Revision a8ea8a4d15a6f32a1f9ae3b326b46558e7f76b62 authored by Thomas Letan on 02 February 2024, 18:50:32 UTC, committed by Arvid Jakobsson on 06 February 2024, 09:23:55 UTC
1 parent a6a40d6
Raw File
#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -e


$ ./scripts/ <name>_<version_number>
Packs the current proto_alpha directory in a new
proto_<version_number>_<hash> directory with all the necessary

<name> should be in lower case, e.g. 'stockholm'
<version_number> should be three digits, e.g. 022",

script_dir="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd -P)"
cd "$script_dir"/..

# e.g. stockholm_022
# e.g. stockholm
label=$(echo "$current" | cut -d'_' -f1)
# e.g. 022
version=$(echo "$current" | cut -d'_' -f2)
# e.g. Stockholm
capitalized_label=$(tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' <<< "${label:0:1}")${label:1}
# e.g. Pt8PY9P47nYw7WgPqpr49JZX5iU511ZJ9UPrBKu1CuYtBsLy7q7 (set below)
# e.g. Pt8PY9P4 (set below)

if ! { [[ "$label" =~ ^[a-z]+$ ]] && [[ "$version" =~ ^[0-9][0-9][0-9]$ ]]; }; then
  echo "Wrong protocol version."
  echo "Name should be a lowercase alphabetic word."
  echo "Number should be a 3-digit number."
  echo "$usage"
  exit 1

if [ -d "src/proto_${version}" ]; then
  echo "Error: you should remove the directory 'src/proto_${version}'"
  exit 1

if [ -d "docs/${label}" ]; then
  echo "Error: you should remove the directory 'docs/${label}'"
  exit 1

# create a temporary directory until the hash is known
# this is equivalent to `cp src/proto_alpha/ src/proto_${version}` but only for versioned files
echo "Copying src/proto_alpha to src/proto_${version}"
mkdir /tmp/tezos_proto_snapshot
git archive HEAD src/proto_alpha/ | tar -x -C /tmp/tezos_proto_snapshot
# remove the README because it is specific to Alpha
rm /tmp/tezos_proto_snapshot/src/proto_alpha/
mv /tmp/tezos_proto_snapshot/src/proto_alpha "src/proto_${version}"
rm -rf /tmp/tezos_proto_snapshot

echo "Copying docs/alpha to docs/${label}"
mkdir /tmp/tezos_proto_doc_snapshot
git archive HEAD docs/alpha/ | tar -x -C /tmp/tezos_proto_doc_snapshot
mv /tmp/tezos_proto_doc_snapshot/docs/alpha "docs/${label}"
rm -rf /tmp/tezos_proto_doc_snapshot

# set current version
# Starting from 018 the version value moved to `constants_repr`. To be
# able to snapshot older protocol the `raw_context` file is kept even
# if it is not strictly needed anymore.
echo "Setting current version in raw_context and proxy"
sed -i.old.old -e "s/let version_value = \"alpha_current\"/let version_value = \"${current}\"/" \
  "src/proto_${version}/lib_protocol/" \
  "src/proto_${version}/lib_protocol/" \

long_hash=$(./octez-protocol-compiler -hash-only "src/proto_${version}/lib_protocol")
short_hash=$(echo "$long_hash" | head -c 8)

if [ -d "src/proto_${version}_${short_hash}" ]; then
  echo "Error: you should remove the directory 'src/proto_${version}_${short_hash}'"
  exit 1

mv "src/proto_${version}" "src/proto_${version}_${short_hash}"

# fix versioned links (in labels, references, and paths) in docs
echo "Fixing versioned links in docs"
cd "docs/${label}"
find . -name \*.rst -exec \
  sed -i.old \
  -e "s,src/proto_alpha,src/proto_${version}_${short_hash},g" \
  -e "s,tezos-protocol-alpha/,tezos-protocol-${version}-${short_hash}/,g" \
  -e "s,raw_protocol_alpha/,raw_protocol_${version}_${short_hash}/,g" \
  -e "s/_alpha:/_${label}:/g" \
  -e "s/_alpha>/_${label}>/g" \
  -e "s/_alpha\`/_${label}\`/g" \
  -e "s/-alpha.html/-${label}.html/g" \
  \{\} \;
cd ../..

# generate docs/protocols/042_jeanmichel.rst from docs/protocols/alpha.rst
echo "Copying+fixing docs/protocols/alpha.rst to docs/protocols/${version}_${label}.rst"
sed -e "s/^Protocol Alpha/Protocol ${capitalized_label}/" \
  -e "s,src/proto_alpha,src/proto_${version}_${short_hash},g" \
  docs/protocols/alpha.rst > "docs/protocols/${version}_${label}.rst"

# add entries in the doc index
# copy from alpha rather from previous protocol because there may be newly added items
echo "Add entries in the doc index"
alpha_line='Alpha Dev Protocol doc'
  set -e
  grep -B9999 -F "$alpha_line" "$doc_index" |
    head -n-1
  grep -A9999 -F "$alpha_line" "$doc_index" |
    grep -B9999 -F 'toctree' -m1 |
    head -n-1 |
    sed -e "s/Alpha Dev/${capitalized_label}/g" \
      -e "s,alpha/,${label}/,g"
  grep -B9999 -F "$alpha_line" "$doc_index" |
    tac |
    grep -B9999 -F 'toctree' -m1 |
  grep -A9999 -F "$alpha_line" "$doc_index" |
    tail -n+2 |
    awk '{
                if ($0 ~ PATTERN) {
                    print x
                } else {
             }' PATTERN='protocols/alpha' REPLACEMENT="protocols/${version}_${label}"
) > "${doc_index}.tmp"
mv "${doc_index}.tmp" "$doc_index"

# Replace test invocation headers that mention proto_alpha
find "src/proto_${version}_${short_hash}" -type f -path \*/test/\*.ml \
  -exec sed -i "s@Invocation:\(.*\)/proto_alpha/\(.*\)@Invocation:\1/proto_${version}_${short_hash}/\2@" \{\} \;

cd "src/proto_${version}_${short_hash}"
# rename main_*.ml{,i} files of the binaries
find . -name main_\* -or -name main_\*_alpha.mli | while read -r file; do
  mv "$file" "$new_file"

cd lib_protocol

# replace fake hash with real hash, this file doesn't influence the hash
sed -i.old -e 's/"hash": "[^"]*",/"hash": "'"$long_hash"'",/' \

# We use `--print0` and `xargs -0` instead of just passing the result
# of find to sed in order to support spaces in filenames.
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 \
  sed -i.old -e "s/protocol_alpha/protocol_${version}_${short_hash}/" \
  -e "s/protocol-alpha/protocol-${version}-${short_hash}/" \
  -e "s/protocol-functor-alpha/protocol-functor-${version}-${short_hash}/"
# add this protocol to the immutable list
printf \\n%s "$long_hash" >> ../../lib_protocol_compiler/final_protocol_versions

cd ../../..

# remove files generated by sed
find . -name '*.old' -exec rm {} \;

# automatically add the new protocol tag to alcotezt

head -n -1 tezt/lib_alcotezt/ > "$temp_file"
echo "  | Some \"${version}_${short_hash}\" -> [\"${label}\"]" >> "$temp_file"
echo "  | Some _ -> assert false" >> "$temp_file"
mv "$temp_file" tezt/lib_alcotezt/
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