Revision a6d03813fc8cd8b58edc6b3cef6b2f732f4d9d36 authored by Nick Weidner on 07 September 2018, 18:25:33 UTC, committed by Nick Weidner on 07 September 2018, 18:25:33 UTC
1 parent 09335f4
Tip revision: a6d03813fc8cd8b58edc6b3cef6b2f732f4d9d36 authored by Nick Weidner on 07 September 2018, 18:25:33 UTC
Point fix
Point fix
Tip revision: a6d0381
#include "parseParams.h"
#include "external\Json\json.h"
#include "external\ArcSim\util.hpp"
#include "external\ArcSim\vectors.hpp"
#include "external\ArcSim\referenceshape.hpp"
#include "Cloth.h"
#include "Constraints.h"
#include "FixedList.h"
#include "Obstacles.h"
#include "Points.h"
#include "Box.h"
#include "Shape.h"
#include "GeneralizedSolver.h"
#include <Eigen\Core>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <omp.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
using namespace Eigen;
// Borrowed from ArcSim
void complain(const Json::Value &json, const string &expected) {
cout << "Expected " << expected << ", found " << json << " instead" << endl;
void complainM(int msize, int gotsize) {
cout << "Expected " << msize << "elements, found " << gotsize << " instead" << endl;
template <typename T> void parse(vector<T> &v, const Json::Value &json) {
if (!json.isArray()) complain(json, "array");
for (int i = 0; i < json.size(); i++)
parse(v[i], json[i]);
template <typename T> void parse(T &x, const Json::Value &json, const T &x0) {
if (json.isNull())
x = x0;
parse(x, json);
void parse(bool &b, const Json::Value &json) {
if (!json.isBool()) complain(json, "boolean");
b = json.asBool();
void parse(int &n, const Json::Value &json) {
if (!json.isIntegral()) complain(json, "integer");
n = json.asInt();
void parse(double &x, const Json::Value &json) {
if (!json.isNumeric()) complain(json, "real");
x = json.asDouble();
void parse(string &s, const Json::Value &json) {
if (!json.isString()) complain(json, "string");
s = json.asString();
struct Range {
double &min, &max;
Range(double &min, double &max) : min(min), max(max) {}
void parse(Range range, const Json::Value &json, Vec2 range0, const string key) {
if (json.isNull()) {
range.min = range0[0];
range.max = range0[1];
if (json.size() != 2) {
cout << "The array value " << key << "was defined unproperly" << endl;
cout << "Do so with the JSON key:" << endl;
cout << " \"" << key << "\": [#,#]" << endl;
parse(range.min, json[0u]);
parse(range.max, json[1]);
// End borrowed from ArcSim
void parse(Vector2i &v, const Json::Value &json) {
if (!json.isArray()) complain(json, "array");
if (json.size() != 2) complain(json, "array of size" + to_string(2));
for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
v(i) = json[i].asInt();
void parse(Vector2d &v, const Json::Value &json) {
if (!json.isArray()) complain(json, "array");
if (json.size() != 2) complain(json, "array of size" + to_string(2));
for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
v(i) = json[i].asDouble();
void parse(Vector3d &v, const Json::Value &json) {
if (!json.isArray()) complain(json, "array");
if (json.size() != 3) complain(json, "array of size" + to_string(3));
for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
v(i) = json[i].asDouble();
void parse(VectorXd &v, const Json::Value &json) {
if (!json.isArray()) complain(json, "array");
if (v.size() != json.size()) complain(json, "array of size " + to_string(v.size()));
for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
v(i) = json[i].asDouble();
void load_genset(const shared_ptr<genSet> genset, const string &JSON_FILE)
