Revision a663bb4ac584973552dece1e05fada238ee3fabf authored by ah744 on 09 July 2016, 22:20:19 UTC, committed by ah744 on 09 July 2016, 22:20:19 UTC
1 parent 4f7fc31
Raw File
// =================
// mpfr::real is a C++ interface to the GNU MPFR library
// version 3.0.0 or later.
// =================
// Copyright 2010,2011,2012 Christian Schneider <software(at)chschneider(dot)eu>
// Version: 0.0.9-alpha
// This file is part of mpfr::real.
// mpfr::real is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, NOT any later
// version.
// mpfr::real is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with mpfr::real.  If not, see <>.

#define MPFR_REAL_HPP 1

// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// inclusion of headers
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

#include <mpfr.h>
#include <cmath>    // for returned values of fpclassify() etc.
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>

// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// default template arguments
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////



// default template arguments for functions are only supported for C++0x
// (the test is not reliable for every compiler! improvements are welcome ...)
#if (__cplusplus > 199711L) || (__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__ == 1)
#endif  // (__cplusplus > 199711L) || (__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__ == 1)

// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// namespace of MPFR functions
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

#ifndef MPFR_NS 
#define MPFR_NS 
#endif  // MPFR_NS 

// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// workaround for VC++
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#endif  // _MSC_VER

namespace mpfr {

  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  // return values for fpclassify() (for VC++)
  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

#ifdef _MSC_VER
  enum {
#endif  // _MSC_VER

}  // namespace mpfr

namespace mpfr {

  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  // type definitions
  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

  typedef mpfr_prec_t real_prec_t;
  typedef mp_exp_t    real_exp_t;
  typedef mpfr_rnd_t  real_rnd_t;

  // exception type

  class exception_real: public std::exception {
      exception_real(const std::string& msg = "exception_real")
        throw(): _msg(msg) {}
      virtual ~exception_real() throw() {}
      // returns cause of error
      virtual const char* what() const throw() { return _msg.c_str(); };
      std::string _msg;

}  // namespace mpfr

namespace mpfr {

  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  // helper functions
  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

  inline int helper_set_stdstr(mpfr_ptr rop,
                               const std::string& op,
                               mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
    const int err = MPFR_NS mpfr_set_str(rop, op.c_str(), 0, rnd);
    if (err == -1)
      throw exception_real(
        std::string("in mpfr::helper_set_stdstr(mpfr_ptr, const std::string&, mpfr_rnd_t):\n  invalid input format ")
        + op);
    return err;

  inline int helper_set_charptr(mpfr_ptr rop,
                                const char* op,
                                mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
    const int err = MPFR_NS mpfr_set_str(rop, op, 0, rnd);
    if (err == -1)
      throw exception_real(
        std::string("in mpfr::helper_set_charptr(mpfr_ptr, const char*, mpfr_rnd_t):\n  invalid input format ")
        + op);
    return err;

  // there might be some room for improvements for the next
  // missing: handling of ios_base::fixed/ios_base::scientific and
  // ios_base::showpoint

  inline std::ostream& helper_ostream(std::ostream& s,
                                      const mpfr_t x,
                                      mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
    real_exp_t exp;
    char* ch = MPFR_NS mpfr_get_str(0, &exp, 10,
                                static_cast<size_t>(s.precision() + 1), x, rnd);
    if (! ch)
      throw exception_real(
        "in std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& s, const real<_prec, _rnd>& r):\n  conversion failed");
    std::string t = ch;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_free_str(ch);

    const std::ios_base::fmtflags flags = s.flags();
    std::string::iterator t_iter = t.begin();

    if (*t_iter == '-')

    // digit?
    if (   *t_iter == '0' || *t_iter == '1' || *t_iter == '2' || *t_iter == '3'
        || *t_iter == '4' || *t_iter == '5' || *t_iter == '6' || *t_iter == '7'
        || *t_iter == '8' || *t_iter == '9') {
      // positive sign
      if ((t_iter == t.begin()) && (flags & std::ios_base::showpos)) {
        t_iter = t.insert(t_iter, '+');

      // decimal point
      t.insert(t_iter, '.');

      // fixing exponent after insertion of decimal point
      // why must life be so difficult? (any suggestions for improvements?)
      if (! MPFR_NS mpfr_zero_p(x)) {
        const real_exp_t exp_prev = exp;
        volatile real_exp_t* exp_ptr = &exp;
        if (*exp_ptr > exp_prev)
          throw exception_real(
            "in std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& s, const real<_prec, _rnd>& r):\n  exponent out of range");

      // composing of the exponent
      if (flags & std::ios_base::uppercase)
        t += 'E';
        t += 'e';
      if (exp >= 0)
        t += '+';
      else {
        t += '-';
        exp = -exp;
      if (exp >= -9 && exp <= 9)
        t += '0';
      std::stringstream temp;
      temp << exp;
      t += temp.str();

    // width and adjustment
    if (s.width() > 0 && static_cast<unsigned int>(s.width()) > t.size()) {
      if (flags & std::ios_base::left)
        t_iter = t.end();
      else if (flags & std::ios_base::internal) {
        t_iter = t.begin();
        if (*t_iter == '+' || *t_iter == '-')
        t_iter = t.begin();
      while (t.size() < static_cast<unsigned int>(s.width()))
        t_iter = t.insert(t_iter, s.fill());

    s << t;

    return s;

  enum {
    MANT_SIGN   = 0x01,  // leading sign
    MANT_DIGIT  = 0x02,  // digits before decimal point
    MANT_POINT  = 0x04,  // decimal point
    MANT_FDIGIT = 0x08,  // digits after decimal point
    EXP_SYMBOL  = 0x10,  // symbol of exponent ('e' or 'E')
    EXP_SIGN    = 0x20,  // sign of exponent
    EXP_DIGIT   = 0x40,  // digits of exponent
    MASK_NINT   = (MANT_POINT | MANT_FDIGIT | MASK_EXP)  // non-integral

  inline bool helper_extract_float(std::istream& s,
                                   std::string& num) {
    bool ok = true;
    unsigned int parts = 0x00;

    char c;
    while (s.get(c) && ok) {
      if (c == '+' || c == '-') {
        // very beginning
        if (parts == 0x00) {
          num += c;
          parts |= MANT_SIGN;
        // has symbol of exponent, but not yet a sign or digit
        else if ((parts & MASK_EXP) == EXP_SYMBOL) {
          num += c;
          parts |= EXP_SIGN;
        // end of number
        else {
      else if (c == '.') {
        // does not yet have a decimal point or anything after it
        if ((parts & MASK_NINT) == 0x00) {
          num += c;
          parts |= MANT_POINT;
        // end of number
        else {
      else if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') {
        // must have a digit && must not yet have an expontential
        if (   (parts & (MANT_DIGIT | MANT_FDIGIT)) != 0x00
            && (parts & MASK_EXP) == 0x00) {
          num += c;
          parts |= EXP_SYMBOL;
        // bad syntax
        else {
          ok = false;
      else if (   c == '0' || c == '1' || c == '2' || c == '3'
               || c == '4' || c == '5' || c == '6' || c == '7'
               || c == '8' || c == '9') {
        // before decimal point
        if ((parts & MASK_NINT) == 0x00) {
          num += c;
          parts |= MANT_DIGIT;
        // after decimal point
        else if ((parts & MASK_EXP) == 0x00) {
          num += c;
          parts |= MANT_FDIGIT;
        // in exponent
        else if ((parts & EXP_SYMBOL) != 0x00) {
          num += c;
          parts |= EXP_DIGIT;
        // some strange error?
        else {
          ok = false;
      // other character => end of parsing
      else {
    }  // while (s.good() && ok)

    // further syntax checks
    // must have a digit, if a character has been parsed
    if (   parts != 0x00
        && (parts & (MANT_DIGIT | MANT_FDIGIT)) == 0x00)
      ok = false;
    // must have a digit in exponent, if symbol of exponent is set
    else if (   (parts & EXP_SYMBOL) != 0x00
             && (parts & EXP_DIGIT) == 0x00)
      ok = false;

    return ok;

}  // namespace mpfr

namespace mpfr {

  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  // declaration of real
  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  class real;

  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  // type traits
  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2, bool _overwrite>
  struct type_traits {
    typedef _Tp1 real_type;
    typedef _Tp2 other_type;

    // support level in class real
    static const bool enable_impl_ctor  = false;  // implicit ctor (else expl.)
    static const bool enable_assign_op  = false;  // assignment operator
    static const bool enable_conv_func  = false;  // conversion member function
    static const bool enable_arithm_ops = false;  // arithmetic operators
    static const bool enable_compar_ops = false;  // comparison operators
    static const bool enable_math_funcs = false;  // mathematical functions

    // support in MPFR library
    // (Note: "has_get_a" beats "has_get_b", if both are "true".)
    static const bool has_set   = false;
    static const bool has_get_a = false;
    static const bool has_get_b = false;
    static const bool has_add   = false;
    static const bool has_sub_a = false;
    static const bool has_sub_b = false;
    static const bool has_mul   = false;
    static const bool has_div_a = false;
    static const bool has_div_b = false;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd, bool _overwrite>
  struct type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, unsigned long int, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec, _rnd> real_type;
    typedef unsigned long int other_type;

    // support level in class real
    static const bool enable_impl_ctor  = true;
    static const bool enable_assign_op  = true;
    static const bool enable_conv_func  = true;
    static const bool enable_arithm_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_compar_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_math_funcs = true;

    // support in MPFR library
    static const bool has_set   = true;
    static const bool has_get_a = true;
    static const bool has_get_b = false;
    static const bool has_add   = true;
    static const bool has_sub_a = true;
    static const bool has_sub_b = true;
    static const bool has_mul   = true;
    static const bool has_div_a = true;
    static const bool has_div_b = true;

    // functions in MPFR library
    // (must be defined if corresponding "has_..." boolean is set to "true")
    inline static int set(mpfr_ptr rop, const unsigned long int op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_set_ui(rop, op, rnd);
    inline static unsigned long int get_a(mpfr_srcptr op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_get_ui(op, rnd);
    inline static int add(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const unsigned long int op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_add_ui(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const unsigned long int op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_sub_ui(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_b(mpfr_ptr rop, const unsigned long int op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_ui_sub(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int mul(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const unsigned long int op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_mul_ui(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const unsigned long int op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_div_ui(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_b(mpfr_ptr rop, const unsigned long int op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_ui_div(rop, op1, op2, rnd);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd, bool _overwrite>
  struct type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, long int, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec, _rnd> real_type;
    typedef long int other_type;

    // support level in class real
    static const bool enable_impl_ctor  = true;
    static const bool enable_assign_op  = true;
    static const bool enable_conv_func  = true;
    static const bool enable_arithm_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_compar_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_math_funcs = true;

    // support in MPFR library
    static const bool has_set   = true;
    static const bool has_get_a = true;
    static const bool has_get_b = false;
    static const bool has_add   = true;
    static const bool has_sub_a = true;
    static const bool has_sub_b = true;
    static const bool has_mul   = true;
    static const bool has_div_a = true;
    static const bool has_div_b = true;

