Revision abb020b15c4f1057657e5f8f63c02b15615bf6ec authored by Tim Foley on 25 March 2021, 23:40:17 UTC, committed by GitHub on 25 March 2021, 23:40:17 UTC
The original goal of this change was to streamline the `TEST_INPUT` system by eliminating options that are no longer relevant once we have eliminated the non-shader-object execution paths. The result is more or less a re-implementation/refactor of the logic around how input is parsed and represented, that tries to set things up for a more general sytem going forward.

The main changes isthat the `ShaderInputLayout` no longer tracks a simple flat list of `ShaderInputLayoutEntry` (that is a kind of pseudo-union of the various buffer/texture/value cases), and it instead uses a hierarchical representation composed of `RefObject`-derived classes to represent "values."

There are several "simple" cases of values

* Textures

* Samplers

* Uniform/ordinary data (`uniform`)

* Buffers composed of uniform/ordinary data (`ubuffer`)

Then there are composed/aggregate values that nest other values:

* An *aggregate* value is a set of *fields* which are name/value pairs. It can be used to fill in a structure, for example.

* An *array* value is a list of values for the elements of an array. It can be used to fill out an array-of-textures parameter, for example.

* A combined texture/sampler value is a pair of a texture value and a sampler value (easy enough)

* An *object* holds an optional type name for a shader object to allocate (it defaults to the type that is "under" the current shader cursor when binding), and a nested value that describes how to fill in the contents of that object

Finally there are cases of values that are just syntactic sugar:

* A `cbuffer` is just shorthand for creating an object value with a nested uniform/ordinary data value

The big idea with this recursive structure is that it gives us a way to handle more arbitrary data types with name-based binding. Supporting this new capability requires changes to both how input layouts get parsed, and also how they get bound into shader objects.

On the parsing side, things have been refactored a bit so that parsing isn't a single monolithic routine. The refactor also tries to make it so that the various options on an input item (e.g., the `size=...` option for textures) are only supported on the relevant type of entry (so you can't specify as many useless options that will be ignored).

The bigger change to parsing is that it now supports a hierarchical structure, where certain input elements like `begin_array` can push a new "parent" value onto a stack, and subsequent `TEST_INPUT` lines will be parsed as children of that item until a matching `end` item. This approach means that we can now in principle describe arbitrary hierarchical structures as part of test input without endlessly increasing the complexity of invididual `TEST_INPUT` lines.

On the binding side, we now have a central recursive operation called `assign(ShaderCursor, ShaderInputLayout::ValPtr)` that assigns from a parsed `ShaderInputLayout` value to a particular cursor. That operation can then recurse on the fields/elements/contents of whatever the cursor points to.

Major open directions:

* With this change it is still necessary to use `uniform` entries to set things like individual integers or `float`s and that is a little silly. It would be good to have some streamlines cases for setting individual scalar values.

* Further, once we have a hierarchical representation of the values for `TEST_INPUT` lines, it becomes clear that we really ought to move to a format more like `TEST_INPUT: dstLocation = srcValue;` where `srcValue` is some kind of hierarchial expression grammar. Refactoring things in this way should make the binding logic even more clear and easy to understand. The refactored parser should make parsing hierarchical expressions easier to do in the future (even if it uses the push/pop model for now)

* One detailed note is that the representation of buffers in this change is kind of a compromise. Just as an "object" value is a thin wrapper around a recursively-contained value for its "content" it seems clear that a buffer could be represented as a wrapper around a content value that could include hierarchical aggregates/objects instead of just flat binary data (this would be important for things like a buffer over a structure type that lays out different on different targets). The main problem right now with changing the representation is actually needing to compute the size of a buffer based on its content, so that can/should be addressed in a subsequent change.


* The base `RenderTestApp` class and the `ShaderObjectRenderTestApp` classes have been merged, since the hierarchy no longer serves any purpose.

* Disabled the tess that rely on `StructuredBuffer<IWhatever>` because they aren't really supported by our current shader object implementation

* Replaced used of `Uniform` and `root_constants` in `TEST_INPUT` lines with just `uniform`

* Removed a bunch of uses of `stride` from `cbuffer` inputs, where it wasn't really correct/meaningful

* Added the `copyBuffer()` operation to VK/D3D renderers, along with some missing `Usage` cases to support it.

* Made `ShaderCursor` handle the logic to look up a name in the entry points of a root shader object, rather than just having that logic in `render-test`. (We probably need to make a clear design choice on this issue)
1 parent e050035
Raw File
-- premake5.lua

-- This file describes the build configuration for Slang so
-- that premake can generate platform-specific build files
-- using Premake 5 (
-- To update the build files that are checked in to the Slang repository,
-- run a `premake5` binary and specify the appropriate action, e.g.:
--      premake5.exe --os=windows vs2015
-- If you are trying to build Slang on another platform, then you
-- can try invoking `premake5` for your desired OS and build format
-- and see what happens.
-- If you are going to modify this file to change/customize the Slang
-- buidl, then you may need to read up on Premake's approach and
-- how it uses/abuses Lua syntax. A few important things to note:
-- * Everything that *looks* like a declarative (e.g., `kind "SharedLib"`)
-- is actually a Lua function call (e.g., `kind("SharedLib")`) that
-- modifies the behind-the-scenes state that describes the build.
-- * Many of these function calls are "sticky" and affect subsequent
-- calls, so ordering matters a *lot*. This file uses indentation to
-- represent some of the flow of state, but it is important to recognize
-- that the indentation is not semantically significant.
-- * Because the configuration logic is just executable Lua code, we
-- can capture and re-use bits of configuration logic in ordinary
-- Lua subroutines.
-- Now let's move on to the actual build:

-- The "workspace" represents the overall build (the "solution" in
-- Visual Studio terms). It sets up basic build settings that will
-- apply across all projects.

