Revision a311f4d8327a5051b11a6bcd1c44ed931d4ab261 authored by Jacob Quinn on 20 October 2022, 02:44:43 UTC, committed by GitHub on 20 October 2022, 02:44:43 UTC
As reported [here](

My guess on the original issue reported is that, for some reason, the host where the tests are run
is unable to listen on any ports, so we end up cycling through the entire UInt16 range (the test
starts at port 11011), but when we fail on port 65535, we do `addr.port + 1` and instead of wrapping
around as I believe this function intends to happen (as noted by the `addr.port == default_port` check
before we error), it gets promoted to `Int(65536)` which then throws an (unexpected) error in the `InetAddr`

I'm not quite sure how to test this exactly though, because we'd need to simulate not being able
to listen on any ports? If anyone has any ideas, I'm all ears.
1 parent 0d52506
Raw File
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

using Random
isdefined(Main, :OffsetArrays) || @eval Main include("testhelpers/OffsetArrays.jl")
using .Main.OffsetArrays

==ₜ(::Any, ::Any) = false
==ₜ(a::T, b::T) where {T} = isequal(a, b)

# fold(l|r) & mapfold(l|r)
@test foldl(+, Int64[]) === Int64(0) # In reference to issues #7465/#20144 (PR #20160)
@test foldl(+, Int16[]) === Int16(0) # In reference to issues #21536
@test foldl(-, 1:5) == -13
@test foldl(-, 1:5; init=10) == -5

@test Base.mapfoldl(abs2, -, 2:5) == -46
@test Base.mapfoldl(abs2, -, 2:5; init=10) == -44

@test Base.mapfoldl(abs2, /, 2:5) ≈ 1/900
@test Base.mapfoldl(abs2, /, 2:5; init=10) ≈ 1/1440

@test Base.mapfoldl((x)-> x ⊻ true, &, [true false true false false]) == false
@test Base.mapfoldl((x)-> x ⊻ true, &, [true false true false false]; init=true) == false

@test Base.mapfoldl((x)-> x ⊻ true, |, [true false true false false]) == true
@test Base.mapfoldl((x)-> x ⊻ true, |, [true false true false false]; init=false) == true

@test foldr(+, Int64[]) === Int64(0) # In reference to issue #20144 (PR #20160)
@test foldr(+, Int16[]) === Int16(0) # In reference to issues #21536
@test foldr(-, 1:5) == 3
@test foldr(-, 1:5; init=10) == -7
@test foldr(+, [1]) == 1 # Issue #21493

@test Base.mapfoldr(abs2, -, 2:5) == -14
@test Base.mapfoldr(abs2, -, 2:5; init=10) == -4
@test @inferred(mapfoldr(x -> x + 1, (x, y) -> (x, y...), (1, 2.0, '3');
                         init = ())) == (2, 3.0, '4')

@test foldr((x, y) -> ('⟨' * x * '|' * y * '⟩'), "λ 🐨.α") == "⟨λ|⟨ |⟨🐨|⟨.|α⟩⟩⟩⟩" # issue #31780
let x = rand(10)
    @test 0 == @allocated(sum(Iterators.reverse(x)))
    @test 0 == @allocated(foldr(-, x))

# reduce
@test reduce(+, Int64[]) === Int64(0) # In reference to issue #20144 (PR #20160)
@test reduce(+, Int16[]) === Int16(0) # In reference to issues #21536
@test reduce((x,y)->"($x+$y)", 9:11) == "((9+10)+11)"
@test reduce(max, [8 6 7 5 3 0 9]) == 9
@test reduce(+, 1:5; init=1000) == (1000 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5)
@test reduce(+, 1) == 1
@test_throws "reducing with * over an empty collection of element type Union{} is not allowed" reduce(*, ())
@test_throws "reducing with * over an empty collection of element type Union{} is not allowed" reduce(*, Union{}[])

# mapreduce
@test mapreduce(-, +, [-10 -9 -3]) == ((10 + 9) + 3)
@test mapreduce((x)->x[1:3], (x,y)->"($x+$y)", ["abcd", "efgh", "01234"]) == "((abc+efg)+012)"