    // functions in MPFR library
    // (must be defined if corresponding "has_..." boolean is set to "true")
    inline static int set(mpfr_ptr rop, const long int op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_set_si(rop, op, rnd);
    inline static long int get_a(mpfr_srcptr op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_get_si(op, rnd);
    inline static int add(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const long int op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_add_si(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const long int op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_sub_si(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_b(mpfr_ptr rop, const long int op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_si_sub(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int mul(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const long int op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_mul_si(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const long int op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_div_si(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_b(mpfr_ptr rop, const long int op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_si_div(rop, op1, op2, rnd);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd, bool _overwrite>
  struct type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, unsigned int, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec, _rnd> real_type;
    typedef unsigned int other_type;

    // support level in class real
    static const bool enable_impl_ctor  = true;
    static const bool enable_assign_op  = true;
    static const bool enable_conv_func  = true;
    static const bool enable_arithm_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_compar_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_math_funcs = true;

    // support in MPFR library
    static const bool has_set   = true;
    static const bool has_get_a = true;
    static const bool has_get_b = false;
    static const bool has_add   = true;
    static const bool has_sub_a = true;
    static const bool has_sub_b = true;
    static const bool has_mul   = true;
    static const bool has_div_a = true;
    static const bool has_div_b = true;

    // functions in MPFR library
    // (must be defined if corresponding "has_..." boolean is set to "true")
    inline static int set(mpfr_ptr rop, const unsigned int op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_set_ui(rop, op, rnd);
    inline static unsigned int get_a(mpfr_srcptr op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return static_cast<unsigned int>(MPFR_NS mpfr_get_ui(op, rnd));
    inline static int add(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const unsigned int op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_add_ui(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const unsigned int op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_sub_ui(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_b(mpfr_ptr rop, const unsigned int op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_ui_sub(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int mul(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const unsigned int op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_mul_ui(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const unsigned int op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_div_ui(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_b(mpfr_ptr rop, const unsigned int op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_ui_div(rop, op1, op2, rnd);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd, bool _overwrite>
  struct type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, int, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec, _rnd> real_type;
    typedef int other_type;

    // support level in class real
    static const bool enable_impl_ctor  = true;
    static const bool enable_assign_op  = true;
    static const bool enable_conv_func  = true;
    static const bool enable_arithm_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_compar_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_math_funcs = true;

    // support in MPFR library
    static const bool has_set   = true;
    static const bool has_get_a = true;
    static const bool has_get_b = false;
    static const bool has_add   = true;
    static const bool has_sub_a = true;
    static const bool has_sub_b = true;
    static const bool has_mul   = true;
    static const bool has_div_a = true;
    static const bool has_div_b = true;

    // functions in MPFR library
    // (must be defined if corresponding "has_..." boolean is set to "true")
    inline static int set(mpfr_ptr rop, const int op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_set_si(rop, op, rnd);
    inline static int get_a(mpfr_srcptr op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return static_cast<int>(MPFR_NS mpfr_get_si(op, rnd));
    inline static int add(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const int op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_add_si(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const int op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_sub_si(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_b(mpfr_ptr rop, const int op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_si_sub(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int mul(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const int op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_mul_si(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const int op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_div_si(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_b(mpfr_ptr rop, const int op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_si_div(rop, op1, op2, rnd);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd, bool _overwrite>
  struct type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, unsigned short int, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec, _rnd> real_type;
    typedef unsigned short int other_type;

    // support level in class real
    static const bool enable_impl_ctor  = true;
    static const bool enable_assign_op  = true;
    static const bool enable_conv_func  = true;
    static const bool enable_arithm_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_compar_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_math_funcs = true;

    // support in MPFR library
    static const bool has_set   = true;
    static const bool has_get_a = true;
    static const bool has_get_b = false;
    static const bool has_add   = true;
    static const bool has_sub_a = true;
    static const bool has_sub_b = true;
    static const bool has_mul   = true;
    static const bool has_div_a = true;
    static const bool has_div_b = true;

    // functions in MPFR library
    // (must be defined if corresponding "has_..." boolean is set to "true")
    inline static int set(mpfr_ptr rop, const unsigned short int op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_set_ui(rop, op, rnd);
    inline static unsigned short int get_a(mpfr_srcptr op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return static_cast<unsigned short int>(MPFR_NS mpfr_get_ui(op, rnd));
    inline static int add(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const unsigned short int op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_add_ui(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const unsigned short int op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_sub_ui(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_b(mpfr_ptr rop, const unsigned short int op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_ui_sub(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int mul(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const unsigned short int op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_mul_ui(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const unsigned short int op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_div_ui(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_b(mpfr_ptr rop, const unsigned short int op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_ui_div(rop, op1, op2, rnd);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd, bool _overwrite>
  struct type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, short int, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec, _rnd> real_type;
    typedef short int other_type;

    // support level in class real
    static const bool enable_impl_ctor  = true;
    static const bool enable_assign_op  = true;
    static const bool enable_conv_func  = true;
    static const bool enable_arithm_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_compar_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_math_funcs = true;

    // support in MPFR library
    static const bool has_set   = true;
    static const bool has_get_a = true;
    static const bool has_get_b = false;
    static const bool has_add   = true;
    static const bool has_sub_a = true;
    static const bool has_sub_b = true;
    static const bool has_mul   = true;
    static const bool has_div_a = true;
    static const bool has_div_b = true;

    // functions in MPFR library
    // (must be defined if corresponding "has_..." boolean is set to "true")
    inline static int set(mpfr_ptr rop, const short int op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_set_si(rop, op, rnd);
    inline static short int get_a(mpfr_srcptr op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return static_cast<short int>(MPFR_NS mpfr_get_si(op, rnd));
    inline static int add(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const short int op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_add_si(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const short int op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_sub_si(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_b(mpfr_ptr rop, const short int op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_si_sub(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int mul(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const short int op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_mul_si(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const short int op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_div_si(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_b(mpfr_ptr rop, const short int op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_si_div(rop, op1, op2, rnd);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd, bool _overwrite>
  struct type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, unsigned char, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec, _rnd> real_type;
    typedef unsigned char other_type;

    // support level in class real
    static const bool enable_impl_ctor  = true;
    static const bool enable_assign_op  = true;
    static const bool enable_conv_func  = true;
    static const bool enable_arithm_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_compar_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_math_funcs = true;

    // support in MPFR library
    static const bool has_set   = true;
    static const bool has_get_a = true;
    static const bool has_get_b = false;
    static const bool has_add   = true;
    static const bool has_sub_a = true;
    static const bool has_sub_b = true;
    static const bool has_mul   = true;
    static const bool has_div_a = true;
    static const bool has_div_b = true;

    // functions in MPFR library
    // (must be defined if corresponding "has_..." boolean is set to "true")
    inline static int set(mpfr_ptr rop, const unsigned char op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_set_ui(rop, op, rnd);
    inline static unsigned char get_a(mpfr_srcptr op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return static_cast<unsigned char>(MPFR_NS mpfr_get_ui(op, rnd));
    inline static int add(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const unsigned char op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_add_ui(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const unsigned char op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_sub_ui(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_b(mpfr_ptr rop, const unsigned char op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_ui_sub(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int mul(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const unsigned char op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_mul_ui(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const unsigned char op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_div_ui(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_b(mpfr_ptr rop, const unsigned char op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_ui_div(rop, op1, op2, rnd);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd, bool _overwrite>
  struct type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, signed char, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec, _rnd> real_type;
    typedef signed char other_type;

    // support level in class real
    static const bool enable_impl_ctor  = true;
    static const bool enable_assign_op  = true;
    static const bool enable_conv_func  = true;
    static const bool enable_arithm_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_compar_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_math_funcs = true;

    // support in MPFR library
    static const bool has_set   = true;
    static const bool has_get_a = true;
    static const bool has_get_b = false;
    static const bool has_add   = true;
    static const bool has_sub_a = true;
    static const bool has_sub_b = true;
    static const bool has_mul   = true;
    static const bool has_div_a = true;
    static const bool has_div_b = true;

    // functions in MPFR library
    // (must be defined if corresponding "has_..." boolean is set to "true")
    inline static int set(mpfr_ptr rop, const signed char op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_set_si(rop, op, rnd);
    inline static signed char get_a(mpfr_srcptr op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return static_cast<signed char>(MPFR_NS mpfr_get_si(op, rnd));
    inline static int add(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const signed char op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_add_si(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const signed char op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_sub_si(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_b(mpfr_ptr rop, const signed char op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_si_sub(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int mul(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const signed char op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_mul_si(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const signed char op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_div_si(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_b(mpfr_ptr rop, const signed char op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_si_div(rop, op1, op2, rnd);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd, bool _overwrite>
  struct type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, char, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec, _rnd> real_type;
    typedef char other_type;

    // support level in class real
    static const bool enable_impl_ctor  = true;
    static const bool enable_assign_op  = true;
    static const bool enable_conv_func  = true;
    static const bool enable_arithm_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_compar_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_math_funcs = true;

    // support in MPFR library
    static const bool has_set   = true;
    static const bool has_get_a = true;
    static const bool has_get_b = false;
    static const bool has_add   = true;
    static const bool has_sub_a = true;
    static const bool has_sub_b = true;
    static const bool has_mul   = true;
    static const bool has_div_a = true;
    static const bool has_div_b = true;

    // functions in MPFR library
    // (must be defined if corresponding "has_..." boolean is set to "true")
    inline static int set(mpfr_ptr rop, const char op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_set_si(rop, op, rnd);
    inline static char get_a(mpfr_srcptr op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return static_cast<char>(MPFR_NS mpfr_get_si(op, rnd));
    inline static int add(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const char op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_add_si(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const char op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_sub_si(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_b(mpfr_ptr rop, const char op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_si_sub(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int mul(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const char op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_mul_si(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const char op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_div_si(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_b(mpfr_ptr rop, const char op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_si_div(rop, op1, op2, rnd);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd, bool _overwrite>
  struct type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, double, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec, _rnd> real_type;
    typedef double other_type;

    // support level in class real
    static const bool enable_impl_ctor  = true;
    static const bool enable_assign_op  = true;
    static const bool enable_conv_func  = true;
    static const bool enable_arithm_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_compar_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_math_funcs = true;

    // support in MPFR library
    static const bool has_set   = true;
    static const bool has_get_a = true;
    static const bool has_get_b = false;
    static const bool has_add   = true;
    static const bool has_sub_a = true;
    static const bool has_sub_b = true;
    static const bool has_mul   = true;
    static const bool has_div_a = true;
    static const bool has_div_b = true;

    // functions in MPFR library
    // (must be defined if corresponding "has_..." boolean is set to "true")
    inline static int set(mpfr_ptr rop, const double op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_set_d(rop, op, rnd);
    inline static double get_a(mpfr_srcptr op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_get_d(op, rnd);
    inline static int add(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const double op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_add_d(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const double op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_sub_d(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_b(mpfr_ptr rop, const double op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_d_sub(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int mul(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const double op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_mul_d(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const double op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_div_d(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_b(mpfr_ptr rop, const double op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_d_div(rop, op1, op2, rnd);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd, bool _overwrite>
  struct type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, float, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec, _rnd> real_type;
    typedef float other_type;

