Revision b2f65cfa8279f88b6f20f443bb541f06377b3b67 authored by Bob Carpenter on 30 August 2012, 22:57:59 UTC, committed by Bob Carpenter on 30 August 2012, 22:57:59 UTC
1 parent af91f3d
Raw File
Tip revision: b2f65cfa8279f88b6f20f443bb541f06377b3b67 authored by Bob Carpenter on 30 August 2012, 22:57:59 UTC
updated web page to version 1.0.0
Tip revision: b2f65cf


* use "sample of size 1000" rather than "1000 samples", etc.

* const declarations wherever possible

* more care with size_t, etc.

* API doc for doxygen

* privatize API parts not needed

* stan::math and stan::agrad configurable error handling
  - how to configure std::log(), etc. for error handling?
    need our own versions?

* remove unnecessary dependencies/includes

* convert for loops with size bounds to appropriate iterators

* reduce code duplication in
  - gm generator


* group dimensions of multivariate params somehow
  -- perhaps share scale?

* print for each parameter, with default and config in plot(
  -- log ESS,
  -- log R-hat, and
  -- stacked per-chain medians + intervals
     ++ combined chains
  -- overlaid density estimates 
     ++ combined chains
  -- stacked histograms (sparklines-like)
  ?? autocorrelation plot
  -- traceplot
  -- MCMC std error
  -- posterior sd

* control number of digits in output
  -- low default to make Andrew happy
  -- have it depend on se scale?

* order of plots should match declaration order

* include greyed out warmup in traceplot

* color highlight bad R-hat values (red / orange ?)
  -- need enough contrast

* do variable-at-a-time traceplot
  -- traceplot(fit) -- array of traceplots for all vals (truncated)
  -- traceplot(fit,"a") -- array of traceplots for a (truncated)
  -- traceplot(fit,"a[5,3]") -- traceplot for a[5,3]

* break out into own project with its own license (GPL)
  - still include on Stan page, just flag license, or
  - break out into own project

* use Rcpp to call C from R and vice-versa

* Example call:

   fit <- rstan(model_file,inits, ....);

   + compile model
   + read dump data OR from R
   + read dump inits OR from R
   + run model
   + load results to file OR R

* access data from samples object in C++

* Run pre-built analyses on fit:
  + attach.stan(fit)
  + print(fit)
  + traceplot(fit)
  + plot.stan(fit)
  + dump.stan(fit)
  + read.stan(file_path)

* Get data from fit 
  - structured
  - chains optionally merged w. permutation
  - individual chains



* catch +inf, -inf values of unconstrained params and let
  users know they have an improper posterior

* allow cross-chain sharing of adaptation parameters
  to recover from a subset of chains going off the rails during

* set mass matrix from the parameters

* discrete samplers (Matt)
  - Gibbs for small outcome sets
  - slice for larger outcome sets
    + only makes sense for ordinals/counts
  - what about multinomial with constraints
    + need at least two varying params
  - adaptive Metropolis style?

* more general built-in initializations
  -  normal or student-t w. params
  -  or even set uniform boundaries
  -  e.g., uniform(-1,1), normal(0,1), t(0,2.5)

* stop NUTS from running away without coming back
  - limit number of steps
    + command-line param
    + instrumenting NUTS loops (adaptation, leapfrog)
  - limit time
    + start recording time at beginning, check loops inside
  - bomb with report if exceed these steps

* print more info during adaptation
  - adapted step size

Modeling Language

* make any C++ reserved word a reserved word so it doesn't
  mess up C++ compilation

* constants for max and min integer values

* convert all int values to long to match doc!

* add asserts to the language itself, or something to throw exceptions
  - even a general logger with debug levels?

* add printf statement for debugging purposes
  - really format or just list params?

* need to pass in randomizer to repeat generated quantities
  - where to do this? 
    + model ctor defeats thread safety
    + pass into generated quantities eval is safest

* explicit var types, useful for single expression for types
  e.g. vector(5)[2] x;
  vs.  vector(5) x[2];

* write model text into output in a comment in output
  - optional?