# mapreduce with multiple iterators
@test mapreduce(*, +, (i for i in 2:3), (i for i in 4:5)) == 23
@test mapreduce(*, +, (i for i in 2:3), (i for i in 4:5); init = 2) == 25
@test mapreduce(*, (x,y)->"($x+$y)", ["a", "b", "c"], ["d", "e", "f"]) == "((ad+be)+cf)"
@test mapreduce(*, (x,y)->"($x+$y)", ["a", "b", "c"], ["d", "e", "f"]; init = "gh") ==

@test mapreduce(*, +, [2, 3], [4, 5]) == 23
@test mapreduce(*, +, [2, 3], [4, 5]; init = 2) == 25
@test mapreduce(*, +, [2, 3], [4, 5]; dims = 1) == [23]
@test mapreduce(*, +, [2, 3], [4, 5]; dims = 1, init = 2) == [25]
@test mapreduce(*, +, [2, 3], [4, 5]; dims = 2) == [8, 15]
@test mapreduce(*, +, [2, 3], [4, 5]; dims = 2, init = 2) == [10, 17]

@test mapreduce(*, +, [2 3; 4 5], [6 7; 8 9]) == 110
@test mapreduce(*, +, [2 3; 4 5], [6 7; 8 9]; init = 2) == 112
@test mapreduce(*, +, [2 3; 4 5], [6 7; 8 9]; dims = 1) == [44 66]
@test mapreduce(*, +, [2 3; 4 5], [6 7; 8 9]; dims = 1, init = 2) == [46 68]
@test mapreduce(*, +, [2 3; 4 5], [6 7; 8 9]; dims = 2) == reshape([33, 77], :, 1)
@test mapreduce(*, +, [2 3; 4 5], [6 7; 8 9]; dims = 2, init = 2) == reshape([35, 79], :, 1)

# mapreduce() for 1- 2- and n-sized blocks (PR #19325)
@test mapreduce(-, +, [-10]) == 10
@test mapreduce(abs2, +, [-9, -3]) == 81 + 9
@test mapreduce(-, +, [-9, -3, -4, 8, -2]) == (9 + 3 + 4 - 8 + 2)
@test mapreduce(-, +, Vector(range(1.0, stop=10000.0, length=10000))) == -50005000.0
# empty mr
@test mapreduce(abs2, +, Float64[]) === 0.0
@test mapreduce(abs2, *, Float64[]) === 1.0
@test mapreduce(abs2, max, Float64[]) === 0.0
@test mapreduce(abs, max, Float64[]) === 0.0
@test_throws ["reducing over an empty collection is not allowed",
              "consider supplying `init`"] mapreduce(abs2, &, Float64[])
@test_throws str -> !occursin("Closest candidates are", str) mapreduce(abs2, &, Float64[])
@test_throws "reducing over an empty collection is not allowed" mapreduce(abs2, |, Float64[])

# mapreduce() type stability
@test typeof(mapreduce(*, +, Int8[10])) ===
      typeof(mapreduce(*, +, Int8[10, 11])) ===
      typeof(mapreduce(*, +, Int8[10, 11, 12, 13]))
@test typeof(mapreduce(*, +, Float32[10.0])) ===
      typeof(mapreduce(*, +, Float32[10, 11])) ===
      typeof(mapreduce(*, +, Float32[10, 11, 12, 13]))
# mapreduce() type stability when f supports empty collections
@test typeof(mapreduce(abs, +, Int8[])) ===
      typeof(mapreduce(abs, +, Int8[10])) ===
      typeof(mapreduce(abs, +, Int8[10, 11])) ===
      typeof(mapreduce(abs, +, Int8[10, 11, 12, 13]))
@test typeof(mapreduce(abs, +, Float32[])) ===
      typeof(mapreduce(abs, +, Float32[10])) ===
      typeof(mapreduce(abs, +, Float32[10, 11])) ===
      typeof(mapreduce(abs, +, Float32[10, 11, 12, 13]))