    // support level in class real
    static const bool enable_impl_ctor  = true;
    static const bool enable_assign_op  = true;
    static const bool enable_conv_func  = true;
    static const bool enable_arithm_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_compar_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_math_funcs = true;

    // support in MPFR library
    static const bool has_set   = true;
    static const bool has_get_a = true;
    static const bool has_get_b = false;
    static const bool has_add   = true;
    static const bool has_sub_a = true;
    static const bool has_sub_b = true;
    static const bool has_mul   = true;
    static const bool has_div_a = true;
    static const bool has_div_b = true;

    // functions in MPFR library
    // (must be defined if corresponding "has_..." boolean is set to "true")
    inline static int set(mpfr_ptr rop, const float op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_set_flt(rop, op, rnd);
    inline static float get_a(mpfr_srcptr op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_get_flt(op, rnd);
    inline static int add(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const float op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_add_d(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const float op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_sub_d(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_b(mpfr_ptr rop, const float op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_d_sub(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int mul(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const float op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_mul_d(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, const float op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_div_d(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_b(mpfr_ptr rop, const float op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_d_div(rop, op1, op2, rnd);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd, bool _overwrite>
  struct type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, long double, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec, _rnd> real_type;
    typedef long double other_type;

    // support level in class real
    static const bool enable_impl_ctor  = true;
    static const bool enable_assign_op  = true;
    static const bool enable_conv_func  = true;
    static const bool enable_arithm_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_compar_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_math_funcs = true;

    // support in MPFR library
    static const bool has_set   = true;
    static const bool has_get_a = true;
    static const bool has_get_b = false;
    static const bool has_add   = false;
    static const bool has_sub_a = false;
    static const bool has_sub_b = false;
    static const bool has_mul   = false;
    static const bool has_div_a = false;
    static const bool has_div_b = false;

    // functions in MPFR library
    // (must be defined if corresponding "has_..." boolean is set to "true")
    inline static int set(mpfr_ptr rop, const long double op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_set_ld(rop, op, rnd);
    inline static long double get_a(mpfr_srcptr op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_get_ld(op, rnd);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd, bool _overwrite>
  struct type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, mpz_t, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec, _rnd> real_type;
    typedef mpz_t other_type;

    // support level in class real
    static const bool enable_impl_ctor  = true;
    static const bool enable_assign_op  = true;
    static const bool enable_conv_func  = true;
    static const bool enable_arithm_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_compar_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_math_funcs = true;

    // support in MPFR library
    static const bool has_set   = true;
    static const bool has_get_a = false;
    static const bool has_get_b = true;
    static const bool has_add   = true;
    static const bool has_sub_a = true;
    static const bool has_sub_b = false;
    static const bool has_mul   = true;
    static const bool has_div_a = true;
    static const bool has_div_b = false;

    // functions in MPFR library
    // (must be defined if corresponding "has_..." boolean is set to "true")
    inline static int set(mpfr_ptr rop, mpz_srcptr op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_set_z(rop, op, rnd);
    inline static int get_b(mpz_t rop, mpfr_srcptr op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_get_z(rop, op, rnd);
    inline static int add(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpz_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_add_z(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpz_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_sub_z(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int mul(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpz_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_mul_z(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpz_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_div_z(rop, op1, op2, rnd);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd, bool _overwrite>
  struct type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, mpq_t, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec, _rnd> real_type;
    typedef mpq_t other_type;

    // support level in class real
    static const bool enable_impl_ctor  = true;
    static const bool enable_assign_op  = true;
    static const bool enable_conv_func  = true;
    static const bool enable_arithm_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_compar_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_math_funcs = true;

    // support in MPFR library
    static const bool has_set   = true;
    static const bool has_get_a = false;
    static const bool has_get_b = false;
    static const bool has_add   = true;
    static const bool has_sub_a = true;
    static const bool has_sub_b = false;
    static const bool has_mul   = true;
    static const bool has_div_a = true;
    static const bool has_div_b = false;

    // functions in MPFR library
    // (must be defined if corresponding "has_..." boolean is set to "true")
    inline static int set(mpfr_ptr rop, mpq_srcptr op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_set_q(rop, op, rnd);
    inline static int add(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpq_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_add_q(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpq_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_sub_q(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int mul(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpq_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_mul_q(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpq_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_div_q(rop, op1, op2, rnd);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd, bool _overwrite>
  struct type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, mpf_t, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec, _rnd> real_type;
    typedef mpf_t other_type;

    // support level in class real
    static const bool enable_impl_ctor  = true;
    static const bool enable_assign_op  = true;
    static const bool enable_conv_func  = true;
    static const bool enable_arithm_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_compar_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_math_funcs = true;

    // support in MPFR library
    static const bool has_set   = true;
    static const bool has_get_a = false;
    static const bool has_get_b = true;
    static const bool has_add   = false;
    static const bool has_sub_a = false;
    static const bool has_sub_b = false;
    static const bool has_mul   = false;
    static const bool has_div_a = false;
    static const bool has_div_b = false;

    // functions in MPFR library
    // (must be defined if corresponding "has_..." boolean is set to "true")
    inline static int set(mpfr_ptr rop, mpf_srcptr op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_set_f(rop, op, rnd);
    inline static int get_b(mpf_t rop, mpfr_srcptr op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_get_f(rop, op, rnd);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd, bool _overwrite>
  struct type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, mpfr_t, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec, _rnd> real_type;
    typedef mpfr_t other_type;

    // support level in class real
    static const bool enable_impl_ctor  = true;
    static const bool enable_assign_op  = true;
    static const bool enable_conv_func  = true;
    static const bool enable_arithm_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_compar_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_math_funcs = true;

    // support in MPFR library
    static const bool has_set   = true;
    static const bool has_get_a = false;
    static const bool has_get_b = true;
    static const bool has_add   = true;
    static const bool has_sub_a = true;
    static const bool has_sub_b = true;
    static const bool has_mul   = true;
    static const bool has_div_a = true;
    static const bool has_div_b = true;

    // functions in MPFR library
    // (must be defined if corresponding "has_..." boolean is set to "true")
    inline static int set(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_set(rop, op, rnd);
    inline static int get_b(mpfr_t rop, mpfr_srcptr op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_set(rop, op, rnd);
    inline static int add(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_add(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_sub(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_b(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_sub(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int mul(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_mul(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_div(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_b(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_div(rop, op1, op2, rnd);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd, bool _overwrite>
  struct type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, mpz_ptr, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec, _rnd> real_type;
    typedef mpz_ptr other_type;

    // support level in class real
    static const bool enable_impl_ctor  = true;
    static const bool enable_assign_op  = true;
    static const bool enable_conv_func  = true;
    static const bool enable_arithm_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_compar_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_math_funcs = true;

    // support in MPFR library
    static const bool has_set   = true;
    static const bool has_get_a = false;
    static const bool has_get_b = true;
    static const bool has_add   = true;
    static const bool has_sub_a = true;
    static const bool has_sub_b = false;
    static const bool has_mul   = true;
    static const bool has_div_a = true;
    static const bool has_div_b = false;

    // functions in MPFR library
    // (must be defined if corresponding "has_..." boolean is set to "true")
    inline static int set(mpfr_ptr rop, mpz_srcptr op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_set_z(rop, op, rnd);
    inline static int get_b(mpz_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_get_z(rop, op, rnd);
    inline static int add(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpz_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_add_z(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpz_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_sub_z(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int mul(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpz_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_mul_z(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpz_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_div_z(rop, op1, op2, rnd);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd, bool _overwrite>
  struct type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, mpq_ptr, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec, _rnd> real_type;
    typedef mpq_ptr other_type;

    // support level in class real
    static const bool enable_impl_ctor  = true;
    static const bool enable_assign_op  = true;
    static const bool enable_conv_func  = true;
    static const bool enable_arithm_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_compar_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_math_funcs = true;

    // support in MPFR library
    static const bool has_set   = true;
    static const bool has_get_a = false;
    static const bool has_get_b = false;
    static const bool has_add   = true;
    static const bool has_sub_a = true;
    static const bool has_sub_b = false;
    static const bool has_mul   = true;
    static const bool has_div_a = true;
    static const bool has_div_b = false;

    // functions in MPFR library
    // (must be defined if corresponding "has_..." boolean is set to "true")
    inline static int set(mpfr_ptr rop, mpq_srcptr op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_set_q(rop, op, rnd);
    inline static int add(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpq_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_add_q(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpq_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_sub_q(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int mul(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpq_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_mul_q(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpq_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_div_q(rop, op1, op2, rnd);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd, bool _overwrite>
  struct type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, mpf_ptr, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec, _rnd> real_type;
    typedef mpf_ptr other_type;

    // support level in class real
    static const bool enable_impl_ctor  = true;
    static const bool enable_assign_op  = true;
    static const bool enable_conv_func  = true;
    static const bool enable_arithm_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_compar_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_math_funcs = true;

    // support in MPFR library
    static const bool has_set   = true;
    static const bool has_get_a = false;
    static const bool has_get_b = true;
    static const bool has_add   = false;
    static const bool has_sub_a = false;
    static const bool has_sub_b = false;
    static const bool has_mul   = false;
    static const bool has_div_a = false;
    static const bool has_div_b = false;

    // functions in MPFR library
    // (must be defined if corresponding "has_..." boolean is set to "true")
    inline static int set(mpfr_ptr rop, mpf_srcptr op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_set_f(rop, op, rnd);
    inline static int get_b(mpf_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_get_f(rop, op, rnd);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd, bool _overwrite>
  struct type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, mpfr_ptr, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec, _rnd> real_type;
    typedef mpfr_ptr other_type;

    // support level in class real
    static const bool enable_impl_ctor  = true;
    static const bool enable_assign_op  = true;
    static const bool enable_conv_func  = true;
    static const bool enable_arithm_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_compar_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_math_funcs = true;

    // support in MPFR library
    static const bool has_set   = true;
    static const bool has_get_a = false;
    static const bool has_get_b = true;
    static const bool has_add   = true;
    static const bool has_sub_a = true;
    static const bool has_sub_b = true;
    static const bool has_mul   = true;
    static const bool has_div_a = true;
    static const bool has_div_b = true;

    // functions in MPFR library
    // (must be defined if corresponding "has_..." boolean is set to "true")
    inline static int set(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_set(rop, op, rnd);
    inline static int get_b(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_set(rop, op, rnd);
    inline static int add(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_add(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_sub(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_b(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_sub(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int mul(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_mul(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_div(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_b(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_div(rop, op1, op2, rnd);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd, bool _overwrite>
  struct type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, mpz_srcptr, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec, _rnd> real_type;
    typedef mpz_srcptr other_type;

    // support level in class real
    static const bool enable_impl_ctor  = true;
    static const bool enable_assign_op  = true;
    static const bool enable_conv_func  = true;
    static const bool enable_arithm_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_compar_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_math_funcs = true;

    // support in MPFR library
    static const bool has_set   = true;
    static const bool has_get_a = false;
    static const bool has_get_b = false;
    static const bool has_add   = true;
    static const bool has_sub_a = true;
    static const bool has_sub_b = false;
    static const bool has_mul   = true;
    static const bool has_div_a = true;
    static const bool has_div_b = false;

