Revision a99b522043e3295234d242828180ca9a3e5486fc authored by Manuel Schlund on 16 February 2024, 08:16:52 UTC, committed by GitHub on 16 February 2024, 08:16:52 UTC
2 parent s 4ccc12c + 6636125
Raw File
; #############################################################################
;  russell18jgr_fig9c.ncl
; Russell, J.L.,et al., 2018, J. Geophysical Research – Oceans, 123, 3120-3143.
; (figure 9c)
; Author:  Russell Joellen (University of Arizona, USA)
;          Goodman Paul    (University of Arizona, USA)
;          Pandde Amarjiit (University of Arizona, USA)
; ESMVal project
; #############################################################################
; Description
;  - Uses original grid (no regridding).
;   (for total heat flux part of script)
;  - Maskes the hfds data points on the land using ESMValTool preprocessor.
;  - if var coordinates are lat-lon then the script calculates the areacello
;      otherwise, the script reads the areacello variable from input file.
;  - Multiplies time averaged hfds with areacello to get heat flux per cell.
;  - flux per lat = sum of all cells across a lat.
;  - total heat flux in Southern ocean = sum of flux per lat from 30S - 90S.
;    (for Total carbon flux part of script)
;  - Maskes the fgco2 data points on the land using ESMValTool preprocessor.
;  - if var coordinates are lat-lon then the script calculates the areacello
;      otherwise, the script reads the areacello variable from input file.
;  - Multiplies time averaged fgco2 with areacello to get flux per cell.
;  - flux per lat = sum of all cells across a lat.
;  - total carbon flux in Southern ocean = sum of flux per lat from 30S - 90S.
;  - Calculates line of linear regression between total carbon flux and
;      total heat flux.
;  - Plots the line of linear regression.
;  - Plots each model's Carbon flux and heat flux as markers.
; Required diag_script_info attributes (configured for russell figure 9a)
;      None
; Required variable_info_attributtes:
;   - preprocessor
;   - mip
;   - project
;   - exp
;   - ensemble
;   - start_year
;   - end_year
;   - additional datasets
; Required preprocessor attributtes:
;   preprocessor_time - for tauuo and hfds
;    climate_statistics:
;      operator: mean
;      period: full
; Required diag_script_info attributes (diagnostics specific)
;    - styleset : CMIP5 - default
;    - ncdf     : default
; Caveats
;   - Does not work for models without hfds, these models will be made
;      compatible in future.
; Modification history
;  20190510 - russell_joellen, pandde_amarjiit - written
;                and implemented for ESMValTool v2.
; #############################################################################

load "$diag_scripts/../interface_scripts/interface.ncl"  ; load metadata
load "$diag_scripts/shared/plot/style.ncl"  ; load plot style functions
load "$diag_scripts/shared/plot/contour_maps.ncl"  ; load plot function
load "$diag_scripts/shared/latlon.ncl"
load "$diag_scripts/shared/plot/aux_plotting.ncl"


  enter_msg(DIAG_SCRIPT, "")
  nVariables = ListCount(variable_info)
  hfds_items = select_metadata_by_name(input_file_info, "hfds")
  hfds_inputfile_paths = metadata_att_as_array(hfds_items, "filename")

  areacello_items = select_metadata_by_name(input_file_info, "areacello")
  areadatasets = metadata_att_as_array(areacello_items, "dataset")

  fgco2_items = select_metadata_by_name(input_file_info, "fgco2")
  fgco2_inputfile_paths = metadata_att_as_array(fgco2_items, "filename")
  start_years_data = metadata_att_as_array(fgco2_items, "start_year")
  end_years_data   = metadata_att_as_array(fgco2_items, "end_year")

  nDatasets = ListCount(fgco2_items)
  nHFDSdatasets = ListCount(fgco2_items)

  if (nVariables .ne. 3) then
    error_msg("f", "russell_fig9c.ncl", " ", "Number of variables for" + \
              " this diag script must be 3 (hfds, areacello & tauu/tauuo)" + \
              ". Please make sure one of tauu or tauuo is commented out.")
  end if
  if (nDatasets .lt. 3) then
    error_msg("f", "russell_fig9c.ncl", " ", "Minimum number of " + \
              "datasets required for this diag script must be 3. Please " + \
              " add more datasets.")
  end if
  datasetnames = metadata_att_as_array(fgco2_items, "dataset")



  plotpath = config_user_info@plot_dir + "russell18jgr-fig9c_" \
            + sprinti("%0.4i", min(toint(start_years_data))) + "-" \
            + sprinti("%0.4i", max(toint(end_years_data)))

  system("mkdir -p " + config_user_info@work_dir)
  system("mkdir -p " + config_user_info@plot_dir)

  wks = gsn_open_wks(output_type(), plotpath)
  wks@fullname = plotpath
  plots = new(nDatasets, graphic)
  lat_width = new(nDatasets, double)
  heat_flux_iii = new(nDatasets, double)
  carbon_flux_iii = new(nDatasets, double)

  data1 = new((/2, dimsizes(datasetnames)/), double)
  aaa = new(dimsizes(datasetnames), double)

