Revision abfdea1171a642ae9562f206f55de18dff988559 authored by Jon Wolfe on 21 April 2022, 17:30:08 UTC, committed by Jon Wolfe on 21 April 2022, 17:30:08 UTC
1 parent 90ff912
Raw File
module shr_strconvert_mod

! This module defines toString, a generic function for creating character type
! representations of data, as implemented for the most commonly used intrinsic
! types:
! - 4 and 8 byte integer
! - 4 and 8 byte real
! - logical
! No toString implementation is provided for character input, but this may be
! added if some use case arises.
! Currently, only scalar inputs are supported. The return type of this function
! is character with deferred (allocatable) length.
! The functions for integers and reals allow an optional format_string argument,
! which can be used to control the padding and precision of output as with any
! write statement. However, the implementations internally must use a
! preallocated buffer, so a format_string that significantly increases the size
! of the output may cause a run-time error or undefined behavior in the program.
! Other modules may want to provide extensions of toString for their own derived
! types. In this case there are two guidelines to observe:
! - It is preferable to have only one mandatory argument, which is the object to
!   produce a string from. There may be other formatting options, but the
!   implementation should do something sensible without these.
! - Since the main purpose of toString is to provide a human-readable
!   representation of a type, especially for documentation or debugging
!   purposes, refrain from printing large array components in their entirety
!   (instead consider printing only the shape, or statistics such as
!   min/mean/max for arrays of numbers).

use shr_kind_mod, only: &
     i4 => shr_kind_i4, &
     i8 => shr_kind_i8, &
     r4 => shr_kind_r4, &
     r8 => shr_kind_r8, &
     cs => shr_kind_cs

use shr_infnan_mod, only: &
     isnan => shr_infnan_isnan

implicit none

! Human-readable representation of data.
public :: toString

interface toString
   module procedure i4ToString
   module procedure i8ToString
   module procedure r4ToString
   module procedure r8ToString
   module procedure logicalToString
end interface toString


pure function i4ToString(input, format_string) result(string)
  integer(i4), intent(in) :: input
  character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: format_string
  character(len=:), allocatable :: string

  character(len=cs) :: buffer

  if (present(format_string)) then
     write(buffer, format_string) input
     ! For most compilers, these two statements are equivalent to a format of
     ! '(I0)', but that's not technically in the standard.
     write(buffer, '(I11)') input
     buffer = adjustl(buffer)
  end if

  allocate(string, source=trim(buffer))

end function i4ToString

pure function i8ToString(input, format_string) result(string)
  integer(i8), intent(in) :: input
  character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: format_string
  character(len=:), allocatable :: string

  character(len=cs) :: buffer

  if (present(format_string)) then
     write(buffer, format_string) input
     ! For most compilers, these two statements are equivalent to a format of
     ! '(I0)', but that's not technically in the standard.
     write(buffer, '(I20)') input
     buffer = adjustl(buffer)
  end if

  allocate(string, source=trim(buffer))

end function i8ToString

pure function r4ToString(input, format_string) result(string)
  real(r4), intent(in) :: input
  character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: format_string
  character(len=:), allocatable :: string

  character(len=cs) :: buffer

  if (present(format_string)) then
     write(buffer, format_string) input
     write(buffer, '(ES15.8 E2)') input
     buffer = adjustl(buffer)
     ! Deal with the fact that the "+" sign is optional by simply adding it if
     ! it is not present, so that the default format is standardized across
     ! compilers.
     ! Assumes that compilers do not treat the sign bit on NaN values specially.
     if (.not. isnan(input) .and. all(buffer(1:1) /= ["-", "+"])) then
        buffer = "+" // trim(buffer)
     end if
  end if

  allocate(string, source=trim(buffer))

end function r4ToString

pure function r8ToString(input, format_string) result(string)
  real(r8), intent(in) :: input
  character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: format_string
  character(len=:), allocatable :: string

  character(len=cs) :: buffer

  if (present(format_string)) then
     write(buffer, format_string) input
     write(buffer, '(ES24.16 E3)') input
     buffer = adjustl(buffer)
     ! Deal with the fact that the "+" sign is optional by simply adding it if
     ! it is not present, so that the default format is standardized across
     ! compilers.
     ! Assumes that compilers do not treat the sign bit on NaN values specially.
     if (.not. isnan(input) .and. all(buffer(1:1) /= ["-", "+"])) then
        buffer = "+" // trim(buffer)
     end if
  end if

  allocate(string, source=trim(buffer))

end function r8ToString

pure function logicalToString(input) result(string)
  logical, intent(in) :: input
  character(len=:), allocatable :: string

  ! We could use a write statement, but this is easier.
  allocate(character(len=1) :: string)
  if (input) then
     string = "T"
     string = "F"
  end if

end function logicalToString

end module shr_strconvert_mod
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