Revision a365c55931004630064261aed22e96c1910637a4 authored by Marge Bot on 05 February 2024, 08:58:04 UTC, committed by Marge Bot on 05 February 2024, 08:58:04 UTC
Co-authored-by: pecornilleau <>

Approved-by: Pierrick Couderc <>
Approved-by: Emma Turner <>

See merge request
2 parent s d7cd896 + 9a44cf7
Raw File
open Bls
module FFT = Utils.FFT
module Commitment = Commitment.Single

type public_parameters = {
  max_polynomial_length : int;
  shard_length : int;
  srs_g1 : Srs_g1.t;
  number_of_shards : int;

type preprocess = Domain.t * G1_carray.t array

let preprocess_encoding : preprocess t =
  let open Data_encoding in
  tup2 Domain.encoding (array G1_carray.encoding)

type shard_proof = G1.t

let commit t = Commitment.commit t.srs_g1

let preprocess_equal (d1, a1) (d2, a2) =
  Domain.equal d1 d2 && Array.for_all2 G1_carray.eq a1 a2

(* Notations

   [x]_1 (resp. [x]_2) is a shorthand for x.g where
   - [x] is a scalar element of type [Scalar.t]
   - [g] is a generator of the subgroup [Bls12_381.G1] (resp. [Bls12_381.G2])
   - ( . ) is the elliptic curve scalar multiplication in the subgroup
   [Bls12_381.G1] (resp. [Bls12_381.G2])

   The SRS (Structure Reference String) is defined as:
   ([1]_1, [τ]_1, [τ^2]_1, [τ^3]_1, ..., [τ^{Srs_g1.length t.srs.raw.srs_g1 - 1}]_1)
   where τ is secret.

   e : [Bls12_381.G1] * [Bls12_381.G2] → [Bls12_381.GT] is a pairing
   (bilinear, non-degenerate map such that e(g1, g2) = gT where
   G1=<g1>, G2=<g2>, GT=<gT>).


   This feature is described in the KZG extended paper under section 3.4 as
   batch opening
   on arbitrary points. The paper shows how
   to commit and verify quickly when the points form cosets of a group of
   roots of unity.

   For n dividing [Scalar.order - 1], let w be a primitive n-th root of unity.
   For l dividing n, let z=w^{n/l} be a primitive l-th root of unity and Z=<z>.

   For i=0, ..., n/l - 1, the proof of the evaluations of P(x) at the l points
   w^i Z is the KZG commitment to the quotient of the euclidean division of
   P(x) by the polynomial x^l - w^{i*l} whose only roots are w^i Z.
   In other words, given the euclidean division
   P(x)=(x^l-w^{i*l}) * q_i(x) + r_{i}(x), deg r(x) < l,
   the proof is π_i = [q_i(τ)]_1.
   Opening at one point corresponds to the case l=1 where r_{i}(x)=P(w^i).

   To verify the proof, we gather the alleged evaluations of P(x) at the points
   w^i Z. From these possibly correct evaluations, we can construct an alleged
   remainder r_{i}(x) by computing the inverse DFT on the domain w^i Z, as
   r_{i}(x)=P(x) on this domain, and as r_{i}(x) is determined by its
   evaluations at l distinct points. We then check
   e(c-[r_i(τ)]_1, g_2) ?= e(π, [τ^l]_2 - [w^{i*l}]_2).

   Multiple multi-reveals

   We now wish to reveal not on the domain W=<w>, but on several subdomains:
   the n/l>1 cosets w^i W_0 of l elements each. The committed polynomial P(x)
   has degree k-1 where k corresponds to the dimension of the Reed-Solomon code
   (as a vector subspace of dimension k of F^n). We present the result from, which assumes the size of the domains n
   and of their cosets l to be powers of two for correct FFT sizes.