Json::Value json;
Json::Reader reader;
ifstream file(JSON_FILE.c_str());
bool parsingSuccessful = reader.parse(file, json);
if (!parsingSuccessful) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error reading file: %s\n", JSON_FILE.c_str());
fprintf(stderr, "%s", reader.getFormatedErrorMessages().c_str());
parse(genset->online, json["online"], false);
parse(genset->exportObjs, json["exportObjs"], false);
parse(genset->exportTimings, json["exportTimings"], false);
parse(genset->RESOURCE_DIR, json["RESOURCE_DIR"], string(""));
if (genset->RESOURCE_DIR == "") {
cout << "Resource directory was not specified." << endl;
cout << "Do so with the JSON key:" << endl;
cout << " \"RESOURCE_DIR\": <path-to-resource-dir>" << endl;
if (genset->exportObjs) {
parse(genset->OUTPUT_DIR, json["OUTPUT_DIR"], string(""));
if (genset->OUTPUT_DIR == "") {
cout << "Export set to on, but no output directory specified." << endl;
cout << "Do so with the JSON key:" << endl;
cout << " \"OUTPUT_DIR\": <path-to-output-dir>" << endl;
genset->RESOURCE_DIR += string("/"); // Just in case
void load_solver(shared_ptr<GeneralizedSolver> gs, const Json::Value& json)
if (!json.isString()) complain(json, "string");
string which = json.asString();
if (which == "mosek") {
#ifndef EOLC_MOSEK
cout << "ERROR:" << endl;
cout << "You've specified using the mosek solver, but you haven't built with mosek support" << endl;
#endif // !EOLC_MOSEK
gs->whichSolver = GeneralizedSolver::Mosek;
else if (which == "gurobi") {
cout << "ERROR:" << endl;
cout << "You've specified using the gurobi solver, but you haven't built with gurobi support" << endl;
#endif // !EOLC_GUROBI
gs->whichSolver = GeneralizedSolver::Gurobi;
else {
cout << "Unrecognized solver:" << endl;
cout << " \"" << which << "\"" << endl;
cout << "Check spelling" << endl;
void load_matset(Material& material, const Json::Value& json)
parse(material.density, json["density"], 0.05);
parse(material.e, json["youngs"], 50.0);
parse(, json["poissons"], 0.01);
parse(material.beta, json["stiffness"], 1.0e-5);
parse(Range(material.dampingA, material.dampingB),
json["damping"], Vec2(0.0, 1.0), "damping");
// Borrowed from ArcSim
void load_remeshset(Remeshing& remeshing, const Json::Value& json)
parse(remeshing.refine_angle, json["refine_angle"], infinity);
parse(remeshing.refine_compression, json["refine_compression"], infinity);
parse(remeshing.refine_velocity, json["refine_velocity"], infinity);
parse(Range(remeshing.size_min, remeshing.size_max),
json["size"], Vec2(-infinity, infinity), "size");
parse(remeshing.aspect_min, json["aspect_min"], -infinity);
void load_fixedset(vector<shared_ptr<FixedList> > &fsv, const Json::Value& json)
VectorXd nothing(6);
nothing << -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0;
if (json.isMember("0")) {
auto fs = make_shared<FixedList>();
parse(fs->when, json["0"]["when"], 0.0);
parse(fs->c1, json["0"]["corner1"], nothing);
parse(fs->c2, json["0"]["corner2"], nothing);
parse(fs->c3, json["0"]["corner3"], nothing);
parse(fs->c4, json["0"]["corner4"], nothing);
else {
auto fs = make_shared<FixedList>();
parse(fs->when, json["when"], 0.0);
parse(fs->c1, json["corner1"], nothing);
parse(fs->c2, json["corner2"], nothing);
parse(fs->c3, json["corner3"], nothing);
parse(fs->c4, json["corner4"], nothing);
int i = 1;
while(true) {
if (!json.isMember(to_string(i))) break;
auto fs = make_shared<FixedList>();
parse(fs->when, json[to_string(i)]["when"], 0.0);
