Revision a92800f29cd09c74402b3598852251bfb781db3b authored by Milos Hasan on 20 December 2018, 18:55:25 UTC, committed by Milos Hasan on 20 December 2018, 18:55:25 UTC
1 parent 52a1615
Tip revision: a92800f29cd09c74402b3598852251bfb781db3b authored by Milos Hasan on 20 December 2018, 18:55:25 UTC
wave ndf normalization fix
wave ndf normalization fix
Tip revision: a92800f
Copyright 2018 Lingqi Yan
This file is part of WaveOpticsBrdf.
WaveOpticsBrdf is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
WaveOpticsBrdf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with WaveOpticsBrdf. If not, see <>.
#include "waveBrdf.h"
#include "spectrum.h"
GaborKernel Heightfield::g(int i, int j, Float F, Float lambda) {
Vector2 m_k(Float((i + 0.5) * mTexelWidth), Float((j + 0.5) * mTexelWidth));
Float l_k = mTexelWidth;
Vector2 mu_k = m_k;
Float sigma_k = l_k / SCALE_FACTOR;
Float H_mk = mHeightfieldImage->getValue(i + 0.5, j + 0.5) * mTexelWidth * mVertScale; // Assuming mTexelWidth doesn't affect the heightfield's shape.
Vector2 HPrime_mk(Float((mHeightfieldImage->getValue(i + 1, j) - mHeightfieldImage->getValue(i, j)) * mVertScale),
Float((mHeightfieldImage->getValue(i, j + 1) - mHeightfieldImage->getValue(i, j)) * mVertScale));
comp C_k = sqrt(F) * l_k * l_k * cnis(4.0 * M_PI / lambda * (H_mk -;
Vector2 a_k = 2.0 * HPrime_mk / lambda;
return GaborKernel(mu_k, sigma_k, a_k, C_k);
Vector2 Heightfield::n(Float i, Float j) {
Vector2 HPrime(Float((mHeightfieldImage->getValue(i + 0.5f, j) - mHeightfieldImage->getValue(i - 0.5f, j)) * mVertScale),
Float((mHeightfieldImage->getValue(i, j + 0.5f) - mHeightfieldImage->getValue(i, j - 0.5f)) * mVertScale));
Vector3 n(-HPrime(0), -HPrime(1), Float(1.0));
return n.head(2);
Float Heightfield::eval(Float x, Float y) {
return mHeightfieldImage->getValue(x / mTexelWidth, y / mTexelWidth) * mVertScale;
WaveBrdfAccel::WaveBrdfAccel(Heightfield *heightfield, string method) {
mHeightfield = heightfield;
mMethod = method;
const int &height = mHeightfield->mHeightfieldImage->height;
const int &width = mHeightfield->mHeightfieldImage->width;
assert(height == width);
mTopLayer = (int) floor(log(height * 1.0) / log(2.0) + 1e-4); // 0, 1, 2, ..., mTopLayer.
cout << "Preprocessing heightfield: layer 0..." << endl;
vector<vector<AABB>> &angularBBLayer = angularBB.back();
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
vector<GaborKernelPrime> &gaborKernelPrimeRow = gaborKernelPrime[i];
vector<AABB> &angularBBRow = angularBBLayer[i];
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
Vector2 m_k(Float((i + 0.5) * mHeightfield->mTexelWidth), Float((j + 0.5) * mHeightfield->mTexelWidth));
Float l_k = mHeightfield->mTexelWidth;
Vector2 mu_k = m_k;
Float sigma_k = l_k / SCALE_FACTOR;
Float H_mk = mHeightfield->mHeightfieldImage->getValue(i, j) * mHeightfield->mTexelWidth * mHeightfield->mVertScale; // Assuming mTexelWidth doesn't affect the heightfield's shape.