# sum
@testset "sums promote to at least machine size" begin
    @testset for T in [Int8, Int16, Int32]
        @test sum(T[]) === Int(0)
    @testset for T in [UInt8, UInt16, UInt32]
        @test sum(T[]) === UInt(0)
    @testset for T in [Int, Int64, Int128, UInt, UInt64, UInt128,
                       Float16, Float32, Float64]
        @test sum(T[]) === T(0)
    @test sum(BigInt[]) == big(0) && sum(BigInt[]) isa BigInt

@test sum(Bool[]) === sum(Bool[false]) === sum(Bool[false, false]) === 0
@test sum(Bool[true, false, true]) === 2

@test sum(Int8(3)) === Int(3)
@test sum(3) === 3
@test sum(3.0) === 3.0

@test sum([Int8(3)]) === Int(3)
@test sum([3]) === 3
@test sum([3.0]) === 3.0

z = reshape(1:16, (2,2,2,2))
fz = float(z)
@test sum(z) === 136
@test sum(fz) === 136.0

@test_throws "reducing with add_sum over an empty collection of element type Union{} is not allowed" sum(Union{}[])
@test_throws ["reducing over an empty collection is not allowed",
              "consider supplying `init`"] sum(sin, Int[])
@test sum(sin, 3) == sin(3.0)
@test sum(sin, [3]) == sin(3.0)
a = sum(sin, z)
@test a ≈ sum(sin, fz)
@test a ≈ sum(sin.(fz))

z = [-4, -3, 2, 5]
fz = float(z)
a = randn(32) # need >16 elements to trigger BLAS code path
b = complex.(randn(32), randn(32))

# check variants of summation for type-stability and other issues (#6069)
sum2(itr) = invoke(sum, Tuple{Any}, itr)
plus(x,y) = x + y
sum3(A) = reduce(plus, A)
sum4(itr) = invoke(reduce, Tuple{Function, Any}, plus, itr)
sum5(A) = reduce(plus, A; init=0)
sum6(itr) = invoke(Core.kwcall, Tuple{NamedTuple{(:init,), Tuple{Int}}, typeof(reduce), Function, Any}, (init=0,), reduce, plus, itr)
sum61(itr) = invoke(reduce, Tuple{Function, Any}, init=0, plus, itr)
sum7(A) = mapreduce(x->x, plus, A)
sum8(itr) = invoke(mapreduce, Tuple{Function, Function, Any}, x->x, plus, itr)
sum9(A) = mapreduce(x->x, plus, A; init=0)
sum10(itr) = invoke(Core.kwcall, Tuple{NamedTuple{(:init,),Tuple{Int}}, typeof(mapreduce), Function, Function, Any}, (init=0,), mapreduce, x->x, plus, itr)
sum11(itr) = invoke(mapreduce, Tuple{Function, Function, Any}, init=0, x->x, plus, itr)
for f in (sum2, sum5, sum6, sum61, sum9, sum10, sum11)
    @test sum(z) == f(z)
    @test sum(Int[]) == f(Int[]) == 0
    @test sum(Int[7]) == f(Int[7]) == 7
    @test typeof(f(Int8[])) == typeof(f(Int8[1])) == typeof(f(Int8[1 7]))
for f in (sum3, sum4, sum7, sum8)
    @test sum(z) == f(z)
    @test_throws "reducing over an empty" f(Int[])
    @test sum(Int[7]) == f(Int[7]) == 7
@test typeof(sum(Int8[])) == typeof(sum(Int8[1])) == typeof(sum(Int8[1 7]))

@testset "`sum` of empty collections with `init`" begin
    function noncallable end  # should not be called
    @testset for init in [0, 0.0]
        @test sum([]; init = init) === init
        @test sum((x for x in [123] if false); init = init) === init
        @test sum(noncallable, []; init = init) === init
        @test sum(noncallable, (x for x in [123] if false); init = init) === init
        @test sum(Array{Any,3}(undef, 3, 2, 0); dims = 1, init = init) ==ₜ
              zeros(typeof(init), 1, 2, 0)
        @test sum(noncallable, Array{Any,3}(undef, 3, 2, 0); dims = 1, init = init) ==ₜ
              zeros(typeof(init), 1, 2, 0)

