Revision a95a550d2aa0c1af5da26d0b458ed419f942d5ba authored by null-a on 26 July 2017, 10:08:12 UTC, committed by null-a on 26 July 2017, 10:08:12 UTC
1 parent 2d2165f
Raw File
'use strict';

var _ = require('lodash');
var open = require('open');
var child_process = require('child_process');
var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');

function isCodeGenFile(fn) {
  return isPlainJsFile(fn) && fs.existsSync(adSource(fn));

function isPlainJsFile(fn) {
  return path.extname(fn) === '.js' &&
         path.extname(path.parse(fn).name) !== '.ad';

function adSource(fn) {
  return fn.slice(0, -3) + '.ad.js';

module.exports = function(grunt) {
    nodeunit: {
      all: ['tests/test-*.js']
    eslint: {
      lib: {
        src: [
        filter: _.negate(isCodeGenFile)
      test: {
        src: ['tests/**/*.js']
      wppl: {
        src: [
        options: {
          configFile: '.eslintrc.wppl.js'
      options: {fix: "<%= grunt.option('fix') %>"}
    jshint: {
      all: {
        src: [
        filter: _.negate(isCodeGenFile)
      options: {
        maxerr: 500,
        camelcase: true,
        nonew: true,
        curly: true,
        noarg: true,
        trailing: true,
        forin: true,
        noempty: true,
        node: true,
        eqeqeq: true,
        strict: false,
        evil: true,
        undef: true,
        bitwise: true,
        browser: true,
        gcl: true,
        newcap: false
    clean: ['bundle/*.js'],
    watch: {
      ad: {
        files: ['**/*.ad.js'],
        tasks: ['build-ad']
      dist: {
        files: ['src/'],
        tasks: ['build-dist-header']

  function browserifyArgs(args) {
    var pkgArg = '';
    var requires = _.chain(_.toArray(args))
        .map(function(name) { return ['--require', name]; })
    pkgArg = ' -t [' + ['./src/bundle.js'].concat(requires).join(' ') + ']';
    // We don't want to browserify the mongodb package, so we mark it as "external"
    return pkgArg + ' -t brfs src/browser.js -o bundle/webppl.js -x mongodb';


  grunt.registerTask('default', ['eslint', 'nodeunit']);
  grunt.registerTask('test', ['nodeunit']);
  grunt.registerTask('lint', ['eslint']);
  grunt.registerTask('hint', ['jshint']);
  grunt.registerTask('travis-phantomjs', ['bundle', 'test-phantomjs']);

  grunt.registerTask('build-ad', function() {
    var output = child_process.execSync('scripts/adify');

  grunt.registerTask('build-dist-header', function() {
    var output = child_process.execSync('scripts/distHeader');

  grunt.registerTask('build', 'Build WebPPL', ['build-ad', 'build-dist-header']);
  grunt.registerTask('build-watch', 'Run the build task on fs changes.', ['watch']);

  grunt.registerTask('bundle', 'Create browser bundle.', function() {
    var taskArgs = (arguments.length > 0) ? ':' + _.toArray(arguments).join(':') : '';'browserify' + taskArgs, 'uglify');

  grunt.registerTask('browserify', 'Generate "bundle/webppl.js".', function() {
    child_process.execSync('mkdir -p bundle');
    child_process.execSync('browserify' + browserifyArgs(arguments));

  grunt.registerTask('browserify-watch', 'Run the browserify task on fs changes.', function() {
    var done = this.async();
    child_process.execSync('mkdir -p bundle');
    var args = '-v' + browserifyArgs(arguments);
    var p = child_process.spawn('watchify', args.split(' '));
    p.stdout.on('data', grunt.log.writeln);
    p.stderr.on('data', grunt.log.writeln);
    p.on('close', done);

  grunt.registerTask('uglify', 'Generate "bundle/webppl.min.js".', function() {
    child_process.execSync('mkdir -p bundle');
    child_process.execSync('uglifyjs bundle/webppl.js -b ascii_only=true,beautify=false > bundle/webppl.min.js');

  grunt.registerTask('test-browser', 'Run browser tests in default browser.', function() {
    open('tests/browser/index.html', process.env.BROWSER);

  grunt.registerTask('test-phantomjs', 'Run browser tests in phantomjs.', function() {
    var timeout = 10; // seconds
    try {
      var cmd = 'phantomjs node_modules/qunit-phantomjs-runner/runner-list.js tests/browser/index.html ' + timeout;
      var output = child_process.execSync(cmd);
    } catch (e) {
      throw e;

  grunt.registerTask('generate-docs', 'Generate documentation.', function() {
    var output = child_process.execSync('scripts/distributionDocs > docs/primitive-distributions.txt');
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