Revision b0aa1ba99cc89ce2080069b50cd441a7718b7b03 authored by coffeebond on 30 April 2021, 02:23:20 UTC, committed by GitHub on 30 April 2021, 02:23:20 UTC
1 parent b88dfa8
Raw File
This script has two modes:
> Mode 1:
1. a text string which defines the prefix name of the output files (-n, required)
2. a tex string which specifies the output directory (-d, optional)
3. a reference file with annotation in bed format (-r, required)
4. a STAR-aligned bam file (-b, required)
5. the un-trimmed fastq file from read1 (-f1, required)
6. the fastq file from read2 (-f2, optional, only if 'check_pa_tail' is 'True')
7. intensity file from read2 (-i, required)
8. poly(A) site annotation in bed format (-p, optional)
> Mode 2:
1. a text string which defines the prefix name of the output files (-n, required)
2. a text string which specifies the output directory (-d, optional)
3. T_signal output file generated by this script (-s, required)

Note: When using LSF, make sure to add -n 20 for multiprocessing

It calculates poly(A) tail length based on a Gaussian (mixture) hidden markov model trained on a subset of the data
It outputs these files:
1. all poly(A) tags
2. median poly(A) tail length and total number of tags for each gene
3. mean poly(A) tail length and total number of tags for each gene
4. HMM model 
5. A temporary file containing converted T-signal will be written out on the disk to save memory usage
	and it can be deleted in the end.
6. A temporary file containing the HMM states of each read cycle for each cluster, which can be deleted manually.

v2 change log:
1. use new function 'fread' to read in file flexibly (either txt, gz or tar)
2. only read in two columns (cluster identifier and gene_id) from bedtools output file to make it much faster
3. remove reads that intersect with multiple genes when constructing the dictionary
4. made poly(T) stretch gating more flexible, allowing both Ns and Ts in first 8nts
5. read in intensity file in small chunks to avoid memory failure 

v3 change log:
1. use concurrent.futures for interfacing with multiprocessing
2. added multiprocessing to the section where poly(A) tail length is calculated

v4 change log:
1. output converted T-signals as they are calculated to a file in order to relieve the burden on memory
2. output mean tail-length in addition to median tail-lenght

v6 change log:
1. lowered the criteria for checking if a poly(A) tail exists for a read (5 combined N and T in first 6nts of read 2)

v7 change log:
1. added an imputing step in calculating T-signals, because sometimes there are base positions in read 2 with all channel signals being 0
	the mean of a sliding window is used to fill in these blank positions.
2. changed naming of the output files by adding lane number after the barcodes, in case samples with the same barcode from 
	different lanes are processed in the same folder

v8 change log:
1. added dis2T variable for defining the distance between sequencing starting position and the 3' end of the mRNA.
	This number of bases will be trimmed off when analyzing tail-length
2. added training_min variable that defines the minimal number of clusters for HHM training
3. added r1_len and r2_len variable for defining the length of read 1 and read 2 respectively

v9 change log:
1. added an option for only calculating tail-length if T_signal file is provided. Only one argument is needed for input.
2. changed the mixed gaussian distribution to a simple gaussian distribution in HMM model. 
	The old mixed distribution is preserved in case but not used by default.
3. allowed transition from non-T states back to T states in HMM model
4. tail-length calling by states now requires at least two consecutive non-T states to terminate the T state

v10 change log:
1. signal normalization of each channel now can use all positions with QC score higher than qc_cutoff (default 0) in read1. Note that 
	high QC cutoff may cause biased normalization.
2. added a parameter 'non_T_limit', which allows a certain number of non-T bases at the begining to avoid calling 0-nt tail length
3. modified tail-length calling by states: the distance between the last non-T in the 'non_T_limit' region and 
	the first non-T outside the 'non_T_limit' region

v11 change log:
1. added an option to intersect mapped reads to an additional annotation file as the sixth input argument. This is used when it's 
	preferred to intersect the reads with both genes and poly(A) sites. When two-reference mode is used, the IDs in the first 
	reference will be used to aggregate reads. 
2. changed all 'print' to function 'print', so it is compatible with python 3.