    // functions in MPFR library
    // (must be defined if corresponding "has_..." boolean is set to "true")
    inline static int set(mpfr_ptr rop, mpz_srcptr op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_set_z(rop, op, rnd);
    inline static int add(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpz_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_add_z(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpz_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_sub_z(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int mul(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpz_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_mul_z(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpz_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_div_z(rop, op1, op2, rnd);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd, bool _overwrite>
  struct type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, mpq_srcptr, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec, _rnd> real_type;
    typedef mpq_srcptr other_type;

    // support level in class real
    static const bool enable_impl_ctor  = true;
    static const bool enable_assign_op  = true;
    static const bool enable_conv_func  = true;
    static const bool enable_arithm_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_compar_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_math_funcs = true;

    // support in MPFR library
    static const bool has_set   = true;
    static const bool has_get_a = false;
    static const bool has_get_b = false;
    static const bool has_add   = true;
    static const bool has_sub_a = true;
    static const bool has_sub_b = false;
    static const bool has_mul   = true;
    static const bool has_div_a = true;
    static const bool has_div_b = false;

    // functions in MPFR library
    // (must be defined if corresponding "has_..." boolean is set to "true")
    inline static int set(mpfr_ptr rop, mpq_srcptr op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_set_q(rop, op, rnd);
    inline static int add(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpq_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_add_q(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpq_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_sub_q(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int mul(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpq_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_mul_q(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpq_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_div_q(rop, op1, op2, rnd);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd, bool _overwrite>
  struct type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, mpf_srcptr, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec, _rnd> real_type;
    typedef mpf_srcptr other_type;

    // support level in class real
    static const bool enable_impl_ctor  = true;
    static const bool enable_assign_op  = true;
    static const bool enable_conv_func  = true;
    static const bool enable_arithm_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_compar_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_math_funcs = true;

    // support in MPFR library
    static const bool has_set   = true;
    static const bool has_get_a = false;
    static const bool has_get_b = false;
    static const bool has_add   = false;
    static const bool has_sub_a = false;
    static const bool has_sub_b = false;
    static const bool has_mul   = false;
    static const bool has_div_a = false;
    static const bool has_div_b = false;

    // functions in MPFR library
    // (must be defined if corresponding "has_..." boolean is set to "true")
    inline static int set(mpfr_ptr rop, mpf_srcptr op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_set_f(rop, op, rnd);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd, bool _overwrite>
  struct type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, mpfr_srcptr, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec, _rnd> real_type;
    typedef mpfr_srcptr other_type;

    // support level in class real
    static const bool enable_impl_ctor  = true;
    static const bool enable_assign_op  = true;
    static const bool enable_conv_func  = true;
    static const bool enable_arithm_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_compar_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_math_funcs = true;

    // support in MPFR library
    static const bool has_set   = true;
    static const bool has_get_a = false;
    static const bool has_get_b = false;
    static const bool has_add   = true;
    static const bool has_sub_a = true;
    static const bool has_sub_b = true;
    static const bool has_mul   = true;
    static const bool has_div_a = true;
    static const bool has_div_b = true;

    // functions in MPFR library
    // (must be defined if corresponding "has_..." boolean is set to "true")
    inline static int set(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_set(rop, op, rnd);
    inline static int add(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_add(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_sub(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int sub_b(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_sub(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int mul(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_mul(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_a(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_div(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    inline static int div_b(mpfr_ptr rop, mpfr_srcptr op1, mpfr_srcptr op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return MPFR_NS mpfr_div(rop, op1, op2, rnd);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd, bool _overwrite>
  struct type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, std::string, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec, _rnd> real_type;
    typedef std::string other_type;

    // support level in class real
    static const bool enable_impl_ctor  = true;
    static const bool enable_assign_op  = true;
    static const bool enable_conv_func  = true;
    static const bool enable_arithm_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_compar_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_math_funcs = true;

    // support in MPFR library
    static const bool has_set   = true;
    static const bool has_get_a = false;
    static const bool has_get_b = false;
    static const bool has_add   = false;
    static const bool has_sub_a = false;
    static const bool has_sub_b = false;
    static const bool has_mul   = false;
    static const bool has_div_a = false;
    static const bool has_div_b = false;

    // functions in MPFR library
    // (must be defined if corresponding "has_..." boolean is set to "true")
    inline static int set(mpfr_ptr rop, const std::string& op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return helper_set_stdstr(rop, op, rnd);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd, bool _overwrite>
  struct type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, char*, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec, _rnd> real_type;
    typedef char* other_type;

    // support level in class real
    static const bool enable_impl_ctor  = true;
    static const bool enable_assign_op  = true;
    static const bool enable_conv_func  = true;
    static const bool enable_arithm_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_compar_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_math_funcs = true;

    // support in MPFR library
    static const bool has_set   = true;
    static const bool has_get_a = false;
    static const bool has_get_b = false;
    static const bool has_add   = false;
    static const bool has_sub_a = false;
    static const bool has_sub_b = false;
    static const bool has_mul   = false;
    static const bool has_div_a = false;
    static const bool has_div_b = false;

    // functions in MPFR library
    // (must be defined if corresponding "has_..." boolean is set to "true")
    inline static int set(mpfr_ptr rop, const char* op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return helper_set_charptr(rop, op, rnd);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd, bool _overwrite>
  struct type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, const char*, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec, _rnd> real_type;
    typedef const char* other_type;

    // support level in class real
    static const bool enable_impl_ctor  = true;
    static const bool enable_assign_op  = true;
    static const bool enable_conv_func  = true;
    static const bool enable_arithm_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_compar_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_math_funcs = true;

    // support in MPFR library
    static const bool has_set   = true;
    static const bool has_get_a = false;
    static const bool has_get_b = false;
    static const bool has_add   = false;
    static const bool has_sub_a = false;
    static const bool has_sub_b = false;
    static const bool has_mul   = false;
    static const bool has_div_a = false;
    static const bool has_div_b = false;

    // functions in MPFR library
    // (must be defined if corresponding "has_..." boolean is set to "true")
    inline static int set(mpfr_ptr rop, const char* op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return helper_set_charptr(rop, op, rnd);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd, int _i, bool _overwrite>
  struct type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, char[_i], _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec, _rnd> real_type;
    typedef char other_type[_i];

    // support level in class real
    static const bool enable_impl_ctor  = true;
    static const bool enable_assign_op  = true;
    static const bool enable_conv_func  = true;
    static const bool enable_arithm_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_compar_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_math_funcs = true;

    // support in MPFR library
    static const bool has_set   = true;
    static const bool has_get_a = false;
    static const bool has_get_b = false;
    static const bool has_add   = false;
    static const bool has_sub_a = false;
    static const bool has_sub_b = false;
    static const bool has_mul   = false;
    static const bool has_div_a = false;
    static const bool has_div_b = false;

    // functions in MPFR library
    // (must be defined if corresponding "has_..." boolean is set to "true")
    inline static int set(mpfr_ptr rop, const char* op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) {
      return helper_set_charptr(rop, op, rnd);

  template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_prec_t _prec2, real_rnd_t _rnd, bool _overwrite>
  struct type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd>, real<_prec2, _rnd>, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec1, _rnd> real_type;
    typedef real<_prec2, _rnd> other_type;

    // support level in class real
    static const bool enable_impl_ctor  = true;
    static const bool enable_assign_op  = true;
    static const bool enable_conv_func  = true;
    static const bool enable_arithm_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_compar_ops = true;
    static const bool enable_math_funcs = true;

    // support in MPFR library
    // (all "has_..." booleans *MUST* be set to "false" for "real<_prec, _rnd>")
    static const bool has_set   = false;
    static const bool has_get_a = false;
    static const bool has_get_b = false;
    static const bool has_add   = false;
    static const bool has_sub_a = false;
    static const bool has_sub_b = false;
    static const bool has_mul   = false;
    static const bool has_div_a = false;
    static const bool has_div_b = false;

    // functions in MPFR library
    // (there should be no function definitions for "real<_prec, _rnd>")

}  // namespace mpfr

namespace mpfr {

  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  // declaration of real
  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  class real;

  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  // basic meta-programming
  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

  // enable_if

  template<bool, class _Tp = void>
  struct enable_if {};

  template<class _Tp>
  struct enable_if<true, _Tp> {
    typedef _Tp type;

  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  // calculated result type for two arguments
  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

  // At least one argument must be of type "real" and all "real"s must have
  // the same rounding ("_rnd").  The result type is the "real" with highest
  // precision.

  template<class _Tp1, class _Tp2, bool _overwrite>
  struct result_type2 {

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd, class _Tp, bool _overwrite>
  struct result_type2<real<_prec, _rnd>, _Tp, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec, _rnd> type;
    static const real_rnd_t  rnd  = _rnd;
    static const real_prec_t prec = _prec;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd, class _Tp, bool _overwrite>
  struct result_type2<_Tp, real<_prec, _rnd>, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec, _rnd> type;
    static const real_rnd_t  rnd  = _rnd;
    static const real_prec_t prec = _prec;

  template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_prec_t _prec2,
            real_rnd_t _rnd, bool _overwrite>
  struct result_type2<real<_prec1, _rnd>, real<_prec2, _rnd>, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<((_prec1 < _prec2) ? _prec2 : _prec1), _rnd> type;
    static const real_rnd_t  rnd  = _rnd;
    static const real_prec_t prec = ((_prec1 < _prec2) ? _prec2 : _prec1);

  template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_prec_t _prec2,
            real_rnd_t _rnd1, real_rnd_t _rnd2, bool _overwrite>
  struct result_type2<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec2, _rnd2>, _overwrite> {

  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  // calculated result type for three arguments
  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

  // At least one argument must be of type "real" and all "real"s must have
  // the same rounding ("_rnd").  The result type is the "real" with highest
  // precision.

