Revision a311f4d8327a5051b11a6bcd1c44ed931d4ab261 authored by Jacob Quinn on 20 October 2022, 02:44:43 UTC, committed by GitHub on 20 October 2022, 02:44:43 UTC
As reported [here](

My guess on the original issue reported is that, for some reason, the host where the tests are run
is unable to listen on any ports, so we end up cycling through the entire UInt16 range (the test
starts at port 11011), but when we fail on port 65535, we do `addr.port + 1` and instead of wrapping
around as I believe this function intends to happen (as noted by the `addr.port == default_port` check
before we error), it gets promoted to `Int(65536)` which then throws an (unexpected) error in the `InetAddr`

I'm not quite sure how to test this exactly though, because we'd need to simulate not being able
to listen on any ports? If anyone has any ideas, I'm all ears.
1 parent 0d52506
Raw File
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

@test Base.Cartesian.exprresolve(:(1 + 3)) == 4
ex = Base.Cartesian.exprresolve(:(if 5 > 4; :x; else :y; end))
@test ex.args[2] == QuoteNode(:x)

@test Base.Cartesian.lreplace!("val_col", Base.Cartesian.LReplace{String}(:col, "col", 1)) == "val_1"
@test Base.setindex(CartesianIndex(1,5,4),3,2) == CartesianIndex(1, 3, 4)

@testset "CartesianIndices constructions" begin
    @testset "AbstractUnitRange" begin
        for oinds in [
            (2, 3),
            (UInt8(2), 3),
            (2, UInt8(3)),
            (2, 1:3),
            (Base.OneTo(2), 1:3)
            R = CartesianIndices(oinds)
            @test size(R) == (2, 3)
            @test axes(R) == (Base.OneTo(2), Base.OneTo(3))
            @test step.(R.indices) == (1, 1)
            @test step(R) == CartesianIndex(1, 1)

            @test R[begin] == CartesianIndex(1, 1)
            @test R[2] == CartesianIndex(2, 1)
            @test R[1, 2] == CartesianIndex(1, 2)
            @test R[end] == CartesianIndex(2, 3)
        @test CartesianIndices((2, 3)) == CartesianIndex(1, 1):CartesianIndex(2, 3)

        R = CartesianIndices((0:5, 0:5))
        @test R[begin] == R[1] == first(R) == CartesianIndex(0, 0)
        @test R[2, 1] == R[2] == CartesianIndex(1, 0)
        @test R[1, 2] == R[7] == CartesianIndex(0, 1)
        @test R[end] == R[length(R)] == last(R) == CartesianIndex(5, 5)

        for oinds in [(2, ), (2, 3), (2, 3, 4)]
            R = CartesianIndices(oinds)
            @test eltype(R) == CartesianIndex{length(oinds)}
            @test ndims(R) == length(oinds)
            @test size(R) == oinds

        # generic iterators doesn't have axes interface
        iter = Iterators.repeated([1 2], 4)
        @test_throws MethodError CartesianIndices(iter)

    @testset "Step Range" begin
        for oinds in [
            (2, 1:2:6),
            (Base.OneTo(2), 1:2:6),
            (UInt8(2), 1:2:6),
            (2, UInt8(1):UInt8(2):UInt8(6))
            R = CartesianIndices(oinds)
            @test size(R) == (2, 3)
            @test axes(R) == (Base.OneTo(2), Base.OneTo(3))
            @test step.(R.indices) == (1, 2)
            @test step(R) == CartesianIndex(1, 2)

            @test R[begin] == CartesianIndex(1, 1)
            @test R[2] == CartesianIndex(2, 1)
            @test R[1, 2] == CartesianIndex(1, 3)
            @test R[end] == CartesianIndex(2, 5)

        @test CartesianIndices((1:2:5, 1:3:7)) == CartesianIndex(1, 1):CartesianIndex(2,3):CartesianIndex(5,7)

