Revision aef880de2c500a7f7828fe93647299e8bc0170aa authored by Nils Thuerey on 06 December 2017, 08:13:20 UTC, committed by GitHub on 06 December 2017, 08:13:20 UTC
Tip revision: aef880de2c500a7f7828fe93647299e8bc0170aa authored by Nils Thuerey on 06 December 2017, 08:13:20 UTC
Merge pull request #1 from qinenergy/patch-1
Merge pull request #1 from qinenergy/patch-1
Tip revision: aef880d
# Simulation of a flame with smoke (and with adaptive time-stepping)
from manta import *
# solver params
dim = 3
res = 52
gs = vec3(res, res, res)
if dim==2:
s = Solver(name='main', gridSize = gs, dim=dim)
# buoyancy parameters
smokeDensity = -0.001 # alpha
smokeTempDiff = 0.1 # beta
# set time step range
s.frameLength = 1.2 # length of one frame (in "world time")
s.timestepMin = 0.2 # time step range
s.timestepMax = 2.0
s.cfl = 3.0 # maximal velocity per cell
s.timestep = (s.timestepMax+s.timestepMin)*0.5
timings = Timings()
# prepare grids
flags = s.create(FlagGrid)
vel = s.create(MACGrid)
density = s.create(RealGrid)
react = s.create(RealGrid)
fuel = s.create(RealGrid)
heat = s.create(RealGrid)
flame = s.create(RealGrid)
pressure = s.create(RealGrid)
doOpen = True
# how many frames to calculate
frames = 250
# noise field
noise = s.create(NoiseField, loadFromFile=True)
noise.posScale = vec3(45)
noise.clamp = True
noise.clampNeg = 0
noise.clampPos = 1
noise.valScale = 1
noise.valOffset = 0.75
noise.timeAnim = 0.2
# needs positive gravity because of addHeatBuoyancy2()
gravity = vec3(0,-0.0981,0)
# initialize domain with boundary
flags.initDomain( boundaryWidth=bWidth )
if doOpen:
setOpenBound( flags, bWidth,'yY',FlagOutflow|FlagEmpty )
if (GUI):
gui = Gui()
# source: cube in center of domain (x, y), standing on bottom of the domain
boxSize = vec3(res/8, 0.05*res, res/8)
boxCenter = gs*vec3(0.5, 0.15, 0.5)
sourceBox = s.create( Box, center=boxCenter, size=boxSize )
# main loop
while s.frame < frames:
maxvel = vel.getMaxValue()
s.adaptTimestep( maxvel )
mantaMsg('\nFrame %i, time-step size %f' % (s.frame, s.timestep))
if s.timeTotal<200:
densityInflow( flags=flags, density=density, noise=noise, shape=sourceBox, scale=1, sigma=0.5 )
densityInflow( flags=flags, density=heat, noise=noise, shape=sourceBox, scale=1, sigma=0.5 )
densityInflow( flags=flags, density=fuel, noise=noise, shape=sourceBox, scale=1, sigma=0.5 )
densityInflow( flags=flags, density=react, noise=noise, shape=sourceBox, scale=1, sigma=0.5 )
processBurn( fuel=fuel, density=density, react=react, heat=heat )
advectSemiLagrange( flags=flags, vel=vel, grid=density, order=2 )
advectSemiLagrange( flags=flags, vel=vel, grid=heat, order=2 )
advectSemiLagrange( flags=flags, vel=vel, grid=fuel, order=2 )
advectSemiLagrange( flags=flags, vel=vel, grid=react, order=2 )
advectSemiLagrange( flags=flags, vel=vel, grid=vel, order=2, openBounds=doOpen, boundaryWidth=bWidth )
if doOpen:
resetOutflow( flags=flags, real=density )
vorticityConfinement( vel=vel, flags=flags, strength=0.1 )
addBuoyancy( flags=flags, density=density, vel=vel, gravity=(gravity*smokeDensity ) )
addBuoyancy( flags=flags, density=heat, vel=vel, gravity=(gravity*smokeTempDiff) )
setWallBcs( flags=flags, vel=vel )
solvePressure( flags=flags, vel=vel, pressure=pressure )
updateFlame( react=react, flame=flame )
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