Revision a7ed76ce7a65e2abca2985347d8213fd64d35a24 authored by François Dupressoir on 19 April 2018, 16:27:33 UTC, committed by Pierre-Yves Strub on 20 April 2018, 16:27:35 UTC
1 parent 526d0c0
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(* --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2016 - IMDEA Software Institute
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2018 - Inria
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2018 - Ecole Polytechnique
 * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B-V1 license
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
require import Bool Int IntExtra Real RealExtra.
require (*--*) Ring.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
theory RField.
  clone include Ring.Field with
    type t <- real,
    op   zeror <- 0%r,
    op   oner  <- 1%r,
    op   ( + ) <- Real.( + ),
    op   [ - ] <- Real.([-]),
    op   ( * ) <- Real.( * ),
    op   invr  <- Real.inv
    proof * by smt remove abbrev (-) remove abbrev (/).

  lemma nosmt ofintR (i : int): ofint i = i%r.
  have h: forall i, 0 <= i => ofint i = i%r.
  + elim=> [|j j_ge0 ih] //=; first by rewrite ofint0.
    by rewrite ofintS // fromintD ih addrC.
  elim/natind: i=> [n|/#].
  by rewrite -oppz_ge0 -eqr_opp -ofintN -fromintN; exact/h.

  lemma intmulr x c : intmul x c = x * c%r.
    have h: forall cp, 0 <= cp => intmul x cp = x * cp%r.
      elim=> /= [|cp ge0_cp ih].
        by rewrite mulr0z.
      by rewrite mulrS // ih fromintD mulrDr mulr1 addrC.
    case: (lezWP c 0) => [le0c|_ /h //].
    rewrite -{2}(@oppzK c) fromintN mulrN -h 1:smt.
    by rewrite mulrNz opprK.

  lemma nosmt double_half (x : real) : x / 2%r + x / 2%r = x.
  proof. by rewrite -ofintR -mulrDl -mul1r2z -mulrA divff // ofintR. qed.

  lemma powrE (x : real) (n : int) : x ^ n = exp x n.
  elim/intwlog: n => [n h| |n gt0_n ih].
  + by rewrite -(oppzK n) powrN exprN h.
  + by rewrite powr0 expr0 fromint1.
  + by rewrite !(powrS, exprS) // ih mulrC.
end RField.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
instance ring with int
  op rzero =
  op rone  =
  op add   = Int.( + )
  op opp   = Int.([-])
  op mul   = Int.( * )
  op expr  = IntExtra.( ^ )

  proof oner_neq0 by smt
  proof addr0     by smt
  proof addrA     by smt
  proof addrC     by smt
  proof addrN     by smt
  proof mulr1     by smt
  proof mulrA     by smt
  proof mulrC     by smt
  proof mulrDl    by smt
  proof expr0     by smt
  proof exprS     by smt.

op bid (b:bool) = b.

instance bring with bool
  op rzero = false
  op rone  = true
  op add   = Bool.( ^^ )
  op mul   = (/\)
  op opp   = bid

  proof oner_neq0 by smt
  proof addr0     by smt
  proof addrA     by smt
  proof addrC     by smt
  proof addrK     by smt
  proof mulr1     by smt
  proof mulrA     by smt
  proof mulrC     by smt
  proof mulrDl    by smt
  proof mulrK     by smt
  proof oppr_id   by smt.
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