Revision b5b7c2a136234774a0f0075eb14030faa5b101b0 authored by Ben Oberkfell on 26 March 2013, 20:28:19 UTC, committed by Ben Oberkfell on 26 March 2013, 20:28:24 UTC
Register a commit callback on the Oracle side to wait until Postgres has fully committed.

Intent is to reduce race conditions in instances where shell commands are called that create entities that are queried for right away.

For example, allocations.
1 parent 33f3fb0
Raw File
#!/usr/bin/env genome-perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;

my $path = __FILE__;
my $dir = File::Basename::dirname($path);
chdir "$dir/..";

unless (@ARGV) {
    die "Usage: SOMPKG\n";

unless (-e "$ENV{HOME}/.github-username") {
    die "Put your github username in ~/.github-username!\n";

my $user_github = `cat ~/.github-username`;
chomp $user_github;
if ($user_github) {
    print "got github username $user_github\n";
else {
    die "no github username at ~/.github-username";

warn "*** this is a very experimental attempt to automate R repackaging for TGI will interact with github and git on your behalf, perhaps poorly (ctrl-c now) ***\n";
sleep 5;

for my $r_pkg (@ARGV) {
    my @possible_deb_pkgs = (
        'r-cran-' . lc($r_pkg),
        'r-bioc-' . lc($r_pkg),
    my $deb_pkg_name;
    my $deb_version;
    for my $possible_deb_pkg (@possible_deb_pkgs) {
        print "checking for $possible_deb_pkg...\n";
        my ($line) = `dpkg -l $possible_deb_pkg | grep $possible_deb_pkg`;
        print "got $line\n";
        my ($pattern,$possilbe_deb_pkg_name, $possible_version, $desc) = split(/\s+/,$line);
        print "version is $possible_version\n";
        if ($possible_version) {
            $deb_pkg_name = $possible_deb_pkg;
            $deb_version = $possible_version;

    my $src_path = '';
    if (not $deb_pkg_name) {
        print "failed to find package for $r_pkg\n";
        my $tgz = `wget -q -O -$r_pkg/index.html | grep "Package source"`;
        unless ($tgz) {
            die "failed to find $r_pkg at$r_pkg/index.html";
        chomp $tgz;
        print "tgz $tgz\n";
        $tgz =~ s/^.*\/([^\/]+?.tar.gz).*$/$1/;
        print "tgz $tgz\n";
        my $url = "$tgz";
        print "URL is $url\n";
        system "cd /tmp; wget $url";
        $src_path = "/tmp/$tgz";
        if (-e $src_path) {
            print "got file $src_path\n";
        else {
            print "no file at $src_path!\n";
        $deb_pkg_name = 'r-cran-' . lc($r_pkg);
        $deb_version = lc($tgz);
        $deb_version =~ s/$r_pkg//;
        $deb_version =~ s/^_//;
        $deb_version =~ s/.tar.gz$//;
    else {
        print "got $deb_pkg_name\n";

    my $tmp = "tmp-mkdir";
    my @cmds = (
        #"mkdir $tmp",
        "chmod +rwx $tmp",

    if (-d "vendor/$deb_pkg_name") {
        print "found submoudle at vendor/$deb_pkg_name...n";
        push @cmds, (
            \"chdir 'vendor/$deb_pkg_name'",
    else {
        print "no submoudle found at vendor/$deb_pkg_name ...creating...\n";
        print <<EOS;
****** open this URL:
****** make a repo called $deb_pkg_name in your own namespace $user_github
        $DB::single = 1;
        if (`wget -O -q -$deb_pkg_name 2>&1 | grep 'HTTP.* 404 Not Found'`) {
            print "not on github under genome-vendor yet\n";
            if (not `wget -O - -q$user_github/$deb_pkg_name 2>&1 | grep 'clone_url'`) {
                print "also no personal github repo for $user_github.  creating one...\n";
                push @cmds, (
                    "mkdir $tmp/$deb_pkg_name",
                    "chmod +rwx $tmp/$deb_pkg_name",
                    \"chdir '$tmp/$deb_pkg_name';",
                    "git init",
                    "touch README",
                    "git add README",
                    "git commit -m 'first commit'",
                    "git remote add origin git\$user_github/$deb_pkg_name.git",
                    "git push -u origin master",
                    \"chdir '../..'",
                    "rm -rf $tmp/$deb_pkg_name",
            push @cmds, (
                \"\$nn=0; while (`wget -O -q -$deb_pkg_name 2>&1 | grep 'HTTP.* 404 Not Found'`) { warn q|waiting for$deb_pkg_name|; sleep 5 }",