   Computing the proofs for all such cosets would cost n/l euclidean divisions
   and multi-exponentiations. Even though the euclidean division by
   x^l-w^{i*l} is linear in the degree of the committed polynomial,
   as well as the multi-exponentiation thanks to the Pippenger algorithm
   (See, computing all proofs leads to
   a complexity O(n/l * k). It turns out the proofs for the cosets are related,
   so all proofs can be computed in time O(n/l log (n/l)).

   Again, for i=0, ..., n/l-1, given the euclidean division
   P(x)=(x^l-w^{i*l}) q_i(x) + r_i(x), deg r_i(x) < l, the proofs
   to be computed are π_i ≔ [q_i(τ)]_1.

   We denote d=deg P, m the next power of 2 of (d + 1), and set
   P_m, P_{m-1}, ..., P_{d+1}=0. For our purposes we further assume
   l | m, l < m so that z ≔ w^l a primitive n/l-th root of unity.

   The floor designates here the truncated division, where
   terms x^i for i<0 are dropped:

   q_i(x) = (P(x) - r_i(x)) / (x^l-w^{i*l})
          = floor((P(x)-r_i(x)) / (x^l-w^{i*l}))
          = floor(P(x)/(x^l-w^{i*l})) since deg r_i < l
          = floor(sum_{k=0}^infty P(x)/(x^{(k+1)*l}) w^{k*i*l} (formal power series of 1/(x^l+c))
          = sum_{k=0}^{m/l-1} floor(P(x)/(x^{(k+1)*l})) z^{i*k}.

   q_i(x) = sum_{k=0}^{m/l-1} (P_m x^{m-(k+1)*l} + P_{m-1}x^{m-(k+1)*l-1}
            + ... + P_{(k+1)*l+1}x + P_{(k+1)*l}) z^{ik}.

   If l <= d < 2l, then the powers of z are absent of the quotient:
   q_i(x) = P_l + P_{l+1} x + ... + P_d x^{d-l}.
   In this case, all proofs are equal since their value doesn't depend on [i].

   π_i = [q_i(x)]_1
        = sum_{k=0}^{m/l-1} (P_m[τ^{m-(k+1)*l}] + P_{m-1}[τ^{m-(k+1)*l-1}]
          + ... + P_{(k+1)*l+1}[τ] + P_{(k+1)*l}) z^{i*k}.

   - for 0 <= k <= m/l, h_{k} ≔ sum_{j=k*l}^{m} f_j[τ^{j-k*l}]
   - for m/l < k <= n/l, h_k ≔ 0,
   we obtain π_i = sum_{k=0}^{n/l-1}  h_{k+1} z^{i*k}.

   So by definition π=(π_0, ..., π_{n/l-1}) is the
   EC-DFT_z of the vector (h_1, ..., h_{n/l}) in F^{n/l} ( * ).

   Now, let's address the computation of the coefficients of interest
   h_k for k=1, ..., n/l. To this end, the authors of observe that the computation of the h_k's
   can be decomposed into the computation of the l "offset" sums:

   forall j=0, ...,l-1,
   h_{k,j} = P_{m-j}[τ^{m-k*l-j}] + P_{m-l-j}[τ^{m-(k+1)*l-j}]
   + ... + P_{(m-j) % l + kl}[τ^{(m-j) % l}].

   So the desired coefficients can then be obtained with
   h_k=sum_{j=0}^{l-1} h_{k,j}. This decomposition of the calculation
   allows the l vectors (h_{1,j}, ..., h_{floor((m-j)/l), j})
   for j=0, ..., l-1 to be computed with l Toeplitz matrix-vector multiplications:

   (h_{1,j} h_{2,j} ... h_{floor((m-j)/l) - 1, j} h_{floor((m-j)/l), j})^T
   |P_{m-j} P_{m-l-j} P_{m-2*l-j} ...   P_{(m-j)%l+2*l}  P_{(m-j)%l+l}    |
   |0       P_{m-j}   P_{m-l-j}   ...   P_{(m-j)%l+3*l}  P_{(m-j)%l+2*l}  |
   |0       0         P_{m-j}     ...   P_{(m-j)%l+4*l}  P_{(m-j)%l+3*l}  |
   |.       .         .    .           .                 .                |
   |.       .         .       .        .                 .                |
   |.       .         .          .     .                 .                |
   |0       0         0          ...   P_{m-j}           P_{m-l-j}        |
   |0       0         0          ...   0                 P_{m-j}          |
   (τ^{m-l-j} τ^{m-2*l-j} ... τ^{(m-j)%l+l} τ^{(m-j)%l})^T

   a || b is the concatenation of a and b.