parse(fs->c1, json[to_string(i)]["corner1"], nothing);
parse(fs->c2, json[to_string(i)]["corner2"], nothing);
parse(fs->c3, json[to_string(i)]["corner3"], nothing);
parse(fs->c4, json[to_string(i)]["corner4"], nothing);
// Individual object settings loaders
void load_defclothset(shared_ptr<Cloth> cloth, const Json::Value& json)
Vector2i res;
parse(res, json["initial_cloth_res"], Vector2i(2, 2));
VectorXd p00(5), p01(5), p10(5), p11(5);
VectorXd dp00(5), dp01(5), dp10(5), dp11(5);
dp00 << 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0;
dp10 << 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0;
dp01 << 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0;
dp11 << 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0;
parse(p00, json["corner1"], dp00);
parse(p01, json["corner2"], dp01);
parse(p10, json["corner3"], dp10);
parse(p11, json["corner4"], dp11);
cloth->build(res, p00, p01, p10, p11);
cloth->mesh.parent = cloth;
cloth->mesh.ref = new ReferenceLinear(cloth->mesh);
void load_clothset(shared_ptr<Cloth> cloth, const Json::Value& json)
if (json.isMember("cloth_obj") && json["cloth_obj"] != "") {
else if (json.isMember("init")) {
load_defclothset(cloth, json["init"]);
if (json.isMember("Material")) {
load_matset(cloth->material, json["Material"]);
else {
load_matset(cloth->material, json);
if (json.isMember("Remeshing")) {
load_remeshset(cloth->remeshing, json["Remeshing"]);
else {
load_remeshset(cloth->remeshing, json);
if (json.isMember("Fixed")) {
load_fixedset(cloth->fs, json["Fixed"]);
// I don't like how I did this
Vector2i res;
parse(res, json["init"]["initial_cloth_res"], Vector2i(2, 2));
for (int f = 0; f < cloth->fs.size(); f++) {
cloth->fs[f]->c1i = 0;
cloth->fs[f]->c2i = res(0) * (res(1) - 1);
cloth->fs[f]->c3i = res(0) * res(1) - 1;
cloth->fs[f]->c4i = res(0) - 1;
void load_pointsset(shared_ptr<Points> p, const Json::Value& json)
if (!json.isArray()) complain(json, "array");
if (p->num_points != 0) {
MatrixXd pxyzfromfile = p->pxyz;
MatrixXd normsfromfile = p->norms;
p->pxyz.resize(3, p->num_points + json.size());
p->norms.resize(3, p->num_points + json.size());
p->pxyz.block(0, 0, 3, p->num_points) = pxyzfromfile;
p->norms.block(0, 0, 3, p->num_points) = normsfromfile;
for (int i = 0; i < json.size(); i++) {
if (!json[i].isArray()) complain(json, "array");
if (json[i].size() != 6) {
cout << "Invalid point define." << endl;
cout << "Do so with the JSON key:" << endl;
cout << " \"points\": [x, y, z, nx, ny, nz]" << endl;
p->pxyz.block(0, i + p->num_points, 3, 1) = Vector3d(json[i][0].asDouble(), json[i][1].asDouble(), json[i][2].asDouble());
p->norms.block(0, i + p->num_points, 3, 1) = Vector3d(json[i][3].asDouble(), json[i][4].asDouble(), json[i][5].asDouble());
p->num_points += json.size();
else {
p->num_points = json.size();
p->pxyz.resize(3, json.size());
p->norms.resize(3, json.size());
for (int i = 0; i < json.size(); i++) {
if (!json[i].isArray()) complain(json, "array");
if (json[i].size() != 6) {
cout << "Invalid point define." << endl;
cout << "Points are formated as:" << endl;
cout << " [x, y, z, nx, ny, nz]" << endl;
p->pxyz.block(0, i, 3, 1) = Vector3d(json[i][0].asDouble(), json[i][1].asDouble(), json[i][2].asDouble());
p->norms.block(0, i, 3, 1) = Vector3d(json[i][3].asDouble(), json[i][4].asDouble(), json[i][5].asDouble());
void load_boxset(vector<shared_ptr<Box> > &boxes, shared_ptr<Shape> shape, const Json::Value& json)
if (!json.isArray()) complain(json, "array");
for (int i = 0; i < json.size(); i++) {
