Revision b55e29597d92ab89063673f031151e2bdb4b9479 authored by Joe Downing on 22 March 2018, 07:35:35 UTC, committed by Chromium WPT Sync on 22 March 2018, 07:35:35 UTC
This change moves the KeyboardLock API methods to a 'keyboard'
namespace on the Navigator object.  We are doing this work now as
there has been a request for additional keyboard functionality that
would also be placed on the new keyboard object and we wanted to
move the KeyboardLock methods there for consistency before we launch.

KeyboardLock API Spec is here:

Old calling pattern:

New calling pattern:

Note: The main logic in the KeyboardLock.cpp class and tests is the
same as it was, however the file changed enough that git does not
recognize it as a file move.


Change-Id: I234b2ab12d5ecd44c894ed5103863fd96fd548d4
Reviewed-by: Philip Jägenstedt <>
Reviewed-by: Gary Kacmarcik <>
Reviewed-by: Daniel Cheng <>
Commit-Queue: Daniel Cheng <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#544996}
1 parent 1a8c195
Raw File
<!doctype html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<title>RTCConfiguration iceServers</title>
<script src='/resources/testharness.js'></script>
<script src='/resources/testharnessreport.js'></script>
<script src='RTCConfiguration-helper.js'></script>
  'use strict';

  // Test is based on the following editor's draft:

  // The following helper function is called from
  // RTCConfiguration-helper.js:
  //   config_test

    4.3.2.  Interface Definition
      [Constructor(optional RTCConfiguration configuration)]
      interface RTCPeerConnection : EventTarget {

    4.2.1.  RTCConfiguration Dictionary
      dictionary RTCConfiguration {
        sequence<RTCIceServer>   iceServers;

    4.2.2.  RTCIceCredentialType Enum
      enum RTCIceCredentialType {

    4.2.3.  RTCOAuthCredential Dictionary
      dictionary RTCOAuthCredential {
        required DOMString macKey;
        required DOMString accessToken;

    4.2.4.  RTCIceServer Dictionary
      dictionary RTCIceServer {
        required (DOMString or sequence<DOMString>) urls;
                 DOMString                          username;
                 (DOMString or RTCOAuthCredential)  credential;
                 RTCIceCredentialType               credentialType = "password";

  test(() => {
    const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
    assert_equals(pc.getConfiguration().iceServers, undefined);
  }, 'new RTCPeerConnection() should have default configuration.iceServers of undefined');

  config_test(makePc => {
    assert_throws(new TypeError(), () =>
      makePc({ iceServers: null }));
  }, '{ iceServers: null } should throw TypeError');

  config_test(makePc => {
    const pc = makePc({ iceServers: undefined });
    assert_equals(pc.getConfiguration().iceServers, undefined);
  }, '{ iceServers: undefined } should succeed');

  config_test(makePc => {
    const pc = makePc({ iceServers: [] });
    assert_array_equals(pc.getConfiguration().iceServers, []);
  }, '{ iceServers: [] } should succeed');

  config_test(makePc => {
    assert_throws(new TypeError(), () =>
      makePc({ iceServers: [null] }));
  }, '{ iceServers: [null] } should throw TypeError');

  config_test(makePc => {
    assert_throws(new TypeError(), () =>
      makePc({ iceServers: [undefined] }));
  }, '{ iceServers: [undefined] } should throw TypeError');

  config_test(makePc => {
    assert_throws(new TypeError(), () =>
      makePc({ iceServers: [{}] }));
  }, '{ iceServers: [{}] } should throw TypeError');

  config_test(makePc => {
    const pc = makePc({ iceServers: [{
      urls: []
    }] });

    const { iceServers } = pc.getConfiguration();
    assert_equals(iceServers.length, 1);

    const server = iceServers[0];
    assert_array_equals(server.urls, []);
    assert_equals(server.credentialType, 'password');
  }, 'with empty list urls should succeed');

  config_test(makePc => {
    const pc = makePc({ iceServers: [{
      urls: ''
    }] });

    const { iceServers } = pc.getConfiguration();
    assert_equals(iceServers.length, 1);

    const server = iceServers[0];
    assert_array_equals(server.urls, ['']);
    assert_equals(server.credentialType, 'password');

