Revision b51e8c243a8b0080ed71e960224c7ca20f9a1363 authored by Vadim Mazalov on 06 November 2018, 00:32:59 UTC, committed by Vadim Mazalov on 06 November 2018, 00:32:59 UTC
1 parent a19ce9e
Raw File
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root for full license information.

#pragma once

#include "V2SimpleDistGradAggregator.h"

#include "AccumulatorAggregation.h"
#include "Basics.h"
#include "DataReader.h"
#include "ComputationNode.h"
#include "ComputationNetwork.h"
#include "LinearAlgebraNodes.h"
#include "DataReaderHelpers.h"
#include "TrainingNodes.h" // TODO: we should move the functions that depend on these to the .cpp
#include "ProgressTracing.h"
#include "DistGradHeader.h"
#include "IDistGradAggregator.h"
#include "SimpleDistGradAggregator.h"
#include "Criterion.h"
#include "Globals.h"

#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <set>

using namespace std;

namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {

template <class ElemType>
class IDistGradAggregator;

// TODO: get rid of dependency on ElemType
template <class ElemType>
class SimpleEvaluator
    SimpleEvaluator(ComputationNetworkPtr net, const MPIWrapperPtr& mpi, bool enableDistributedMBReading = false, const size_t numMBsToShowResult = 100, const size_t firstMBsToShowResult = 0, const int traceLevel = 0, const size_t maxSamplesInRAM = SIZE_MAX,
                    const size_t numSubminiBatches = 1) :

    // returns evaluation node values per sample determined by evalNodeNames (which can include both training and eval criterion nodes)
    vector<EpochCriterion> Evaluate(IDataReader* dataReader, const vector<wstring>& evalNodeNames, const size_t mbSize, const size_t testSize = requestDataSize)
        ScopedNetworkOperationMode modeGuard(m_net, NetworkOperationMode::inferring);

        let evalNodes = m_net->GetEvalNodesWithName(evalNodeNames);

        // initialize eval results
        std::vector<EpochCriterion> evalResults(evalNodes.size(), EpochCriterion(0));

        // allocate memory for forward computation
        m_net->AllocateAllMatrices(evalNodes, {}, nullptr);

        // Find all evaluation nodes that accumulate error on their own.
        auto evalNodesWhichAccumulateResult =
            m_net->ExtractNodesWhichAccumulateResult(set<ComputationNodeBasePtr>(evalNodes.begin(), evalNodes.end()));
        auto ContainsAccumulatedResult = [&evalNodesWhichAccumulateResult](ComputationNodeBasePtr node) {
            return evalNodesWhichAccumulateResult.find(node) != evalNodesWhichAccumulateResult.end();

        // prepare features and labels
        auto& featureNodes = m_net->FeatureNodes();
        auto& labelNodes = m_net->LabelNodes();

        StreamMinibatchInputs inputMatrices;
        for (auto& node : featureNodes)
            inputMatrices.AddInput(node->NodeName(), node->ValuePtr(), node->GetMBLayout(), node->GetSampleLayout());
        for (auto& node : labelNodes)
            inputMatrices.AddInput(node->NodeName(), node->ValuePtr(), node->GetMBLayout(), node->GetSampleLayout());

        // evaluate through minibatches
        size_t totalEpochSamples = 0;
        size_t numMBsRun = 0;
        size_t numSamplesLastLogged = 0;
        size_t numMBsRunLastLogged = 0; // MBs run before this display

        std::vector<EpochCriterion> evalResultsLastLogged(evalResults.size(), EpochCriterion(0));

        bool useParallelTrain = (m_mpi != nullptr);
        bool useDistributedMBReading = useParallelTrain && m_enableDistributedMBReading && dataReader->SupportsDistributedMBRead();
        if (useDistributedMBReading)
            dataReader->StartDistributedMinibatchLoop(mbSize, 0, m_mpi->CurrentNodeRank(), m_mpi->NumNodesInUse(), inputMatrices.GetStreamDescriptions(), testSize);
            dataReader->StartMinibatchLoop(mbSize, 0, inputMatrices.GetStreamDescriptions(), testSize);


        std::vector<Matrix<ElemType>*> learnParamsGradients;
        DataReaderHelpers::SubminibatchDispatcher<ElemType> smbDispatcher;
        size_t numSubminibatchesNeeded = DataReaderHelpers::GetNumSubminibatchesNeeded<ElemType>(dataReader, m_maxSamplesInRAM, m_numSubminiBatches, mbSize);

        // Passing in two empty node lists so the dispatcher can work for the evalNodes.
        std::list<ComputationNodeBasePtr> learnableNodes;
        std::vector<ComputationNodeBasePtr> criterionNodes;
        if (numSubminibatchesNeeded > 1)
            smbDispatcher.Init(m_net, learnableNodes, criterionNodes, evalNodes);