        R = CartesianIndex(0, 0):CartesianIndex(2, 3):CartesianIndex(5, 7)
        @test R[begin] == R[1] == first(R) == CartesianIndex(0, 0)
        @test R[2, 1] == R[2] == CartesianIndex(2, 0)
        @test R[1, 2] == R[4] == CartesianIndex(0, 3)
        @test R[end] == R[length(R)] == last(R) == CartesianIndex(4, 6)

        for oinds in [(1:2:5, ), (1:2:5, 1:3:7), (1:2:5, 1:3:7, 1:4:11)]
            R = CartesianIndices(oinds)
            @test eltype(R) == CartesianIndex{length(oinds)}
            @test ndims(R) == length(oinds)
            @test size(R) == length.(oinds)

        R = CartesianIndices((1:2:5, 7:-3:1))
        @test R == CartesianIndex(1, 7):CartesianIndex(2,-3):CartesianIndex(5, 1)
        @test step.(R.indices) == (2, -3)
        @test R[begin] == R[1] == first(R) == CartesianIndex(1, 7)
        @test R[2, 1] == R[2] == CartesianIndex(3, 7)
        @test R[1, 2] == R[4] == CartesianIndex(1, 4)
        @test R[end] == R[length(R)] == last(R) == CartesianIndex(5, 1)

    @testset "IdentityUnitRange" begin
        function _collect(A)
            rst = eltype(A)[]
            for i in A
                push!(rst, i)
        function _simd_collect(A)
            rst = eltype(A)[]
            @simd for i in A
                push!(rst, i)

        for oinds in [
            (Base.IdentityUnitRange(0:1), Base.IdentityUnitRange(0:2)),
            (Base.IdentityUnitRange(0:1), Base.OneTo(3)),
            R = CartesianIndices(oinds)
            @test axes(R) === oinds
            @test _collect(R) == _simd_collect(R) == vec(collect(R))
        R = CartesianIndices((Base.IdentityUnitRange(0:1), 0:1))
        @test axes(R) == (Base.IdentityUnitRange(0:1), Base.OneTo(2))


    for oinds in [(2, 3), (0:1, 0:2), (0:1:1, 0:1:2), (Base.IdentityUnitRange(0:1), Base.IdentityUnitRange(0:2)) ]
        R = CartesianIndices(oinds)
        @test vec(LinearIndices(R)) == 1:6
    # TODO: non-1 steps are not supported yet, but may change in the future
    @test_throws ArgumentError LinearIndices(CartesianIndices((1:2:5, )))
    @test_throws ArgumentError LinearIndices(CartesianIndices((1:1:5, 1:2:5)))

module TestOffsetArray
    isdefined(Main, :OffsetArrays) || @eval Main include("testhelpers/OffsetArrays.jl")
    using .Main.OffsetArrays
    using Test

    A = OffsetArray(rand(2, 3), -1, -1)
    R = CartesianIndices(A)
    @test R == CartesianIndices((0:1, 0:2))
    @test axes(R) == (0:1, 0:2)
    for i in eachindex(A)
        @test A[i] == A[R[i]]
    for i in R
        @test A[i] == A[Tuple(i)...]

@testset "CartesianIndices getindex" begin
    @testset "0D array" begin
        a = zeros()
        c = CartesianIndices(a)
        @test a[c] == a
        @test c[c] === c
        @test c[] == CartesianIndex()

    @testset "AbstractUnitRange" begin
        for oinds in [(2, ), (2, 3), (2, 3, 4)]
            A = rand(1:10, oinds)
            R = CartesianIndices(A)
            @test R == CartesianIndices(oinds)

            @test A[R] == A
            @test axes(A) == axes(R)
            @test all(i->A[i]==A[R[i]], eachindex(A))
            @test all(i->A[i]==A[R[i]], R)
            @test all(i->A[i]==A[R[i]], collect(R))
            @test all(i->i in R, collect(R))

            # Indexing a CartesianIndices with another CartesianIndices having the same ndims
            # forwards the indexing to the component ranges and retains the wrapper
            @test R[R] === R

            R_array = collect(R)

            all_onetoone = ntuple(x -> 1:1, Val(ndims(R)))
            R2 = R[all_onetoone...]
            @test R2 isa CartesianIndices{ndims(R)}

            all_one = ntuple(x -> 1, Val(ndims(R)))
            @test R2[all_one...] == R_array[all_one...]