# check sum(abs, ...) for support of empty collections
@testset "sum(abs, [])" begin
    @test @inferred(sum(abs, Float64[])) === 0.0
    @test @inferred(sum(abs, Int[])) === 0
    @test @inferred(sum(abs, Set{Int}())) === 0
    @test_throws MethodError sum(abs, Any[])

# prod

@test prod(Int[]) === 1
@test prod(Int8[]) === Int(1)
@test prod(Float64[]) === 1.0

@test prod([3]) === 3
@test prod([Int8(3)]) === Int(3)
@test prod([UInt8(3)]) === UInt(3)
@test prod([3.0]) === 3.0

@test prod(z) === 120
@test prod(fz) === 120.0

@test prod(1:big(16)) == big(20922789888000)
@test prod(big(typemax(Int64)):big(typemax(Int64))+16) == parse(BigInt,"25300281663413827620486300433089141956148633919452440329174083959168114253708467653081909888307573358090001734956158476311046124934597861626299416732205795533726326734482449215730132757595422510465791525610410023802664753402501982524443370512346073948799084936298007821432734720004795146875180123558814648586972474376192000")

@test typeof(prod(Array(trues(10)))) == Bool

@testset "`prod` of empty collections with `init`" begin
    function noncallable end  # should not be called
    @testset for init in [1, 1.0, ""]
        @test prod([]; init = init) === init
        @test prod((x for x in [123] if false); init = init) === init
        @test prod(noncallable, []; init = init) === init
        @test prod(noncallable, (x for x in [123] if false); init = init) === init
        @test prod(Array{Any,3}(undef, 3, 2, 0); dims = 1, init = init) ==ₜ
              ones(typeof(init), 1, 2, 0)
        @test prod(noncallable, Array{Any,3}(undef, 3, 2, 0); dims = 1, init = init) ==ₜ
              ones(typeof(init), 1, 2, 0)

# check type-stability
prod2(itr) = invoke(prod, Tuple{Any}, itr)
@test prod(Int[]) === prod2(Int[]) === 1
@test prod(Int[7]) === prod2(Int[7]) === 7
@test typeof(prod(Int8[])) == typeof(prod(Int8[1])) == typeof(prod(Int8[1, 7])) == Int
@test typeof(prod2(Int8[])) == typeof(prod2(Int8[1])) == typeof(prod2(Int8[1 7])) == Int

# maximum & minimum & extrema

@test_throws "reducing over an empty" maximum(Int[])
@test_throws "reducing over an empty" minimum(Int[])
@test_throws "reducing over an empty" extrema(Int[])

@test maximum(Int[]; init=-1) == -1
@test minimum(Int[]; init=-1) == -1
@test extrema(Int[]; init=(1, -1)) == (1, -1)

@test maximum(sin, []; init=-1) == -1
@test minimum(sin, []; init=1) == 1
@test extrema(sin, []; init=(1, -1)) == (1, -1)

@test maximum(5) == 5
@test minimum(5) == 5
@test extrema(5) == (5, 5)
@test extrema(abs2, 5) == (25, 25)

let x = [4,3,5,2]
    @test maximum(x) == 5
    @test minimum(x) == 2
    @test extrema(x) == (2, 5)

    @test maximum(abs2, x) == 25
    @test minimum(abs2, x) == 4
    @test extrema(abs2, x) == (4, 25)

@test maximum([-0.,0.]) === 0.0
@test maximum([0.,-0.]) === 0.0
@test maximum([0.,-0.,0.]) === 0.0
@test minimum([-0.,0.]) === -0.0
@test minimum([0.,-0.]) === -0.0
@test minimum([0.,-0.,0.]) === -0.0

@testset "minimum/maximum checks all elements" begin
    for N in [2:20;150;300]
        for i in 1:N
            arr = fill(0., N)
            truth = rand()
            arr[i] = truth
            @test maximum(arr) == truth

            truth = -rand()
            arr[i] = truth
            @test minimum(arr) == truth

            arr[i] = NaN
            @test isnan(maximum(arr))
            @test isnan(minimum(arr))

            arr = zeros(N)
            @test minimum(arr) === 0.0
            @test maximum(arr) === 0.0

            arr[i] = -0.0
            @test minimum(arr) === -0.0
            @test maximum(arr) ===  0.0

            arr = -zeros(N)
            @test minimum(arr) === -0.0
            @test maximum(arr) === -0.0
            arr[i] = 0.0
            @test minimum(arr) === -0.0
            @test maximum(arr) === 0.0