* make sure no aliasing issues for Eigen,
  - e.g.  A <- A * B;  A <- A';
  - shouldn't be problem with our matrix lib's returns

* make sure assignments only allowed to var in blocks
  (documented in manual?)

* triangular matrix type
  - how to implement in Eigen?
    + triangular view?
  - upper and lower
  - strict (zero diagonal) and non-strict

* diagonal matrix type (?)

* symmetric matrix type 
 - how to implement in Eigen?  
 - what ops to allow? 
   + sets are symmetric
   + but this'll get products wrong as
     everything but diagonal will get set twice

* Cholesky factor type

* point on hypersphere type 
  - like simplex, but 2-norm is 1
  - trickier for generating last point as only sign
    is undetermined

* special positive-definiteness-preserving operations
  - basic data type (or trait)
  - operations that preserve well-formedness, perhaps
    by fudging boundary conditions

* add a parameter initialization block
  - fill in values not given randomly or report error?
  - needs randomization

* syntactic sugar sampling notation
  - blocks where sampling not allowed (all but model)
  - generated quantities, parameter init block:
      beta[n] ~ normal(0,10);
      beta[n] <- random_normal(0,10);
  - right-hand side must all be defined here

* matrix power operations
  -  matrix power:    A^n
  - matrix elementwise power:  A.^x

* Allow normal_log<true> and normal_log<false> to be accessed

* Allow normal_log(y|0,1) as parser synonym for normal_log(y,0,1)

* have sampling categorical variables raise an error on parse
  if it doesn't already

* warnings
  - a <- foo(theta) if LHS contains variable: overwrite var
  - a ~ foo(theta)  if LHS is complex expression: need Jacobian

* integer subtypes
  - integer(-inf,inf), count(1,inf), natural(0,inf)
  - boolean(0,1), categorical(1,K), ordinal(1,K),

* double subtypes
  - probability(0,1), correlation(-1,1)
  - positive(0,inf), negative(-inf,0)

* matrix slice and assign
  - index m
  - range-indexes :, a:, :b, a:b
  - e.g., matrix(M,N) m; vector(M) v;  m[,1] = v;

* conditional expressions
  - binary operators on int or double
    + bool op(int,int);
    + bool op(double,double); // allows promotion
    + usual comparisons:  ==,  !=,  <=,  <,  >=,  >
  - operators on conditions
    (!cond),  (cond && cond),  (cond || cond),  (cond)

* conditionals
  - conditional expression
  - ternary op: cond ? x : y
  - if (cond) statement else if (cond) statement ... else statement;
  - while (cond) statement;
  - repeat statement until cond;
  - for (statement; condition; statement) statement;

* for-each
  - foreach (variable : expression) statement;
* multi-returns and array literals
  - (a,b,c) = foo();  // function returns array
  - (m,n,p) = (1,2,3);   // (1,2,3) is array literal

* multiple declarations
  - e.g., double a, b, c[N];

* declare and assign
  - e.g., double x = 5.0;
    double b[5];
    double a[5] <- b; // odd, eh?
    simplex(5)[2] c <- ... // even odder

* extensions
  - declare file paths to #include
  - declare namespace usings
  - declare function sigs for parser

* ragged arrays
  - ready to use with vec<...<vec<x>...> pattern
  - not clear how to declare (follow C?)
  -- example on p. 8 of
     involving ragged param arays for graded response model

* subroutines
  - user-defined functions in StanGM
  - user-defined densities (how much to require?)

* compound op-assigns in StanGM
  - +=, *=, etc.

* check each parameter shows up on LHS of ~
  - true check is run-time based on data, etc.