        CriterionAccumulator<ElemType> localEpochEvalErrors(
            evalNodes, m_net->GetDeviceId(),
            {evalNodesWhichAccumulateResult.begin(), evalNodesWhichAccumulateResult.end()});

        const size_t numIterationsBeforePrintingProgress = 100;
        size_t numItersSinceLastPrintOfProgress = 0;
        bool noMoreSamplesToProcess = false;
        for (;;)
            size_t actualMBSize = 0;
            bool wasDataRead = DataReaderHelpers::GetMinibatchIntoNetwork<ElemType>(*dataReader, m_net, nullptr, useDistributedMBReading, useParallelTrain, inputMatrices, actualMBSize, m_mpi);
            // in case of distributed reading, we do a few more loops until all ranks have completed
            // end of epoch
            if (!wasDataRead && (!useDistributedMBReading || noMoreSamplesToProcess)) 

            // Note: If !wasDataRead then the data that GetMinibatchIntoNetwork() was supposed to full in are undefined.
            // Must not touch them.
            if (!wasDataRead)
                actualMBSize = 0; // (undefined if !wasDataRead)

            if (actualMBSize > 0)

            size_t actualNumSubminibatches = numSubminibatchesNeeded <= 1 ? 1 : smbDispatcher.GetMinibatchIntoCache(*dataReader, *m_net, inputMatrices, numSubminibatchesNeeded);
            for (size_t ismb = 0; ismb < actualNumSubminibatches; ismb++)
                if (actualNumSubminibatches > 1)
                    smbDispatcher.GetSubMinibatchToNet(ismb); // get sub-minibatch from full-size one



                // house-keeping for sub-minibatching
                if (actualNumSubminibatches > 1)
                    smbDispatcher.DoneWithCurrentSubMinibatch(ismb); // page state out
            } // end sub-minibatch loop

            if (actualNumSubminibatches > 1)
            } // if (actualMBSize > 0)

            // BUGBUG (Issue #95): Once we have multiple layouts, this must be done on a per-node basis.
            size_t numSamplesWithLabel = wasDataRead ? m_net->GetNumSamplesWithLabelOfNetwork(actualMBSize) : 0;
            size_t aggregateNumSamplesWithLabel = numSamplesWithLabel;
            if (useParallelTrain)
                if (m_gradHeader == nullptr)
                    m_gradHeader.reset(DistGradHeader::Create(evalNodes.size()), [](DistGradHeader* ptr) {

                    if (Globals::UseV2Aggregator())
                        m_distGradAgg = make_shared<V2SimpleDistGradAggregator<ElemType>>(m_mpi, false /*useAsyncAggregation*/, m_net->GetDeviceId(), 0 /*syncStatsTrace*/, ::CNTK::MPICommunicator());
                        m_distGradAgg = make_shared<SimpleDistGradAggregator<ElemType>>(m_mpi, false /*useAsyncAggregation*/, m_net->GetDeviceId(), 0 /*syncStatsTrace*/);

                m_gradHeader->numEvalNode = evalNodes.size();
                m_gradHeader->numSamples = actualMBSize;
                m_gradHeader->numSamplesWithLabel = numSamplesWithLabel;
                m_gradHeader->criterion = 0.0; // (not used here)
                for (size_t i = 0; i < evalNodes.size(); i++)
                    m_gradHeader->evalErrors[i] = localEpochEvalErrors.Assign(i, numSamplesWithLabel).GetCriterion(i);

                // TODO: We are reusing the aggregation logic inside SimpleDistGradAggregator, which has a heavy dependency
                // on the gradient matrix. At some point we should refactor the aggregator class to be able to only calculating
                // eval results and then remove this hack.
                if (learnParamsGradients.size() == 0)
                    Matrix<ElemType>* matrix = new Matrix<ElemType>((DEVICEID_TYPE)m_net->GetDeviceId());

                // Using SimpleDistAggregator for eval results only. At some point we should rename the class to be just
                // IDistAggregator and SimpleDistAggregator.
                bool samplesProcessed = m_distGradAgg->AggregateGradients(learnParamsGradients, m_gradHeader.get(), /*resetState =*/ false);
                noMoreSamplesToProcess = !samplesProcessed;

                aggregateNumSamplesWithLabel = m_gradHeader->numSamplesWithLabel;
                for (size_t i = 0; i < evalResults.size(); i++)
                    if (ContainsAccumulatedResult(evalNodes[i]))
                        // We don't accumulate error in epoch criterion as this node has already accumulated error for
                        // all samples that passed through network in forward pass.
                        if (samplesProcessed)
                            evalResults[i] = m_gradHeader->evalErrors[i];
                        // else: no samples processed, no aggregation happened -> we do not want to override current value
                        // with 0.
                        evalResults[i] += m_gradHeader->evalErrors[i];
                if (actualMBSize != 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < evalNodes.size(); i++)
                        localEpochEvalErrors.Assign(i, numSamplesWithLabel);
                        if (ContainsAccumulatedResult(evalNodes[i]))
                            // We don't accumulate error in epoch criterion as this node has already accumulated error
                            // for all samples that passed through network in forward pass.
                            evalResults[i] = localEpochEvalErrors.GetCriterion(i);
                            evalResults[i] += localEpochEvalErrors.GetCriterion(i);

