Revision adaa157317da4305e659c41e44f664023aacc12d authored by yjbanov on 19 May 2015, 21:47:59 UTC, committed by yjbanov on 19 May 2015, 21:47:59 UTC
1 parent 791caf0
Raw File
<a name"2.0.0-alpha.24"></a>
### 2.0.0-alpha.24 (2015-05-19)

#### Bug Fixes

* **Compiler:** add an error when a directive is null or undefined ([25cd6e43](, closes [#1908](
* **benchmark:**
  * change If for NgIf ([cdbb2473](
  * fixes ng-if ng-for renaming for templates. ([38926f71](
* **build:** npm shrinkwrap to pick up changed SHA1. ([04a9eb88](
* **directives:** fix import path ([c20060d2](
* **errors:** require passing stack traces explicitly in ng2 own code ([8ab77353](
* **examples:** prefix directives with Ng ([0e82970a](
* **facade:** MapWrapper.createFromPairs ([af9dcad8](, closes [#1640](
* **ng1 benchmarks:** revert *ng-if to ng-if ([909233f7](
* **router:**
  * use appRootComponentToken to get root route configs ([791caf00](, closes [#1947](
  * improve route matching priorities ([5db89071](
  * generate links for router-link with baseHref ([390cfb79](
  * sort possible routes by cost ([17392f66](
* **tree-differ:** treat symlinks to deleted paths as removals ([aad57954](, closes [#1961](

#### Features

* allow for forward references in injection ([1eea2b25](, closes [#1891](
* **change_detection:**
  * json pipe ([98603824](, closes [#1957](
  * uppercase and lowercase pipes ([7a4a6353](
  * implemented change detection that can be configured with pregenerated change det ([08f21dbf](
* **compiler:**
  * special-case class attribute in hostAttributes ([3011cd86](, closes [#1774](, [#1841](
  * added support for [()] syntax ([685a6507](
* **di:**
  * added hostInjector and viewInjector to the Directive annotation ([b066b8d1](
  * removed publishAs ([3a53f679](
* **element_injector:** allow @Optional for ProtoViewRef ([bb2eda2d](
* **errors:** preserve stack traces of user exceptions in Dart ([b6f29b44](
* **facade:** toUpperCase and toLowerCase ([557d54b3](
* **fakeAsync:** allow simulating the passage of time ([0f002a5b](
* **forms:** improved error messages ([11e43851](, closes [#1839](
* **pipe:** reexported pipes to genereate docs ([155b1e2b](

#### Breaking Changes

* `AppViewManager.createInPlaceHostView` is replaced by
`AppViewManager.createRootHostView` (for bootstrap) and
`AppViewManager.createFreeHostView` (for imperative components).

The later creates new host elements that are not attached anywhere.
To attach them, use `DomRenderer.getHostElement(hostviewRef)`
to get the host element.

Closes #1920

* - renames `DirectiveMetadataReader` into `DirectiveResolver`
  and removes `src/core/compiler/directive_metadata`.

Fixes #1712
Fixes #1713

<a name"2.0.0-alpha.23"></a>
### 2.0.0-alpha.23 (2015-05-12)

#### Bug Fixes

* **change_detection:** updated dynamic change detector not to mutate when throwing ([d717529e](, closes [#1762](
* **dart:** Remove unused imports. ([4ce0d5e0](
* **forms:** export directives as const in Dart ([5036086f](, closes [#1283](
* **gulpfile:** fixed test.unit.dart to format dart code before running test ([92d6aa1f](
* **location:** dartium does not like pushState with null. ([c2a42d5d](
* **router:**
  * add baseUrl to relative paths, but not absolute. ([a5741541](, closes [#1783](
  * reuse common parent components ([ac80df09](
  * router-link works without params ([77d1fc14](
  * strip base href from URLs when navigating ([853d1de6](
* **test_lib:** spy funcs should match null arguments ([84dc6ae7](
* **transformer:** remove classDefParser in favor of hardcoded strings to speed up build ([01d5c295](
* **view:** fixed ProtoViewFactory to get all property bindings ([7f976381](

#### Features

* **PromisePipe:** add pipe for promises ([74987585](
* **VmTurnZone:** Rework the implementation to minimize change detection runs ([e8a6c95e](
* **change_detection.js:** export null pipes ([4b62a722](, closes [#1624](
* **compiler:**
  * added support for host actions ([f9c1de46](
  * allow setting attributes on a host element ([51839ca6](, closes [#1402](
* **di:**
  * support type literals in DI ([358a6750](
  * expose parent injector ([2185e7ce](
  * components can self-publish via publishAs ([1a0da11e](
* **directives:** export collection of core directives ([a5638a94](, closes [#1524](
* **dom:** add getBaseHref method ([05219a54](
* **facade:** add equals method to StringMapWrapper ([aff85b50](
* **gulpfuile:** added ([3256ff1c](
* **lang:** support const expressions in TS/JS and Dart ([4665726f](, closes [#1796](
* **material:**
  * add early version of md-grid-list. ([8ef183b5](, closes [#1683](
  * early version of md-input ([ad239218](, closes [#1753](
* **view:** allow to transplant a view into a ViewContainer at another place. ([4f3433b5](, closes [#1492](

#### Breaking Changes

VmTurnZone has been renamed to NgZone.