Vector2 HPrime_mk(Float((mHeightfield->mHeightfieldImage->getValue(i + 1, j) - mHeightfield->mHeightfieldImage->getValue(i - 1, j)) / 2.0 * mHeightfield->mVertScale),
Float((mHeightfield->mHeightfieldImage->getValue(i, j + 1) - mHeightfield->mHeightfieldImage->getValue(i, j - 1)) / 2.0 * mHeightfield->mVertScale));
Float cInfo_k = H_mk -;
Vector2 aInfo_k = 2.0 * HPrime_mk;
gaborKernelPrimeRow.push_back(GaborKernelPrime(mu_k, sigma_k, cInfo_k, aInfo_k));
angularBBRow.push_back(AABB(-aInfo_k(0), -aInfo_k(0), -aInfo_k(1), -aInfo_k(1)));
int currentHeight = height;
int currentWidth = width;
for (int currentLayer = 1; currentLayer <= mTopLayer; currentLayer++) {
cout << "Preprocessing heightfield: layer " << currentLayer << "..." << endl;
vector<vector<AABB>> angularBBLayer;
currentHeight >>= 1;
currentWidth >>= 1;
for (int i = 0; i < currentHeight; i++) {
vector<AABB> angularBBRow;
for (int j = 0; j < currentWidth; j++) {
AABB aabb1 = angularBB[currentLayer - 1][i * 2 + 0][j * 2 + 0];
AABB aabb2 = angularBB[currentLayer - 1][i * 2 + 1][j * 2 + 0];
AABB aabb3 = angularBB[currentLayer - 1][i * 2 + 1][j * 2 + 1];
AABB aabb4 = angularBB[currentLayer - 1][i * 2 + 0][j * 2 + 1];
angularBBRow.push_back(combineAABB(aabb1, aabb2, aabb3, aabb4));
comp WaveBrdfAccel::queryIntegral(const Query &query, int layer, int xIndex, int yIndex) {
Float C3 = 2.0f;
if (mMethod == "GHS" || mMethod == "RGHS" || mMethod == "Kirchhoff") {
Float oDotN = sqrt(abs(1.0f -;
Float iDotN = sqrt(abs(1.0f -;
C3 = oDotN + iDotN;
if (layer == 0) {
Vector2 omega_a = (query.omega_i + query.omega_o) / 2.0;
Vector2 m_k(Float((xIndex + 0.5) * mHeightfield->mTexelWidth), Float((yIndex + 0.5) * mHeightfield->mTexelWidth));
Float period = mHeightfield->mTexelWidth * mHeightfield->mHeightfieldImage->height;
Float pDistSqr = distSqrPeriod(m_k, query.mu_p, period);
if (pDistSqr > (3.0 * query.sigma_p) * (3.0 * query.sigma_p))
return comp(Float(0.0), Float(0.0));
Vector2 uQuery = 2.0 * omega_a / query.lambda;
AABB &aabb = angularBB[layer][xIndex][yIndex];
Vector2 abLambda(aabb.xMin / query.lambda, aabb.yMin / query.lambda);
abLambda *= C3 / 2.0f;
Float sigma_k = mHeightfield->mTexelWidth / SCALE_FACTOR;
Float aSigma = 1.0 / (2.0 * M_PI * sigma_k);
Float aDistSqr = (abLambda - uQuery).squaredNorm();
if (aDistSqr > (3.0 * aSigma) * (3.0 * aSigma))
return comp(Float(0.0), Float(0.0));
Float C2 = 1.0f;
if (mMethod == "Kirchhoff") {
Vector2 HPrime = gaborKernelPrime[xIndex][yIndex].aInfo / 2.0f;
Vector3 m(-HPrime(0), -HPrime(1), 1.0);
Float oDotN = sqrt(abs(1.0f -;
Float iDotN = sqrt(abs(1.0f -;
Vector3 omega_o(query.omega_o(0), query.omega_o(1), oDotN);
Vector3 omega_i(query.omega_i(0), query.omega_i(1), iDotN);
C2 = (omega_o + omega_i).dot(m) / m(2);
GaborKernelPrime gp = gaborKernelPrime[xIndex][yIndex];
gp.aInfo *= C3 / 2.0f;
gp.cInfo *= C3 / 2.0f;
Float w_mk = Float(1.0 / (sqrt(M_PI) * query.sigma_p)) * exp(-pDistSqr / (2.0 * query.sigma_p * query.sigma_p));
GaborKernel g = gp.toGaborKernel(query.lambda);
return w_mk * C2 * g.xform(2.0 * omega_a / query.lambda);
// Reject the node positionally.
int layerScale = floor(pow(2.0, layer) + 1e-4);
AABB positionalBB((xIndex + 0.0) * layerScale * mHeightfield->mTexelWidth,
(xIndex + 1.0) * layerScale * mHeightfield->mTexelWidth,
(yIndex + 0.0) * layerScale * mHeightfield->mTexelWidth,
(yIndex + 1.0) * layerScale * mHeightfield->mTexelWidth);
AABB queryBB(query.mu_p(0) - 3.0 * query.sigma_p, query.mu_p(0) + 3.0 * query.sigma_p,
query.mu_p(1) - 3.0 * query.sigma_p, query.mu_p(1) + 3.0 * query.sigma_p);
Float period = mHeightfield->mTexelWidth * mHeightfield->mHeightfieldImage->height;
if (!intersectAABBRot(positionalBB, queryBB, period))
return comp(Float(0.0), Float(0.0));
// Reject the node angularly.