  template<class _Tp1, class _Tp2, class _Tp3, bool _overwrite>
  struct result_type3 {

  template<real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd,
    class _Tp1, class _Tp2, bool _overwrite>
  struct result_type3<real<_prec, _rnd>, _Tp1, _Tp2, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec, _rnd> type;
    static const real_rnd_t  rnd  = _rnd;
    static const real_prec_t prec = _prec;

  template<real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd,
    class _Tp1, class _Tp2, bool _overwrite>
  struct result_type3<_Tp2, real<_prec, _rnd>, _Tp1, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec, _rnd> type;
    static const real_rnd_t  rnd  = _rnd;
    static const real_prec_t prec = _prec;

  template<real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd,
    class _Tp1, class _Tp2, bool _overwrite>
  struct result_type3<_Tp1, _Tp2, real<_prec, _rnd>, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<_prec, _rnd> type;
    static const real_rnd_t  rnd  = _rnd;
    static const real_prec_t prec = _prec;

  template<real_prec_t _prec1, real_prec_t _prec2,
    real_rnd_t _rnd, class _Tp, bool _overwrite>
  struct result_type3<real<_prec1, _rnd>, real<_prec2, _rnd>, _Tp,
      _overwrite> {
    typedef real<((_prec1 < _prec2) ? _prec2 : _prec1), _rnd> type;
    static const real_rnd_t  rnd  = _rnd;
    static const real_prec_t prec = ((_prec1 < _prec2) ? _prec2 : _prec1);

  template<real_prec_t _prec1, real_prec_t _prec2,
    real_rnd_t _rnd1, real_rnd_t _rnd2, class _Tp, bool _overwrite>
  struct result_type3<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec2, _rnd2>, _Tp,
      _overwrite> {

  template<real_prec_t _prec1, real_prec_t _prec2,
    real_rnd_t _rnd, class _Tp, bool _overwrite>
  struct result_type3<_Tp, real<_prec1, _rnd>, real<_prec2, _rnd>,
      _overwrite> {
    typedef real<((_prec1 < _prec2) ? _prec2 : _prec1), _rnd> type;
    static const real_rnd_t  rnd  = _rnd;
    static const real_prec_t prec = ((_prec1 < _prec2) ? _prec2 : _prec1);

  template<real_prec_t _prec1, real_prec_t _prec2,
    real_rnd_t _rnd1, real_rnd_t _rnd2, class _Tp, bool _overwrite>
  struct result_type3<_Tp, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec2, _rnd2>,
      _overwrite> {

  template<real_prec_t _prec1, real_prec_t _prec2,
    real_rnd_t _rnd, class _Tp, bool _overwrite>
  struct result_type3<real<_prec2, _rnd>, _Tp, real<_prec1, _rnd>,
      _overwrite> {
    typedef real<((_prec1 < _prec2) ? _prec2 : _prec1), _rnd> type;
    static const real_rnd_t  rnd  = _rnd;
    static const real_prec_t prec = ((_prec1 < _prec2) ? _prec2 : _prec1);

  template<real_prec_t _prec1, real_prec_t _prec2,
    real_rnd_t _rnd1, real_rnd_t _rnd2, class _Tp, bool _overwrite>
  struct result_type3<real<_prec2, _rnd2>, _Tp, real<_prec1, _rnd1>,
      _overwrite> {

  template<real_prec_t _prec1, real_prec_t _prec2, real_prec_t _prec3,
    real_rnd_t _rnd, bool _overwrite>
  struct result_type3<real<_prec1, _rnd>, real<_prec2, _rnd>,
      real<_prec3, _rnd>, _overwrite> {
    typedef real<((((_prec3 < _prec2) ? _prec2 : _prec3) < _prec1) ? _prec1 :
                    ((_prec3 < _prec2) ? _prec2 : _prec3)), _rnd> type;
    static const real_rnd_t  rnd  = _rnd;
    static const real_prec_t prec = ((((_prec3 < _prec2) ? _prec2 : _prec3)
      < _prec1) ? _prec1 : ((_prec3 < _prec2) ? _prec2 : _prec3));

  template<real_prec_t _prec1, real_prec_t _prec2, real_prec_t _prec3,
    real_rnd_t _rnd1, real_rnd_t _rnd2, real_rnd_t _rnd3, bool _overwrite>
  struct result_type3<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec2, _rnd2>,
      real<_prec3, _rnd3>, _overwrite> {

  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  // promotion to real
  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
  struct promote {

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd, class _Tp>
  struct promote<real<_prec, _rnd>, _Tp> {
    typedef const real<_prec, _rnd> type;

  template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_prec_t _prec2,
    real_rnd_t _rnd1, real_rnd_t _rnd2>
  struct promote<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec2, _rnd2> > {
    typedef const real<_prec2, _rnd2>& type;

  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  // check for equal types
  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
  struct equal_types2 {
    static const bool val = false;

  template <class _Tp>
  struct equal_types2<_Tp, _Tp> {
    static const bool val = true;

}  // namespace mpfr

namespace mpfr {

  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  // class declaration
  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  class real;

  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  // generic operators (definitions of binary operators)
  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp1, true>::enable_arithm_ops &&
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp2, true>::enable_arithm_ops,
    const typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
  operator +(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2) {
    typedef typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type temp_type;
    const real_rnd_t rnd = result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::rnd;
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp1>::type temp1(r1);
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp2>::type temp2(r2);
    temp_type temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_add(temp._x, temp1._x, temp2._x, rnd);
    return temp;

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp1, true>::enable_arithm_ops &&
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp2, true>::enable_arithm_ops,
    const typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
  operator -(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2) {
    typedef typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type temp_type;
    const real_rnd_t rnd = result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::rnd;
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp1>::type temp1(r1);
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp2>::type temp2(r2);
    temp_type temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_sub(temp._x, temp1._x, temp2._x, rnd);
    return temp;

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp1, true>::enable_arithm_ops &&
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp2, true>::enable_arithm_ops,
    const typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
  operator *(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2) {
    typedef typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type temp_type;
    const real_rnd_t rnd = result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::rnd;
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp1>::type temp1(r1);
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp2>::type temp2(r2);
    temp_type temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_mul(temp._x, temp1._x, temp2._x, rnd);
    return temp;

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp1, true>::enable_arithm_ops &&
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp2, true>::enable_arithm_ops,
    const typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
  operator /(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2) {
    typedef typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type temp_type;
    const real_rnd_t rnd = result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::rnd;
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp1>::type temp1(r1);
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp2>::type temp2(r2);
    temp_type temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_div(temp._x, temp1._x, temp2._x, rnd);
    return temp;

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp1, true>::enable_compar_ops &&
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp2, true>::enable_compar_ops,
  operator ==(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2) {
    typedef typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type temp_type;
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp1>::type temp1(r1);
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp2>::type temp2(r2);
    return MPFR_NS mpfr_equal_p(temp1._x, temp2._x);

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp1, true>::enable_compar_ops &&
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp2, true>::enable_compar_ops,
  operator !=(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2) {
    typedef typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type temp_type;
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp1>::type temp1(r1);
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp2>::type temp2(r2);
    return MPFR_NS mpfr_lessgreater_p(temp1._x, temp2._x);

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp1, true>::enable_compar_ops &&
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp2, true>::enable_compar_ops,
  operator <(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2) {
    typedef typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type temp_type;
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp1>::type temp1(r1);
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp2>::type temp2(r2);
    return MPFR_NS mpfr_less_p(temp1._x, temp2._x);

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp1, true>::enable_compar_ops &&
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp2, true>::enable_compar_ops,
  operator <=(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2) {
    typedef typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type temp_type;
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp1>::type temp1(r1);
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp2>::type temp2(r2);
    return MPFR_NS mpfr_lessequal_p(temp1._x, temp2._x);

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp1, true>::enable_compar_ops &&
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp2, true>::enable_compar_ops,
  operator >(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2) {
    typedef typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type temp_type;
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp1>::type temp1(r1);
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp2>::type temp2(r2);
    return MPFR_NS mpfr_greater_p(temp1._x, temp2._x);

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp1, true>::enable_compar_ops &&
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp2, true>::enable_compar_ops,
  operator >=(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2) {
    typedef typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type temp_type;
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp1>::type temp1(r1);
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp2>::type temp2(r2);
    return MPFR_NS mpfr_greaterequal_p(temp1._x, temp2._x);

  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  // mathematical functions (definitions for single "real" argument)
  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
  isfinite(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    return MPFR_NS mpfr_number_p(r._x);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
  isinf(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    return MPFR_NS mpfr_inf_p(r._x);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
  isnan(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    return MPFR_NS mpfr_nan_p(r._x);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
  isnormal(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    return MPFR_NS mpfr_regular_p(r._x);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
  signbit(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    return MPFR_NS mpfr_signbit(r._x);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  acos(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_acos(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  acosh(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_acosh(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  asin(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_asin(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  asinh(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_asinh(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  atan(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_atan(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  atanh(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_atanh(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  cbrt(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_cbrt(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  ceil(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_ceil(temp._x, r._x);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  cos(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_cos(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  cosh(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_cosh(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  erf(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_erf(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  erfc(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_erfc(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  exp(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_exp(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  exp2(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_exp2(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  expm1(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_expm1(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  fabs(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_abs(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  abs(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_abs(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  floor(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_floor(temp._x, r._x);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  log(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_log(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  log10(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_log10(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  log1p(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_log1p(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  log2(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_log2(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  nearbyint(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_rint(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  rint(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_rint(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  round(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_round(temp._x, r._x);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  sin(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_sin(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  sinh(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_sinh(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  sqrt(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_sqrt(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  tan(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_tan(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  tanh(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_tanh(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  tgamma(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_gamma(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  trunc(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_trunc(temp._x, r._x);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  j0(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_j0(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  j1(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_j1(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  y0(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_y0(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  y1(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_y1(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  ai(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_ai(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  cot(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_cot(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  coth(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_coth(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  csc(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_csc(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  csch(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_csch(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  digamma(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_digamma(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  exp10(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_exp10(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  expint(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_eint(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  frac(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_frac(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
  isinteger(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    return MPFR_NS mpfr_integer_p(r._x);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
  iszero(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    return MPFR_NS mpfr_zero_p(r._x);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  li2(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_li2(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  rec_sqrt(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_rec_sqrt(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  sec(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_sec(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  sech(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_sech(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
  sgn(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    return MPFR_NS mpfr_sgn(r._x);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  zeta(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_zeta(temp._x, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
  fpclassify(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    if (MPFR_NS mpfr_nan_p(r._x))
      return FP_NAN;
    else if (MPFR_NS mpfr_inf_p(r._x))
      return FP_INFINITE;
    else if (MPFR_NS mpfr_zero_p(r._x))
      return FP_ZERO;
      return FP_NORMAL;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  frexp(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r, real_exp_t* exp) {
    if (MPFR_NS mpfr_zero_p(r._x)) {
      *exp = 0;
      return r;
    else if (MPFR_NS mpfr_inf_p(r._x) || MPFR_NS mpfr_nan_p(r._x)) {
      //*exp = 0;
      return r;
    else {
      real<_prec, _rnd> temp = r;
      *exp = MPFR_NS mpfr_get_exp(r._x);
      MPFR_NS mpfr_set_exp(temp._x, 0);
      return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real_exp_t>::type
  ilogb(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    if (MPFR_NS mpfr_zero_p(r._x) || MPFR_NS mpfr_nan_p(r._x))
      return std::numeric_limits<real_exp_t>::min();
    else if (MPFR_NS mpfr_inf_p(r._x))
      return std::numeric_limits<real_exp_t>::max();
    else {
      real_exp_t temp = MPFR_NS mpfr_get_exp(r._x);
      if (temp != std::numeric_limits<real_exp_t>::min())
      return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  ldexp(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r, const long int exp) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_mul_2si(temp._x, r._x, exp, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  lgamma(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    int signp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_lgamma(temp._x, &signp, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  logb(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    if (MPFR_NS mpfr_zero_p(r._x))
      MPFR_NS mpfr_set_inf(temp._x, -1);
    else if (MPFR_NS mpfr_nan_p(r._x))
      MPFR_NS mpfr_set_nan(temp._x);
    else if (MPFR_NS mpfr_inf_p(r._x))
      MPFR_NS mpfr_set_inf(temp._x, 1);
    else {
      temp = MPFR_NS mpfr_get_exp(r._x);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  scalbln(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r, const long int exp) {
    return ldexp(r, exp);  // FLT_RADIX == 2???