v12 change log:
1. retired filtering bases used for normalization based on QC score due to potential bias and sometime unknown QC score version.
2. Changed read-sampling methods in HMM only mode. Now it's much faster getting the training reads.
3. Added an option ("strand") to specific which strand to use when intersecting with reference files.
4. Added an option ("mixed_model") to perform HMM with either gaussian model (better for PAL-seq) or mixed gaussian model (better for TAIL-seq).
5. Added an option ("allow_back") to initialize HMM transition matrix, either allowing non-T states going back to T-states or not allowing
	non-T states going back to T-states (better for TAIL-seq, slightly better for PAL-seq as well.)

v13 change log (20210307):
1. Moved all global parameters to a dictionary.
2. Changed the input format, and a parser is used.
3. Split the all_tag output file into two files: one with tail length and the other with HMM states, which can be deleted to save space.
4. Added an parameter "check_pa_tail" with the option to filter reads by examining if there is a poly(A) tail

Other changes to be made:
1. Find a replacement for ghmm so that the script is compatible with python3
2. Try using multiple HMM models to call tail lengths instead of a unified model for each dataset
3. Use object-oriented programming

import sys, subprocess, math, numpy, gzip, ghmm, time, tarfile, concurrent.futures, random, os, argparse
from ghmm import *
from time import time
from datetime import datetime

###------global variables-----------------------------------------------------------------
params = {
	'r1_len': 52, # length of read1
	#'r2_len': 255, # length of read2
	'check_pa_tail': False, # whether to use read2 fastq file to filter out reads that don't have a poly(A) tail
	'dis2T': 0, # the number of bases from the sequencing starts in read 2 to the 3' end of the mRNA 
	'strand': '-', # positive strand for Tail-seq and negative strand for PAL-seq
	'allow_back': False, # whether to allow HMM to transition from a downstream state back to upstream state
	'mixed_model': False, # whether to use a Gausian mixed model (if not, a simple Gausian model is used)

	'start': 20, # starting position of read1 for signal normalization (minimum is 1, use 1 for PAL-seq and 15 for TAIL-seq)
	#'qc_cutoff': 0, # minimal QC score for a base that is used for signal normalization
	'bound': 5, # boundary for normalized log2 T_signal
	'all_zero_limit': 5, # limit for total number of all zeros in four channels in read 2
	'non_T_limit': 2, # limit for allowing non-T bases at the very 3' ends when calling tail length, due to possible uridylation 

	'training_max': 50000, # maximal number of clusters used in the training set
	'training_min': 5000, # minimal number of clusters used in the training set

	'n_threads': 20,# number of cores to use for multiprocess, if too big, memory may fail
	'chunk_lines': 10000, # number of lines to allocate to each core to process, if too big, memory may fail
	'chunk': 1000000,# give a feedback for proceessing this number of lines

t_start = time() # timer start
mdict = {} # master dictionary
dict_tl = {} # dictionary for tail length, using gene_name as key
#qc_code = '@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefgh' #QC score coding, default is Illumina 1.5