@testset "maximum works on generic order #30320" begin
    for n in [1:20;1500]
        arr = randn(n)
        @test GenericOrder(maximum(arr)) === maximum(map(GenericOrder, arr))
        @test GenericOrder(minimum(arr)) === minimum(map(GenericOrder, arr))
        f = x -> x
        @test GenericOrder(maximum(f,arr)) === maximum(f,map(GenericOrder, arr))
        @test GenericOrder(minimum(f,arr)) === minimum(f,map(GenericOrder, arr))

@testset "maximum no out of bounds access #30462" begin
    arr = fill(-Inf, 128,128)
    @test maximum(arr) == -Inf
    arr = fill(Inf, 128^2)
    @test minimum(arr) == Inf
    for center in [256, 1024, 4096, 128^2]
        for offset in -10:10
            len = center + offset
            x = randn()
            arr = fill(x, len)
            @test maximum(arr) === x
            @test minimum(arr) === x

@test isnan(maximum([NaN]))
@test isnan(minimum([NaN]))
@test isequal(extrema([NaN]), (NaN, NaN))

@test isnan(maximum([NaN, 2.]))
@test isnan(maximum([2., NaN]))
@test isnan(minimum([NaN, 2.]))
@test isnan(minimum([2., NaN]))
@test isequal(extrema([NaN, 2.]), (NaN,NaN))

@test isnan(maximum([NaN, 2., 3.]))
@test isnan(minimum([NaN, 2., 3.]))
@test isequal(extrema([NaN, 2., 3.]), (NaN,NaN))

@test isnan(maximum([4., 3., NaN, 5., 2.]))
@test isnan(minimum([4., 3., NaN, 5., 2.]))
@test isequal(extrema([4., 3., NaN, 5., 2.]), (NaN,NaN))

 # test long arrays
@test isnan(maximum([NaN; 1.:10000.]))
@test isnan(maximum([1.:10000.; NaN]))
@test isnan(minimum([NaN; 1.:10000.]))
@test isnan(minimum([1.:10000.; NaN]))
@test isequal(extrema([1.:10000.; NaN]), (NaN,NaN))
@test isequal(extrema([NaN; 1.:10000.]), (NaN,NaN))

@test maximum(abs2, 3:7) == 49
@test minimum(abs2, 3:7) == 9
@test extrema(abs2, 3:7) == (9, 49)

@test maximum(Int16[1]) === Int16(1)
@test maximum(Vector(Int16(1):Int16(100))) === Int16(100)
@test maximum(Int32[1,2]) === Int32(2)

A = circshift(reshape(1:24,2,3,4), (0,1,1))
@test extrema(A,dims=1) == reshape([(23,24),(19,20),(21,22),(5,6),(1,2),(3,4),(11,12),(7,8),(9,10),(17,18),(13,14),(15,16)],1,3,4)
@test extrema(A,dims=2) == reshape([(19,23),(20,24),(1,5),(2,6),(7,11),(8,12),(13,17),(14,18)],2,1,4)
@test extrema(A,dims=3) == reshape([(5,23),(6,24),(1,19),(2,20),(3,21),(4,22)],2,3,1)
@test extrema(A,dims=(1,2)) == reshape([(19,24),(1,6),(7,12),(13,18)],1,1,4)
@test extrema(A,dims=(1,3)) == reshape([(5,24),(1,20),(3,22)],1,3,1)
@test extrema(A,dims=(2,3)) == reshape([(1,23),(2,24)],2,1,1)
@test extrema(A,dims=(1,2,3)) == reshape([(1,24)],1,1,1)
@test size(extrema(A,dims=1)) == size(maximum(A,dims=1))
@test size(extrema(A,dims=(1,2))) == size(maximum(A,dims=(1,2)))
@test size(extrema(A,dims=(1,2,3))) == size(maximum(A,dims=(1,2,3)))
@test extrema(x->div(x, 2), A, dims=(2,3)) == reshape([(0,11),(1,12)],2,1,1)

