Revision afc8deb9335bc328cc18aaa2dc540576072c30ee authored by Juncheng Gu on 02 August 2017, 19:47:38 UTC, committed by Junjie Qian on 27 September 2017, 02:46:16 UTC
rename "j" to currentGradientIndex in line321

update description in line309; rename j to currentGradientIndex

fix bug (from Junjie) in new gradient aggregator pipeline (== -> !=)

move first D-to-H copy out of the loop

define "size_t i" in simple gradient aggregator
1 parent 40162ba
Raw File
Tip revision: afc8deb9335bc328cc18aaa2dc540576072c30ee authored by Juncheng Gu on 02 August 2017, 19:47:38 UTC
optimize AggregateGradientsImpl (async pipeline) for non-GDR & GPU scenario
Tip revision: afc8deb
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