Revision aee422d7cd4098dad89e31ecc6dfd9e539d2bda4 authored by Dominique Makowski on 06 August 2019, 10:20:02 UTC, committed by cran-robot on 06 August 2019, 10:20:02 UTC
1 parent 23ea322
# trim leading / trailing whitespace
.trim <- function(x) gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", x)
# safe depare, also for very long strings
.safe_deparse <- function(string) {
paste0(sapply(deparse(string, width.cutoff = 500), .trim, simplify = TRUE), collapse = "")
# has object an element with given name?
#' @keywords internal
.obj_has_name <- function(x, name) {
name %in% names(x)
# remove NULL elements from lists
#' @keywords internal
.compact_list <- function(x) x[!sapply(x, function(i) length(i) == 0 || is.null(i) || any(i == "NULL"))]
# is string empty?
#' @keywords internal
.is_empty_object <- function(x) {
if (is.list(x)) {
x <- tryCatch({
error = function(x) {
# this is an ugly fix because of ugly tibbles
if (inherits(x, c("tbl_df", "tbl"))) x <-
x <- suppressWarnings(x[!])
length(x) == 0 || is.null(x)
# select rows where values in "variable" match "value"
#' @keywords internal
.select_rows <- function(data, variable, value) {
data[which(data[[variable]] == value), ]
# remove column
#' @keywords internal
.remove_column <- function(data, variables) {
data[, -which(colnames(data) %in% variables), drop = FALSE]
#' @importFrom stats reshape
#' @keywords internal
.to_long <- function(x, names_to = "key", values_to = "value", columns = colnames(x)) {
if (is.numeric(columns)) columns <- colnames(x)[columns]
dat <- stats::reshape(,
idvar = "id",
ids = row.names(x),
times = columns,
timevar = names_to,
v.names = values_to,
varying = list(columns),
direction = "long"
if (is.factor(dat[[values_to]])) {
dat[[values_to]] <- as.character(dat[[values_to]])
dat[, 1:(ncol(dat) - 1), drop = FALSE]
#' select numerics columns
#' @keywords internal
.select_nums <- function(x) {
x[unlist(lapply(x, is.numeric))]
#' Used in describe_posterior
#' @keywords internal
.reoder_rows <- function(x, out, ci = NULL) {
if (! || nrow(out) == 1) {
if (is.null(ci)) {
refdata <- point_estimate(x, centrality = "median", dispersion = FALSE)
order <- refdata$Parameter
out <- out[match(order, out$Parameter), ]
} else {
uncertainty <- ci(x, ci = ci)
order <- paste0(uncertainty$Parameter, uncertainty$CI)
out <- out[match(order, paste0(out$Parameter, out$CI)), ]
rownames(out) <- NULL
Computing file changes ...