@testset "maximum/minimum/extrema with missing values" begin
    for x in (Vector{Union{Int,Missing}}(missing, 10),
              Vector{Union{Int,Missing}}(missing, 257))
        @test maximum(x) === minimum(x) === missing
        @test extrema(x) === (missing, missing)
        fill!(x, 1)
        x[1] = missing
        @test maximum(x) === minimum(x) === missing
        @test extrema(x) === (missing, missing)
    # inputs containing both missing and NaN
    minimum([NaN;zeros(255);missing]) === missing
    maximum([NaN;zeros(255);missing]) === missing

# findmin, findmax, argmin, argmax

@testset "findmin(f, domain)" begin
    @test findmin(-, 1:10) == (-10, 10)
    @test findmin(identity, [1, 2, 3, missing]) === (missing, 4)
    @test findmin(identity, [1, NaN, 3, missing]) === (missing, 4)
    @test findmin(identity, [1, missing, NaN, 3]) === (missing, 2)
    @test findmin(identity, [1, NaN, 3]) === (NaN, 2)
    @test findmin(identity, [1, 3, NaN]) === (NaN, 3)
    @test findmin(cos, 0:π/2:2π) == (-1.0, 3)

@testset "findmax(f, domain)" begin
    @test findmax(-, 1:10) == (-1, 1)
    @test findmax(identity, [1, 2, 3, missing]) === (missing, 4)
    @test findmax(identity, [1, NaN, 3, missing]) === (missing, 4)
    @test findmax(identity, [1, missing, NaN, 3]) === (missing, 2)
    @test findmax(identity, [1, NaN, 3]) === (NaN, 2)
    @test findmax(identity, [1, 3, NaN]) === (NaN, 3)
    @test findmax(cos, 0:π/2:2π) == (1.0, 1)

@testset "argmin(f, domain)" begin
    @test argmin(-, 1:10) == 10
    @test argmin(sum, Iterators.product(1:5, 1:5)) == (1, 1)

@testset "argmax(f, domain)" begin
    @test argmax(-, 1:10) == 1
    @test argmax(sum, Iterators.product(1:5, 1:5)) == (5, 5)

# any & all

@test @inferred any([]) == false
@test @inferred any(Bool[]) == false
@test @inferred any([true]) == true
@test @inferred any([false, false]) == false
@test @inferred any([false, true]) == true
@test @inferred any([true, false]) == true
@test @inferred any([true, true]) == true
@test @inferred any([true, true, true]) == true
@test @inferred any([true, false, true]) == true
@test @inferred any([false, false, false]) == false

@test @inferred all([]) == true
@test @inferred all(Bool[]) == true
@test @inferred all([true]) == true
@test @inferred all([false, false]) == false
@test @inferred all([false, true]) == false
@test @inferred all([true, false]) == false
@test @inferred all([true, true]) == true
@test @inferred all([true, true, true]) == true
@test @inferred all([true, false, true]) == false
@test @inferred all([false, false, false]) == false

@test @inferred any(x->x>0, []) == false
@test @inferred any(x->x>0, Int[]) == false
@test @inferred any(x->x>0, [-3]) == false
@test @inferred any(x->x>0, [4]) == true
@test @inferred any(x->x>0, [-3, 4, 5]) == true

@test @inferred all(x->x>0, []) == true
@test @inferred all(x->x>0, Int[]) == true
@test @inferred all(x->x>0, [-3]) == false
@test @inferred all(x->x>0, [4]) == true
@test @inferred all(x->x>0, [-3, 4, 5]) == false

@test reduce((a, b) -> a .| b, fill(trues(5), 24))  == trues(5)
@test reduce((a, b) -> a .| b, fill(falses(5), 24)) == falses(5)
@test reduce((a, b) -> a .& b, fill(trues(5), 24))  == trues(5)
@test reduce((a, b) -> a .& b, fill(falses(5), 24)) == falses(5)

@test_throws TypeError any(Returns(0), [false])
@test_throws TypeError all(Returns(0), [false])