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  scalbn(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r, const int exp) {
    return ldexp(r, static_cast<long int>(exp));  // FLT_RADIX == 2???

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  jn(const long int n, const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_jn(temp._x, n, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  yn(const long int n, const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_yn(temp._x, n, r._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  cyl_bessel_j(const long int n, const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    return jn(n, r);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  cyl_neumann(const long int n, const real<_prec, _rnd>& r) {
    return yn(n, r);

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  root(const real<_prec, _rnd>& r, const unsigned long int n) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_root(temp._x, r._x, n, _rnd);
    return temp;

  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  // mathematical functions (definitions for multiple "real" arguments)
  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
  isgreater(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2) {
    typedef typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type temp_type;
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp1>::type temp1(r1);
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp2>::type temp2(r2);
    return MPFR_NS mpfr_greater_p(temp1._x, temp2._x);

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
  isgreaterequal(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2) {
    typedef typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type temp_type;
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp1>::type temp1(r1);
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp2>::type temp2(r2);
    return MPFR_NS mpfr_greaterequal_p(temp1._x, temp2._x);

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
  isless(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2) {
    typedef typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type temp_type;
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp1>::type temp1(r1);
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp2>::type temp2(r2);
    return MPFR_NS mpfr_less_p(temp1._x, temp2._x);

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
  islessequal(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2) {
    typedef typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type temp_type;
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp1>::type temp1(r1);
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp2>::type temp2(r2);
    return MPFR_NS mpfr_lessequal_p(temp1._x, temp2._x);

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
  islessgreater(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2) {
    typedef typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type temp_type;
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp1>::type temp1(r1);
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp2>::type temp2(r2);
    return MPFR_NS mpfr_lessgreater_p(temp1._x, temp2._x);

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
  isunordered(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2) {
    typedef typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type temp_type;
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp1>::type temp1(r1);
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp2>::type temp2(r2);
    return MPFR_NS mpfr_unordered_p(temp1._x, temp2._x);

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
  atan2(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2) {
    typedef typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type temp_type;
    const real_rnd_t rnd = result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::rnd;
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp1>::type temp1(r1);
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp2>::type temp2(r2);
    temp_type temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_atan2(temp._x, temp1._x, temp2._x, rnd);
    return temp;

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
  copysign(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2) {
    typedef typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type temp_type;
    const real_rnd_t rnd = result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::rnd;
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp1>::type temp1(r1);
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp2>::type temp2(r2);
    temp_type temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_copysign(temp._x, temp1._x, temp2._x, rnd);
    return temp;

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
  fdim(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2) {
    typedef typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type temp_type;
    const real_rnd_t rnd = result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::rnd;
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp1>::type temp1(r1);
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp2>::type temp2(r2);
    temp_type temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_dim(temp._x, temp1._x, temp2._x, rnd);
    return temp;

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2, class _Tp3>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<typename result_type3<_Tp1, _Tp2, _Tp3, true>::type,
      _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
    type_traits<typename result_type3<_Tp1, _Tp2, _Tp3, true>::type,
      _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
    type_traits<typename result_type3<_Tp1, _Tp2, _Tp3, true>::type,
      _Tp3, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    typename result_type3<_Tp1, _Tp2, _Tp3, true>::type>::type
  fma(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2, const _Tp3& r3) {
    typedef typename result_type3<_Tp1, _Tp2, _Tp3, true>::type temp_type;
    const real_rnd_t rnd = result_type3<_Tp1, _Tp2, _Tp3, true>::rnd;
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp1>::type temp1(r1);
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp2>::type temp2(r2);
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp3>::type temp3(r3);
    temp_type temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_fma(temp._x, temp1._x, temp2._x, temp3._x, rnd);
    return temp;

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
  fmax(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2) {
    typedef typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type temp_type;
    const real_rnd_t rnd = result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::rnd;
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp1>::type temp1(r1);
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp2>::type temp2(r2);
    temp_type temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_max(temp._x, temp1._x, temp2._x, rnd);
    return temp;

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
  fmin(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2) {
    typedef typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type temp_type;
    const real_rnd_t rnd = result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::rnd;
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp1>::type temp1(r1);
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp2>::type temp2(r2);
    temp_type temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_min(temp._x, temp1._x, temp2._x, rnd);
    return temp;

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
  fmod(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2) {
    typedef typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type temp_type;
    const real_rnd_t rnd = result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::rnd;
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp1>::type temp1(r1);
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp2>::type temp2(r2);
    temp_type temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_fmod(temp._x, temp1._x, temp2._x, rnd);
    return temp;

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
  hypot(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2) {
    typedef typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type temp_type;
    const real_rnd_t rnd = result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::rnd;
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp1>::type temp1(r1);
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp2>::type temp2(r2);
    temp_type temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_hypot(temp._x, temp1._x, temp2._x, rnd);
    return temp;

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
  pow(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2) {
    typedef typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type temp_type;
    const real_rnd_t rnd = result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::rnd;
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp1>::type temp1(r1);
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp2>::type temp2(r2);
    temp_type temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_pow(temp._x, temp1._x, temp2._x, rnd);
    return temp;

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
  remainder(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2) {
    typedef typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type temp_type;
    const real_rnd_t rnd = result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::rnd;
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp1>::type temp1(r1);
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp2>::type temp2(r2);
    temp_type temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_remainder(temp._x, temp1._x, temp2._x, rnd);
    return temp;

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
  agm(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2) {
    typedef typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type temp_type;
    const real_rnd_t rnd = result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::rnd;
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp1>::type temp1(r1);
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp2>::type temp2(r2);
    temp_type temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_agm(temp._x, temp1._x, temp2._x, rnd);
    return temp;

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
  cmpabs(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2) {
    typedef typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type temp_type;
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp1>::type temp1(r1);
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp2>::type temp2(r2);
    return MPFR_NS mpfr_cmpabs(temp1._x, temp2._x);

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2, class _Tp3>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<typename result_type3<_Tp1, _Tp2, _Tp3, true>::type,
      _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
    type_traits<typename result_type3<_Tp1, _Tp2, _Tp3, true>::type,
      _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
    type_traits<typename result_type3<_Tp1, _Tp2, _Tp3, true>::type,
      _Tp3, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    typename result_type3<_Tp1, _Tp2, _Tp3, true>::type>::type
  fms(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2, const _Tp3& r3) {
    typedef typename result_type3<_Tp1, _Tp2, _Tp3, true>::type temp_type;
    const real_rnd_t rnd = result_type3<_Tp1, _Tp2, _Tp3, true>::rnd;
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp1>::type temp1(r1);
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp2>::type temp2(r2);
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp3>::type temp3(r3);
    temp_type temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_fms(temp._x, temp1._x, temp2._x, temp3._x, rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec, real_rnd_t _rnd, class _Tp>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<typename result_type2<real<_prec, _rnd>, _Tp, true>::type,
      _Tp, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
    type_traits<typename result_type2<real<_prec, _rnd>, _Tp, true>::type,
      real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    typename result_type2<real<_prec, _rnd>, _Tp, true>::type>::type
  modf(const _Tp& r, real<_prec, _rnd>* iptr) {
    typedef typename result_type2<real<_prec, _rnd>, _Tp, true>::type temp_type;
    const real_rnd_t rnd = result_type2<real<_prec, _rnd>, _Tp, true>::rnd;
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp>::type temp(r);
    temp_type temp1;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_modf(iptr->_x, temp1._x, temp._x, rnd);
    return temp1;

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
  nextafter(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2) {
    typedef typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type temp_type;
    temp_type temp1(r1);
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp2>::type temp2(r2);
    MPFR_NS mpfr_nexttoward(temp1._x, temp2._x);
    return temp1;

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
  nexttoward(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2) {
    return nextafter(r1, r2);

  template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
    type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
      _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
  remquo(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2, long int* quo) {
    typedef typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type temp_type;
    const real_rnd_t rnd = result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::rnd;
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp1>::type temp1(r1);
    typename promote<temp_type, _Tp2>::type temp2(r2);
    temp_type temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_remquo(temp._x, quo, temp1._x, temp2._x, rnd);
    return temp;

  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  // mathematical constants
  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

  template <real_prec_t _prec MPFR_REAL_FUNC_PREC_DFLT, real_rnd_t _rnd MPFR_REAL_FUNC_RND_DFLT>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  zero(const int n) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_set_zero(temp._x, n);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec MPFR_REAL_FUNC_PREC_DFLT, real_rnd_t _rnd MPFR_REAL_FUNC_RND_DFLT>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  inf(const int n) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_set_inf(temp._x, n);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec MPFR_REAL_FUNC_PREC_DFLT, real_rnd_t _rnd MPFR_REAL_FUNC_RND_DFLT>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  nan(const char* tagp) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_set_nan(temp._x);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec MPFR_REAL_FUNC_PREC_DFLT, real_rnd_t _rnd MPFR_REAL_FUNC_RND_DFLT>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  const_log2() {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_const_log2(temp._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec MPFR_REAL_FUNC_PREC_DFLT, real_rnd_t _rnd MPFR_REAL_FUNC_RND_DFLT>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  const_pi() {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_const_pi(temp._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec MPFR_REAL_FUNC_PREC_DFLT, real_rnd_t _rnd MPFR_REAL_FUNC_RND_DFLT>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  const_euler() {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_const_euler(temp._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec MPFR_REAL_FUNC_PREC_DFLT, real_rnd_t _rnd MPFR_REAL_FUNC_RND_DFLT>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  const_catalan() {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_const_catalan(temp._x, _rnd);
    return temp;

  template <real_prec_t _prec MPFR_REAL_FUNC_PREC_DFLT, real_rnd_t _rnd MPFR_REAL_FUNC_RND_DFLT>
  inline typename enable_if<
    type_traits<real<_prec, _rnd>, real<_prec, _rnd>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
    const real<_prec, _rnd> >::type
  factorial(const long int n) {
    real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
    MPFR_NS mpfr_fac_ui(temp._x, n, _rnd);
    return temp;

  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  // class definition
  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

  template <real_prec_t _prec = MPFR_REAL_CLASS_PREC_DFLT, real_rnd_t _rnd = MPFR_REAL_CLASS_RND_DFLT>
  class real {
      mpfr_t _x;

      // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      // default and copy constructors, default assignment operator, destructor
      // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

      // default and copy constructor

      inline real() {
        MPFR_NS mpfr_init2(_x, _prec);
        MPFR_NS mpfr_set_zero(_x, +1);

      inline real(const real& o) {
        MPFR_NS mpfr_init2(_x, _prec);
        MPFR_NS mpfr_set(_x, o._x, _rnd);

      // default assignment operator

      inline real& operator =(const real& o) {
        if (&o != this)
          MPFR_NS mpfr_set(_x, o._x, _rnd);
        return *this;

      // destructor

      inline ~real() {
        MPFR_NS mpfr_clear(_x);

      // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      // converting constructors and converting assignment operators
      // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


      // friend of other reals

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend class real;


      // implicit conversion constructors

      template <class _Tp>
      inline real(const _Tp& o,
          typename enable_if<
          type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::has_set &&
          type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::enable_impl_ctor
          >::type* dummy = 0) {
        dummy = dummy;  // prevent compiler warning
        MPFR_NS mpfr_init2(_x, _prec);
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::set(_x, o, _rnd);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      inline real(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& o,
          typename enable_if<
          type_traits<real, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_impl_ctor>::type*
          dummy = 0) {
        dummy = dummy;  // prevent compiler warning
        MPFR_NS mpfr_init2(_x, _prec);
        MPFR_NS mpfr_set(_x, o._x, _rnd);

      // explicit conversion constructors

      template <class _Tp>
      inline explicit real(const _Tp& o,
          typename enable_if<
          type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::has_set &&
          (! type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::enable_impl_ctor)
          >::type* dummy = 0) {
        dummy = dummy;  // prevent compiler warning
        MPFR_NS mpfr_init2(_x, _prec);
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::set(_x, o, _rnd);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      inline explicit real(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& o,
          typename enable_if<
          (! type_traits<real, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_impl_ctor)>::type*
          dummy = 0) {
        dummy = dummy;  // prevent compiler warning
        MPFR_NS mpfr_init2(_x, _prec);
        MPFR_NS mpfr_set(_x, o._x, _rnd);


      // conversion constructor for int
      // ensures a working constructor independent of the configuration in the
      // type_traits of int

      inline real(const int& o, const bool) {
        MPFR_NS mpfr_init2(_x, _prec);
        MPFR_NS mpfr_set_si(_x, o, _rnd);


      // converting assignment operators

      template <class _Tp>
      inline typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::enable_assign_op &&
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::has_set,
      operator =(const _Tp& o) {
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::set(_x, o, _rnd);
        return *this;

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      inline typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_assign_op,
      operator =(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& o) {
        MPFR_NS mpfr_set(_x, o._x, _rnd);
        return *this;

      // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      // generic operators
      // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

      template <class _Tp>
      inline typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::enable_arithm_ops &&
        (! type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::has_add),
      operator +=(const _Tp& o) {
        typename promote<real, _Tp>::type temp(o);
        MPFR_NS mpfr_add(_x, _x, temp._x, _rnd);
        return *this;

      template <class _Tp>
      inline typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::enable_arithm_ops &&
        (! type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::has_sub_a),
      operator -=(const _Tp& o) {
        typename promote<real, _Tp>::type temp(o);
        MPFR_NS mpfr_sub(_x, _x, temp._x, _rnd);
        return *this;

      template <class _Tp>
      inline typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::enable_arithm_ops &&
        (! type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::has_mul),
      operator *=(const _Tp& o) {
        typename promote<real, _Tp>::type temp(o);
        MPFR_NS mpfr_mul(_x, _x, temp._x, _rnd);
        return *this;

      template <class _Tp>
      inline typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::enable_arithm_ops &&
        (! type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::has_div_a),
      operator /=(const _Tp& o) {
        typename promote<real, _Tp>::type temp(o);
        MPFR_NS mpfr_div(_x, _x, temp._x, _rnd);
        return *this;


      template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp1, true>::enable_arithm_ops &&
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp2, true>::enable_arithm_ops,
        const typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
      operator +(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2);

      template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp1, true>::enable_arithm_ops &&
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp2, true>::enable_arithm_ops,
        const typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
      operator -(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2);

      template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp1, true>::enable_arithm_ops &&
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp2, true>::enable_arithm_ops,
        const typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
      operator *(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2);

      template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp1, true>::enable_arithm_ops &&
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp2, true>::enable_arithm_ops,
        const typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
      operator /(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2);

      template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp1, true>::enable_compar_ops &&
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp2, true>::enable_compar_ops,
      operator ==(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2);

      template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp1, true>::enable_compar_ops &&
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp2, true>::enable_compar_ops,
      operator !=(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2);

      template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp1, true>::enable_compar_ops &&
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp2, true>::enable_compar_ops,
      operator <(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2);

      template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp1, true>::enable_compar_ops &&
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp2, true>::enable_compar_ops,
      operator <=(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2);

      template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp1, true>::enable_compar_ops &&
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp2, true>::enable_compar_ops,
      operator >(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2);

      template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp1, true>::enable_compar_ops &&
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp2, true>::enable_compar_ops,
      operator >=(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2);


      // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      // optimized operators
      // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

      template <class _Tp>
      inline typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::enable_arithm_ops &&
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::has_add,
      operator +=(const _Tp& o) {
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::add(_x, _x, o, _rnd);
        return *this;

      template <class _Tp>
      inline typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::enable_arithm_ops &&
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::has_sub_a,
      operator -=(const _Tp& o) {
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::sub_a(_x, _x, o, _rnd);
        return *this;

      template <class _Tp>
      inline typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::enable_arithm_ops &&
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::has_mul,
      operator *=(const _Tp& o) {
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::mul(_x, _x, o, _rnd);
        return *this;

      template <class _Tp>
      inline typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::enable_arithm_ops &&
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::has_div_a,
      operator /=(const _Tp& o) {
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::div_a(_x, _x, o, _rnd);
        return *this;

      template <class _Tp>
      friend inline typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::enable_arithm_ops &&
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::has_add,
        const real>::type
      operator +(const real& r1, const _Tp& r2) {
        real temp;
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::add(temp._x, r1._x, r2, _rnd);
        return temp;

      template <class _Tp>
      friend inline typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::enable_arithm_ops &&
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::has_add,
        const real>::type
      operator +(const _Tp& r1, const real& r2) {
        real temp;
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::add(temp._x, r2._x, r1, _rnd);
        return temp;

      template <class _Tp>
      friend inline typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::enable_arithm_ops &&
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::has_sub_a,
        const real>::type
      operator -(const real& r1, const _Tp& r2) {
        real temp;
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::sub_a(temp._x, r1._x, r2, _rnd);
        return temp;

      template <class _Tp>
      friend inline typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::enable_arithm_ops &&
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::has_sub_b,
        const real>::type
      operator -(const _Tp& r1, const real& r2) {
        real temp;
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::sub_b(temp._x, r1, r2._x, _rnd);
        return temp;

      template <class _Tp>
      friend inline typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::enable_arithm_ops &&
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::has_mul,
        const real>::type
      operator *(const real& r1, const _Tp& r2) {
        real temp;
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::mul(temp._x, r1._x, r2, _rnd);
        return temp;

      template <class _Tp>
      friend inline typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::enable_arithm_ops &&
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::has_mul,
        const real>::type
      operator *(const _Tp& r1, const real& r2) {
        real temp;
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::mul(temp._x, r2._x, r1, _rnd);
        return temp;

      template <class _Tp>
      friend inline typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::enable_arithm_ops &&
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::has_div_a,
        const real>::type
      operator /(const real& r1, const _Tp& r2) {
        real temp;
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::div_a(temp._x, r1._x, r2, _rnd);
        return temp;

      template <class _Tp>
      friend inline typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::enable_arithm_ops &&
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::has_div_b,
        const real>::type
      operator /(const _Tp& r1, const real& r2) {
        real temp;
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::div_b(temp._x, r1, r2._x, _rnd);
        return temp;

      // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      // conversion operators and functions
      // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

      // conversion operators
      // (can be enabled with preprocessor macro)


      inline operator unsigned long int() const {
        return MPFR_NS mpfr_get_ui(_x, _rnd);

      inline operator long int() const {
        return MPFR_NS mpfr_get_si(_x, _rnd);

      inline operator unsigned int() const {
        return static_cast<unsigned int>(MPFR_NS mpfr_get_ui(_x, _rnd));

      inline operator int() const {
        return static_cast<int>(MPFR_NS mpfr_get_si(_x, _rnd));

      inline operator unsigned short int() const {
        return static_cast<unsigned short int>(MPFR_NS mpfr_get_ui(_x, _rnd));

      inline operator short int() const {
        return static_cast<short int>(MPFR_NS mpfr_get_si(_x, _rnd));

      inline operator unsigned char() const {
        return static_cast<unsigned char>(MPFR_NS mpfr_get_ui(_x, _rnd));

      inline operator signed char() const {
        return static_cast<signed char>(MPFR_NS mpfr_get_si(_x, _rnd));

      inline operator char() const {
        return static_cast<char>(MPFR_NS mpfr_get_si(_x, _rnd));

      inline operator double() const {
        return MPFR_NS mpfr_get_d(_x, _rnd);

      inline operator float() const {
        return MPFR_NS mpfr_get_flt(_x, _rnd);

      inline operator long double() const {
        return MPFR_NS mpfr_get_ld(_x, _rnd);


      // conversion functions

      template <class _Tp>
      inline typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::enable_conv_func &&
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::has_get_a,
      conv(_Tp& o) const {
        o = type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::get_a(_x, _rnd);

      template <class _Tp>
      inline typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::enable_conv_func &&
        (! type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::has_get_a) &&
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::has_get_b,
      conv(_Tp& o) const {
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::get_b(o, _x, _rnd);

      template <class _Tp>
      inline typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::enable_conv_func &&
        equal_types2<std::string, _Tp>::val,
      conv(_Tp& o) const {
        std::stringstream temp;
        try {
          temp << *this;
        catch (...) {
          throw exception_real(
            "in real<_prec, _rnd>& real<_prec, _rnd>::operator std::string() const:\n  conversion failed");
        o = temp.str();

      template <class _Tp>
      inline typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real, _Tp, true>::enable_conv_func &&
        equal_types2<char*, _Tp>::val,
      conv(_Tp& o) const {
        std::stringstream temp;
        try {
          temp << *this;
        catch (...) {
          throw exception_real(
            "in const char* real<_prec, _rnd>::c_str() const:\n  conversion failed");
        unsigned int i = 0;
        while (temp.get(o[i]))
        o[i] = 0;

      // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      // increment, decrement, and negation operators
      // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

      // increment operators

      inline real& operator ++() {
        static const real<_prec, _rnd> _one(1, true);
        *this += _one;
        return *this;

      inline const real operator ++(int) {
        real<_prec, _rnd> temp = *this;
        return temp;

      // decrement operators

      inline real& operator --() {
        static const real<_prec, _rnd> _one(1, true);
        *this -= _one;
        return *this;

      inline const real operator --(int) {
        real<_prec, _rnd> temp = *this;
        return temp;

      // NOTE: The unary member operator- is declared after any template
      // binary friend operator-, because the latter may be unqualified
      // in the code above.  This way we make sure that binary - operations
      // do not match the unary member operator- (in any case).

      inline const real operator -() const {
        real<_prec, _rnd> temp;
        MPFR_NS mpfr_neg(temp._x, _x, _rnd);
        return temp;

      // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      // std::istream and std::ostream operators
      // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

      friend inline std::istream& operator >>(std::istream& s, real& r) {
        std::istream::sentry cerberos(s, false);

        if (cerberos) {
          // extract number
          std::string num;
          bool ok = helper_extract_float(s, num);