        push @cmds, (
            "git submodule add git\$deb_pkg_name.git vendor/$deb_pkg_name",
            "git commit -m 'added empty repo/submodule for $deb_pkg_name linking to github/genome-vendor'",
    my $tmp2 = 'tmpsrc';
    my $short_name = lc($r_pkg);
    push @cmds, (
        \"chdir 'vendor/$deb_pkg_name'",
        "mkdir $tmp2", # this is another one _inside_the repo

    if ($src_path) {
        # make new deb source
        push @cmds, (
            "cd $tmp2; mv $src_path .; tar -zxvf *.gz",
            "rm $tmp2/*.gz",
            "mv $tmp2/*/* .",
            "rmdir $tmp2/*/",
            "rmdir $tmp2",
            "cp -r ../../genome-snapshot-deps-r/example-debian-dir debian",
            "~ssmith/bin/findreplace PACKAGE_NAME $deb_pkg_name debian/*",
            "~ssmith/bin/findreplace VERSION '$deb_version'",
    else {
        # unpack exising deb source
        push @cmds, (
            "cd $tmp2; apt-get source $deb_pkg_name",
            "rm $tmp2/*.gz $tmp/*.dsc",
            "mv $tmp2/*/* .",
            "rmdir $tmp2/*/",
            "rmdir $tmp2",

    push @cmds, (
        "git checkout -b b$deb_version",
        "git add *",
        "git status",
        "git commit -m 'imported source for $deb_pkg_name' *",
        \"chdir 'vendor/$deb_pkg_name/'",
        \"unless (-e 'NAMESPACE') { system q|cp ../../genome-snapshot-deps-r/DEFAULT_NAMESPACE NAMESPACE; git add NAMESPACE; git commit -m add\\ NAMESPACE;| }",
        "git push origin b$deb_version",
        "dpkg-buildpackage; ls ../*$short_name*.changes", # ignore bad exit code on build package, just look for the .changes file
        \"chdir '..'",
        "sudo dpkg -i *$short_name*.deb",
        "debsign -k$ENV{MYGPGKEY} *$short_name*.changes",
        "chmod 664 ${deb_pkg_name}_* ${short_name}_*",
        "chgrp info ${deb_pkg_name}_* ${short_name}_*",
        "mv ${deb_pkg_name}_* ${short_name}_*  ~codesigner/incoming/lucid-genome-development/",
        "ls -lt ~codesigner/incoming/lucid-genome-development/",
        "git add $deb_pkg_name",
        "git commit -m 'built $deb_pkg_name version $deb_version'",
        #"git push origin master",
        "rm -rf $deb_pkg_name; mkdir $deb_pkg_name",
        \"chdir '..'",
        "echo '$deb_pkg_name (>= $deb_version)' >> genome-snapshot-deps-r/ubuntu-lucid-list",
        "echo '$r_pkg' >> genome-snapshot-deps-r/base-list",
        "echo 'library($r_pkg)' >> genome-snapshot-deps-r/test.R",

    my $n = 0;
    for my $cmd (@cmds) {
        if (ref($cmd)) {
            my $p = $$cmd;
            print "EVAL: $p\n";
            $DB::single = 1;
            eval $p;
             if ($@) {
                warn $@;
                if ($n > 10) {
                    die "giving up after $n tries\n";
                sleep 5;
        print "RUN: $cmd\n";
        $DB::single = 1;
        my $rv = system $cmd;
        $rv /= 256;
        if ($rv) {
            warn "ERROR: $!\n";
            if ($n > 10) {
                die "giving up after $n tries\n";
            sleep 5;


        "#git commit -m 'replaced the namespace file with the R default' NAMESPACE",
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