Vector2 omega_a = (query.omega_i + query.omega_o) / 2.0;
Vector2 uQuery = 2.0 * omega_a / query.lambda;
AABB &aabb = angularBB[layer][xIndex][yIndex];
AABB aabbLambda(aabb.xMin * C3 / 2.0f / query.lambda, aabb.xMax * C3 / 2.0f / query.lambda,
aabb.yMin * C3 / 2.0f / query.lambda, aabb.yMax * C3 / 2.0f / query.lambda);
Float sigma_k = mHeightfield->mTexelWidth / SCALE_FACTOR;
Float sigma = 1.0 / (2.0 * M_PI * sigma_k);
AABB aabbLambdaExpanded(aabbLambda.xMin - sigma * 3.0,
aabbLambda.xMax + sigma * 3.0,
aabbLambda.yMin - sigma * 3.0,
aabbLambda.yMax + sigma * 3.0);
if (!insideAABB(aabbLambdaExpanded, uQuery))
return comp(Float(0.0), Float(0.0));
return queryIntegral(query, layer - 1, xIndex * 2 + 0, yIndex * 2 + 0) +
queryIntegral(query, layer - 1, xIndex * 2 + 1, yIndex * 2 + 0) +
queryIntegral(query, layer - 1, xIndex * 2 + 1, yIndex * 2 + 1) +
queryIntegral(query, layer - 1, xIndex * 2 + 0, yIndex * 2 + 1);
Float WaveBrdfAccel::queryBrdf(const Query &query) {
// Move the query center to the first HF period.
Query q = query;
Float hfHeightWorld = mHeightfield->mTexelWidth * mHeightfield->mHeightfieldImage->height;
Float hfWidthWorld = mHeightfield->mTexelWidth * mHeightfield->mHeightfieldImage->width;
q.mu_p(0) -= ((int) floor(q.mu_p(0) / hfHeightWorld)) * hfHeightWorld;
q.mu_p(1) -= ((int) floor(q.mu_p(1) / hfWidthWorld)) * hfWidthWorld;
// Traverse the hierarchy to calculate the inner integral.
comp I = queryIntegral(q, mTopLayer, 0, 0);
// Update corresponding C1, C2 and C3 based on different diffraction models.
Float oDotN = sqrt(abs(1.0f -;
Float iDotN = sqrt(abs(1.0f -;
Float C1 = 0.0f;
if (mMethod == "OHS" || mMethod == "GHS")
C1 = oDotN / (query.lambda * query.lambda * iDotN);
else if (mMethod == "ROHS" || mMethod == "RGHS")
C1 = (iDotN + oDotN) * (iDotN + oDotN) / (query.lambda * query.lambda * 4.0f * iDotN * oDotN);
else if (mMethod == "Kirchhoff")
C1 = 1.0f / (query.lambda * query.lambda * 4.0f * iDotN * oDotN);
return C1 * pow(abs(I), 2.0f);
Float* WaveBrdfAccel::genBrdfImage(const Query &query, int resolution) {
Float *brdfImage = new Float[resolution * resolution * 3];
if (query.lambda != 0.0) {
// Single wavelength.
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
for (int i = 0; i < resolution; i++) {
printf("Generating BRDF image: row %d...\n", i);
for (int j = 0; j < resolution; j++) {
Vector2 omega_o((i + 0.5) / resolution * 2.0 - 1.0,
(j + 0.5) / resolution * 2.0 - 1.0);
Float brdfValue;
if (omega_o.norm() > 1.0) {
brdfValue = 0.0;
} else {
Query q = query;
q.omega_o = omega_o;
brdfValue = queryBrdf(q);
if (std::isnan(brdfValue))
brdfValue = 0.0;
brdfImage[(i * resolution + j) * 3 + 0] = brdfValue;
brdfImage[(i * resolution + j) * 3 + 1] = brdfValue;
brdfImage[(i * resolution + j) * 3 + 2] = brdfValue;
} else {
// Multiple wavelengths.