-- To output linux will output to linux 
-- % premake5 --os=linux gmake --build-location="build.linux"
-- % cd build.linux
-- % make config=release_x64
-- or 
-- % make config=debug_x64
-- From in the build directory you can use
-- % premake5 --file=../premake5.lua --os=linux gmake 

newoption {
   trigger     = "override-module",
   description = "(Optional) Specify a lua file that can override functions",
   value       = "path"   

newoption { 
   trigger     = "build-location",
   description = "(Optional) Specifiy the location to place solution on root Makefile",
   value       = "path"

newoption {
   trigger     = "execute-binary",
   description = "(Optional) If true binaries used in build will be executed (disable on cross compilation)",
   value       = "bool",
   default     = "true",
   allowed     = { { "true", "True"}, { "false", "False" } }

newoption {
   trigger     = "target-detail",
   description = "(Optional) More specific target information",
   value       = "string",
   allowed     = { {"cygwin"}, {"mingw"} }

newoption {
   trigger     = "build-glslang",
   description = "(Optional) If true glslang and spirv-opt will be built",
   value       = "bool",
   default     = "false",
   allowed     = { { "true", "True"}, { "false", "False" } }

newoption {
   trigger     = "enable-cuda",
   description = "(Optional) If true will enable cuda tests, if CUDA is found via CUDA_PATH",
   value       = "bool",
   default     = "false",
   allowed     = { { "true", "True"}, { "false", "False" } }

newoption {
   trigger     = "enable-nvapi",
   description = "(Optional) If true will enable NVAPI, if NVAPI is found via CUDA_PATH",
   value       = "bool",
   default     = "false",
   allowed     = { { "true", "True"}, { "false", "False" } }

newoption {
   trigger     = "cuda-sdk-path",
   description = "(Optional) Path to the root of CUDA SDK. If set will enable CUDA in build (ie in effect sets enable-cuda=true too)",
   value       = "path"

newoption {
   trigger     = "enable-optix",
   description = "(Optional) If true will enable OptiX build/ tests (also implicitly enables CUDA)",
   value       = "bool",
   default     = "false",
   allowed     = { { "true", "True"}, { "false", "False" } }

newoption {
   trigger     = "optix-sdk-path",
   description = "(Optional) Path to the root of OptiX SDK. (Implicitly enabled OptiX and CUDA)",
   value       = "path"

newoption {
   trigger     = "enable-profile",
   description = "(Optional) If true will enable slang-profile tool - suitable for gprof usage on linux",
   value       = "bool",
   default     = "false",
   allowed     = { { "true", "True"}, { "false", "False" } }

newoption {
   trigger     = "enable-embed-stdlib",
   description = "(Optional) If true build slang with an embedded version of the stdlib",
   value       = "bool",
   default     = "false",
   allowed     = { { "true", "True"}, { "false", "False" } }

newoption {
    trigger     = "enable-xlib",
    description = "(Optional) If true build `gfx` and `platform` with xlib to support windowed apps on linux.",
    value       = "bool",
    default     = "true",
    allowed     = { { "true", "True"}, { "false", "False" } }

buildLocation = _OPTIONS["build-location"]
executeBinary = (_OPTIONS["execute-binary"] == "true")
targetDetail = _OPTIONS["target-detail"]
buildGlslang = (_OPTIONS["build-glslang"] == "true")
enableCuda = not not (_OPTIONS["enable-cuda"] == "true" or _OPTIONS["cuda-sdk-path"])
enableProfile = (_OPTIONS["enable-profile"] == "true")
optixPath = _OPTIONS["optix-sdk-path"]
enableOptix = not not (_OPTIONS["enable-optix"] == "true" or optixPath)
enableProfile = (_OPTIONS["enable-profile"] == "true")
enableEmbedStdLib = (_OPTIONS["enable-embed-stdlib"] == "true")
enableXlib = (_OPTIONS["enable-xlib"] == "true")
-- This is the path where nvapi is expected to be found

nvapiPath = "external/nvapi"

if enableOptix then
    optixPath = optixPath or "C:/ProgramData/NVIDIA Corporation/OptiX SDK 7.0.0/"
    enableCuda = true;

-- cudaPath is only set if cuda is enabled, and CUDA_PATH enviromental variable is set
cudaPath = nil
if enableCuda then
    -- Get the CUDA path. Use the value set on cuda-sdk-path by default, if not set use the environment variable. 
    cudaPath = (_OPTIONS["cuda-sdk-path"] or os.getenv("CUDA_PATH"))

-- Is true when the target is really windows (ie not something on top of windows like cygwin)
isTargetWindows = ( == "windows") and not (targetDetail == "mingw" or targetDetail == "cygwin")

if isTargetWindows then
    enableXlib = false

-- Even if we have the nvapi path, we only want to currently enable on windows targets

enableNvapi = not not (os.isdir(nvapiPath) and isTargetWindows and _OPTIONS["enable-nvapi"] == "true")

if enableNvapi then
    printf("Enabled NVAPI")
overrideModule = {}
local overrideModulePath = _OPTIONS["override-module"]
if overrideModulePath then
    overrideModule = require(overrideModulePath)

targetName = "%{cfg.system}-%{cfg.platform:lower()}"

if not (targetDetail == nil) then
    targetName = targetDetail .. "-%{cfg.platform:lower()}"

-- This is needed for gcc, for the 'fileno' functions on cygwin
-- _GNU_SOURCE makes realpath available in gcc
if targetDetail == "cygwin" then
    buildoptions { "-D_POSIX_SOURCE" }
    filter { "toolset:gcc*" }
        buildoptions { "-D_GNU_SOURCE" }

workspace "slang"
    -- We will support debug/release configuration and x86/x64 builds.
    configurations { "Debug", "Release" }
    platforms { "x86", "x64"}
    if == "linux" then
        platforms {"aarch64" }
    if buildLocation then
    -- The output binary directory will be derived from the OS
    -- and configuration options, e.g. `bin/windows-x64/debug/`
    targetdir("bin/" .. targetName .. "/%{cfg.buildcfg:lower()}")

    -- C++11 
    cppdialect "C++11"
    -- Statically link to the C/C++ runtime rather than create a DLL dependency.
    staticruntime "On"
    -- Statically link to the C/C++ runtime rather than create a DLL dependency.
    -- Once we've set up the common settings, we will make some tweaks
    -- that only apply in a subset of cases. Each call to `filter()`
    -- changes the "active" filter for subsequent commands. In
    -- effect, those commands iwll be ignored when the conditions of
    -- the filter aren't satisfied.