def fread(file): # flexibly read in files for processing
	file = str(file)
	if file.endswith('tar.gz'):
		temp =, 'r:gz')
		return temp.extractfile(
	elif file.endswith('.gz'):
		return, 'rb')
	elif file.endswith('.txt'):
		return open(file, 'U')
		sys.exit("Wrong file type to read: " + file)
def Convert2T(line):
# this function does two things:
# 1. normalize intensity for all four channels of each cluster, using part of read1 
	dict_value = {'A':[] ,'C':[] ,'G':[], 'T':[]}
	lst = line.strip('\n').split('\t')
	idx = ':'.join(lst[:3])
	for i in range(params['start'], params['r1_len']+1): # i is the i-th base in read1 
		lst4c = map(int, [x for x in lst[i-1+4].split(' ') if x != '']) 
		# first 4 elements are not intensities
		# get rid of spaces between intensity values
		dict_4c = {'A':lst4c[0] ,'C':lst4c[1] ,'G':lst4c[2], 'T':lst4c[3]}
		base = mdict[idx][1][i-1]
		qc = mdict[idx][2][i-1]
		if dict_value.has_key(base) \
		and dict_4c[base] > 0:
		#and qc_code.index(qc) >= qc_cutoff:
		# QC must be better than qc_cutoff
	for key in dict_value:
		if len(dict_value[key]) == 0:
			return None
			# exit this function if normalization can't be completed
			dict_value[key] = numpy.mean(dict_value[key])
			# otherwise, take the average value
			# this should be the approximate value illumina used to call the base for that cluster
# 2. convert intensity from 4 channels to T signal
	all_T = []
	for j in range(5 + params['r1_len'] + params['dis2T'], len(lst)+1): # j is j-th position in intensity line
		lst4c = map(int, [x for x in lst[j-1].split(' ') if x != ''])
		if lst4c == [0,0,0,0]:
		# sometimes in a base position, all channel signals equal to 0
		# these need to be corrected later or discarded if there are too many in a cluster
			dict_4c = {'A':lst4c[0] ,'C':lst4c[1] ,'G':lst4c[2], 'T':lst4c[3]}
			for key in dict_4c:
				if dict_4c[key] <= 0:
					dict_4c[key] = 1.0 / dict_value[key]
					dict_4c[key] = float(dict_4c[key]) / dict_value[key]
				# normalize the intensity value 
			T_signal = dict_4c['T'] / (dict_4c['A'] + dict_4c['C'] + dict_4c['G'])
			T_signal = math.log(T_signal, 2)
			T_signal = max(-params['bound'], min(T_signal, params['bound']))
			# make large or small T_signal bound
	if all_T.count('empty') >= params['all_zero_limit']:
		return None
		for k in range(len(all_T)):
			if all_T[k] == 'empty':
				sliding_T = all_T[max(0, k - params['all_zero_limit']):min(len(all_T), k + params['all_zero_limit'])]
				sliding_T = [x for x in sliding_T if x != 'empty']
				all_T[k] = numpy.mean(sliding_T)
		# if there more than all_zero_limit base positions with all channel signals being equal to 0, discard this cluster
		# else, use the mean in a sliding window to fill in the missing value
	all_T.insert(0, params['bound']*100) # add a peudo T to the front, making sure HMM starts with T
	return all_T

def worker_C2T(lines):
# this function takes all read2 intensity lines allocated to each process
# and outputs a tupple including
# 1. a new dictionary which only contains gene_name and converted T-signal
# 2. a list containing converted T-signals to be trained
	temp_dict = {}
	temp_lst = []
	for line in lines:	
		idx = ':'.join(line.strip('\n').split('\t')[:3])
		if mdict.has_key(idx):
			temp = Convert2T(line)
			if temp: # only reads that have converted T-signal will be used later			
				temp_dict.setdefault(idx, [mdict[idx][0],temp])
				if idx in train_keys:
	return temp_dict, temp_lst

def worker_hmm(lines):
# this function takes a number of ids and calculates the tail length associated
# with each id, and returns a tupple
# 1. a new dictionary which contains gene_name, tail-length and all ghmm states
# 2. a list containing gene_name and tail-length pairs 
	temp_dict = {}
	temp_lst = []
	for line in lines:
		l = line.strip('\n').split('\t')
		states = model.viterbi(EmissionSequence(F, map(float,l[2:])))[0]
		# tail length defined as the distance between two positions:
		# 1. start_idx: the last non-T base within the non_T_limit range 
		# 2. end_idx: the first non-T base outside the non_T_limit range
		# Also, the first position is a peudo-T base
		if len(states) == 0:
			sys.exit("Can't infer the states from the model! Exiting...")
		end_idx = len(states)
		start_idx = 0
		non_A_index_lst = [i for i, x in enumerate(states) if x > ((len(pi) - 1) / 2)]
		for i in xrange(len(non_A_index_lst)):
			if non_A_index_lst[i] <= params['non_T_limit']:
				start_idx = non_A_index_lst[i]
				end_idx = non_A_index_lst[i]
		tl = end_idx - start_idx - 1
		temp_dict.setdefault(l[0], [l[1], str(tl), str(states)])
		temp_lst.append([l[1], tl])
	return temp_dict, temp_lst

