Revision a148f1f16b1aed5e55da85e3741b46f0a6899802 authored by Björn Böttcher on 10 December 2020, 14:50:03 UTC, committed by cran-robot on 10 December 2020, 14:50:03 UTC
1 parent 3026c20
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% Please edit documentation in R/multivariance-functions.R
\title{test for independence}
vec = 1:ncol(x),
alpha = 0.05,
type = "distribution_free",
verbose = TRUE,
\item{x}{either a data matrix or a list of doubly centered distance matrices}
\item{vec}{if x is a matrix, then this indicates which columns are treated together as one sample; if x is a list, these are the indexes for which the multivariance is calculated. The default is all columns and all indexes, respectively.}
\item{alpha}{significance level}
\item{type}{one of \code{"pearson_approx","distribution_free","resample"}}
\item{verbose}{logical, if TRUE meaningful text output is generated.}
\item{...}{these are passed to \code{\link{cdms}} (which is only invoked if \code{x} is a matrix)}
Returns \code{TRUE} if the hypothesis of independence is NOT rejected, otherwise \code{FALSE}.
Depreciated. Use \code{\link{multivariance.test}} instead. It provides all options and returns test result in a standard R format.
This computes a test of independence for the columns of a sample matrix (required for the resampling test) or for given doubly centered distance matrices (only possible for the distribution-free test).
The \code{"pearson_approx"} and \code{"resample"} are approximately sharp. The latter is based on a resampling approach and thus much slower. The \code{"distribution_free"} test might be very conservative.
The doubly centered distance matrices can be prepared by \code{\link{cdms}}. But note that for the test based on Pearson's approximation and for the resampling test, the data matrix has to be given.
independence.test(coins(100)) #dependent sample which is 2-independent
independence.test(coins(100),type = "resample") #dependent sample which is 2-independent
independence.test(coins(100)[,2:3]) # independent sample
independence.test(coins(100)[,2:3],type = "resample") # independent sample
independence.test(coins(10),type = "resample") #dependent sample which is 2-independent
independence.test(coins(10)[,2:3],type = "resample") #dependent sample which is 2-independent
For the theoretic background see the references given on the main help page of this package: \link{multivariance-package}.
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