    -- Our `x64` platform should (obviously) target the x64
    -- architecture and similarly for x86.
    filter { "platforms:x64" }
        architecture "x64"
    filter { "platforms:x86" }
        architecture "x86"
    filter { "platforms:aarch64"}
        architecture "ARM"

    filter { "toolset:clang or gcc*" }
        buildoptions { "-Wno-unused-parameter", "-Wno-type-limits", "-Wno-sign-compare", "-Wno-unused-variable", "-Wno-reorder", "-Wno-switch", "-Wno-return-type", "-Wno-unused-local-typedefs", "-Wno-parentheses",  "-fvisibility=hidden" , "-Wno-ignored-optimization-argument", "-Wno-unknown-warning-option", "-Wno-class-memaccess"} 
    filter { "toolset:gcc*"}
        buildoptions { "-Wno-unused-but-set-variable", "-Wno-implicit-fallthrough"  }
    filter { "toolset:clang" }
         buildoptions { "-Wno-deprecated-register", "-Wno-tautological-compare", "-Wno-missing-braces", "-Wno-undefined-var-template", "-Wno-unused-function", "-Wno-return-std-move"}
    -- When compiling the debug configuration, we want to turn
    -- optimization off, make sure debug symbols are output,
    -- and add the same preprocessor definition that VS
    -- would add by default.
    filter { "configurations:debug" }
        optimize "Off"
        symbols "On"
        defines { "_DEBUG" }

    -- For the release configuration we will turn optimizations on
    -- (we do not yet micro-manage the optimization settings)
    -- and set the preprocessor definition that VS would add by default.
    filter { "configurations:release" }
        optimize "On"
        defines { "NDEBUG" }
    filter { "system:linux" }
        linkoptions{  "-Wl,-rpath,'$$ORIGIN',--no-as-needed", "-ldl"}
function dump(o)
    if type(o) == 'table' then
        local s = '{ '
        for k,v in pairs(o) do
            if type(k) ~= 'number' then k = '"'..k..'"' end
            s = s .. '['..k..'] = ' .. dump(v) .. ','
        return s .. '} '
        return tostring(o)
function dumpTable(o)
    local s = '{ '
    for k,v in pairs(o) do
        if type(k) ~= 'number' then k = '"'..k..'"' end
        s = s .. '['..k..'] = ' .. tostring(v) .. ',\n'
    return s .. '} '

function getExecutableSuffix()
    if( == "windows") then
        return ".exe"
    return ""
-- We are now going to start defining the projects, where
-- each project builds some binary artifact (an executable,
-- library, etc.).
-- All of our projects follow a common structure, so rather
-- than reiterate a bunch of build settings, we define
-- some subroutines that make the configuration as concise
-- as possible.
-- First, we will define a helper routine for adding all
-- the relevant files from a given directory path:
-- Note that this does not work recursively 
-- so projects that spread their source over multiple
-- directories will need to take more steps.
function addSourceDir(path)
        path .. "/*.cpp",       -- C++ source files
        path .. "/*.slang",     -- Slang files (for our stdlib)
        path .. "/*.h",         -- Header files
        path .. "/*.hpp",       -- C++ style headers (for glslang)
        path .. "/*.natvis",    -- Visual Studio debugger visualization files

-- A function to return a name to place project files under 
-- in build directory
-- This is complicated in so far as when this is used (with location for example)
-- we can't use Tokens 

function getBuildLocationName()
    if not not targetDetail then
        return targetDetail
    elseif isTargetWindows then
        return "visual-studio"

-- Adds CUDA dependency to a project
function addCUDAIfEnabled()
    if type(cudaPath) == "string" and isTargetWindows then
        filter {}
        includedirs { cudaPath .. "/include" }
        includedirs { cudaPath .. "/include", cudaPath .. "/common/inc" }
        links { "cuda", "cudart" }
        if optixPath then
            defines { "RENDER_TEST_OPTIX" }
            includedirs { optixPath .. "include/" }
        filter { "platforms:x86" }
            libdirs { cudaPath .. "/lib/Win32/" }
        filter { "platforms:x64" }
            libdirs { cudaPath .. "/lib/x64/" }       
        filter {}
        return true
    elseif enableCuda then
        filter {}
        if type(cudaPath) == "string" then
            includedirs { cudaPath .. "/include" }
            includedirs { cudaPath .. "/include" }
            if optixPath then
                defines { "GFX_OPTIX" }
                includedirs { optixPath .. "include/" }
            filter { "platforms:x86" }
            libdirs { cudaPath .. "/lib32/" }
            filter { "platforms:x64" }
            libdirs { cudaPath .. "/lib64/" }
            filter {}
            links { "cuda", "cudart" }
            print "Error: CUDA is enabled but --cuda-sdk-path is not specified."
        return true
    return false

-- Next we will define a helper routine that all of our
-- projects will bottleneck through. Here `name` is
-- the name for the project (and the base name for
-- whatever output file it produces), while `sourceDir`
-- is the directory that holds the source.
-- E.g., for the `slangc` project, the source code
-- is nested in `source/`, so we'd (indirectly) call:
--      baseSlangProject("slangc", "source/slangc")
-- NOTE! This function will add any source from the sourceDir, *if* it's specified. 
-- Pass nil if adding files is not wanted.
function baseSlangProject(name, sourceDir)

    -- Start a new project in premake. This switches
    -- the "current" project over to the newly created
    -- one, so that subsequent commands affect this project.