- The public API has not chnanged,
- The "outer" zone is now named "mount" zone (private to NgZone).

A collection of all the form directives is exported
under `formDirectives`
while those were previously available
under `FormDirectives`.

Closes #1804


<a name"2.0.0-alpha.22"></a>
### 2.0.0-alpha.22 (2015-05-07)

#### Bug Fixes

* **brocolli:** escape special regexp characters when building regexps ([a58c9f83](, closes [#1721](, [#1752](
* **build:**
  * build the broccoli tools with correct typescript version. ([6bba289a](
  * use correct tsd command to get typings at requested versions ([1205f54d](
  * revert typescript upgrade which broke the build. ([b5032fd3](
  * refer to newest version of hammerjs typings ([a7a94636](
* **bundle:** update the bundle config to point to rx.js ([cf322130](
* **change_detector:** ensure that locals are only used when implicit receiver ([d4925b61](, closes [#1542](
* **compiler:**
  * clone templates before compiling them ([9e8d31d5](, closes [#1058](
  * changed the compiler to set up event listeners and host properties on host view  ([e3c11045](, closes [#1584](
  * only sets viewDefinition absUrl if the view has either a template or templateUrl ([3d625463](, closes [#1326](, [#1327](
* **decorators:**
  * incorrect annotation to decorator adapter ([b0c735f7](
  * fixed decorators ([49777648](
  * fixes decorator reflection. ([be7504d4](
  * updates missing benchmark and fixes typo. ([87dcd5eb](
* **decorators.es6:** export Directive decorator ([93c331d1](, closes [#1688](
* **di:** improve error messages for invalid bindings ([ee1b574b](, closes [#1515](, [#1573](
* **docs:** fix broken docs test after addition of .ts extension to dgeni regex. ([62bf777e](
* **exception_handler:** log errors via `console.error` ([ead21c91](
* **formatter:** point to the newest clang-format ([51c47792](
* **router:**
  * fix for leading slash in dart ([c9cec600](
  * navigate on popstate event ([2713b787](
  * throw if config does not contain required fields ([259f872c](
  * infer top-level routing from app component ([46ad3552](, closes [#1600](
  * use lists for RouteConfig annotations ([4965226f](
* **view:** changed view manager to hydrate change detector after creating directives ([c1579222](

#### Features

* **benchmark:** added an implementation of the tree benchmark in React ([e4342743](
* **benchmarks:** Add basic dart transformer benchmarks. ([1864f60a](
* **decorators:**
  * adds decorator versions of DI annotations. ([457c15cd](
  * adds support for parameter decorators. ([f863ea0d](
  * adds decorators to be used by TS and Babel transpiled apps. ([fb67e373](
* **dom:** add location and history as DOM-like APIs. ([f356d033](
* **material:** add prototype dialog component w/ demo. ([f88c4b77](
* **router:**
  * adds the router to the self-executing bundle. ([8e1d53b5](
  * export decorator version of RouteConfig ([75da6e4c](
  * route redirects ([91533313](
  * sibling outlets ([9d5c33f9](
  * export routerInjectables ([ef7014fe](
  * add location service ([ea546f50](

#### Breaking Changes

* Previously, `Directive` was the abstract base class of several directives.
Now, `Directive` is the former `Decorator`, and `Component` inherits from it.

* A dynamic component is just a component that has no @View annotation…

<a name="2.0.0-alpha.21"></a>
# 2.0.0-alpha.21 (2015-04-27)

## Features

- **dart/transform:** Dedup getters, setters, & methods
- **facade:** add isType method
- **parser:** support === and !== operators
   [#1496](, [#1500](
- **router:** add initial implementation
- **view:** reimplemented property setters using change detection

## Performance Improvements

- **benchmarks:**
  - benchmark that measure cost of dynamic components
  - benchmark measuring cost of decorators (fixes #1479)

## Other (malformed commit messages)

- **other:**
  - feat: alllow specifying directives as bindings
  - fix: export ShadowDom strategies
   [#1510](, [#1511](

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