            @test R2 == R_array[all_onetoone...]

            R3 = R[ntuple(x -> Colon(), Val(ndims(R)))...]
            @test R3 === R

            # test a mix of Colons and ranges
            # up to two leading axes are colons, while the rest are UnitRanges
            indstrailing = (1:1 for _ in min(ndims(R), 2)+1:ndims(R))
            R4 = R[(Colon() for _ in 1:min(ndims(R), 2))..., indstrailing...]
            @test R4 isa CartesianIndices{ndims(R)}
            indsleading = CartesianIndices(axes(A)[1:min(ndims(A), 2)])
            for I in indsleading
                @test R4[I, indstrailing...] == R_array[I, indstrailing...]

    @testset "StepRange" begin
        for oinds in [(1:2:5, ), (1:2:5, 1:3:7), (1:2:5, 1:3:7, 1:4:11)]
            A = rand(1:10, last.(oinds))
            R = CartesianIndices(A)

            SR = CartesianIndex(first.(oinds)):CartesianIndex(step.(oinds)):CartesianIndex(last.(oinds))
            @test A[oinds...] == A[SR]
            @test A[SR] == A[R[SR]]

            # TODO: A[SR] == A[Linearindices(SR)] should hold for StepRange CartesianIndices
            @test_broken A[SR] == A[LinearIndices(SR)]

            # Create a CartesianIndices with StepRange indices to test indexing into it
            R = CartesianIndices(oinds)
            R_array = collect(R)

            all_onetoone = ntuple(x -> 1:1, Val(ndims(R)))
            R2 = R[all_onetoone...]
            @test R2 isa CartesianIndices{ndims(R)}

            all_one = ntuple(x -> 1, Val(ndims(R)))
            @test R2[all_one...] == R_array[all_one...]
            @test R2 == R_array[all_onetoone...]

            R3 = R[ntuple(x -> Colon(), Val(ndims(R)))...]
            @test R3 === R

            # test a mix of Colons and ranges
            # up to two leading axes are colons, while the rest are UnitRanges
            indstrailing = (1:1 for _ in min(ndims(R), 2)+1:ndims(R))
            R4 = R[(Colon() for _ in 1:min(ndims(R), 2))..., indstrailing...]
            @test R4 isa CartesianIndices{ndims(R)}
            indsleading = CartesianIndices(axes(R)[1:min(ndims(R), 2)])
            for I in indsleading
                @test R4[I, indstrailing...] == R_array[I, indstrailing...]

        # CartesianIndices whole indices have a unit step may be their own axes
        for oinds in [(1:1:4, ), (1:1:4, 1:1:5), (1:1:4, 1:1:5, 1:1:3)]
            R = CartesianIndices(oinds)
            @test R[R] === R
            # test a mix of UnitRanges and StepRanges
            R = CartesianIndices((oinds..., 1:3))
            @test R[R] === R
            R = CartesianIndices((1:3, oinds...))
            @test R[R] === R