* use normal(y|mu,sigma) as shorthand for 

Stanc Compiler

* generate templated log_prob function so that you don't
  need to evaluate auto-dif when just evaluating function

* Stan safe mode to compile BUGS/JAGS-compliant models
  - allows more error checking and optimization

* More precompilation into object files.
  -- Pros:  faster compiles
  -- Cons:  it makes the code more difficult to manage
            and less flexible by requiring redundancy 
            and preinstation of templates
* More targeted imports.  
  -- Pros:  faster compiles because less code to read
  -- Cons:  may defeat precompiled headers


* need way to allow stanc to turn on STAN_NO_DEBUG

* write analyze command to read in output and do analysis a la print in RStan

* allow multiple chains to be run from single command
  -- allow this to optionally call analyze on results

* allow Stan to read data in multiple formats (particulary CSV)
  -- and allow multiple files to be specified for single run

* allow configuration of target reject rate in step-size adaptation

* control significant digits in output through command line

* restart from where command left off a la R2jags
  - this will require writing dump output or a converter
    for the CSV output to dump output
  - easiest to save unconstrained params
  - also need to save adaptation states, etc.
  - need to save seed and type of randomizer

* auto convergence monitoring -- just keep doubling (or other ratio)
  - doubling reduces total calc to at most double the end
  - easy to monitor averages and variances online using accumulators

* add chain ID to output as first column

* ? add sample ID within chain as output 
  - should be reconstructible

* track rejection rate 
  - coda just uses equality of samples, which is probably good enough
    for us, too

* multi-thread or at least multi-process
  - need to merge results back together


* dump format handle:
  - integers with scientific notation
  - NaN, Inf, -Inf  (written just like that)
  - length one arrays read in like scalars

* turn off stan::math::check_range() in math/matrix.hpp
  if STAN_NO_DEBUG or NDEBUG flag is present

* memcpy faster than copy ctor and operator= for var?

* remove dependence of prob functions like normal_log on agrad, 
  Eigen matrices, etc.
  -- does this even matter any more?

* better way of declaring polymorphic vectorized functions
  -- { Eigen vector, Eigen row vector, Eigen matrix, std vector}^N
  -- ideally just with normal_log(reals,reals,reals)
  -- push through manual, too

* unfold logistic and linear regression auto-difs

* allow user-defined extensions

* add scalar subtraction to match scalar addition of vectors
  (to distribute over values)

* make sure still possible to use header-only ad

* as much partial eval for gradients as possible
  - matrices
  - probability functions

* cut out last derivative step in leapfrog if not nec.
  - only saves if very small number of leapfrog steps

* threading
  - rewrite memory arena as thread-local object
  - merging and monitoring several threads/processes

* could multi-thread agrad by copying all code; use var<1>, var<2>,
  etc., with var typedefed to var<1>.  Each would then have its
  own memory pool to read from.  How to specify by client?  Could
  generate templated code

* figure out way to have vari elements that are NOT on the stack
  - useful for numeric_limits<var>
  - stack_vari ==> vari ==> chainable
    local_vari ==^
    (stack_vari has operator new; local_vari uses dtor)

* convert memory for vari to singleton & allow thread locality
  for thread safety

* make sure std::less<T*> and std::swap<T*> 
 does right thing for our types (like var and vari), as
 these are used in "algorithms".

* use our arena-based alloc as STL allocator for auto-dif
  - already doing this for dot products
  - what do we need to do for dtor to work?

* Watanabe's WAIC: Widely applicable information criterion

* Ben's implicit function idea -- iterative solver,
 analytic derivative

* refactor finite diff derivative calcs to functor
      template <class F, typename S>
      bool finite_diffs(const vector<S>& x,
                        const F& f,
                        vector<S>& df_dx);

* Speed test pass-by-const-ref and pass-by-val for stan::agrad::var

* Convergence monitoring of higher moments

Special Functions, Probability Functions and Distributions
* break out body of error handling to get isnan if/else inlined

* handle covariance or correlation matrix of an AR1 process. 
If rho is the auto-regressive parameter, the entries of the 
correlation matrix are powers of rho. And the precision matrix 
is tridiagonal and known analytically. So, 
it would be inefficient to plow that through 

