Revision a81d7e81f9ff339392d535e428ef40dc5ff9e429 authored by Pierre-Yves Strub on 21 February 2022, 08:29:19 UTC, committed by Pierre-Yves Strub on 21 February 2022, 08:29:19 UTC
2 parent s b386764 + 28c60b4
Raw File
require import AllCore List Distr ZModP.
require (*  *) Matrix.

(* The theory of ZP, integer modulo p where p is a prime number *)
clone import ZModField as ZP.
import ZP.ZModpField.

(* We define the square matrix : size * size *)
clone import Matrix as M with 
  type R <- zmod,
  op ZR.zeror <-,
  op ZR.( + ) <- ZP.( + ),
  op ZR.([-]) <- ZP.([-]),
  op ZR.oner  <-,
  op ZR.( * ) <- ZP.( * ),
  op ZR.invr  <- ZP.inv,
  pred ZR.unit  <- fun (x : zmod) => x <> zero
  proof ZR.*, Big.*.
realize ZR.addrA by apply addrA.
realize ZR.addrC by apply addrC.
realize ZR.add0r by apply add0r.
realize ZR.addNr by apply addNr.
realize ZR.oner_neq0 by apply oner_neq0.
realize ZR.mulrA by apply mulrA.
realize ZR.mulrC by apply mulrC.
realize ZR.mul1r by apply mul1r.
realize ZR.mulrDl by apply mulrDl.
realize ZR.mulVr by apply mulVr.
realize ZR.unitP by apply unitP.
realize ZR.unitout by apply unitout.
realize ZR.mulf_eq0 by apply mulf_eq0.
realize Big.CR.addrA by apply addrA.
realize Big.CR.addrC by apply addrC.
realize Big.CR.add0r by apply add0r.
realize Big.CR.addNr by apply addNr.
realize Big.CR.oner_neq0 by apply oner_neq0.
realize Big.CR.mulrA by apply mulrA.
realize Big.CR.mulrC by apply mulrC.
realize Big.CR.mul1r by apply mul1r.
realize Big.CR.mulrDl by apply mulrDl.
realize Big.CR.mulVr by apply mulVr.
realize Big.CR.unitP by apply unitP.
realize Big.CR.unitout by apply unitout.

(* This is equivalent to e <- BS_m; bit_inj(e) *)
op sample_e = dvector (duniform [zero; one]).  

(* We want to sample uniformly element in ZP.
   This is a solution, another will be to prove that zmod is a finite type

op dzmodp = dmap (drange 0 p) inzmod.

lemma dzmodp_ll : is_lossless dzmodp.
proof. apply/dmap_ll/drange_ll; smt (ge2_p). qed.

lemma dzmodp_fu : is_full dzmodp.
  apply dmap_fu_in => x.
  by exists (asint x); rewrite asintK supp_drange rg_asint.

lemma dzmodp_uni : is_uniform dzmodp.
  apply dmap_uni_in_inj; 2: by apply drange_uni.
  move=> x y; rewrite !supp_drange => hx hy hxy.
  have : asint (inzmod x) = asint (inzmod y) by rewrite hxy.
  have h : `|p| = p by smt (ge2_p). 
  by rewrite !inzmodK !IntDiv.modz_small ?h.

lemma dzmodp1E x : mu1 dzmodp x = 1%r/p%r.
rewrite dmap1E (mu_eq_support _ _ (pred1 (asint x))).
+ move=> z; rewrite supp_drange /(\o) /pred1; smt (asintK inzmodK).
by rewrite drange1E rg_asint.

(* We can now define the uniform distribution over matrix and vector *)
op dmatrix_u = dmatrix dzmodp.
op dvector_u = dvector dzmodp.

(* Now we can define adversary for LHL *)

module type LHL_ADV = {
  proc main(a: matrix, v:vector) : bool

module LHL (A:LHL_ADV) = {
  proc main_l () = {
    var b, a, e;
    a <$ dmatrix_u;
    e <$ sample_e;
    b <@ A.main(a, a *^ e);
    return b;

  proc main_r () = {
    var b, a, v;
    a <$ dmatrix_u;
    v <$ dvector_u;
    b <@ A.main(a, v);
    return b;

   Now the advantage of the adversary can be defined by 
   `| Pr[LHL(A).main_l() @ &m : res] - Pr[LHL(A).main_r() @ &m : res |


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