   We can extend this Toeplitz matrix to form a circulant matrix whose columns
   are shifted versions of the vector
   c=P_{m-j} || 0^{floor((m-j)/l)-1} || P_{(m-j)%l+l} ... P_{m-j-l}.
   We can then compute circulant matrix-vector multiplication with the FFT.
   See this presentation from Kyle Kloster, student at Purdue University:

   Given the euclidean divisions m-j = q*l+r, 0 <= r < l for j=0, ...,l-1:
   1. Compute l EC-FFTs over G_1: forall j=0, ...,l-1,
   s_j=EC-FFT_{2m/l}(srs_{m-j-l} srs_{m-j-2*l} srs_{m-j-3*l} ... srs_{m-j-q*l=r} || 0^{2m/l - floor((m-j)/l)}).

   The above calculation can be done once per trusted setup and can thus be cached.

   2. Compute l FFTs over the [Scalar] field: forall j=0, ..., l-1:

   P'_j = FFT_{2m/l}(P_{m-j} || 0^{q+2*padding+1} || P_{r+l} P_{r+2l}
               ... P_{r+(q-1)l=m-j-l} || 0^{2m/l- (2*q+2*padding+1)})
   where [q = floor ((m-j)/l) = quotient] and [padding] is the difference
   between [quotient] and the next power of two of [quotient].

   3. Then compute {h}=(h_k)_{k in ⟦1, n/l⟧} with circulant matrix-vector
   multiplication via FFT:
       h = sum_{j=0}^{l-1} (h_{1,j} ... h_{floor((m-j)/l), j} || 0^{2m/l- floor((m-j)/l)})
         = sum_{j=0}^{l-1}EC-IFFT_{2m/l}(P'_j o_{G_1} s_j)
         = EC-IFFT_{2m/l} (sum_{j=0}^{l-1} (P_j o_{G_1} s_j))
   where o_{G_1} is the pairwise product for vectors with components in G_1.

   4. The first n/l coefficients is the result of the multiplication by the
   Toeplitz vector (with a bit of zero padding starting from the m/l-th coefficient):
   let's call this vector h'. The n/l KZG proofs are given by
   π=EC-FFT_{n/l}(h') following the observation ( * ).

   Complexity of multiple multi-reveals

   For the preprocessing part (step 1), we count l EC-FFTs on G_1, so the asymptotic complexity
   of the step is O(l * (m/l) log (m/l))=O(m log(m/l)).

   For the KZG proofs generation part (steps 2 to 4), we count l FFTs on the scalar field F,
   two EC-FFTs on G_1, and l * 2m/l elliptic curve scalar multiplications in G_1:
   the runtime complexity is O(l * T_{F}(m/l) + T_{G_1}(n/l) + m),
   where T_{F} and T_{G_1} represent the runtime cost of the FFT and EC-FFT.
   Both have the same complexity, even though the latter hides a bigger constant
   (log of scalar size in bits, here log 256) due to the elliptic curve scalar multiplication.

   Let's recall that l is in our application the length of a shard, n is the length of
   the erasure code, α its redundancy factor and m ≈ k is the dimension of the erasure code.
   Calling s the number of shards, we obtain l = n/s = α*k/s.
   The runtime of the precomputation part can be rewritten as O(k * log (s/α)).
   And the computation of the n/l KZG proofs becomes
   O(k * log (s/α) + s * log s).
   This explains why the algorithm is more efficient with bigger erasure code redundancies α,
   especially the precomputation part as it performs EC-FFTs.