  }, `with stun server should succeed`);

  config_test(makePc => {
    const pc = makePc({ iceServers: [{
      urls: ['']
    }] });

    const { iceServers } = pc.getConfiguration();
    assert_equals(iceServers.length, 1);

    const server = iceServers[0];
    assert_array_equals(server.urls, ['']);
    assert_equals(server.credentialType, 'password');

  }, `with stun server array should succeed`);

  config_test(makePc => {
    const pc = makePc({ iceServers: [{
      urls: ['', '']
    }] });

    const { iceServers } = pc.getConfiguration();
    assert_equals(iceServers.length, 1);

    const server = iceServers[0];
    assert_array_equals(server.urls, ['', '']);
    assert_equals(server.credentialType, 'password');

  }, `with 2 stun servers should succeed`);

  config_test(makePc => {
    const pc = new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: [{
      urls: '',
      username: 'user',
      credential: 'cred'
    }] });

    const { iceServers } = pc.getConfiguration();
    assert_equals(iceServers.length, 1);

    const server = iceServers[0];
    assert_array_equals(server.urls, ['']);
    assert_equals(server.credentialType, 'password');
    assert_equals(server.username, 'user');
    assert_equals(server.credential, 'cred');

  }, `with turn server, username, credential should succeed`);

  config_test(makePc => {
    const pc = makePc({ iceServers: [{
      urls: '',
      username: '',
      credential: ''
    }] });

    const { iceServers } = pc.getConfiguration();
    assert_equals(iceServers.length, 1);

    const server = iceServers[0];
    assert_array_equals(server.urls, ['']);
    assert_equals(server.username, '');
    assert_equals(server.credential, '');

  }, `with turns server and empty string username, credential should succeed`);

  config_test(makePc => {
    const pc = makePc({ iceServers: [{
      urls: '',
      username: '',
      credential: ''
    }] });

    const { iceServers } = pc.getConfiguration();
    assert_equals(iceServers.length, 1);

    const server = iceServers[0];
    assert_array_equals(server.urls, ['']);
    assert_equals(server.username, '');
    assert_equals(server.credential, '');

  }, `with turn server and empty string username, credential should succeed`);

  config_test(makePc => {
    const pc = makePc({ iceServers: [{
      urls: ['', ''],
      username: 'user',
      credential: 'cred'
    }] });

    const { iceServers } = pc.getConfiguration();
    assert_equals(iceServers.length, 1);

    const server = iceServers[0];
    assert_array_equals(server.urls, ['', '']);
    assert_equals(server.username, 'user');
    assert_equals(server.credential, 'cred');

  }, `with one turns server, one turn server, username, credential should succeed`);

  config_test(makePc => {
    const pc = makePc({ iceServers: [{
      urls: '',
      credentialType: 'password'
    }] });

    const { iceServers } = pc.getConfiguration();
    assert_equals(iceServers.length, 1);

    const server = iceServers[0];
    assert_array_equals(server.urls, ['']);
    assert_equals(server.credentialType, 'password');

  }, `with stun server and credentialType password should succeed`);

    4.3.2.  To set a configuration
      11.4. If scheme name is turn or turns, and either of server.username or
            server.credential are omitted, then throw an InvalidAccessError.
  config_test(makePc => {
    assert_throws('InvalidAccessError', () =>
      makePc({ iceServers: [{
        urls: ''
      }] }));
  }, 'with turn server and no credentials should throw InvalidAccessError');

  config_test(makePc => {
    assert_throws('InvalidAccessError', () =>
      makePc({ iceServers: [{
        urls: '',
        username: 'user'
      }] }));
  }, 'with turn server and only username should throw InvalidAccessError');

  config_test(makePc => {
    assert_throws('InvalidAccessError', () =>
      makePc({ iceServers: [{
        urls: '',
        credential: 'cred'
      }] }));
  }, 'with turn server and only credential should throw InvalidAccessError');

  config_test(makePc => {
    assert_throws('InvalidAccessError', () =>
      makePc({ iceServers: [{
        urls: ''
      }] }));
  }, 'with turns server and no credentials should throw InvalidAccessError');

  config_test(makePc => {
    assert_throws('InvalidAccessError', () =>
      makePc({ iceServers: [{
        urls: '',
        username: 'user'
      }] }));
  }, 'with turns server and only username should throw InvalidAccessError');

  config_test(makePc => {
    assert_throws('InvalidAccessError', () =>
      makePc({ iceServers: [{
        urls: '',
        credential: 'cred'
      }] }));
  }, 'with turns server and only credential should throw InvalidAccessError');

    4.3.2.  To set a configuration
      11.3. For each url in server.urls parse url and obtain scheme name.
        - If the scheme name is not implemented by the browser, throw a SyntaxError.
        - or if parsing based on the syntax defined in [ RFC7064] and [RFC7065] fails,
          throw a SyntaxError.