* beta distro with mean plus "precision" params
  - beta_mean_log(theta|phi,kappa)
    = beta_log(theta|phi*kappa, (1-phi)*kappa)
  - Jacobian from:
        alpha <- phi * k
        beta  <- (1 - phi) * k
    determinant = k  (det [[a,b],[c,d]] = ad - bc)

* pow special cases
  - inv(x) = pow(x,-1) = 1/x
  - inv_square(x) = pow(x,-2)
  - inv_sqrt(x) = pow(x,-1/2)

* signum function
  int signum(real); 

* signed sqrt
  signed_sqrt(x) = -sqrt(-x) if x < 0
                 = sqrt(x)   if x > 0

* log logits
  - log_logit(u) = log(logit(u)) 
                 = -log(1 + exp(-u))
                 = -log1p_exp(-u)
  - log_1mlogit(u) = log(1 - logit(u))
                   = log(logit(-u))
                   = -log1p_exp(u)

* lower triangular times self-transposed

* add general mixture model
  - modeling language side
    simplex(K) lambda;
    vector(K) mu;
    vector(K) sigma;
    y ~ mixture(lambda,     // mixing
                (mu,sigma), // param vecs
                "normal");  // distro
 - C++ impl
    std::vector<double> log_ps;
    for (k in 1:K)
      log_ps.push_back(log lambda[k] + normal_log(y,mu[k],sigma[k]));
    return log_sum_exp(log_ps);

* generalize vector ops to conforming matrices 
  -- I (Bob) don't like this as it confuses return types

* alternative distribution parameterizations
  - e.g., precision for (multi) normal
  - inverse_sqrt_gamma(...)

* random generation functions
  - rnorm(),...

* special functions
  - inv(x) = 1/x
  - inv_square(x) = 1/(x * x)
  - dot_self(vector v);  dot_self(row_vector v);  
  - log_sum_exp_ratio(vector<double> log_ratios, 
                      vector<double> log_probs);
  - rank(v,s): number of components of v less than v[s]
  - ranked(v,s): s-th smallest component of v
  - interp_ln(e,v1,v2) from BUGS (whatever for?)

* dot_self(x) == x' * x operation

* wrap_multiply(u,v) = u' * v * u

* for square matrices,
  d/dx det(x' * A * x) = 2 det(x' * A * x) inv(x)'
  d/dx det(A) = det(A) inv(A)'

* More matrix functions from Eigen:
  - singular vectors in addition to values
    + nice to have (U,S,V) = svd(A) syntax for this
  - norm()
  - squaredNorm()
  - lpNorm<1>
  - lpNorm<Eigen::Infinity>

* z-score function
  - normalize sample to zero sample mean, unit sample variance

* cumulative distribution functions
  - to add:
     + calculation of cdf
     + two functions: 1) with templated policy, 2) with no policy,
        calling templated function with stan::math::default_policy()
     + TODO: test derivatives?
     + dox: add doxygen.
     + add to Stan Modeling Language Reference Manual function list
  - uni/cont/inv_chi_square
  - uni/cont/inv_gamma
  - uni/cont/logisitic
  - uni/cont/pareto
  - uni/cont/scaled_inv_chi_square
  - uni/cont/student_t
  - uni/cont/uniform
  - uni/disc/bernoulli
  - uni/disc/beta_binomial
  - uni/disc/binomial
  - uni/disc/hypergeometric
  - uni/disc/neg_binomial
  - uni/disc/ordered_logisitic
  - uni/disc/poisson
  - multi/cont/dirichlet
  - multi/cont/inv_wishart
  - multi/cont/lkj_corr
  - multi/cont/lkj_cov
  - multi/cont/multi_normal
  - multi/cont/multi_student_t
  - multi/cont/wishart
  - multi/disc/categorical
  - multi/disc/multinomial

Error Handling

* some kind of error handling for std lib functions
  like log(double).  