   For our purposes the length of a shard s << k, so the bottleneck is the pointwise
   scalar multiplication in G_1. *)

(* Step 1, returns the pair made of the vectors s_j and the [domain] of length
   [2 * m / l = 2 * t.max_polynomial_length / t.shard_size] used for the computation of the s_j. *)
let preprocess_multiple_multi_reveals t =
  (* The length of a coset [t.shard_length] divides the domain length [t.max_polynomial_length].
     This is because [t.shard_length] divides [t.erasure_encoded_polynomial_length], [t.max_polynomial_length] divides [t.erasure_encoded_polynomial_length]
     and [t.max_polynomial_length > t.shard_length] (see why [m > 2l] above, where [m = t.max_polynomial_length] and
     [l = t.shard_length] here). *)
  assert (t.max_polynomial_length mod t.shard_length = 0) ;
  let domain_length = 2 * t.max_polynomial_length / t.shard_length in
  (* TODO
     The length of the discrete Fourier transforms is a power of two,
     though we could relax the constraints to a product of primes dividing
     the order of the group G1 thanks to the Prime Factorization Algorithm
     as we currently do with the FFTs on scalar elements. *)
  assert (domain_length <> 0 && domain_length land (domain_length - 1) = 0) ;
  let domain = domain_length in
  (* Computes
     points = srs_{m-j-l} srs_{m-j-2l} srs_{m-j-3l} ... srs_{m-j-ql=r}
              || 0^{2m/l - floor((m-j)/l)},
     s_j = EC-FFT_{2m/l}(points). *)
  let s_j j =
    (* According to the documentation of [( / )], "x / y is the greatest
       integer less than or equal to the real quotient of x by y". Thus it
       equals [floor (x /. y)]. *)
    let quotient = (t.max_polynomial_length - j) / t.shard_length in
    let points =
      G1_carray.init domain_length (fun i ->
          if i < quotient then
              (t.max_polynomial_length - j - ((i + 1) * t.shard_length))
          else G1.(zero))
    G1_carray.evaluation_ecfft ~domain ~points
  (domain, Array.init t.shard_length s_j)

(* [multiple_multi_reveals t preprocess coefficients] returns the proofs
   for each of the [t.number_of_shards] shards.

   Implements the "Multiple multi-reveals" section above. *)
let multiple_multi_reveals t ~preprocess:(domain, sj) ~coefficients :
    shard_proof array =
  (* [t.max_polynomial_length > l] where [l = t.shard_length]. *)
  assert (t.shard_length < t.max_polynomial_length) ;
  (* Step 2. *)
  let domain_length = Domain.length domain in
  let h_j j =
    let remainder = (t.max_polynomial_length - j) mod t.shard_length in
    let quotient = (t.max_polynomial_length - j) / t.shard_length in
    let padding = Utils.diff_next_power_of_two quotient in
    (* points = P_{m-j} || 0^{q+2*padding+1} || P_{r+l} P_{r+2l}
               ... P_{r+(q-1)l=m-j-l} || 0^{2m/l- (2*q+2*padding+1)}
               where [q = floor ((m-j)/l) = quotient]. *)
    let points =
      Poly.init domain_length (fun i ->
          let idx =
            remainder + ((i - (quotient + (2 * padding))) * t.shard_length)
          if i = 0 then Scalar.copy coefficients.(t.max_polynomial_length - j)
          else if
            i <= quotient + (2 * padding) || idx > t.max_polynomial_length
            (* The second inequality is here in the case
               [t.max_polynomial_length = 2*t.shard_length]
               thus [domain_length = 2*t.max_polynomial_length/t.shard_length=4]
               and [padding=0].
               In this case, either
               [quotient = 2] thus [points = P_{m-j} 0 0 P_{r+l=m-j-l}],
               or [quotient = 1] thus
               [points] = P_{m-j} 0 P_{m-j} 0. *)
          then Scalar.(zero)
          else coefficients.(idx))
    (* FFT of step 2. *)
    Evaluations.evaluation_fft domain points

