Revision aaae58cc70f03ac357af64aa1300ab00eaf9bb6d authored by JeanKossaifi on 23 October 2016, 18:50:41 UTC, committed by JeanKossaifi on 23 October 2016, 18:50:41 UTC
1 parent 1e94ea4
Raw File
from scipy.linalg import svd
from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigsh
import numpy as np

# Author: Jean Kossaifi

def partial_svd(matrix, n_eigenvecs=None):
    """Computes a fast partial SVD on `matrix`

        if `n_eigenvecs` is specified, sparse eigendecomposition
        is used on either or

    matrix : 2D-array
    n_eigenvecs : int, optional, default is None
        if specified, number of eigen[vectors-values] to return

    U : 2D-array
        of shape (matrix.shape[0], n_eigenvecs)
        contains the right singular vectors
    S : 1D-array
        of shape (n_eigenvecs, )
        contains the singular values of `matrix`
    V : 2D-array
        of shape (n_eigenvecs, matrix.shape[1])
        contains the left singular vectors
    # Check that matrix is... a matrix!
    if matrix.ndim != 2:
        raise ValueError('matrix be a matrix. matrix.ndim is {} != 2'.format(

    # Choose what to do depending on the params
    dim_1, dim_2 = matrix.shape
    min_dim = min(dim_1, dim_2)

    if n_eigenvecs is None or n_eigenvecs >= min_dim:
        # Default on standard SVD
        U, S, V = svd(matrix)
        U, S, V = U[:, :n_eigenvecs], S[:n_eigenvecs], V[:n_eigenvecs, :]
        return U, S, V

        # We can perform a partial SVD
        # First choose whether to use X * X.T or X.T *X
        if dim_1 < dim_2:
            S, U = eigsh(, k=n_eigenvecs, which='LM')
            S = np.sqrt(S)
            V =, U * 1/S[None, :])
            S, V = eigsh(, k=n_eigenvecs, which='LM')
            S = np.sqrt(S)
            U =, V) * 1/S[None, :]

        # WARNING: here, V is still the transpose of what it should be
        U, S, V = U[:, ::-1], S[::-1], V[:, ::-1]
        return U, S, V.T
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