# short-circuiting any and all

let c = [0, 0], A = 1:1000
    any(x->(c[1]=x; x==10), A)
    all(x->(c[2]=x; x!=10), A)

    @test c == [10,10]

# 19151 - always short circuit
let c = Int[], d = Int[], A = 1:9
    all((push!(c, x); x < 5) for x in A)
    @test c == 1:5

    any((push!(d, x); x > 4) for x in A)
    @test d == 1:5

# any/all with non-boolean collections

let f(x) = x == 1 ? true : x == 2 ? false : 1
    @test any(Any[false,true,false])
    @test @inferred any(map(f, [2,1,2]))
    @test @inferred any([f(x) for x in [2,1,2]])

    @test all(Any[true,true,true])
    @test @inferred all(map(f, [1,1,1]))
    @test @inferred all([f(x) for x in [1,1,1]])

    @test_throws TypeError any([1,true])
    @test_throws TypeError all([true,1])
    @test_throws TypeError any(map(f,[3,1]))
    @test_throws TypeError all(map(f,[1,3]))

# any and all with functors

struct SomeFunctor end
(::SomeFunctor)(x) = true

@test @inferred any(SomeFunctor(), 1:10)
@test @inferred all(SomeFunctor(), 1:10)

# in

@test in(1, Int[]) == false
@test in(1, Int[1]) == true
@test in(1, Int[2]) == false
@test in(0, 1:3) == false
@test in(1, 1:3) == true
@test in(2, 1:3) == true

# occursin

@test occursin("fox", "quick fox") == true
@test occursin("lazy dog", "quick fox") == false

# count

@test count(x->x>0, Int[]) == count(Bool[]) == 0
@test count(x->x>0, -3:5) == count((-3:5) .> 0) == 5
@test count([true, true, false, true]) == count(BitVector([true, true, false, true])) == 3
let x = repeat([false, true, false, true, true, false], 7)
    @test count(x) == 21
    GC.@preserve x (unsafe_store!(Ptr{UInt8}(pointer(x)), 0xfe, 3))
    @test count(x) == 21
@test_throws TypeError count(sqrt, [1])
@test_throws TypeError count([1])
let itr = (x for x in 1:10 if x < 7)
    @test count(iseven, itr) == 3
    @test_throws TypeError count(itr)
    @test_throws TypeError count(sqrt, itr)
@test count(iseven(x) for x in 1:10 if x < 7) == 3
@test count(iseven(x) for x in 1:10 if x < -7) == 0

@test count(!iszero, Int[]) == 0
@test count(!iszero, Int[0]) == 0
@test count(!iszero, Int[1]) == 1
@test count(!iszero, [1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4]) == 4

struct NonFunctionIsZero end
(::NonFunctionIsZero)(x) = iszero(x)
@test count(NonFunctionIsZero(), []) == 0
@test count(NonFunctionIsZero(), [0]) == 1
@test count(NonFunctionIsZero(), [1]) == 0

@test count(Iterators.repeated(true, 3), init=0x04) === 0x07
@test count(!=(2), Iterators.take(1:7, 3), init=Int32(0)) === Int32(2)
@test count(identity, [true, false], init=Int8(5)) === Int8(6)
@test count(!, [true false; false true], dims=:, init=Int16(0)) === Int16(2)
@test isequal(count(identity, [true false; false true], dims=2, init=UInt(4)), reshape(UInt[5, 5], 2, 1))

## cumsum, cummin, cummax

z = rand(10^6)
let es = sum(BigFloat.(z)), es2 = sum(BigFloat.(z[1:10^5]))
    @test (es - sum(z)) < es * 1e-13
    cs = cumsum(z)
    @test (es - cs[end]) < es * 1e-13
    @test (es2 - cs[10^5]) < es2 * 1e-13

@test sum(Vector(map(UInt8,0:255))) == 32640
@test sum(Vector(map(UInt8,254:255))) == 509

A = reshape(map(UInt8, 101:109), (3,3))
@test @inferred(sum(A)) == 945
@test @inferred(sum(view(A, 1:3, 1:3))) == 945

