Revision a9de5cba17a9109a39ec9954fcac6df27eaf0543 authored by Axel Paris on 16 February 2022, 13:14:57 UTC, committed by Axel Paris on 16 February 2022, 13:14:57 UTC
1 parent f06656a
Tip revision: a9de5cba17a9109a39ec9954fcac6df27eaf0543 authored by Axel Paris on 16 February 2022, 13:14:57 UTC
Cleaned the code and removed dependencies
Cleaned the code and removed dependencies
Tip revision: a9de5cb
solution "Desertscape"
configurations { "Debug", "Release" }
platforms { "x64" }
includedirs { ".", "../Code/Include", "/usr/include/" }
rootDir = path.getabsolute("../")
configuration "Debug"
targetdir "./Out/Debug"
defines { "DEBUG" }
flags { "Symbols" }
configuration "Release"
targetdir "./Out/Release"
flags { "OptimizeSpeed" }
configuration "linux"
buildoptions { "-mtune=native -march=native" }
buildoptions { "-std=c++14" }
buildoptions { "-w" }
buildoptions { "-flto -g"}
linkoptions { "-fopenmp" }
linkoptions { "-flto"}
linkoptions { "-g"}
fileList = { rootDir .. "/Code/Source/*.cpp", rootDir .. "/Code/Include/*.h" }
language "C++"
kind "ConsoleApp"
targetdir "Out"
files ( fileList )
Computing file changes ...