def lines_sampler(filename, n_lines_sample):
	# this function takes in the reads_wTsignal file and
	# randomly select n_lines_sample lines to output as a list of lists (each containing T signals)
	sample = []
	with fread(filename) as f:, 2)
		filesize = f.tell()
		random_set = sorted(random.sample(xrange(filesize), n_lines_sample))
		for i in xrange(n_lines_sample):[i])
			# Skip current line (because we might be in the middle of a line) 
			# Append the next line to the sample set 
			line = f.readline()
			if line:
				sample.append(list(map(float, line.rstrip().split('\t')[2:])))
	return sample
def timer(): # calculate runtime
	temp = str(time()-t_start).split('.')[0]
	temp =  '\t' + temp + 's passed...' + '\t' + str(
	return temp

def pwrite(f, text): # a function to simultaneously print texts and record texts in a log file
	f.write(text + '\n')

###------the script runs from there-------------------------------------------------------

# parse the input
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-n', '--name', dest = 'n', type = str, help = 'name prefix for output files', required = True)
parser.add_argument('-d', '--directory', dest = 'd', type = str, help = 'output file directory')
parser.add_argument('-f1', '--fastq_read_1', dest = 'f1', type = str, help = 'input read 1 fastq file')
parser.add_argument('-f2', '--fastq_read_2', dest = 'f2', type = str, help = 'input read 2 fastq file')
parser.add_argument('-b', '--bam', dest = 'b', type = str, help = 'input STAR-aliged bam file')
parser.add_argument('-r', '--ref', dest = 'r', type = str, help = 'input annotation reference file in bed format')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--intensity', dest = 'i', type = str, help = 'input intensity file')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--signal', dest = 's', type = str, help = 'input T signal file')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--pa_site', dest = 'p', type = str, help = 'optional input poly(A) annotation file')
args = parser.parse_args()  

# check input files and determine which mode to run
if args.s:
	hmm_only = True
	if all([args.f1, args.f2, args.b, args.r, args.i]):
		hmm_only = False
		sys.exit('Missing input files!')

# output file directory and prefix
if not args.d:
	args.d = './'
prefix = args.d + args.n + '_'

if not hmm_only:  
	# read in all files and open files for writing
	ref = str(args.r) # reference file with annotation in bed format
	r1_mapped = str(args.b) # Star aligned bam file
	r1 = str(args.f1) # fastq file from read1 (un-trimmed)
	r2 = str(args.f2) # fastq file from read2
	r2_intensity = str(args.i) # intensity file from read2
	Tsignal_file = prefix +'reads_wTsignal.txt'
	f_log = open(prefix + 'log.txt' , 'w')

	# intersect mapped read1 to protein-coding genes and
	# construct a dictionary as {unique sequencer-id for each read : [gene name]}
	pwrite(f_log, 'Interecting read1 to protein-coding genes...')
	proc1 = subprocess.check_output(['samtools view ' + r1_mapped + ' | wc -l'], shell=True)
	pwrite(f_log, 'Total number of reads uniquely mapped: ' + str(proc1)) 
	if params['strand'] == '+':
		strand_para = '-s'
		strand_para = '-S'
	proc2 = subprocess.Popen(['bedtools','intersect','-abam',r1_mapped,'-b',ref,'-wa','-wb','-bed', strand_para],stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
	if args.p:
		pwrite(f_log, 'Proceeding in two-reference mode...')
		pA_ref = args.p
		proc2p2 = subprocess.Popen(['bedtools','intersect','-a','stdin','-b',pA_ref,'-wa', strand_para],stdin=proc2.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
		proc3=subprocess.Popen(['cut','-f4,16'],stdin=proc2p2.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
		pwrite(f_log, 'Proceeding in one-reference mode...')
		proc3 = subprocess.Popen(['cut','-f4,16'],stdin=proc2.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
	pwrite(f_log, 'Making a master dictionary...' + timer())
	counting = 0
	dict_dup = {} # for storing reads that intersect more than one gene
		line = proc3.stdout.readline()
		if (proc3.poll() is not None) and (not line):
			pwrite(f_log, str(counting) + ' reads processed...' + timer())
		if line:
			lst = line.strip('\n').split('\t')
			idx = ':'.join(lst[0].split('#')[0].split(':')[-3:])
			gene = lst[1]
			if idx in mdict:
				dict_dup[idx] = None
				mdict[idx] = [gene]
			counting += 1
			if counting%params['chunk'] == 0:
				pwrite(f_log, str(counting) + ' reads processed...' + timer())
	for key in dict_dup:
		del mdict[key]		
	pwrite(f_log, 'Total number of reads mapped to protein-coding genes: ' + str(counting))
	pwrite(f_log, 'Total number of reads uniquely intersect with protein-coding genes: ' + str(len(mdict))) 

