Revision a84e9ffb3ac841114d4db4e70036eab333d29d2f authored by R. Wayne Oldford on 10 May 2021, 06:10:05 UTC, committed by cran-robot on 10 May 2021, 06:10:05 UTC
1 parent bb4dcd2
Raw File
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/l_graph.R
\title{Generic funtction to create an interactive graph display}
l_graph(nodes, ...)

\method{l_graph}{graph}(nodes, ...)

\method{l_graph}{loongraph}(nodes, ...)

\method{l_graph}{default}(nodes = "", from = "", to = "", isDirected = FALSE, parent = NULL, ...)
\item{nodes}{object for method dispatch}

\item{...}{arguments passed on to methods}

\item{from}{vector with node names of the from-to pairs for edges}

\item{to}{vector with node names of the from-to pairs for edges}

\item{isDirected}{a boolean state to specify whether these edges have directions}

\item{parent}{parent widget of graph display}
graph handle
Interactive graphs in loon are currently most often used for
  navigation graphs.
For more information run: \code{l_help("learn_R_display_graph.html#graph")}
if(interactive()) {
 G <- completegraph(nodes=names(iris))
 LG <- linegraph(G, sep=":")
 g <- l_graph(LG)
Other related graph objects, \code{\link{loongraph}},
\code{\link{completegraph}}, \code{\link{linegraph}},
\code{\link{complement}}, \code{\link{as.graph}}

Advanced usage \code{\link{l_navgraph}},
\code{\link{l_ng_plots}}, \code{\link{l_ng_ranges}}
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