    @testset "logical indexing of CartesianIndices with ranges" begin
        c = CartesianIndices((1:0, 1:2))
        c2 = c[true:false, 1:2]
        @test c2 == c

        for (inds, r) in Any[(1:2, false:true), (1:2, false:true:true),
            (1:2:3, false:true), (1:2:3, false:true:true)]

            c = CartesianIndices((inds, 1:2))
            c2 = c[r, 1:2]
            @test c2 isa CartesianIndices{ndims(c)}
            @test c2[1, :] == c[2, :]

        for (inds, r) in Any[(1:1, true:true), (1:1, true:true:true),
            (1:1:1, true:true), (1:1:1, true:true:true)]

            c = CartesianIndices((inds, 1:2))
            c2 = c[r, 1:2]
            @test c2 isa CartesianIndices{ndims(c)}
            @test c2[1, :] == c[1, :]

        for (inds, r) in Any[(1:1, false:false), (1:1, false:true:false),
            (1:1:1, false:false), (1:1:1, false:true:false)]

            c = CartesianIndices((inds, 1:2))
            c2 = c[r, 1:2]
            @test c2 isa CartesianIndices{ndims(c)}
            @test size(c2, 1) == 0

@testset "range interface" begin
    for (I, i, i_next) in [
        (CartesianIndices((1:2:5, )), CartesianIndex(2, ), CartesianIndex(4, )),
        (1:2:5, 2, 4),
        # consistent with ranges behavior
        @test !(i in I)
        @test iterate(I, i) == (i_next, i_next)

    # check iteration behavior on boundary
    R = CartesianIndex(1, 1):CartesianIndex(2, 3):CartesianIndex(4, 5)
    @test R.indices == (1:2:3, 1:3:4)
    i = CartesianIndex(4, 1)
    i_next = CartesianIndex(1, 4)
    @test !(i in R) && iterate(R, i) == (i_next, i_next)

    for R in [
        CartesianIndices((1:-1:-1, 1:2:5)),
        CartesianIndices((2, 3)),
        CartesianIndex(1, 2) .- CartesianIndices((1:-1:-1, 1:2:5)),
        CartesianIndex(1, 2) .- CartesianIndices((2, 3)),
        Rc = collect(R)
        @test all(map(==, R, Rc))

@testset "Cartesian simd/broadcasting" begin
    @testset "AbstractUnitRange" begin
        A = rand(-5:5, 64, 64)
        @test abs.(A) == map(abs, A)

        function test_simd(f, @nospecialize(A); init=zero(eltype(A)))
            val_simd = init
            @simd for i in CartesianIndices(A)
                val_simd = f(val_simd, A[i])

            val_iter = init
            for i in CartesianIndices(A)
                val_iter = f(val_iter, A[i])

            @test val_iter == reduce(f, A, init=init)
            @test val_iter ≈ val_simd

        test_simd(+, A)

    R = CartesianIndex(-1, -1):CartesianIndex(6, 7)
    @test R .+ CartesianIndex(1, 2) == CartesianIndex(0, 1):CartesianIndex(7, 9)
    @test R .- CartesianIndex(1, 2) == CartesianIndex(-2, -3):CartesianIndex(5, 5)
    # 37867: collect is needed
    @test collect(CartesianIndex(1, 2) .- R) == CartesianIndex(2, 3):CartesianIndex(-1, -1):CartesianIndex(-5, -5)

    R = CartesianIndex(-1, -1):CartesianIndex(2, 3):CartesianIndex(6, 7)
    @test R .+ CartesianIndex(2, 2) == CartesianIndex(1, 1):CartesianIndex(2, 3):CartesianIndex(8, 9)
    @test R .- CartesianIndex(2, 2) == CartesianIndex(-3, -3):CartesianIndex(2, 3):CartesianIndex(4, 5)
    # 37867: collect is needed
    @test collect(CartesianIndex(1, 1) .- R) == CartesianIndex(2, 2):CartesianIndex(-2, -3):CartesianIndex(-4, -4)

@testset "Iterators" begin
    @testset "Reverse" begin
        R = CartesianIndices((0:5, 0:5))
        RR = Iterators.Reverse(R)
        rR = reverse(R)
        @test rR == collect(RR)
        @test rR.indices == (5:-1:0, 5:-1:0)

        @test eltype(RR) == CartesianIndex{2}
        @test size(RR) == size(R)
        @test axes(RR) == axes(R)