	# check read2 and remove those that don't have poly(T) sequence
	# need to remove a region that is not part of poly(T)
	# criteria: 5 combined Ts and Ns and As in the first 6nts
	# new dictionary: {unique sequencer-id for each read : [gene name]}
	pwrite(f_log, '\nFiltering the dictionary by examining whether read2 has a poly(A)...' + timer())
	if params['check_pa_tail']:
		counting = 0
		r2 = fread(r2)
			line1 = r2.readline()
			if not line1:
				pwrite(f_log, str(counting) + ' reads processed...' + timer())
				line2 = r2.readline()
				line2 = line2[0+params['dis2T']:]
				idx = ':'.join(line1.split('#')[0].split(':')[-3:])
				if idx in mdict:
					if (line2[:6].count('T') + line2[:6].count('N') + line2[:6].count('A')) < 5:
					#if line2[:8].count('T') < 7:
						del mdict[idx]
				counting += 1
				if counting%params['chunk'] == 0:
					pwrite(f_log, str(counting) + ' reads processed...' + timer())
		pwrite(f_log, 'Total number of protein-coding gene-mapped reads that have poly(A) tails: ' + str(len(mdict))) 
		pwrite(f_log, '\t' + 'Skipped...' + '\n')

	# 1. add original read1 sequence to the dictionary item list for normalizing signal
	# 2. pick part of the dictionary as the training set (lesser of the two: 1/100 of the data or a set number in "training_max")
	# new dictionary: {unique sequencer-id for each read : [gene name, untrimmed read1 sequence, QC of read1]}
	pwrite(f_log, '\nAdding untrimmed read1 sequence to the filtered dictionary for normalizing signal...')
	pwrite(f_log, 'Spliting training and testing sets...' + timer())
	counting = 0
	counting_dict = 0
	counting_train = 0
	r1 = fread(r1)
		line1 = r1.readline()
		if not line1:
			pwrite(f_log, str(counting) + ' reads processed...' + timer())
			line2 = r1.readline()
			line4 = r1.readline()
			idx = ':'.join(line1.split('#')[0].split(':')[-3:])
			if mdict.has_key(idx):
				mdict[idx].extend([line2.strip('\n'), line4.strip('\n')])
			counting += 1
			if counting%params['chunk'] == 0:
				pwrite(f_log, str(counting) + ' reads processed...' + timer())
	pwrite(f_log, 'The number of reads after accquiring read1 sequence: ' + str(len(mdict))) 
	pwrite(f_log, 'Randomly picking training set:')
	if len(mdict) / 100 > params['training_max']:
		train_keys = random.sample(list(mdict.keys()), params['training_max'])
		pwrite(f_log, 'Dataset too large, ' + str(params['training_max']) + ' reads picked for training...')
	elif len(mdict) / 100 < params['training_min']:
		train_keys = random.sample(list(mdict.keys()), params['training_min'])
		pwrite(f_log, 'Dataset too small, ' + str(params['training_min']) + ' reads picked for training...')
		train_keys = random.sample(list(mdict.keys()), len(mdict) / 100)
		pwrite(f_log, str(len(mdict) / 100) + ' reads picked for training...')