            totalEpochSamples += aggregateNumSamplesWithLabel;

            if (m_traceLevel > 0)
                numSamplesLastLogged += aggregateNumSamplesWithLabel;

                if (numMBsRun <= m_firstMBsToShowResult || (m_numMBsToShowResult && (numMBsRun % m_numMBsToShowResult == 0)))
                    DisplayEvalStatistics(numMBsRunLastLogged + 1, numMBsRun, numSamplesLastLogged, evalNodes, evalResults, evalResultsLastLogged);

                    for (int i = 0; i < evalResults.size(); i++)
                        if (ContainsAccumulatedResult(evalNodes[i]))
                            // For nodes that accumulate error, we report aggregated error for all samples that passed
                            // through network so far, instead of per minibatch error. So, we reset last logged error
                            // here.
                            evalResultsLastLogged[i] = EpochCriterion(0);
                            evalResultsLastLogged[i] = evalResults[i];
                    numSamplesLastLogged = 0;
                    numMBsRunLastLogged = numMBsRun;

            numItersSinceLastPrintOfProgress = ProgressTracing::TraceFakeProgress(numIterationsBeforePrintingProgress, numItersSinceLastPrintOfProgress);

            // call DataEnd to check if end of sentence is reached
            // datareader will do its necessary/specific process for sentence ending

        // show last batch of results
        if (m_traceLevel > 0 && numSamplesLastLogged > 0)
            DisplayEvalStatistics(numMBsRunLastLogged + 1, numMBsRun, numSamplesLastLogged, evalNodes, evalResults, evalResultsLastLogged);

        if (useParallelTrain && !evalNodesWhichAccumulateResult.empty())
            // Each worker contains accumulated values for part of the data set, we have to aggregate accumulated values
            // and recalculate evaluation errors based on accumulators.
                m_net, evalNodesWhichAccumulateResult, m_gradHeader, m_mpi, evalResults, evalNodes,
                localEpochEvalErrors, ContainsAccumulatedResult);

        // final statistics
        for (int i = 0; i < evalResultsLastLogged.size(); i++)
            evalResultsLastLogged[i] = EpochCriterion(0); // clear this since statistics display will subtract the previous value

        DisplayEvalStatistics(1, numMBsRun, totalEpochSamples, evalNodes, evalResults, evalResultsLastLogged, true, /*isFinal=*/true);

        return evalResults;

    void DisplayEvalStatistics(const size_t startMBNum, const size_t endMBNum, const size_t numSamplesLastLogged,
                               const vector<ComputationNodeBasePtr>& evalNodes,
                               const EpochCriterion evalResults, const EpochCriterion evalResultsLastLogged, bool displayConvertedValue = false)
        DisplayEvalStatistics(startMBNum, endMBNum, numSamplesLastLogged, evalNodes, { evalResults }, { evalResultsLastLogged }, displayConvertedValue);

    void DisplayEvalStatistics(const size_t startMBNum, const size_t endMBNum, const size_t numSamplesLastLogged, const vector<ComputationNodeBasePtr>& evalNodes,
                               const vector<EpochCriterion>& evalResults, const vector<EpochCriterion>& evalResultsLastLogged, bool displayConvertedValue = false, bool isFinal = false)
        LOGPRINTF(stderr, "%sMinibatch[%lu-%lu]: ", isFinal ? "Final Results: " : "", (unsigned long)startMBNum, (unsigned long)endMBNum);

        for (size_t i = 0; i < evalResults.size(); i++)
            EpochCriterion criterionSinceLastLogged = evalResults[i] - evalResultsLastLogged[i];
            criterionSinceLastLogged.LogCriterion(evalNodes[i]->NodeName(), /*addSemicolon=*/false);

            if (displayConvertedValue)
                // display Perplexity as well for crossEntropy values
                if (evalNodes[i]->OperationName() == OperationNameOf(CrossEntropyWithSoftmaxNode) ||
                    evalNodes[i]->OperationName() == OperationNameOf(CrossEntropyNode) ||
                    evalNodes[i]->OperationName() == OperationNameOf(ClassBasedCrossEntropyWithSoftmaxNode) ||
                    evalNodes[i]->OperationName() == OperationNameOf(NoiseContrastiveEstimationNode))
                    fprintf(stderr, "; perplexity = %.8f", std::exp(criterionSinceLastLogged.Average()));

            if (i + 1 < evalResults.size())
                fprintf(stderr, "; ");

        fprintf(stderr, "\n");

    ComputationNetworkPtr m_net;
    size_t m_numMBsToShowResult;
    size_t m_firstMBsToShowResult;
    size_t m_maxSamplesInRAM;
    size_t m_numSubminiBatches;
    MPIWrapperPtr m_mpi;
    bool m_enableDistributedMBReading;

    std::shared_ptr<IDistGradAggregator<ElemType>> m_distGradAgg;
    std::shared_ptr<struct DistGradHeader> m_gradHeader;
    int m_traceLevel;
    void operator=(const SimpleEvaluator&); // (not assignable)

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