    -- We need every project to have a stable UUID for
    -- output formats (like Visual Studio and XCode projects)
    -- that use UUIDs rather than names to uniquely identify
    -- projects. If we don't have a stable UUID, then the
    -- output files might have spurious diffs whenever we
    -- re-run premake generation.
    if sourceDir then
        uuid(os.uuid(name .. '|' .. sourceDir))
        -- If we don't have a sourceDir, the name will have to be enough

    -- Location could do with a better name than 'other' - but it seems as if %{cfg.buildcfg:lower()} and similar variables
    -- is not available for location to expand. 
    location("build/" .. getBuildLocationName() .. "/" .. name)

    -- The intermediate ("object") directory will use a similar
    -- naming scheme to the output directory, but will also use
    -- the project name to avoid cases where multiple projects
    -- have source files with the same name.
    objdir("intermediate/" .. targetName .. "/%{cfg.buildcfg:lower()}/%{}")
    -- All of our projects are written in C++.
    language "C++"

    -- By default, Premake generates VS project files that
    -- reflect the directory structure of the source code.
    -- While this is nice in principle, it creates messy
    -- results in practice for our projects.
    -- Instead, we will use the `vpaths` feature to imitate
    -- the default VS behavior of grouping files into
    -- virtual subdirectories (VS calls them "filters") for
    -- header and source files respectively.
    -- Note: We are setting `vpaths` using a list of key/value
    -- tables instead of just a key/value table, since this
    -- appears to be an (undocumented) way to fix the order
    -- in which the filters are tested. Otherwise we have
    -- issues where premake will nondeterministically decide
    -- the check something against the `**.cpp` filter first,
    -- and decide that a `foo.cpp.h` file should go into
    -- the `"Source Files"` vpath. That behavior seems buggy,
    -- but at least we appear to have a workaround.
    vpaths {
       { ["Header Files"] = { "**.h", "**.hpp"} },
       { ["Source Files"] = { "**.cpp", "**.slang", "**.natvis" } },

    -- Override default options for a project if necessary

    if overrideModule.addBaseProjectOptions then
    -- Add the files in the sourceDir
    -- NOTE! This doesn't recursively add files in subdirectories
    if not not sourceDir then

-- We can now use the `baseSlangProject()` subroutine to
-- define helpers for the different categories of project
-- in our source tree.
-- For example, the Slang project has several tools that
-- are used during building/testing, but don't need to
-- be distributed. These always have their source code in
-- `tools/<project-name>/`.
function tool(name)
    -- We use the `group` command here to specify that the
    -- next project we create shold be placed into a group
    -- named "tools" in a generated IDE solution/workspace.
    -- This is used in the generated Visual Studio solution
    -- to group all the tools projects together in a logical
    -- sub-directory of the solution.
    group "tools"

    -- Now we invoke our shared project configuration logic,
    -- specifying that the project lives under the `tools/` path.
    baseSlangProject(name, "tools/" .. name)
    -- Finally, we set the project "kind" to produce a console
    -- application. This is a reasonable default for tools,
    -- and it can be overriden because Premake is stateful,
    -- and a subsequent call to `kind()` would overwrite this
    -- default.
    kind "ConsoleApp"

-- "Standard" projects will be those that go to make the binary
-- packages for slang: the shared libraries and executables.
function standardProject(name, sourceDir)
    -- Because Premake is stateful, any `group()` call by another
    -- project would still be in effect when we create a project
    -- here (e.g., if somebody had called `tool()` before
    -- `standardProject()`), so we are careful here to set the
    -- group to an emptry string, which Premake treats as "no group."
    group ""

    baseSlangProject(name, sourceDir)

function toolSharedLibrary(name)
    group "test-tool"
    -- specifying that the project lives under the `tools/` path.
    baseSlangProject(name .. "-tool", "tools/" .. name)

    kind "SharedLib"

-- Finally we have the example programs that show how to use Slang.
function example(name)
    -- Example programs go into an "example" group
    group "examples"

    -- They have their source code under `examples/<project-name>/`
    baseSlangProject(name, "examples/" .. name)

    -- Set up working directory to be the source directory
    debugdir("examples/" .. name)

    -- By default, all of our examples are GUI applications. One some
    -- platforms there is no meaningful distinction between GUI and
    -- command-line applications, but it is significant on Windows and MacOS
    kind "WindowedApp"

    -- Every example needs to be able to include the `slang.h` header
    -- if it is going to use Slang, so we might as well set up a suitable
    -- include path here rather than make each example do it.
    -- Most of the examples also need the `gfx` library,
    -- which lives under `tools/`, so we will add that to the path as well.
    includedirs { ".", "tools" }

    -- The examples also need to link against the slang library,
    -- and the `gfx` abstraction layer (which in turn
    -- depends on the `core` library). We specify all of that here,
    -- rather than in each example.
    links { "slang", "core", "gfx", "gfx-util", "platform" }

    if isTargetWindows then
        if enableXlib then
            defines { "SLANG_ENABLE_XLIB" }
            libdirs { "/usr/X11/lib" }
            links {"X11"}


-- Create a project that is used as a build step, typically to 
-- build items needed for other dependencies
function generatorProject(name, sourcePath)
    -- We use the `group` command here to specify that the
    -- next project we create shold be placed into a group
    -- named "generator" in a generated IDE solution/workspace.
    -- This is used in the generated Visual Studio solution
    -- to group all the tools projects together in a logical
    -- sub-directory of the solution.
    group "generator"

    -- Set up the project, but do NOT add any source files.
    baseSlangProject(name, sourcePath)