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
for (int i = 0; i < resolution; i++) {
printf("Generating BRDF image: row %d...\n", i);
for (int j = 0; j < resolution; j++) {
Vector2 omega_o((i + 0.5) / resolution * 2.0 - 1.0,
(j + 0.5) / resolution * 2.0 - 1.0);
vector<float> spectrumSamples;
for (int k = 0; k < SPECTRUM_SAMPLES; k++) {
Float brdfValue;
if (omega_o.norm() > 1.0) {
brdfValue = 0.0;
} else {
Query q = query;
q.omega_o = omega_o;
q.lambda = (k + 0.5) / SPECTRUM_SAMPLES * (0.83 - 0.36) + 0.36;
brdfValue = queryBrdf(q);
if (std::isnan(brdfValue))
brdfValue = 0.0;
float r, g, b;
SpectrumToRGB(spectrumSamples, r, g, b);
brdfImage[(i * resolution + j) * 3 + 0] = r;
brdfImage[(i * resolution + j) * 3 + 1] = g;
brdfImage[(i * resolution + j) * 3 + 2] = b;
return brdfImage;
Float WaveBrdf::queryBrdf(const Query &query) {
cout << "Not implemented" << endl;
return 0.0;
Float* WaveBrdf::genBrdfImage(const Query &query, int resolution) {
cout << "Not implemented" << endl;
return NULL;
Float GeometricBrdf::queryBrdf(const Query &query) {
cout << "Not implemented" << endl;
return 0.0;
inline Vector2 sampleGauss2d(Float r1, Float r2) {
Float tmp = std::sqrt(-2 * std::log(r1));
Float x = tmp * std::cos(2 * Float(M_PI) * r2);
Float y = tmp * std::sin(2 * Float(M_PI) * r2);
return Vector2(x, y);
Float* GeometricBrdf::genNdfImage(const Query &query, int resolution) {
int N = (int) std::sqrt(mSampleNum);
const Float intrinsicRoughness = Float(1) / N;
int *inds = new int[N * N];
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
// sample query Gaussian, stratified
Float rx = (i + randUniform<Float>()) / N;
Float ry = (j + randUniform<Float>()) / N;
Vector2 g = sampleGauss2d(rx, ry);
// look up normal
Vector2 x = g * query.sigma_p / mHeightfield->mTexelWidth;
x += query.mu_p;
Vector2 normal = mHeightfield->n(x[0], x[1]);
// intrinsic roughness
normal += intrinsicRoughness * sampleGauss2d(randUniform<Float>(), randUniform<Float>());
int xi = (int)((1 + normal[0]) / 2 * resolution);
int yi = (int)((1 - normal[1]) / 2 * resolution);
if (xi < 0 || xi >= resolution || yi < 0 || yi >= resolution) continue;
inds[i*N + j] = yi * resolution + xi;
// bin the samples using indices computed above
int npix = resolution * resolution;
int *bins = new int[npix];
memset(bins, 0, npix * sizeof(int));
for (int i = 0; i < N*N; i++) bins[inds[i]]++;
Vector3 *ndfImage = new Vector3[npix];
Float scale = Float(npix) / (4 * N * N);
for (int i = 0; i < npix; i++) ndfImage[i] = Vector3::Constant(scale * bins[i]);
delete[] inds;
delete[] bins;
return (Float*) ndfImage;
Float* GeometricBrdf::genBrdfImage(const Query &query, int resolution) {
const int ndfResolution = resolution * 2;
Float *ndfImage = genNdfImage(query, ndfResolution);
Float *brdfImage = new Float[resolution * resolution * 3];
for (int i = 0; i < resolution; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < resolution; j++) {
brdfImage[(i * resolution + j) * 3 + 0] = 0.0;
brdfImage[(i * resolution + j) * 3 + 1] = 0.0;
brdfImage[(i * resolution + j) * 3 + 2] = 0.0;
const int numSamples = 16;
for (int k = 0; k < numSamples; k++) {
Vector2 omega_o((i + randUniform<Float>()) / resolution * 2.0 - 1.0,
(j + randUniform<Float>()) / resolution * 2.0 - 1.0);
Vector3 omega_i_3(query.omega_i(0), query.omega_i(1), sqrt(1.0 - query.omega_i.norm()));
Vector3 omega_o_3(omega_o(0), omega_o(1), sqrt(1.0 - omega_o.norm()));
Vector2 omega_h = (omega_i_3 + omega_o_3).normalized().head(2);
Vector2 xy = (omega_h + Vector2(1.0, 1.0)) / 2.0 * ndfResolution;
int xInt = (int)(xy(0));
int yInt = (int)(xy(1));
if (xInt < 0 || xInt >= ndfResolution ||
yInt < 0 || yInt >= ndfResolution)
Float D = ndfImage[(xInt * ndfResolution + yInt) * 3 + 0];
Float F = 1.0;
Float G = 1.0;
Float cosThetaI = sqrt(abs(1.0 -;
Float cosThetaO = sqrt(abs(1.0 -;
Float brdfValue = D * F * G / (4.0 * cosThetaI * cosThetaO);
if (std::isnan(brdfValue / numSamples))
brdfImage[(i * resolution + j) * 3 + 0] += brdfValue / numSamples;
brdfImage[(i * resolution + j) * 3 + 1] += brdfValue / numSamples;
brdfImage[(i * resolution + j) * 3 + 2] += brdfValue / numSamples;
delete[] ndfImage;
return brdfImage;
Computing file changes ...