Revision b45bed846d8e04eeb29a107dbe3d817f5a3b20f7 authored by Maarten Paul on 04 January 2021, 21:06:39 UTC, committed by GitHub on 04 January 2021, 21:06:39 UTC
1 parent 88146b9
Tip revision: b45bed846d8e04eeb29a107dbe3d817f5a3b20f7 authored by Maarten Paul on 04 January 2021, 21:06:39 UTC
Tip revision: b45bed8
# MSDtracking
R and Python code to analyze single-molecule tracking data as described in ...
For tracking the SOS Plugin (, Reuter, M., Zelensky, A., Smal, I., Meijering, E., van Cappellen, W.A., de Gruiter, H.M., van Belle, G.J., van Royen, M.E., Houtsmuller, A.B., Essers, J., et al. (2014). BRCA2 diffuses as oligomeric clusters with RAD51 and changes mobility after DNA damage in live cells. The Journal of Cell Biology 207, 599–613.) is used.
Data is imported from folders with csv files using 'scripts/analysis script v2.R' and track segmentation is done using 'analyze_MLMSS.R'.
For questions please contact Maarten Paul (
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