_args)

# testing

    Base.runtests(tests=["all"]; ncores=ceil(Int, Sys.CPU_THREADS / 2),
                  exit_on_error=false, revise=false, [seed])

Run the Julia unit tests listed in `tests`, which can be either a string or an array of
strings, using `ncores` processors. If `exit_on_error` is `false`, when one test
fails, all remaining tests in other files will still be run; they are otherwise discarded,
when `exit_on_error == true`.
If `revise` is `true`, the `Revise` package is used to load any modifications to `Base` or
to the standard libraries before running the tests.
If a seed is provided via the keyword argument, it is used to seed the
global RNG in the context where the tests are run; otherwise the seed is chosen randomly.
function runtests(tests = ["all"]; ncores::Int = ceil(Int, Sys.CPU_THREADS::Int / 2),
    if isa(tests,AbstractString)
        tests = split(tests)
    exit_on_error && push!(tests, "--exit-on-error")
    revise && push!(tests, "--revise")
    seed !== nothing && push!(tests, "--seed=0x$(string(seed % UInt128, base=16))") # cast to UInt128 to avoid a minus sign
    ENV2 = copy(ENV)
    ENV2["JULIA_CPU_THREADS"] = "$ncores"
    ENV2["JULIA_DEPOT_PATH"] = mktempdir(; cleanup = true)
        run(setenv(`$(julia_cmd()) $(joinpath(Sys.BINDIR::String,
            Base.DATAROOTDIR, "julia", "test", "runtests.jl")) $tests`, ENV2))
        buf = PipeBuffer()
        Base.require(Base, :InteractiveUtils).versioninfo(buf)
        error("A test has failed. Please submit a bug report (\n" *
              "including error messages above and the output of versioninfo():\n$(read(buf, String))")
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