        @test first(RR) == last(R) == CartesianIndex(5, 5)
        @test last(RR) == first(R) == CartesianIndex(0, 0)
        RRR = collect(Iterators.Reverse(collect(RR)))
        @test R == RRR

    @testset "collect" begin
        for oinds in [(0:5, ), (2:2:7, ), (2:-1:0, ),
                      (0:5, 2:8), (2:2:7, 3:3:10), (2:-1:0, 2:7),]
            R = CartesianIndices(oinds)
            @test collect(R) == R

@testset "set operations" begin
    R1 = CartesianIndices((3, 4, 5))
    R2 = CartesianIndices((-2:2, -3:3, -4:4))
    R = CartesianIndices((2, 3, 4))
    @test intersect(R1, R2) == R

# test conversions for CartesianIndex

@testset "CartesianIndex Conversions" begin
    @test convert(Int, CartesianIndex(42)) === 42
    @test convert(Float64, CartesianIndex(42)) === 42.0
    @test convert(Tuple, CartesianIndex(42, 1)) === (42, 1)

    # can't convert higher-dimensional indices to Int
    @test_throws MethodError convert(Int, CartesianIndex(42, 1))

@testset "CartesianIndices overflow" begin
    @testset "incremental steps" begin
        I = CartesianIndices((1:typemax(Int),))
        i = last(I)
        @test iterate(I, i) === nothing

        I = CartesianIndices((1:2:typemax(Int), ))
        i = CartesianIndex(typemax(Int)-1)
        @test iterate(I, i) === nothing

        I = CartesianIndices((1:(typemax(Int)-1),))
        i = CartesianIndex(typemax(Int))
        @test iterate(I, i) === nothing

        I = CartesianIndices((1:2:typemax(Int)-1, ))
        i = CartesianIndex(typemax(Int)-1)
        @test iterate(I, i) === nothing

        I = CartesianIndices((1:typemax(Int), 1:typemax(Int)))
        i = last(I)
        @test iterate(I, i) === nothing

        I = CartesianIndices((1:2:typemax(Int), 1:2:typemax(Int)))
        i = CartesianIndex(typemax(Int)-1, typemax(Int)-1)
        @test iterate(I, i) === nothing

        I = CartesianIndices((1:typemax(Int), 1:typemax(Int)))
        i = CartesianIndex(typemax(Int), 1)
        @test iterate(I, i) === (CartesianIndex(1, 2), CartesianIndex(1,2))

        I = CartesianIndices((1:2:typemax(Int), 1:2:typemax(Int)))
        i = CartesianIndex(typemax(Int)-1, 1)
        @test iterate(I, i) === (CartesianIndex(1, 3), CartesianIndex(1, 3))

        I = CartesianIndices((typemin(Int):(typemin(Int)+3),))
        i = last(I)
        @test iterate(I, i) === nothing

        I = CartesianIndices(((typemin(Int):2:typemin(Int)+3), ))
        i = CartesianIndex(typemin(Int)+2)
        @test iterate(I, i) === nothing

    @testset "decremental steps" begin
        I = Iterators.Reverse(CartesianIndices((typemin(Int):typemin(Int)+10, )))
        i = last(I)
        @test iterate(I, i) === nothing

        I = Iterators.Reverse(CartesianIndices((typemin(Int):2:typemin(Int)+10, )))
        i = last(I)
        @test iterate(I, i) === nothing

        I = Iterators.Reverse(CartesianIndices((typemin(Int):typemin(Int)+10, )))
        i = CartesianIndex(typemin(Int))
        @test iterate(I, i) === nothing

        I = Iterators.Reverse(CartesianIndices((typemin(Int):2:typemin(Int)+10, )))
        i = CartesianIndex(typemin(Int))
        @test iterate(I, i) === nothing

        I = Iterators.Reverse(CartesianIndices((typemin(Int):typemin(Int)+10, typemin(Int):typemin(Int)+10)))
        i = last(I)
        @test iterate(I, i) === nothing

