Revision a148f1f16b1aed5e55da85e3741b46f0a6899802 authored by Björn Böttcher on 10 December 2020, 14:50:03 UTC, committed by cran-robot on 10 December 2020, 14:50:03 UTC
1 parent 3026c20
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% Please edit documentation in R/multivariance-functions.R
\title{resamples doubly centered distance matrices}
sample.cdms(list.cdm, replace = FALSE, incl.first = FALSE)
\item{list.cdm}{a list of doubly centered distance matrices}
\item{replace}{boolean, sampling with or without replacement}
\item{incl.first}{boolean, if \code{TRUE} also the first component is resampled}
Returns a list of doubly centered distance matrices, each matrix corresponds to the resampled columns of the corresponding sample, using resampling with replacement (bootstrap) or without replacement (permutations).
resamples doubly centered distance matrices
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