	# read intensity file and convert 4-channel intensities to single log-transformed bound T_signal
	# output T_signal to a file
	pwrite(f_log, '\nReading read2 intensity file...' + timer())	
	counting = 0
	rounds = 0
	counting_sum = 0
	counting_out = 0
	chunk_temp = params['chunk']
	train_set = []
	line_lst = []
	r2_intensity = fread(r2_intensity)
	output_Tsignal = open(Tsignal_file, 'w')
		line = r2_intensity.readline()
		if not line:
			with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(params['n_threads']) as pool:
				futures =,[line_lst[n:n+params['chunk_lines']] for n in xrange(0,len(line_lst),params['chunk_lines'])])
				for (d,l) in futures: # combine data from outputs from all processes
					for key in d: # write converted T-signal to a file
						counting_out += 1
				counting_sum += counting
				pwrite(f_log, str(counting_sum) + ' reads processed...' + timer())
			counting += 1
			if counting % (params['chunk_lines'] * params['n_threads']) == 0:
				rounds += 1
				with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(params['n_threads']) as pool:
					futures =,[line_lst[n:n+params['chunk_lines']] for n in xrange(0,len(line_lst),params['chunk_lines'])])
					for (d,l) in futures: # combine data from outputs from all processes
						for key in d: # write converted T-signal to a file
							counting_out += 1
					counting_sum = counting * rounds
					if counting_sum > chunk_temp:
						chunk_temp += params['chunk']
						pwrite(f_log, str(counting_sum) + ' reads processed...' + timer())
				line_lst = []
				counting = 0
	pwrite(f_log, 'The number of reads in training set after intensity-conversion: ' +  str(len(train_set)))
	pwrite(f_log, 'Total number of reads after intensity-conversion: ' + str(counting_out))
	pwrite(f_log, 'Finished processing read2 intensity file...' + timer())
	mdict.clear() # clear the dictionary to free up some memory

	f_log = open(prefix + 'hmm_only_log.txt' , 'w')
	pwrite(f_log, 'Starting HMM only mode...' + timer())
	Tsignal_file = args.s
	if not os.path.isfile(Tsignal_file):
		sys.exit('Error! No Tsignal file found!')

	# estimate the number of lines by dividing the total file size by the size of first line
	Tsignal_input = fread(Tsignal_file)
	line_size = int(Tsignal_input.tell()),2)
	file_size = int(Tsignal_input.tell())
	T_lines = file_size / line_size
	pwrite(f_log, 'Estimated total number of reads in the Tsignal file: ' + str(T_lines))
	n_train_lines = min(max(T_lines/100, params['training_min']), params['training_max'])
	pwrite(f_log, str(n_train_lines) + ' reads picked for training...' + timer())
	train_set = lines_sampler(Tsignal_file, n_train_lines)

# output files
output_all = open(prefix + 'all_tails.txt', 'w') # tail lengths of all tags
output_states = open(prefix + 'hmm_states.txt', 'w') # HMM states of all tags
output_median = open(prefix + 'median_tails_tags.txt', 'w') # median tail lengths, aggregated by genes
output_mean = open(prefix + 'mean_tails_tags.txt', 'w') # mean tail lengths, aggregated by genes
out_hmm = prefix + 'HMM_model.txt' # HMM model

# initializes a gaussian hidden markov model and defines
# the tranisition, emission, and starting probabilities
print('\nTraining data with hmm...' + timer())
F = ghmm.Float()

pi = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # initial state

if params['allow_back'] == True:
	# The following matrix allows T states going back to non=T states.
	Transitionmatrix = [[0.04, 0.93, 0.02, 0.01, 0.0],
						[0.0, 0.87, 0.1, 0.02, 0.01],
         	           [0.0, 0.05, 0.6, 0.3, 0.05],
         	           [0.0, 0.01, 0.3, 0.6, 0.09],
         	           [0.0, 0.01, 0.01, 0.1, 0.88]]
	# The following matrix does not allow states going backwards.
	Transitionmatrix = [[0.04, 0.93, 0.02, 0.01, 0.0],
						[0.0, 0.94, 0.03, 0.02, 0.01],
	                    [0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.4, 0.1],
	                    [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.6, 0.4],
	                    [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]
# state 0: peudo-T state
# state 1: definitive-T state
# state 2: likely-T state
# state 3: likely-non-T state
# state 4: definitive-non-T state

