Revision a3d351fb6de40a4726ce169414d81715662c2728 authored by Konrad Werys on 16 November 2018, 12:33:56 UTC, committed by Konrad Werys on 16 November 2018, 12:33:56 UTC
1 parent 02d6226
# Different results from the configurations:
parameter_to_map: T1_SHMOLLI
functions_type: **FunctionsBasic/FunctionsShmolli**
fitting_method: LevMarVnl
max_function_evals: 4000
fTolerance: 1e-12
sign_calc_method: MagPhase
start_point_calc_method: Default
FunctionsBasic: 10s and seemingly correct results
FunctionsShmolli: 2.2s and wrong results
parameter_to_map: T1_SHMOLLI
functions_type: FunctionsShmolli
fitting_method: LevMarVnl
max_function_evals: 4000
fTolerance: 1e-12
sign_calc_method: MagPhase
start_point_calc_method: **Default/StartPointSHMOLLI**
Default: 2.2s and wrong results
StartPointSHMOLLI: 10s and seemingly correct results
# 5 vs 7 samples
5 samples are calculated way slower. Maybe playing with fmax and maxIter would reduce the time?

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