Revision b205c6d0296096cc41117037ecbbb09eaa6237b8 authored by Peter Dillinger on 06 October 2022, 21:54:21 UTC, committed by Facebook GitHub Bot on 06 October 2022, 21:54:21 UTC
We have seen some rare crash test failures in HyperClockCache, and the source could certainly be a bug fixed in this change, in ClockHandleTable::ConstApplyToEntriesRange. It wasn't properly accounting for the fact that incrementing the acquire counter could be ineffective, due to parallel updates. (When incrementing the acquire counter is ineffective, it is incorrect to then decrement it.)

This change includes some other minor clean-up in HyperClockCache, and adds stats_dump_period_sec with a much lower period to the crash test. This should be the primary caller of ApplyToEntries, in collecting cache entry stats.

Pull Request resolved:

Test Plan: haven't been able to reproduce the failure, but should be in a better state (bug fix and improved crash test)

Reviewed By: anand1976

Differential Revision: D40034747

Pulled By: anand1976

fbshipit-source-id: a06fcefe146e17ee35001984445cedcf3b63eb68
1 parent f461e06
Raw File
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