* build unit tests from the BUGS models that just check
  the gradients are right (this'll also cover parsing and
  being able to fire up the models)

* auto testing of sampler
  - Cook/Gelman/Rubin-style interval tests
  - needs effective sample size calc to bound intervals
  - needs simulated parameters to test estimators
  - push ESS "measurement error" through the interval tests

* more matrix tests (for all ops w. gradients)

* benchmarks
  - agrad vs. RAD/Sacado, CppAD, ... ?
  - stan vs. MCMCpack, R, BUGS, JAGS, OpenBUGS, ...

* profile running models w. various operations

* complete math robustness and limits review
  - want domain boundaries to be right (usually
    -inf, 0 and inf, etc.)

* more diagnostics during warmup of where epsilon is going

* speed measurement
  - to converge
  - time per effective sample once converged
  - time to 4 chains at 25 ESS/chain, rHat < 1.1 for all
    parameters theta[k] and theta[k]*theta[k]
  - discarding first half of samples too many if fast to converge


* unit K-hyperball complement for stationary AR(K) parameters
  - what should the prior be?

* user model library
  - something we don't have to get too involved vetting
  - ideally things hard to do with other systems
  - or illustrate the unusual parts of our modeling language

* add base class for models

New Stuff

* override operator*, etc. in Eigen for efficiency?
  - ideally push expressions for gradients through along with vals

* "non-parametric" models
  - approximate a la BUGS vol 3
  - merge reversible jump and HMC somehow?

* built-ins to facilitate cross-validation
  - especially on hierarchical models

* allow references in Stan language to make it easy to
  set eigenvalues + eigenvectors in one call

* tuple types for multiple returns (U,S,V) <- svd(A)
  -- different than array literals as may have different typed components

* introduce transforms into the Stan language that have the same
  effect as the declarations, e.g.
    parameters {  real x; }
    transformed_parameters { real(0,1) y; y <- lub(y,0,1,lp__); }

* use plain old optimization to get close to a mode

* forward mode auto-dif
  - last revision 548: 
  - src/stan/agrad/ad.hpp

* optimization
  - functor-based concept design with templates 
  - easily pluggable with log prob in model for MAP 

* compiler for R's linear model notation

* interface to Python

* interface to MATLAB

* Riemannian manifold sampling
 - Girolami's method with auto-diff Hessians

* add Gibbs sampling

* add adaptive slice sampling
  -- will it fit into adaptive_sampler in mcmc?
  -- goal to minimize number of function evals
     ++ step out: linear, with log step-in
     ++ doubling: exp, log step-in (but reject & more evals)

* adapt low-order approximation to an actual mass matrix

* add ensemble/swarm sampler (affine invariant)
  -- how to calculate ESS given correlations?
  -- look up proper detailed balance or convergence proof
  -- use slice or their distro

* multiple imputation
  - when to run it?
  - how to model it?

* mapped distributions
  - foo(x|theta) ==> foo(xs|theta)
  - C style: x*, int size
  - iterator concept: (x.start(),x.end())
  - array concept: (x[n], x.size())

* monitor/sampler interface
  - sampler, filter, aggregator, buffer
  - online means and variances
  - rHat, and split rHat
  - run in second process as we go?

* whole new auto-dif.  stack consists of entries per expression
  - adjoint for expression
  - for each argument
    + partial 
    + ptr to subexpression  
  - less space for constants, equal for unary, more for binary+
  - no virtual ops

* code gen auto-dif
  - just for Stan GM models

* lazy init for var
  - if vari* is accessed and empty, return new var(0) equiv.
  - can't afford test to see if it's defined

* elim stan/maths/matrix lib by adding implicit ctor
  for Matrix<var,...> based on Matrix<double,...>

* some notion of momentum for discrete variables a la HMC
  for continuous variables (at least accelerate metropolis-hastings)
  some densities generalize 

* blocking updates on parameters
  - only update subset of parameters
  - specify blocks in program?
  - allow Gibbs on some variables
  - split HMC into blocks (aka batches)
  - in the limit do conditional with HMC!