    -- For now we just use static lib to force something
    -- to build. 
    kind "StaticLib"

-- With all of these helper routines defined, we can now define the
-- actual projects quite simply. For example, here is the entire
-- declaration of the "Hello, World" example project:
example "hello-world"
-- Note how we are calling our custom `example()` subroutine with
-- the same syntax sugar that Premake usually advocates for their
-- `project()` function. This allows us to treat `example` as
-- a kind of specialized "subclass" of `project`

-- Let's go ahead and set up the projects for our other example now.
example "gpu-printing"
    kind "ConsoleApp"

example "shader-toy"

example "shader-object"
    kind "ConsoleApp"

example "cpu-hello-world"
    kind "ConsoleApp"

-- Most of the other projects have more interesting configuration going
-- on, so let's walk through them in order of increasing complexity.
-- The `core` project is a static library that has all the basic types
-- and routines that get shared across both the Slang compiler/runtime
-- and the various tool projects. It's build is pretty simple:

standardProject("core", "source/core")
    uuid "F9BE7957-8399-899E-0C49-E714FDDD4B65"
    kind "StaticLib"
    -- We need the core library to be relocatable to be able to link with
    pic "On"

    -- For our core implementation, we want to use the most
    -- aggressive warning level supported by the target, and
    -- to treat every warning as an error to make sure we
    -- keep our code free of warnings.
    warnings "Extra"
    flags { "FatalWarnings" }
    if isTargetWindows then
        addSourceDir "source/core/windows"
        addSourceDir "source/core/unix"
-- The cpp extractor is a tool that scans C++ header files to extract
-- reflection like information, and generate files to handle 
-- RTTI fast/simply

tool "slang-cpp-extractor"
    uuid "CA8A30D1-8FA9-4330-B7F7-84709246D8DC"
    includedirs { "." }
    files { 
    links { "core" }
-- `slang-generate` is a tool we use for source code generation on
-- the compiler. It depends on the `core` library, so we need to
-- declare that:

tool "slang-generate"
    uuid "66174227-8541-41FC-A6DF-4764FC66F78E"
    links { "core" }

tool "slang-embed"
    links { "core" }

-- The `slang-test` test driver also uses the `core` library, and it
-- currently relies on include paths being set up so that it can find
-- the core headers:

tool "slang-test"
    uuid "0C768A18-1D25-4000-9F37-DA5FE99E3B64"
    includedirs { "." }
    links { "core", "slang", "miniz", "lz4" }
    -- We want to set to the root of the project, but that doesn't seem to work with '.'. 
    -- So set a path that resolves to the same place.

-- The reflection test harness `slang-reflection-test` is pretty
-- simple, in that it only needs to link against the slang library
-- to do its job:

toolSharedLibrary "slang-reflection-test"
    uuid "C5ACCA6E-C04D-4B36-8516-3752B3C13C2F"
    includedirs { "." }
    kind "SharedLib"
    links { "core", "slang" }      
-- The most complex testing tool we have is `render-test`, but from
-- a build perspective the most interesting thing about it is that for
-- our Windows build it requires a Windows 10 SDK.
-- TODO: Try to make the build not require a fixed version of the Windows SDK.
-- Ideally we should just specify a *minimum* version.
-- This test also requires Vulkan headers which we've placed in the
-- `external/` directory, and it also includes files from the `core`
-- library in ways that require us to set up `source/` as an include path.
-- TODO: Fix that requirement.

toolSharedLibrary "render-test"
    uuid "61F7EB00-7281-4BF3-9470-7C2EA92620C3"
    includedirs { ".", "external", "source", "tools/gfx", "tools/platform" }
    links { "core", "slang", "gfx", "gfx-util", "platform" }
    if isTargetWindows then    
        addSourceDir "tools/render-test/windows"
        systemversion "10.0.14393.0"
        -- For Windows targets, we want to copy 
        -- dxcompiler.dll, and dxil.dll from the Windows SDK redistributable
        -- directory into the output directory.
        -- d3dcompiler_47.dll is copied from the external/slang-binaries submodule.
        postbuildcommands { '"$(SolutionDir)tools\\copy-hlsl-libs.bat" "$(WindowsSdkDir)Redist/D3D/%{cfg.platform:lower()}/" "%{cfg.targetdir}/" "windows-%{cfg.platform:lower()}"'}    
        if (type(cudaPath) == "string") then
            addSourceDir "tools/render-test/cuda"
    if addCUDAIfEnabled() then
        defines { "RENDER_TEST_CUDA" }

-- `gfx` is a abstraction layer for different GPU platforms.

tool "gfx" 
    uuid "222F7498-B40C-4F3F-A704-DDEB91A4484A"
    -- Unlike most of the code under `tools/`, this is a library
    -- rather than a stand-alone executable.
    kind "SharedLib"
    links { "core", "slang" }
    pic "On"


    includedirs { ".", "external", "source" }

    files {"slang-gfx.h"}

    -- Will compile across targets
    addSourceDir "tools/gfx/cpu"
    addSourceDir "tools/gfx/nvapi"
    addSourceDir "tools/gfx/cuda"

    -- To special case that we may be building using cygwin on windows. If 'true windows' we build for dx12/vk and run the script
    -- If not we assume it's a cygwin/mingw type situation and remove files that aren't appropriate
    if isTargetWindows then
        systemversion "10.0.14393.0"