  (* Pairwise product of step 3. *)
  let evaluations = Array.init t.shard_length h_j in
  let h_j = G1_carray.mul_arrays ~evaluations ~arrays:sj in
  (* Sum of step 3. *)
  let sum = h_j.(0) in
  for i = 1 to t.shard_length - 1 do
    G1_carray.add_arrays_inplace sum h_j.(i)
  done ;

  (* Step 3. Toeplitz matrix-vector multiplication *)
  G1_carray.interpolation_ecfft_inplace ~domain ~points:sum ;

  (* Keep first n / l coefficients *)
  let len = Domain.length domain / 2 in
  let points = G1_carray.sub sum ~off:0 ~len in
  (* Step 4. *)
  let domain = t.number_of_shards in
  G1_carray.(to_array (evaluation_ecfft ~domain ~points))

(* [interpolation_poly root domain evaluations] returns the unique
   polynomial P of degree [< Domains.length domain] verifying
   P(root * domain[i]) = evaluations[i].

   - [(Array.length evaluations = Domains.length domain)] *)
let interpolation_poly ~root ~domain ~evaluations =
  assert (Array.length evaluations = Domain.length domain) ;
  let size = Domain.length domain in
  let evaluations =
    FFT.ifft_inplace domain (Evaluations.of_array (size - 1, evaluations))
  (* Computes root_inverse = 1/root. *)
  let root_inverse = Scalar.inverse_exn root in
  (* Computes evaluations[i] = evaluations[i] * root_inverse^i. *)
       (fun root_pow_inverse coefficient ->
         ( Scalar.mul root_pow_inverse root_inverse,
           Scalar.mul coefficient root_pow_inverse ))

(* [verify t commitment srs_point domain root evaluations proof]
   verifies that P(root * domain.(i)) = evaluations.(i),
   - [P = commit t s] for some slot [s]
   - [l := Array.length evaluations = Domains.length domain]
   - [srs_point = Srs_g2.get t.srs.raw.srs_g2 l]
   - [root = w^i] where [w] is a primitive [erasure_encoded_polynomial_length]-th root of unity for [l] dividing [erasure_encoded_polynomial_length]
   - [domain = (1, z, z^2, ..., z^{l - 1})] where [z = w^{n/l}] is a primitive
   [l]-th root of unity

   Implements the "Multi-reveals" section above. *)
let verify t ~commitment ~srs_point ~domain ~root ~evaluations ~proof =
  let open Bls12_381 in
  (* Compute r_i(x). *)
  let remainder = interpolation_poly ~root ~domain ~evaluations in
  (* Compute [r_i(τ)]_1. *)
  let commitment_remainder = commit t remainder in
  (* Compute [w^{i * l}]. *)
  let root_pow = Scalar.pow root (Z.of_int (Domain.length domain)) in
  (* Compute [τ^l]_2 - [w^{i * l}]_2). *)
  let commit_srs_point_minus_root_pow =
    G2.(add srs_point (negate (mul (copy one) root_pow)))
  (* Compute [r_i(τ)]_1-c. *)
  let diff_commits = G1.(add commitment_remainder (negate commitment)) in
  (* Checks e(c-[r_i(τ)]_1, g_2) ?= e(π, [τ^l]_2 - [w^{i * l}]_2)
     by checking
     [0]_1 ?= -e(c-[r_i(τ)]_1, g_2) + e(π, [τ^l]_2 - [w^{i * l}]_2)
            = e([r_i(τ)]_1-c, g_2) + e(π, [τ^l]_2 - [w^{i * l}]_2). *)
    [(diff_commits, G2.(copy one)); (proof, commit_srs_point_minus_root_pow)]
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