        I = Iterators.Reverse(CartesianIndices((typemin(Int):2:typemin(Int)+10, typemin(Int):2:typemin(Int)+10)))
        i = CartesianIndex(typemin(Int), typemin(Int))
        @test iterate(I, i) === nothing

        I = Iterators.Reverse(CartesianIndices((typemin(Int):typemin(Int)+10, typemin(Int):typemin(Int)+10)))
        i = CartesianIndex(typemin(Int), typemin(Int)+1)
        @test iterate(I, i) === (CartesianIndex(typemin(Int)+10, typemin(Int)), CartesianIndex(typemin(Int)+10, typemin(Int)))

        I = Iterators.Reverse(CartesianIndices((typemin(Int):2:typemin(Int)+10, typemin(Int):2:typemin(Int)+10)))
        i = CartesianIndex(typemin(Int), typemin(Int)+2)
        @test iterate(I, i) === (CartesianIndex(typemin(Int)+10, typemin(Int)), CartesianIndex(typemin(Int)+10, typemin(Int)))

        I = CartesianIndices((typemax(Int):-1:typemax(Int)-10, ))
        i = last(I)
        @test iterate(I, i) === nothing

        I = CartesianIndices((typemax(Int):-2:typemax(Int)-10, ))
        i = last(I)
        @test iterate(I, i) === nothing

@testset "CartesianIndices iteration" begin
    I = CartesianIndices((2:4, 0:1, 1:1, 3:5))
    indices = Vector{eltype(I)}()
    for i in I
        push!(indices, i)
    @test length(I) == length(indices)
    @test vec(I) == indices

    I = Iterators.reverse(I)
    for i in I
        push!(indices, i)
    @test length(I) == length(indices)
    @test vec(collect(I)) == indices

    # test invalid state
    I = CartesianIndices((2:4, 3:5))
    @test iterate(I, CartesianIndex(typemax(Int), 3))[1] == CartesianIndex(2,4)
    @test iterate(I, CartesianIndex(typemax(Int), 4))[1] == CartesianIndex(2,5)
    @test iterate(I, CartesianIndex(typemax(Int), 5))    === nothing

    @test iterate(I, CartesianIndex(3, typemax(Int)))[1] == CartesianIndex(4,typemax(Int))
    @test iterate(I, CartesianIndex(4, typemax(Int)))    === nothing

@testset "CartesianIndices operations" begin
    I = CartesianIndices((1:3, 4:6))
    J = CartesianIndices((2:4, 3:5))

    @test @inferred(intersect(I, J)) == CartesianIndices((2:3, 4:5))

# issue #39705
f39705() = Base.Cartesian.@nany 0 _ -> true
@test f39705() === false

@testset "CartesianIndices with Bool" begin
    @test @inferred(CartesianIndices((true,))) == CartesianIndices((1,))
    @test @inferred(CartesianIndices((false,))) == CartesianIndices((0,))
    @test @inferred(CartesianIndices((true, false))) == CartesianIndices((1, 0))
    @test @inferred(CartesianIndices((false, true))) == CartesianIndices((0, 1))

@testset "CartedianIndex isassigned" begin
    A = rand(2, 3, 3)
    @test isassigned(A, CartesianIndex(1, 2, 3))
    @test !isassigned(A, CartesianIndex(1, 2, 5))
    @test isassigned(A, 1, CartesianIndex(2, 3))
    @test isassigned(A, CartesianIndex(1, 2), 3)
    @test !isassigned(A, CartesianIndex(5, 2), 3)

@testset "`CartedianIndex(x::Union{Integer,CartedianIndex}...)`'s stability" begin
    CI = CartesianIndex
    inds2 = (1, CI(1, 2), 1, CI(1, 2), 1, CI(1, 2), 1)
    @test (@inferred CI(inds2)) == CI(1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1)
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