        -- For Windows targets, we want to copy 
        -- dxcompiler.dll, and dxil.dll from the Windows SDK redistributable
        -- directory into the output directory. 
        -- d3dcompiler_47.dll is copied from the external/slang-binaries submodule.
        postbuildcommands { '"$(SolutionDir)tools\\copy-hlsl-libs.bat" "$(WindowsSdkDir)Redist/D3D/%{cfg.platform:lower()}/" "%{cfg.targetdir}/"'}
        addSourceDir "tools/gfx/vulkan"
        addSourceDir "tools/gfx/open-gl"
        addSourceDir "tools/gfx/d3d" 
        addSourceDir "tools/gfx/d3d11"
        addSourceDir "tools/gfx/d3d12"
    elseif targetDetail == "mingw" or targetDetail == "cygwin" then
        -- Don't support any render techs...
    elseif == "macosx" then
        --addSourceDir "tools/gfx/open-gl"
        -- Linux like
        addSourceDir "tools/gfx/vulkan"
        --addSourceDir "tools/gfx/open-gl"

    if enableXlib then
        defines { "SLANG_ENABLE_XLIB" }
        libdirs { "/usr/X11/lib" }
        links {"X11"}

    -- If NVAPI is enabled
    if enableNvapi then
        -- Add the include path
        includedirs { nvapiPath }
        -- Add a define so that render-test code can check if nvapi is available
        defines { "GFX_NVAPI" }
        -- Set the nvapi libs directory
        filter { "platforms:x86" }
            libdirs { nvapiPath .. "/x86" }
            links { "nvapi" }
        filter { "platforms:x64" }
            libdirs { nvapiPath .. "/amd64" }
            links { "nvapi64" }
    if addCUDAIfEnabled() then
        defines { "GFX_ENABLE_CUDA" }

-- `gfx-util` is a static library containing utilities and helpers for using
-- the `gfx` library.
tool "gfx-util" 
    uuid "F5ADB74E-02A7-44FB-AA3B-FC02F8AC7A4B"
    kind "StaticLib"
    pic "On"

    includedirs { ".", "source" }

    addSourceDir "tools/gfx-util"
-- `platform` contains all the platform abstractions for a GUI application.
tool "platform" 
    uuid "3565fe5e-4fa3-11eb-ae93-0242ac130002"
    kind "SharedLib"
    pic "On"
    links {"core", "slang", "gfx" }
    includedirs { ".", "external", "source", "external/imgui", "tools/gfx" }
    addSourceDir "tools/platform"
    addSourceDir "tools/platform/linux"
    addSourceDir "tools/platform/windows"
    addSourceDir "tools/platform/placeholder"
    -- Include windowing support on Windows.
    if isTargetWindows then
        systemversion "10.0.14393.0"
        if enableXlib then
            defines { "SLANG_ENABLE_XLIB" }
            libdirs { "/usr/X11/lib" }
            links {"X11"}

-- The `slangc` command-line application is just a very thin wrapper
-- around the Slang dynamic library, so its build is extermely simple.
-- One windows `slangc` uses the the `core` library for some UTF-16
-- to UTF-8 string conversion before calling into `slang.dll`, so
-- it also depends on `core`:

standardProject("slangc", "source/slangc")
    uuid "D56CBCEB-1EB5-4CA8-AEC4-48EA35ED61C7"
    kind "ConsoleApp"
    links { "core", "slang" }
generatorProject("run-generators", nil)
    -- We make 'source/slang' the location of the source, to make paths to source
    -- relative to that
    -- We include these, even though they are not really part of the dummy 
    -- build, so that the filters below can pick up the appropriate locations.
        "source/slang/*.meta.slang",                -- The stdlib files
        "source/slang/slang-ast-reflect.h",         -- C++ reflection 
        "prelude/*.h",                              -- The prelude files
        -- To build we need to have some source! It has to be a source file that 
        -- does not depend on anything that is generated, so we take something
        -- from core that will compile without any generation. 
    -- First, we need to ensure that `slang-generate`/`slang-cpp-extactor` 
    -- gets built before `slang`, so we declare a non-linking dependency between
    -- the projects here:
    dependson { "slang-cpp-extractor", "slang-generate", "slang-embed" }
    local executableSuffix = getExecutableSuffix()
    -- We need to run the C++ extractor to generate some include files
    if executeBinary then
        filter "files:**/slang-ast-reflect.h"   
                buildmessage "C++ Extractor %{file.relpath}"
                local sourcePath = "%{}"
                -- Work out the output files
                local outputTypes = { "obj", "ast", "value" };
                local outputTable = {}
                for key, outputType in ipairs(outputTypes) do
                    table.insert(outputTable, sourcePath .. "/slang-generated-" .. outputType .. ".h")
                    table.insert(outputTable, sourcePath .. "/slang-generated-" .. outputType .. "-macro.h")
                -- List all of the input files to be scanned
                local inputFiles = { "slang-ast-support-types.h", "slang-ast-base.h", "slang-ast-decl.h", "slang-ast-expr.h", "slang-ast-modifier.h", "slang-ast-stmt.h", "slang-ast-type.h", "slang-ast-val.h" }

                local options = { "-strip-prefix", "slang-", "-o", "slang-generated", "-output-fields", "-mark-suffix", "_CLASS"}

                -- Specify the actual command to run for this action.
                -- Note that we use a single-quoted Lua string and wrap the path
                -- to the `slang-cpp-extractor` command in double quotes to avoid
                -- confusing the Windows shell. It seems that Premake outputs that
                -- path with forward slashes, which confused the shell if we don't
                -- quote the executable path.

                local buildcmd = '"%{cfg.targetdir}/slang-cpp-extractor" -d ' .. sourcePath .. " " .. table.concat(inputFiles, " ") .. " " .. table.concat(options, " ")
                buildcommands { buildcmd }
                -- Specify the files output by the extactor - so custom action will run when these files are needed.
                -- Make it depend on the extractor tool itself
                local buildInputTable = { "%{cfg.targetdir}/slang-cpp-extractor" .. getExecutableSuffix() }
                for key, inputFile in ipairs(inputFiles) do
                    table.insert(buildInputTable, sourcePath .. "/" .. inputFile)
    -- Next, we want to add a custom build rule for each of the
    -- files that makes up the standard library. Those are
    -- always named `*.meta.slang`, so we can select for them
    -- using a `filter` and then use Premake's support for
    -- defining custom build commands:
    if executeBinary then
        filter "files:**.meta.slang"
            -- Specify the "friendly" message that should print to the build log for the action
            buildmessage "slang-generate %{file.relpath}"
            -- Specify the actual command to run for this action.
            -- Note that we use a single-quoted Lua string and wrap the path
            -- to the `slang-generate` command in double quotes to avoid
            -- confusing the Windows shell. It seems that Premake outputs that
            -- path with forward slashes, which confused the shell if we don't
            -- quote the executable path.
            buildcommands { '"%{cfg.targetdir}/slang-generate" %{file.relpath}' }