    [RFC7064] URI Scheme for the Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) Protocol
    3.1.  URI Scheme Syntax
      stunURI       = scheme ":" host [ ":" port ]
      scheme        = "stun" / "stuns"

    [RFC7065] Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN) Uniform Resource Identifiers
    3.1.  URI Scheme Syntax
      turnURI       = scheme ":" host [ ":" port ]
                      [ "?transport=" transport ]
      scheme        = "turn" / "turns"
      transport     = "udp" / "tcp" / transport-ext
      transport-ext = 1*unreserved
  config_test(makePc => {
    assert_throws('SyntaxError', () =>
      makePc({ iceServers: [{
        urls: 'relative-url'
      }] }));
  }, 'with relative url should throw SyntaxError');

  config_test(makePc => {
    assert_throws('SyntaxError', () =>
      makePc({ iceServers: [{
        urls: ''
      }] }));
  }, 'with http url should throw SyntaxError');

  config_test(makePc => {
    assert_throws('SyntaxError', () =>
      makePc({ iceServers: [{
        urls: 'turn://'
      }] }));
  }, 'with invalid turn url should throw SyntaxError');

  config_test(makePc => {
    assert_throws('SyntaxError', () =>
      makePc({ iceServers: [{
        urls: 'stun://'
      }] }));
  }, 'with invalid stun url should throw SyntaxError');

  config_test(makePc => {
    const pc = makePc({ iceServers: [{
      urls: [],
      credentialType: 'password'
    }] });

    const { iceServers } = pc.getConfiguration();
    assert_equals(iceServers.length, 1);

    const server = iceServers[0];
    assert_array_equals(server.urls, []);
    assert_equals(server.credentialType, 'password');
  }, `with empty urls and credentialType password should succeed`);

  config_test(makePc => {
    const pc = makePc({ iceServers: [{
      urls: [],
      credentialType: 'oauth'
    }] });

    const { iceServers } = pc.getConfiguration();
    assert_equals(iceServers.length, 1);

    const server = iceServers[0];
    assert_array_equals(server.urls, []);
    assert_equals(server.credentialType, 'oauth');
  }, `with empty urls and credentialType oauth should succeed`);

  config_test(makePc => {
    assert_throws(new TypeError(), () =>
      makePc({ iceServers: [{
        urls: [],
        credentialType: 'invalid'
      }] }));
  }, 'with invalid credentialType should throw TypeError');

  // token credentialType was removed from the spec since 20170508
  config_test(makePc => {
    assert_throws(new TypeError(), () =>
      makePc({ iceServers: [{
        urls: [],
        credentialType: 'token'
      }] }));
  }, 'with credentialType token should throw TypeError');

  // Blink and Gecko fall back to url, but it's not in the spec.
  config_test(makePc => {
    assert_throws(new TypeError(), () =>
      makePc({ iceServers: [{
        url: ''
      }] }));
  }, 'with url field should throw TypeError');

    4.3.2.  To set a configuration
      11.5. If scheme name is turn or turns, and server.credentialType is "password",
            and server.credential is not a DOMString, then throw an InvalidAccessError
            and abort these steps.
  config_test(makePc => {
    assert_throws('InvalidAccessError', () =>
      makePc({ iceServers: [{
        urls: '',
        credentialType: 'password',
        username: 'user',
        credential: {
          macKey: '',
          accessToken: ''
      }] }));
  }, 'with turns server, credentialType password, and RTCOauthCredential credential should throw InvalidAccessError');