  ; Set annotations
  annots = project_style(fgco2_items, diag_script_info, "annots")
  markers = project_style(fgco2_items, diag_script_info, "markers")
  colors = project_style(fgco2_items, diag_script_info, "colors")

  res                            = True           ; plot mods desired
  res@gsnMaximize                = False          ; maximize plot in frame
  res@gsnFrame                   = False
  res@gsnDraw                    = True
  res@tiXAxisString              = "Southern ocean heat uptake (PW)"
  res@tiYAxisString              = "Southern ocean carbon uptake (Pg/yr)"
  res@tiMainString               = " Russell et al 2018 - Figure 9c "
  res@vpHeightF                  = 0.45
  res@vpWidthF                   = 0.65
  res@tmYLMinorPerMajor          = 0
  res@tmXBMinorPerMajor          = 0
  res@tmYLMode                   = "Automatic"
  res@tmXBMode                   = "Automatic"
  res@tiYAxisFontHeightF         = 0.0125
  res@tiXAxisFontHeightF         = 0.0125
  res@tmXBLabelFontHeightF       = 0.01
  res@tmYLLabelFontHeightF       = 0.01
  res@tmYROn                     = False     ; Turn off top tickmarks
  res@tmXTOn                     = False     ; Turn off top tickmarks
  res@vpYF                       = 0.9
  res@vpXF                       = 0.1
  res@tmXMajorGrid               = True        ; Add vertical grid lines
  res@tmXMajorGridLineColor      = "grey"
  res@tmYMajorGrid               = True        ; Add horizontal grid lines
  res@tmYMajorGridLineColor      = "grey"

  do iii = 0, nDatasets - 1

    fgco2_dataset = read_data(fgco2_items[iii])
    infile_path = fgco2_inputfile_paths(iii)
    infile_iii  = addfile(infile_path, "r")

    if (iscoord(fgco2_dataset, "lat")) then
      var_lat = infile_iii->lat
      var_lon = infile_iii->lon
      radius_earth = 6.37e06
      deg2rad_convF = 0.0174533
      dlat = abs(var_lat(20) - var_lat(19))
      ; some models have closer lat points near poles.
      ;  hence taking difference of 20th and 19th lat points
      dlon = abs(var_lon(20) - var_lon(19))
      dist_x_deg_earth = radius_earth * deg2rad_convF * dlat
      clat = cos(var_lat*deg2rad_convF)
      dx = dlon * radius_earth * deg2rad_convF * clat
      ; dx = radius of earth * cos(lat of this data point)
      ;    * (lon1 - lon2 (in radians))
      dy = dlat * radius_earth * deg2rad_convF
      ; dy = radius of earth *(lat1 - lat2 (in radians))
      dxdy = tofloat(dx*dy)               ; area of cell = dx * dy
      areacello_2d = new(dimsizes(fgco2_dataset), float)
      areacello_2d = conform(areacello_2d, dxdy, 0)
      fgco2_dataset = fgco2_dataset * 0.000031536
      ; unit conversion from kg/s to Pg/yr
      carbon_flux = fgco2_dataset * areacello_2d
      ; flux per cell   = (flux per area) * (area per cell)
      carbon_flux_per_lat = dim_sum_n_Wrap(carbon_flux, 1)
      ; flux per lat    = sum of flux per cell on lon dimension
      a = closest_val(-30.0, var_lat)
      carbon_flux_iii(iii) = sum(carbon_flux_per_lat(0:a))
      fx_var = read_data(areacello_items[iii])
      if (all(ismissing(fx_var))) then
        error_msg("f", "russell18jgr-fig9c.ncl", " ", "areacello file of " + \
                  datasetnames(iii) + "not found in the recipe. If " + \
                  " areacello file available, please copy the dataset name" + \
                  " to additional dataset section of areacello.")
      end if
      areacello_2d = fx_var
      area_lat = infile_iii->lat
      fgco2_dataset = fgco2_dataset * 0.000031536
      ; unit conversion from kg/s to Pg/yr
      carbon_flux = fgco2_dataset * areacello_2d
      ; flux per cell   = (flux per area) * (area per cell)
      carbon_flux_per_lat = dim_sum_n_Wrap(carbon_flux, 1)
      ; flux per lat    = sum of flux per cell on lon dimension
      a = closest_val(-30.0, area_lat(:, 0))
      carbon_flux_iii(iii) = sum(carbon_flux_per_lat(0:a))
    end if
    hfds_dataset =  read_data(hfds_items[iii])
    infile_path = hfds_inputfile_paths(iii)
    infile_iii  = addfile(infile_path, "r")