if (json[i].size() != 12) {
cout << "Invalid box define." << endl;
cout << "Boxes are formated as:" << endl;
cout << " [scalex, scaley, scalez, x, y, z, agvx, angvy, angvz, vx, vy, vz]" << endl;
auto b = make_shared<Box>(shape,"Box" + to_string(i));
b->dim = Vector3d(json[i][0].asDouble(), json[i][1].asDouble(), json[i][2].asDouble());
b->E1.block<3,1>(0,3) = Vector3d(json[i][3].asDouble(), json[i][4].asDouble(), json[i][5].asDouble());
b->E1inv = b->E1.inverse();
b->v << json[i][6].asDouble(), json[i][7].asDouble(), json[i][8].asDouble(), json[i][9].asDouble(), json[i][10].asDouble(), json[i][11].asDouble();
void load_obsset(shared_ptr<Obstacles> obs, const Json::Value& json)
if(json.isMember("threshold")) parse(obs->cdthreshold, json["threshold"], 5e-3);
if (json.isMember("points_file")); // TODO
if (json.isMember("points")) load_pointsset(obs->points, json["points"]);
if (json.isMember("box_file")); // TODO
if (json.isMember("boxes")) load_boxset(obs->boxes, obs->shapes[0], json["boxes"]);
obs->num_boxes = obs->boxes.size();
void printSimSet(shared_ptr<Scene> scene);
void load_simset(shared_ptr<Scene> scene, const string &JSON_FILE)
Json::Value json;
Json::Reader reader;
ifstream file(JSON_FILE.c_str());
bool parsingSuccessful = reader.parse(file, json);
if (!parsingSuccessful) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error reading file: %s\n", JSON_FILE.c_str());
fprintf(stderr, "%s", reader.getFormatedErrorMessages().c_str());
if (json.isMember("solver")) load_solver(scene->GS, json["solver"]);
parse(scene->h, json["timestep"], 0.005);
parse(scene->grav, json["gravity"], Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, -9.8));
parse(scene->REMESHon, json["REMESH"], false);
parse(scene->EOLon, json["EOL"], false);
if (scene->EOLon) scene->REMESHon = true;
if (json.isMember("Cloth")) load_clothset(scene->cloth, json["Cloth"]);
if (json.isMember("Obstacles")) load_obsset(scene->obs, json["Obstacles"]);
string printSimBool(bool b) {
if (b) return "True";
return "False";
void printSimSet(shared_ptr<Scene> scene)
cout << "Simulation settings" << endl;
cout << " Timestep: " << scene->h << endl;
cout << " REMESH: " << printSimBool(scene->REMESHon) << endl;
cout << " EOL: " << printSimBool(scene->EOLon) << endl;
cout << " Cloth:" << endl;
cout << " cloth_obj: " << "" << endl;
cout << " Material: " << endl;
cout << " density: " << scene->cloth->material.density << endl;
cout << " youngs: " << scene->cloth->material.e << endl;
cout << " poissons: " << scene->cloth-> << endl;
cout << " stiffness: " << scene->cloth->material.beta << endl;
cout << " damping: [" << scene->cloth->material.dampingA << ", " << scene->cloth->material.dampingA << "]" << endl;
cout << " Remeshing: " << endl;
cout << " refine_angle: " << scene->cloth->remeshing.refine_angle << endl;
cout << " refine_compression: " << scene->cloth->remeshing.refine_compression << endl;
cout << " refine_velocity: " << scene->cloth->remeshing.refine_velocity << endl;
cout << " size: [" << scene->cloth->remeshing.size_min << ", " << scene->cloth->remeshing.size_max << "]" << endl;
cout << " aspect_min: " << scene->cloth->remeshing.aspect_min << endl;
cout << " Obstacles:" << endl;
cout << " threshold: " << scene->obs->cdthreshold << endl;
//cout << " points_file: " << "" << endl;
cout << " total_points: " << scene->obs->points->num_points << endl;
//cout << " box_file: " << "" << endl;
cout << " total_boxes" << scene->obs->num_boxes << endl;
Computing file changes ...