Revision a365c55931004630064261aed22e96c1910637a4 authored by Marge Bot on 05 February 2024, 08:58:04 UTC, committed by Marge Bot on 05 February 2024, 08:58:04 UTC
Co-authored-by: pecornilleau <>

Approved-by: Pierrick Couderc <>
Approved-by: Emma Turner <>

See merge request
2 parent s d7cd896 + 9a44cf7
Raw File
# This Makefile uses ocamlbuild but does not rely on ocamlfind or the Opam
# package manager to build. However, Opam package management is available
# optionally through the check/install/uninstall targets.
# The $(JSLIB) target requires node.js and BuckleScript.
# See for instructions.

# Configuration

NAME =		wasm
UNOPT = 	$(NAME).debug
OPT =   	$(NAME)
LIB =		$(NAME)
ZIP =		$(NAME).zip
JSLIB =		wast.js
WINMAKE =	winmake.bat

DIRS =		util syntax binary text valid runtime exec script host main tests
LIBS =		bigarray
FLAGS = 	-lexflags -ml -cflags '-w +a-4-27-42-44-45 -warn-error +a-3'
OCBA =		ocamlbuild $(FLAGS) $(DIRS:%=-I %)
OCB =		$(OCBA) $(LIBS:%=-libs %)
JS =		# set to JS shell command to run JS tests

# Main targets

.PHONY:		default opt unopt libopt libunopt jslib all land zip smallint

default:	opt
debug:		unopt
opt:		$(OPT)
unopt:		$(UNOPT)
libopt:		_build/$(LIB).cmx _build/$(LIB).cmxa
libunopt:	_build/$(LIB).cmo _build/$(LIB).cma
jslib:		$(JSLIB)
all:		unopt opt libunopt libopt test
land:		$(WINMAKE) all
zip: 		$(ZIP)
smallint:	smallint.native

# Building executable

empty =
space =		$(empty) $(empty)
comma =		,

		echo >$@ "true: bin_annot"
		echo >>$@ "true: debug"
		echo >>$@ "<{$(subst $(space),$(comma),$(DIRS))}/*.cmx>: for-pack($(PACK))"

$(UNOPT):	main.byte
		mv $< $@

$(OPT):		main.native
		mv $< $@

.PHONY:		main.byte main.native
main.byte:	_tags
		$(OCB) -quiet $@

main.native:	_tags
		$(OCB) -quiet $@

.PHONY:		smallint.byte smallint.native
smallint.byte: _tags
		$(OCB) -quiet $@
smallint.native: _tags
		$(OCB) -quiet $@

# Building library

FILES =		$(shell ls $(DIRS:%=%/*) | grep '[.]ml[^.]*$$')
PACK =		$(shell echo `echo $(LIB) | sed 's/^\(.\).*$$/\\1/g' | tr [:lower:] [:upper:]``echo $(LIB) | sed 's/^.\(.*\)$$/\\1/g'`)

$(LIB).mlpack:	$(DIRS)
		ls $(FILES) \
		| sed 's:\(.*/\)\{0,1\}\(.*\)\.[^\.]*:\2:' \
		| grep -v main \
		| sort | uniq \

		echo Wasm >$@

_build/$(LIB).cmo: $(FILES) $(LIB).mlpack _tags Makefile
		$(OCB) -quiet $(LIB).cmo

_build/$(LIB).cmx: $(FILES) $(LIB).mlpack _tags Makefile
		$(OCB) -quiet $(LIB).cmx

_build/$(LIB).cma: $(FILES) $(LIB).mllib _tags Makefile
		$(OCBA) -quiet $(LIB).cma

_build/$(LIB).cmxa: $(FILES) $(LIB).mllib _tags Makefile
		$(OCBA) -quiet $(LIB).cmxa

# Building JavaScript library

		mkdir -p _build/jslib/src
		cp meta/jslib/* _build/jslib
		cp $(DIRS:%=_build/%/*.ml*) meta/jslib/*.ml _build/jslib/src
		rm _build/jslib/src/*.ml[^i]
		(cd _build/jslib; ./ ../../$@)

# Building Windows build file

$(WINMAKE):	clean
		echo rem Auto-generated from Makefile! >$@
		echo set NAME=$(NAME) >>$@
		echo if \'%1\' neq \'\' set NAME=%1 >>$@
		$(OCB) main.byte \
		| grep -v ocamldep \
		| grep -v mkdir \
		| sed s:`which ocaml`:ocaml:g \
		| sed s:main/main.d.byte:%NAME%.exe: \

# Executing test suite

TESTDIR =	../test/core
# Skip _output directory, since that's a tmp directory, and list all other wast files.
TESTFILES =	$(shell cd $(TESTDIR); ls *.wast; ls [a-z]*/*.wast)
TESTS =		$(TESTFILES:%.wast=%)

.PHONY:		test debugtest partest

test:		$(OPT) smallint
		$(TESTDIR)/ --wasm `pwd`/$(OPT) $(if $(JS),--js '$(JS)',)
debugtest:	$(UNOPT) smallint
		$(TESTDIR)/ --wasm `pwd`/$(UNOPT) $(if $(JS),--js '$(JS)',)

test/%:		$(OPT)
		$(TESTDIR)/ --wasm `pwd`/$(OPT) $(if $(JS),--js '$(JS)',) $(TESTDIR)/$*.wast
debugtest/%:	$(UNOPT)
		$(TESTDIR)/ --wasm `pwd`/$(UNOPT) $(if $(JS),--js '$(JS)',) $(TESTDIR)/$*.wast

run/%:		$(OPT)
		./$(OPT) $(TESTDIR)/$*.wast
debug/%:	$(UNOPT)
		./$(UNOPT) $(TESTDIR)/$*.wast

partest: 	$(TESTS:%=quiettest/%)
		@echo All tests passed.

quiettest/%:	$(OPT)
		@ ( \
		  $(TESTDIR)/ 2>$(@F).out --wasm `pwd`/$(OPT) $(if $(JS),--js '$(JS)',) $(TESTDIR)/$*.wast && \
		  rm $(@F).out \
		) || \
		cat $(@F).out || rm $(@F).out || exit 1

smallinttest:	smallint

# Miscellaneous targets

.PHONY:		clean

		git archive --format=zip --prefix=$(NAME)/ -o $@ HEAD

		rm -rf _build/jslib $(LIB).mlpack _tags
		$(OCB) -clean

# Opam support

.PHONY:		check install uninstall

		# Check that we can find all relevant libraries
		# when using ocamlfind
		ocamlfind query $(LIBS)

install:	_build/$(LIB).cmx _build/$(LIB).cmo
		ocamlfind install $(LIB) meta/findlib/META _build/$(LIB).o \
		  $(wildcard _build/$(LIB).cm*) \
		  $(wildcard $(DIRS:%=%/*.mli))

		ocamlfind remove $(LIB)
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