    fx_var = read_data(areacello_items[iii])
    ; checking for areacello
    if (all(ismissing(fx_var))) then
      error_msg("f", "russell18jgr-fig9c.ncl", " ", "areacello file for " + \
                datasetnames(iii) + " not found in the metadata file, " + \
                "please add 'fx_files: [areacello]' to the variable " + \
                "dictionary in the recipe or add the location of " + \
                " file to config-user.yml ")
    end if
    areacello_2d = fx_var

    if (iscoord(hfds_dataset, "lat")) then
      var_lat = hfds_dataset&lat
      area_lat = infile_iii->lat
      var_lat  = area_lat(:, 0)
    end if
    ; unit conversion from W to PW
    heat_flux = hfds_dataset * areacello_2d / (10.0 ^ 15)
    ; flux per cell   = (flux per area) * (area per cell)
    heat_flux_per_lat = dim_sum_n_Wrap(heat_flux, 1)
    ; flux per lat    = sum of flux per cell on lon dimension
    a = closest_val(-30.0, var_lat)  ; finds the closest lat grid point to 30S
    heat_flux_iii(iii) = sum(heat_flux_per_lat(0:a))
  end do

  xval_start_point =  decimalPlaces(min(heat_flux_iii-0.2), 1, True)
  xval_end_point   =  decimalPlaces(max(heat_flux_iii+0.2), 1, True)
  res@trXMaxF      = xval_end_point
  res@trXMinF      = xval_start_point
  res@trYMaxF      = decimalPlaces(max(carbon_flux_iii+0.1), 1, True)
  res@trYMinF      = decimalPlaces(min(carbon_flux_iii-0.1), 1, True)
  res@tmYLMaxTicks = 10
  res@tmXBMaxTicks = 10
  res@xyDashPatterns    = 1
  res@xyLineThicknessF  = 1

  aaa   = fspan(xval_start_point, xval_end_point, nDatasets)
  ; array of x coordinates for line of best fit
  rc    = regline(heat_flux_iii, carbon_flux_iii)
  ; calculates the slope and y-intercept for line of best fit
  linereg = rc@yintercept + rc * aaa
  ; calculates the y coordinates of line of best fit
  data1(0, :) = heat_flux_iii
  data1(1, :) = carbon_flux_iii
  data1!0 = "i"
  data1&i = (/1, 2/)

  plot  = gsn_csm_xy(wks, aaa, linereg, res)     ; create plot

  mres                    = True
  mres@gsMarkerSizeF      = 0.0125          ; choose marker size

  do i = 0, (nDatasets - 1)
    mres@gsMarkerColor   = colors(i)       ; set marker colors
    mres@gsMarkerIndex   = markers(i)      ; choose marker types
    id = unique_string("mark")             ; create unique id
    ; add marker to plot
    plot@$id$ = gsn_add_polymarker(wks, plot, heat_flux_iii(i), \
                                   carbon_flux_iii(i), mres)
  end do

  draw(plot)     ; draw the plot

  legend = create "Legend" legendClass wks
  "vpXF"                     : 0.675                ; orientation on page
  "vpYF"                     : 0.925
  "vpWidthF"                 : 0.31                 ; width
  "vpHeightF"                : 0.725                ; height
  "lgPerimOn"                : False                ; no perimeter
  "lgItemCount"              : dimsizes(annots)     ; how many
  "lgLabelStrings"           : annots               ; labels
  "lgLabelsOn"               : True                 ; no default lables
  "lgLabelFontHeightF"       : 0.001                ; font height
  "lgItemType"               : "markers"            ; line paterns
  "lgMarkerColors"           : colors
  "lgMarkerIndexes"          : markers              ; one label color
  end create


  do idd = 0, dimsizes(lat_width) - 1
    nc_filename = config_user_info@work_dir + "russell18jgr_fig9c_" \
                  + annots(idd) + "_" + (start_years_data(idd)) + "-" \
                  + (end_years_data(idd)) + ".nc"
    outvar = data1(:, idd)
    outvar@var   = "heat-flux_carbon-flux"
    outvar@diag_script = "russell18jgr_fig9c.ncl"
    outvar@model_name = annots(idd)
    outvar@regline_y_coord = linereg
    outvar@regline_x_coord = aaa

    outvar@description = "Total heat and carbon flux of southern westerly " \
      + "band for dataset :" + annots(idd) + " for years " \
      + (start_years_data(idd)) + "-" + (end_years_data(idd)) \
      + " are in 0th and 1st dimension respectively. Line of " \
      + "best fit's coordinates are added as attributes regline_coords"
    ncdf_outfile = ncdf_write(outvar, nc_filename)

    log_provenance(ncdf_outfile, \
                   plotpath + "." + output_type(), \
                   "Russell et al 2018 figure 9c", \
                   "mean", \
                   "sh", \
                   "scatter", \
                   "russell_joellen", \
                   "russell18jgr", \
                   (/fgco2_inputfile_paths(idd), hfds_inputfile_paths(idd)/))

  end do
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