if params['mixed_model'] == True:
	Emissionmatrix = [[[params['bound']*100.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0]],
				  [[1.5, -1.0 ], [1.5, 1.5], [0.95, 0.05]],
                  [[1.5, -1.0 ], [1.5, 1.5], [0.75, 0.25]],
                  [[1.5, -1.0 ], [1.5, 1.5], [0.5, 0.5]],
                  [[1.5, -1.0 ], [1.5, 1.5], [0.25, 0.75]]]
	# [p1_mean, p2,mean], [p1_std, p2_std], [P(p1), P(p2)]
	model = ghmm.HMMFromMatrices(F, ghmm.GaussianMixtureDistribution(F), Transitionmatrix, Emissionmatrix, pi)
	Emissionmatrix = [[params['bound']*100.0, 1.0],
					  [2.0, 0.5],
	                  [1.0, 0.5],
	                  [-1.0, 0.5],
	                  [-2.0, 0.5]]
	# [mean, std]
	model = ghmm.HMMFromMatrices(F, ghmm.GaussianDistribution(F), Transitionmatrix, Emissionmatrix, pi)

print('Model before training:')
mghmm_train = ghmm.SequenceSet(F, train_set)
model.baumWelch(mghmm_train, 10000, 0.01)
print('Model after training:')


# calculate tail length using the mghmm model and write them to output files
# dict_tl structure: {gene_name : [list of tail lengths]}
pwrite(f_log, '\nCalculating tail-lengths and writing outputs...' + timer())
lst_tl = [] # for storing gene_name, tail-length pairs
counting = 0
rounds = 0
counting_sum = 0
counting_out = 0
chunk_temp = params['chunk']
Tsignal_input = fread(Tsignal_file)
line_lst = []
	line = Tsignal_input.readline()
	if not line:
		with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(params['n_threads']) as pool:
			futures =,[line_lst[n:n+params['chunk_lines']] for n in xrange(0,len(line_lst),params['chunk_lines'])])
			for (d, l) in futures: # combine data from outputs from all processes
				for key in d: # write single tail tags to the output file
					output_all.write(d[key][0] + '\t' + key + '\t' + d[key][1] + '\n')
					output_states.write(key + '\t' + d[key][2] + '\n')
					counting_out += 1
			counting_sum += counting
			pwrite(f_log, str(counting_sum) + ' reads processed...' + timer())
		counting += 1
		if counting % (params['chunk_lines'] * params['n_threads']) == 0:
			rounds += 1
			with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(params['n_threads']) as pool:
				futures =,[line_lst[n:n+params['chunk_lines']] for n in xrange(0,len(line_lst),params['chunk_lines'])])
				for (d, l) in futures: # combine data from outputs from all processes
					for key in d: # write single tail tags to the output file
						output_all.write(d[key][0] + '\t' + key + '\t' + d[key][1] + '\n')
						output_states.write(key + '\t' + d[key][2] + '\n')
						counting_out += 1
				counting_sum = counting * rounds
				if counting_sum > chunk_temp:
					chunk_temp += params['chunk']
					pwrite(f_log, str(counting_sum) + ' reads processed...' + timer()) 
			line_lst = []
			counting = 0
pwrite(f_log, 'Total number of tail-lengths written: ' + str(counting_out))
pwrite(f_log, 'Finished calculating tail lengths...' + timer())

# delete temporary file containing converted T-signal (very big)['rm','-f',Tsignal_file])

for pair in lst_tl: # transform data for calculating median and mean tail length
	if dict_tl.has_key(pair[0]):
for key in dict_tl:
	output_median.write(key + '\t' + str(numpy.median(dict_tl[key])) + '\t' + str(len(dict_tl[key])) + '\n')		
for key in dict_tl:
	output_mean.write(key + '\t' + str(numpy.mean(dict_tl[key])) + '\t' + str(len(dict_tl[key])) + '\n')			
pwrite(f_log, 'Total number of genes with tail-length written: ' + str(len(dict_tl)))

pwrite(f_log, 'Final: ' + timer())		

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