            -- Given `foo.meta.slang` we woutput `foo.meta.slang.h`.
            -- This needs to be specified because the custom action will only
            -- run when this file needs to be generated.
            -- Note the use of abspath here, this ensures windows tests the correct file, otherwise
            -- triggering doesn't work. The problem still remains on linux, because abspath *isn't* an 
            -- absolute path, it remains relative. 
            -- TODO(JS):
            -- It's not clear how to determine how to create the absolute path on linux, using 
            -- path.absolutepath, requires knowing the path to be relative to, and it's neither 
            -- the current path, the source path or the targetpath.
            buildoutputs { "%{file.abspath}.h" }

            -- We will specify an additional build input dependency on the `slang-generate`
            -- tool itself, so that changes to the code for the tool cause the generation
            -- step to be re-run.
            -- In order to get the file name right, we need to know the executable suffix
            -- that the target platform will use. Premake might have a built-in way to
            -- query this, but I couldn't find it, so I am just winging it for now:
            buildinputs { "%{cfg.targetdir}/slang-generate" .. executableSuffix }

    if executeBinary then
      filter "files:prelude/*-prelude.h"
        buildmessage "slang-embed %{file.relpath}"
        buildcommands { '"%{cfg.targetdir}/slang-embed" %{file.relpath}' }
        buildoutputs { "%{file.abspath}.cpp" }
        buildinputs { "%{cfg.targetdir}/slang-embed" .. executableSuffix }
if enableEmbedStdLib then
    standardProject("slangc-bootstrap", "source/slangc")
        uuid "6339BF31-AC99-4819-B719-679B63451EF0"
        kind "ConsoleApp"
        links { "core", "miniz", "lz4" }
        -- We need to run all the generators to be able to build the main 
        -- slang source in source/slang
        dependson { "run-generators" }
        defines {
            -- We are going statically link Slang compiler with the slangc command line
            -- This is the bootstrap to produce the embedded stdlib, so we disable to be able to bootstrap
        includedirs { "external/spirv-headers/include" }

        -- Add all of the slang source
        addSourceDir "source/slang"

        -- On some tests with MSBuild disabling these made build work.
        -- flags { "NoIncrementalLink", "NoPCH", "NoMinimalRebuild" }

        -- The `standardProject` operation already added all the code in
        -- `source/slang/*`, but we also want to incldue the umbrella
        -- `slang.h` header in this prject, so we do that manually here.
        files { "slang.h" }

        files { "source/core/core.natvis" }
        -- We explicitly name the prelude file(s) that we need to
        -- compile for their embedded code, since they will not
        -- exist at the time projects/makefiles are generated,
        -- and thus a glob would not match anything.
        files {
if enableEmbedStdLib then
    generatorProject("embed-stdlib-generator", nil)
        -- We include these, even though they are not really part of the dummy 
        -- build, so that the filters below can pick up the appropriate locations.    
            -- To build we need to have some source! It has to be a source file that 
            -- does not depend on anything that is generated, so we take something
            -- from core that will compile without any generation. 
        -- Only produce the embedded stdlib if that option is enabled
        local executableSuffix = getExecutableSuffix()
        -- We need slangc-bootstrap to build the embedded stdlib
        dependson { "slangc-bootstrap" }
        local absDirectory = path.getabsolute("source/slang")   
        local absOutputPath = absDirectory .. "/slang-stdlib-generated.h"
        -- I don't know why I need a filter, but without it nothing works (!)   
        filter "files:source/slang/slang-stdlib-api.cpp"
            -- Note! Has to be an absolute path else doesn't work(!)
            buildoutputs { absOutputPath }
            buildinputs { "%{cfg.targetdir}/slangc-bootstrap" .. executableSuffix }
            local buildcmd = '"%{cfg.targetdir}/slangc-bootstrap" -archive-type riff-lz4 -save-stdlib-bin-source %{}/slang-stdlib-generated.h'
            buildcommands { buildcmd }
-- TODO: Slang's current `Makefile` build does some careful incantations
-- to make sure that the binaries it generates use a "relative `RPATH`"
-- for loading shared libraries, so that Slang is not dependent on
-- being installed to a fixed path on end-user machines. Before we
-- can use Premake for the Linux build (or eventually MacOS) we would
-- need to figure out how to replicate this incantation in premake.