    4.3.2.  To set a configuration
      11.6. If scheme name is turn or turns, and server.credentialType is "oauth",
            and server.credential is not an RTCOAuthCredential, then throw an
            InvalidAccessError and abort these steps.
  config_test(makePc => {
    assert_throws('InvalidAccessError', () =>
      makePc({ iceServers: [{
        urls: '',
        credentialType: 'oauth',
        username: 'user',
        credential: 'cred'
      }] }));
  }, 'with turns server, credentialType oauth, and string credential should throw InvalidAccessError');

  config_test(makePc => {
    const pc = makePc({ iceServers: [{
      urls: '',
      credentialType: 'oauth',
      username: 'user',
      credential: {
        macKey: 'mac',
        accessToken: 'token'
    }] });

    const { iceServers } = pc.getConfiguration();
    assert_equals(iceServers.length, 1);

    const server = iceServers[0];
    assert_array_equals(server.urls, ['']);
    assert_equals(server.credentialType, 'oauth');
    assert_equals(server.username, 'user');

    const { credential } = server;
    assert_equals(credential.macKey, 'mac');
    assert_equals(credential.accessToken, 'token');

  }, `with turns server, credentialType oauth and RTCOAuthCredential credential should succeed`);

  config_test(makePc => {
    const pc = makePc({ iceServers: [{
      urls: ['', ''],
      credentialType: 'oauth',
      username: 'user',
      credential: {
        macKey: 'mac',
        accessToken: 'token'
    }] });

    const { iceServers } = pc.getConfiguration();
    assert_equals(iceServers.length, 1);

    const server = iceServers[0];
    assert_array_equals(server.urls, ['', '']);
    assert_equals(server.credentialType, 'oauth');
    assert_equals(server.username, 'user');

    const { credential } = server;
    assert_equals(credential.macKey, 'mac');
    assert_equals(credential.accessToken, 'token');

  }, `with both turns and stun server, credentialType oauth and RTCOAuthCredential credential should succeed`);

  // credential type validation is ignored when scheme name is stun
  config_test(makePc => {
    const pc = makePc({ iceServers: [{
      urls: '',
      credentialType: 'oauth',
      username: 'user',
      credential: 'cred'
    }] });

    const { iceServers } = pc.getConfiguration();
    assert_equals(iceServers.length, 1);
    const server = iceServers[0];

    assert_array_equals(server.urls, ['']);
    assert_equals(server.credentialType, 'oauth');
    assert_equals(server.username, 'user');
    assert_equals(server.credential, 'cred');

  }, 'with stun server, credentialType oauth, and string credential should succeed');

  // credential type validation is ignored when scheme name is stun
  config_test(makePc => {
    const pc = makePc({ iceServers: [{
      urls: '',
      credentialType: 'password',
      username: 'user',
      credential: {
        macKey: '',
        accessToken: ''
    }] });

    const { iceServers } = pc.getConfiguration();
    assert_equals(iceServers.length, 1);

    const server = iceServers[0];
    assert_array_equals(server.urls, ['']);
    assert_equals(server.credentialType, 'password');
    assert_equals(server.username, 'user');

    const { credential } = server;
    assert_equals(credential.macKey, '');
    assert_equals(credential.accessToken, '');

  }, 'with stun server, credentialType password, and RTCOAuthCredential credential should succeed');

  // credential type validation is ignored when urls is empty and there is no scheme name
  config_test(makePc => {
    const pc = makePc({ iceServers: [{
      urls: [],
      credentialType: 'oauth',
      username: 'user',
      credential: 'cred'
    }] });

    const { iceServers } = pc.getConfiguration();
    assert_equals(iceServers.length, 1);
    const server = iceServers[0];

    assert_array_equals(server.urls, []);
    assert_equals(server.credentialType, 'oauth');
    assert_equals(server.username, 'user');
    assert_equals(server.credential, 'cred');

  }, 'with empty urls list, credentialType oauth, and string credential should succeed');

  // credential type validation is ignored when urls is empty and there is no scheme name
  config_test(makePc => {
    const pc = makePc({ iceServers: [{
      urls: [],
      credentialType: 'password',
      username: 'user',
      credential: {
        macKey: '',
        accessToken: ''
    }] });

    const { iceServers } = pc.getConfiguration();
    assert_equals(iceServers.length, 1);

    const server = iceServers[0];
    assert_array_equals(server.urls, []);
    assert_equals(server.credentialType, 'password');
    assert_equals(server.username, 'user');

    const { credential } = server;
    assert_equals(credential.macKey, '');
    assert_equals(credential.accessToken, '');

  }, 'with empty urls list, credentialType password, and RTCOAuthCredential credential should succeed');

      4.3.2.  To set a configuration

      4.3.2.  To set a configuration
        11.7.  Append server to validatedServers.

    Coverage Report
      Tested         9
      Not Tested     0
      Untestable     1
      Total         10

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