          // bad syntax
          if (! ok) {
            MPFR_NS mpfr_set_zero(r._x, +1);
          // not empty (which could be due to an EOF)
          else if (num != "") {
            // conversion to mpfr::real
            try {
              helper_set_stdstr(r._x, num, _rnd);
            // should, in principle, never fail, but ...
            catch (...) {
              MPFR_NS mpfr_set_zero(r._x, +1);
              throw exception_real(
                std::string("in std::istream& operator >>(std::istream& s, real<_prec, _rnd>& r):\n  invalid input format ")
                + num);

        return s;

      friend inline std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& s, const real& r) {
        return helper_ostream(s, r._x, _rnd);


      // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      // mathematical functions with single "real" argument
      // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
      isfinite(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
      isinf(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
      isnan(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
      isnormal(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
      signbit(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      acos(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      acosh(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      asin(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      asinh(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      atan(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      atanh(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      cbrt(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      ceil(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      cos(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      cosh(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      erf(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      erfc(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      exp(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      exp2(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      expm1(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      fabs(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      abs(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      floor(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      log(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      log10(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      log1p(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      log2(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      nearbyint(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      rint(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      round(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      sin(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      sinh(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      sqrt(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      tan(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      tanh(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      tgamma(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      trunc(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      j0(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      j1(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      y0(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      y1(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      ai(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      cot(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      coth(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      csc(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      csch(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      digamma(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      exp10(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      expint(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      frac(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
      isinteger(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
      iszero(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      li2(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      rec_sqrt(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      sec(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      sech(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
      sgn(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      zeta(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
      fpclassify(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      frexp(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r, real_exp_t* exp);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real_exp_t>::type
      ilogb(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      ldexp(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r, const long int exp);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      lgamma(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      logb(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      scalbln(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r, const long int exp);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      scalbn(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r, const int exp);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      jn(const long int n, const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      yn(const long int n, const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      cyl_bessel_j(const long int n, const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      cyl_neumann(const long int n, const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      root(const real<_prec1, _rnd1>& r, const unsigned long int n);

      // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      // mathematical functions with multiple "real" arguments
      // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

      template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
      isgreater(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2);

      template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
      isgreaterequal(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2);

      template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
      isless(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2);

      template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
      islessequal(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2);

      template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
      islessgreater(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2);

      template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
      isunordered(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2);

      template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
      atan2(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2);

      template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
      copysign(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2);

      template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
      fdim(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2);

      template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2, class _Tp3>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<typename result_type3<_Tp1, _Tp2, _Tp3, true>::type,
          _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
        type_traits<typename result_type3<_Tp1, _Tp2, _Tp3, true>::type,
          _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
        type_traits<typename result_type3<_Tp1, _Tp2, _Tp3, true>::type,
          _Tp3, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        typename result_type3<_Tp1, _Tp2, _Tp3, true>::type>::type
      fma(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2, const _Tp3& r3);

      template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
      fmax(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2);

      template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
      fmin(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2);

      template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
      fmod(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2);

      template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
      hypot(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2);

      template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
      pow(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2);

      template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
      remainder(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2);

      template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
      agm(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2);

      template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
      cmpabs(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2);

      template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2, class _Tp3>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<typename result_type3<_Tp1, _Tp2, _Tp3, true>::type,
          _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
        type_traits<typename result_type3<_Tp1, _Tp2, _Tp3, true>::type,
          _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
        type_traits<typename result_type3<_Tp1, _Tp2, _Tp3, true>::type,
          _Tp3, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        typename result_type3<_Tp1, _Tp2, _Tp3, true>::type>::type
      fms(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2, const _Tp3& r3);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1, class _Tp>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<typename result_type2<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, _Tp, true>::type,
          _Tp, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
        type_traits<typename result_type2<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, _Tp, true>::type,
          real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        typename result_type2<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, _Tp, true>::type>::type
      modf(const _Tp& r1, real<_prec1, _rnd1>* iptr);

      template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
      nextafter(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2);

      template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
      nexttoward(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2);

      template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp1, true>::enable_math_funcs &&
        type_traits<typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type,
          _Tp2, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        typename result_type2<_Tp1, _Tp2, true>::type>::type
      remquo(const _Tp1& r1, const _Tp2& r2, long int* quo);

      // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      // mathematical constants
      // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      zero(const int n);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      inf(const int n);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      nan(const char* tagp);

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type

      template <real_prec_t _prec1, real_rnd_t _rnd1>
      friend typename enable_if<
        type_traits<real<_prec1, _rnd1>, real<_prec1, _rnd1>, true>::enable_math_funcs,
        const real<_prec1, _rnd1> >::type
      factorial(const long int n);


  };  // class real

}  // namespace mpfr

namespace std {


  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  // import mathematical functions to namespace std
  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

  using ::mpfr::isfinite;
  using ::mpfr::isgreater;
  using ::mpfr::isgreaterequal;
  using ::mpfr::isinf;
  using ::mpfr::isless;
  using ::mpfr::islessequal;
  using ::mpfr::islessgreater;
  using ::mpfr::isnan;
  using ::mpfr::isnormal;
  using ::mpfr::isunordered;
  using ::mpfr::signbit;
  using ::mpfr::acos;
  using ::mpfr::acosh;
  using ::mpfr::asin;
  using ::mpfr::asinh;
  using ::mpfr::atan;
  using ::mpfr::atan2;
  using ::mpfr::atanh;
  using ::mpfr::cbrt;
  using ::mpfr::ceil;
  using ::mpfr::copysign;
  using ::mpfr::cos;
  using ::mpfr::cosh;
  using ::mpfr::erf;
  using ::mpfr::erfc;
  using ::mpfr::exp;
  using ::mpfr::exp2;
  using ::mpfr::expm1;
  using ::mpfr::fabs;
  using ::mpfr::abs;
  using ::mpfr::fdim;
  using ::mpfr::floor;
  using ::mpfr::fma;
  using ::mpfr::fmax;
  using ::mpfr::fmin;
  using ::mpfr::fmod;
  using ::mpfr::hypot;
  using ::mpfr::log;
  using ::mpfr::log10;
  using ::mpfr::log1p;
  using ::mpfr::log2;
  using ::mpfr::nearbyint;
  using ::mpfr::pow;
  using ::mpfr::remainder;
  using ::mpfr::rint;
  using ::mpfr::round;
  using ::mpfr::sin;
  using ::mpfr::sinh;
  using ::mpfr::sqrt;
  using ::mpfr::tan;
  using ::mpfr::tanh;
  using ::mpfr::tgamma;
  using ::mpfr::trunc;
  using ::mpfr::j0;
  using ::mpfr::j1;
  using ::mpfr::y0;
  using ::mpfr::y1;
  using ::mpfr::agm;
  using ::mpfr::ai;
  using ::mpfr::cmpabs;
  using ::mpfr::cot;
  using ::mpfr::coth;
  using ::mpfr::csc;
  using ::mpfr::csch;
  using ::mpfr::digamma;
  using ::mpfr::exp10;
  using ::mpfr::expint;
  using ::mpfr::fms;
  using ::mpfr::frac;
  using ::mpfr::isinteger;
  using ::mpfr::iszero;
  using ::mpfr::li2;
  using ::mpfr::rec_sqrt;
  using ::mpfr::sec;
  using ::mpfr::sech;
  using ::mpfr::sgn;
  using ::mpfr::zeta;
  using ::mpfr::fpclassify;
  using ::mpfr::frexp;
  using ::mpfr::ilogb;
  using ::mpfr::ldexp;
  using ::mpfr::lgamma;
  using ::mpfr::logb;
  using ::mpfr::modf;
  using ::mpfr::nan;
  using ::mpfr::nextafter;
  using ::mpfr::nexttoward;
  using ::mpfr::remquo;
  using ::mpfr::scalbln;
  using ::mpfr::scalbn;
  using ::mpfr::jn;
  using ::mpfr::yn;
  using ::mpfr::cyl_bessel_j;
  using ::mpfr::cyl_neumann;
  using ::mpfr::factorial;
  using ::mpfr::root;
  using ::mpfr::inf;
  using ::mpfr::zero;



  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  // numeric_limits for mpfr::real
  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

  // NOTE: The below code will only work, if there is a constructor for
  //       int in mpfr::real and the mathematical functions are enabled.
  //       (By default, this is the case. So do not play too many tricks ...)

  template <mpfr::real_prec_t _prec, mpfr::real_rnd_t _rnd>
  class numeric_limits<mpfr::real<_prec, _rnd> > {
    static const bool is_specialized = true;

    static mpfr::real<_prec, _rnd> min() throw() {
      return mpfr::nexttoward(mpfr::real<_prec, _rnd>(0),
                              mpfr::real<_prec, _rnd>(1));
    static mpfr::real<_prec, _rnd> max() throw() {
      return mpfr::nexttoward(mpfr::inf<_prec, _rnd>(1),
                              mpfr::real<_prec, _rnd>(0));
    static const int  digits     = _prec;
    static const int  digits10   = 0;  // digits / mpfr::log2(10);
    static const bool is_signed  = true;
    static const bool is_integer = false;
    static const bool is_exact   = false;
    static const int  radix      = 2;
    static mpfr::real<_prec, _rnd> epsilon() throw() {
      return mpfr::nexttoward(mpfr::real<_prec, _rnd>(1),
                              mpfr::real<_prec, _rnd>(2))
             - mpfr::real<_prec, _rnd>(1);
    static mpfr::real<_prec, _rnd> round_error() throw() {
      return 0.5;

    static const int  min_exponent   = 0;  // MPFR_NS mpfr_get_emin();
    static const int  min_exponent10 = 0;
    static const int  max_exponent   = 0;  // MPFR_NS mpfr_get_emax();
    static const int  max_exponent10 = 0;

    static const bool has_infinity      = true;
    static const bool has_quiet_NaN     = true;
    static const bool has_signaling_NaN = true;  // really?
    static const float_denorm_style has_denorm = denorm_absent;
    static const bool has_denorm_loss   = false;
    static mpfr::real<_prec, _rnd> infinity() throw() {
      return mpfr::inf<_prec, _rnd>(1);
    static mpfr::real<_prec, _rnd> quiet_NaN() throw() {
      return mpfr::nan<_prec, _rnd>("");
    static mpfr::real<_prec, _rnd> signaling_NaN() throw() {
      return mpfr::nan<_prec, _rnd>("");
    static mpfr::real<_prec, _rnd> denorm_min() {
      return min();

    static const bool is_iec559  = true;
    static const bool is_bounded = true;
    static const bool is_modulo  = false;

    static const bool traps           = false;
    static const bool tinyness_before = false;
    static const float_round_style round_style
      =  (_rnd == MPFR_RNDN) ? round_to_nearest
      : ((_rnd == MPFR_RNDZ) ? round_toward_zero
      : ((_rnd == MPFR_RNDU) ? round_toward_infinity
      : ((_rnd == MPFR_RNDD) ? round_toward_neg_infinity
      : ((_rnd == MPFR_RNDA) ? round_indeterminate  // this is the best match
      : round_indeterminate))));


}  // namespace std

#endif  // MPFR_REAL_HPP
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