-- Now that we've gotten all the simple projects out of the way, it is time
-- to get into the more serious build steps.
-- First up is the `slang` dynamic library project:

standardProject("slang", "source/slang")
    uuid "DB00DA62-0533-4AFD-B59F-A67D5B3A0808"
    kind "SharedLib"
    links { "core", "miniz", "lz4"}
    warnings "Extra"
    flags { "FatalWarnings" }
    pic "On"

    -- The way that we currently configure things through `slang.h`,
    -- we need to set a preprocessor definitions to ensure that
    -- we declare the Slang API functions for *export* and not *import*.
    defines { "SLANG_DYNAMIC_EXPORT" }
    if enableEmbedStdLib then
        -- We only have this dependency if we are embedding stdlib
        dependson { "embed-stdlib-generator" }
        -- Disable StdLib embedding
        defines { "SLANG_WITHOUT_EMBEDDED_STD_LIB" }
    includedirs { "external/spirv-headers/include" }

    -- On some tests with MSBuild disabling these made build work.
    -- flags { "NoIncrementalLink", "NoPCH", "NoMinimalRebuild" }

    -- The `standardProject` operation already added all the code in
    -- `source/slang/*`, but we also want to incldue the umbrella
    -- `slang.h` header in this prject, so we do that manually here.
    files { "slang.h" }

    files { "source/core/core.natvis" }
    -- We explicitly name the prelude file(s) that we need to
    -- compile for their embedded code, since they will not
    -- exist at the time projects/makefiles are generated,
    -- and thus a glob would not match anything.
    files {

    -- The most challenging part of building `slang` is that we need
    -- to invoke generators such as slang-cpp-extractor and slang-generate
    -- to generate. We do this by executing the run-generators 'dummy' project
    -- which produces the appropriate source 
    dependson { "run-generators" }
    -- If we are not building glslang from source, then be
    -- sure to copy a binary copy over to the output directory
    if not buildGlslang then
        filter { "system:windows" }
            postbuildcommands {
                "{COPY} ../../../external/slang-binaries/bin/" .. targetName .. "/slang-glslang.dll %{cfg.targetdir}"

        filter { "system:linux" }
            postbuildcommands {
                "{COPY} ../../../external/slang-binaries/bin/" .. targetName .. "/ %{cfg.targetdir}"
if enableProfile then
    tool "slang-profile"
        uuid "375CC87D-F34A-4DF1-9607-C5C990FD6227"
        -- gprof needs symbols
        symbols "On"
        dependson { "slang" }

        includedirs { "external/spirv-headers/include" }

        defines { "SLANG_STATIC", 
            -- Disable StdLib embedding
        -- The `standardProject` operation already added all the code in
        -- `source/slang/*`, but we also want to incldue the umbrella
        -- `slang.h` header in this prject, so we do that manually here.
        files { "slang.h" }

        files { "source/core/core.natvis" }

        -- We explicitly name the prelude file(s) that we need to
        -- compile for their embedded code, since they will not
        -- exist at the time projects/makefiles are generated,
        -- and thus a glob would not match anything.
        files {
        -- Add the slang source
        addSourceDir "source/slang"

        includedirs { "." }
        links { "core", "miniz", "lz4"}
        filter { "system:linux" }
            linkoptions{  "-pg" }
            buildoptions{ "-pg" }


standardProject("miniz", nil)
    uuid "E76ACB11-4A12-4F0A-BE1E-CE0B8836EB7F"
    kind "StaticLib"
    pic "On"

    -- Add the files explicitly
    filter { "system:linux or macosx" }
        links { "dl"}
standardProject("lz4", nil)
    uuid "E1EC8075-823E-46E5-BC38-C124CCCDF878"
    kind "StaticLib"
    pic "On"

    -- Add the files explicitly
    filter { "system:linux or macosx" }
        links { "dl"}

if buildGlslang then

standardProject("slang-spirv-tools", nil)
    uuid "C36F6185-49B3-467E-8388-D0E9BF5F7BB8"
    kind "StaticLib"
    pic "On"
    includedirs { "external/spirv-tools", "external/spirv-tools/include", "external/spirv-headers/include",  "external/spirv-tools-generated"}


    filter { "system:linux or macosx" }
        links { "dl"}
-- The single most complicated part of our build is our custom version of glslang.
-- Is not really set up to produce a shared library with a usable API, so we have
-- our own custom shim API around it to invoke GLSL->SPIRV compilation.
-- Glslang normally relies on a CMake-based build process, and its code is spread
-- across multiple directories with implicit dependencies on certain command-line
-- definitions.
-- The following is a tailored build of glslang that pulls in the pieces we care
-- about whle trying to leave out the rest:
standardProject("slang-glslang", "source/slang-glslang")
    uuid "C495878A-832C-485B-B347-0998A90CC936"
    kind "SharedLib"
    pic "On"
    includedirs { "external/glslang", "external/spirv-tools", "external/spirv-tools/include", "external/spirv-headers/include",  "external/spirv-tools-generated", "external/glslang-generated" }

        -- `ENABLE_OPT` must be defined (to either zero or one) for glslang to compile at all

        -- We want to build a version of glslang that supports every feature possible,
        -- so we will enable all of the supported vendor-specific extensions so
        -- that they can be used in Slang-generated GLSL code when required.

    -- We will add source code from every directory that is required to get a
    -- minimal GLSL->SPIR-V compilation path working.
    -- Unfortunately, blindly adding files like that also pulled in a declaration
    -- of a main entry point that we do *not* want, so we will specifically
    -- exclude that file from our build.
    removefiles { "external/glslang/StandAlone/StandAlone.cpp" }

    -- Glslang includes some platform-specific code around DLL setup/teardown
    -- and handling of thread-local storage for its multi-threaded mode. We
    -- don't really care about *any* of that, but we can't remove it from the
    -- build so we need to include the appropriate platform-specific sources.

    links { "slang-spirv-tools" }    

    filter { "system:windows" }
        -- On Windows we need to add the platform-specific sources and then
        -- remove the `main.cpp` file since it tries to define a `DllMain`
        -- and we don't want the default glslang one.
        addSourceDir( "external/glslang/glslang/OSDependent/Windows")
        removefiles { "external/glslang/glslang/OSDependent/Windows/main.cpp" }

    filter { "system:linux or macosx" }
        addSourceDir( "external/glslang/glslang/OSDependent/Unix")
        links { "dl" }
-- With glslang's build out of the way, we've now covered everything we have
-- to build to get Slang and its tools/examples built.
-- What is not included in this file yet is support for any custom `make`
-- targets for:
-- * Invoking the test runner
-- * Packaging up binaries
-- * "Installing" Slang on a user's machine

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