A = reshape(map(UInt8, 1:100), (10,10))
@test @inferred(sum(A)) == 5050
@test @inferred(sum(view(A, 1:10, 1:10))) == 5050

# issue #11618
@test sum([-0.0]) === -0.0
@test sum([-0.0, -0.0]) === -0.0
@test prod([-0.0, -0.0]) === 0.0

# containment
let A = Vector(1:10)
    @test A ∋ 5
    @test A ∌ 11
    @test any(y->y==6,A)

# issue #18695
test18695(r) = sum( t^2 for t in r )
@test @inferred(test18695([1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0])) == 30.0
@test_throws str -> ( occursin("reducing over an empty", str) &&
                      occursin("consider supplying `init`", str) &&
                     !occursin("or defining", str)) test18695(Any[])

# For Core.IntrinsicFunction
@test_throws str -> ( occursin("reducing over an empty", str) &&
                      occursin("consider supplying `init`", str) &&
                     !occursin("or defining", str)) reduce(Base.xor_int, Int[])

# issue #21107
@test foldr(-,2:2) == 2

# test neutral element not picked incorrectly for &, |
@test @inferred(foldl(&, Int[1])) === 1
@test_throws ["reducing over an empty",
              "consider supplying `init`"] foldl(&, Int[])

# prod on Chars
@test prod(Char[]) == ""
@test prod(Char['a']) == "a"
@test prod(Char['a','b']) == "ab"

@testset "optimized reduce(vcat/hcat, A) for arrays" begin
    for args in ([1:2], [[1, 2]], [1:2, 3:4], AbstractVector{Int}[[3, 4, 5], 1:2], AbstractVector[1:2, [3.5, 4.5]],
                 [[1 2], [3 4; 5 6]], [reshape([1, 2], 2, 1), 3:4])
        X = reduce(vcat, args)
        Y = vcat(args...)
        @test X == Y
        @test typeof(X) === typeof(Y)
    for args in ([1:2], [[1, 2]], [1:2, 3:4], AbstractVector{Int}[[3, 4, 5], 1:3], AbstractVector[1:2, [3.5, 4.5]],
                 [[1 2; 3 4], [5 6; 7 8]], [1:2, [5 6; 7 8]], [[5 6; 7 8], [1, 2]])
        X = reduce(hcat, args)
        Y = hcat(args...)
        @test X == Y
        @test typeof(X) === typeof(Y)

# offset axes
i = Base.Slice(-3:3)
x = [j^2 for j in i]
@test sum(x) == sum(x.parent) == 28
i = Base.Slice(0:0)
x = [j+7 for j in i]
@test sum(x) == 7

@testset "initial value handling with flatten" begin
    @test mapfoldl(
        x -> (x, x),
        ((a, b), (c, d)) -> (min(a, c), max(b, d)),
        Iterators.flatten((1:2, 3:4)),
    ) == (1, 4)

# make sure we specialize on mapfoldl(::Type, ...)
@test @inferred(mapfoldl(Int, +, [1, 2, 3]; init=0)) === 6

# issue #39281
@test @inferred(extrema(rand(2), dims=1)) isa Vector{Tuple{Float64,Float64}}

# issue #38627
@testset "overflow in mapreduce" begin
    # at len = 16 and len = 1025 there is a change in codepath
    for len in [1, 15, 16, 1024, 1025, 2048, 2049]
        oa = OffsetArray(repeat([1], len), typemax(Int)-len)
        @test sum(oa) == reduce(+, oa) == len
        @test mapreduce(+, +, oa, oa) == 2len

# issue #45748
@testset "foldl's stability for nested Iterators" begin
    a = Iterators.flatten((1:3, 1:3))
    b = (2i for i in a if i > 0)
    c = Base.Generator(Float64, b)
    d = (sin(i) for i in c if i > 0)
    @test @inferred(sum(d)) == sum(collect(d))
    @test @inferred(extrema(d)) == extrema(collect(d))
    @test @inferred(maximum(c)) == maximum(collect(c))
    @test @inferred(prod(b)) == prod(collect(b))
    @test @inferred(minimum(a)) == minimum(collect(a))
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