* blocking updates on data
  - subsample data and update as before
  - works best if data is large and redundant

* stepwise debugger for Stan
  - print adaptation params
  - print gradients
  - just a mode on command to print more out per sample?
  - ideally link runtime errors back to lines of Stan code

* allow random generation in model
  - are derivatives just same as basic, so that
      y[n] <- random_normal(mu,sigma);
    gets same grad as:
      y[n] ~ normal(mu,sigma);


* Online book with models based on BUGS:

* deal with autocorrelation model params where require
  all roots of 1 - SUM_i rho[i]**i to be within unit
  complex circle

* show how to code undirected graphical models in Stan

BUGS Models
All of the vol1 -- vol3 models are implemented except
for the following, categorized by issue.

* Sampler too slow
  - vol2/schools/schools.stan.0
  - vol3/fire/fire.stan.0

* Sampler hangs
  - vol3/funshapes/hsquare.stan.0
  - vol3/funshapes/ring.stan.0
  - vol3/funshapes/squaremc.stan.0

* Zero Poisson, 0 ~ Poisson(0 * parameters) hangs the following:
  Isn't this one fixed?
  - vol1/leuk/leuk.stan.0
  - vol1/leukfr/leukfr.stan.0

* Cyclic DAGs
  Can probably do these in Stan (not supported in JAGS).
  - vol2/ice/pineapple_ice.stan.0
  - vol2/ice/vanilla_ice.stan.0
  - vol3/jama/jama.stan.0

* Discrete parameters
  - vol2/asia/asia.stan.0
  - vol2/biopsies/biopsies.stan.0
  - vol2/stagnant/stagnant.stan.0
  - vol2/t_df/estdof2.stan.0

* Binary parameters
  Other versions of model working integrating out discretes.
  - vol2/cervix/cervix.stan.0 
  - vol2/hearts/hearts.stan.0

* Works, but data structure difficult to deal with
  - vol1/bones/bones.stan.0


* include section for BUGS user migration
  -- Andrew's e-mail contents
  -- integer arithmetic gotcha

* drop Lucida console font section (?) or link Bigelow and Holmes

* step-by-step install
  - mac, linux, windows
  - stan, c++, make

* break out sampler chapter in doc to describe multiple samplers

* performance tips
  - compute once and re-use if possible
  - pull out constants from loops
  - pull out terms from looped probabilities

* add example calculating log likelihood for DIC
  - how to specify likelihood terms in model?

* add example on individual log likelihoods for WAIC
  - how to specify individual likelihood terms in model?

   generated quantities {
    for (i in 1:I) 
      for (j in 1:J) 
        ll_y[i,j] <- normal_log(y[i,j]...)

* C++ model class

* Index

* Description of reverse-mode auto-dif or too C++-like?


* Enough doc to use agrad w. matrices and probability functions
  - basic description of reverse-mode AD

* Goes along with cleaning up API doc and privatizing

Speed Comparisons (vs. JAGS)

* Run JAGS compiled with g++ -O3

* Look at models where Stan performs well
  e.g.  logistic or linear regression w. Cauchy and Normal prior
  - varying model shapes (step up exponentially)
    + number of data items
    + number of parameters
    + correlation of parameters (multi-variate Cauchy or Normal)
    + interaction of params (? need this with correlation ?)
    + conjugate vs. non-conjugate priors
      (well and misspecified -- more stats than speed issue)

* Single threaded

* Run 4 chains (each of same length) of each system (Stan and JAGS)
  - diffuse initializations (hand generate for each)
  - until convergence by split R-hat (all params under 1.05)
  - total (across all chains) ESS is > 100 (and < 150 or something?)
    (e.g., 25/25/25/25, or 15/35/20/30)
  - report time in effective samples/second for min ESS parameter

* Report multiple runs of each (10? 100?)
  - histograms/densities or mean/sd of multiple runs
  - how much will it vary by seed

* Throw away first half of each run?
  - to start, until split convergence/sample speeds

* Ideally, measure:
  - time to converge to equilibrium
  - ESS rate at equilibrium
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