Revision b5b7c2a136234774a0f0075eb14030faa5b101b0 authored by Ben Oberkfell on 26 March 2013, 20:28:19 UTC, committed by Ben Oberkfell on 26 March 2013, 20:28:24 UTC
Register a commit callback on the Oracle side to wait until Postgres has fully committed.

Intent is to reduce race conditions in instances where shell commands are called that create entities that are queried for right away.

For example, allocations.
1 parent 33f3fb0
Raw File
#!/usr/bin/env genome-perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin;
use File::Basename;
use IO::File;

# this is typically run from the top-level directory of a package
# just in case, chdir there
my $pkgdir = $FindBin::Bin;
chdir $pkgdir;

# find the package name from the parent directory name
my $name = $pkgdir;
chop($name) if $name =~ /\/$/;
$name =~ s|^.*/||;

# find the packaging directory from the script name
my $script = File::Basename::basename($FindBin::Script);
my $dir = $script;
$dir =~ s/-update(.pl|)//;
unless (-d $dir) {
    die "no $dir found under $pkgdir!";
print "updating packaging in $dir\n";

# the debian-list file should contain the list of all packages to install in alpha order
my $path = $FindBin::Bin . "/$dir-list";
my $fh = IO::File->new($path);
$fh or die "failed to open file $path: $!";
my @lines = $fh->getlines;
chomp @lines;
my $list = join(",\n", map { '    ' . $_ } grep { /\S/ } @lines);

# re-construct the debian/control file content
unless (-e "$dir-control-template") {
    die "Failed to find $dir-control-template from which to rebuild the control file.  See similar projects for an example."
my $template = join('',IO::File->new("$dir-control-template")->getlines);
my $new_content = eval '"' . $template . '"';
if ($@) {
    die "error processing template $dir-control-template.  Ensure it can eval into a string in Perl when surrounded by double quotes.  i.e. don't use double quotes, and escape variable sigils: $@\n"

# see if the control file needs to be updated
my $old_control_path = $FindBin::Bin . "/$dir/control";
my $old_fh = IO::File->new($old_control_path);
$old_fh or die "failed to open temp file $old_control_path: $!";
my $old_content = join('',$old_fh->getlines);

if ($old_content eq $new_content) {
    print "Content matches for " . scalar(@lines) . " packages.  No updates.\n";

# we only proceed if we need to change the control file
print "Updated packages...\n";

my $new_control_path = $old_control_path . '.new';
my $new_fh = IO::File->new('>' . $new_control_path);
$new_fh or die "failed to open temp file $new_control_path: $!";

# determine what message to put in the changelog
my @diff = `sdiff -s $old_control_path $new_control_path`;
my @msg;
for my $change (@diff) {
    my ($old,$type,$new) = ($change =~ /^\s*(.*?)\s+([\<\|\>])\s+(.*)/);
    $old =~ s/(,|)\s*$//;
    $new =~ s/(,|)\s*$//;
    if ($type eq '<') {
        push @msg, "  * removed: $old";
    elsif ($type eq '>') {
        push @msg, "  * added: $new";
    elsif ($old eq $new) {
        warn "same $old & $new?";
    else {
        push @msg, "  * changed: $old to $new"
my $msg = join("\n",@msg);
print "MSG:\n---\n$msg\n---\n";

# note the last changelog entry
my $old_changelog_path = $FindBin::Bin . "/$dir/changelog";
my $latest_entry = `head -n 1 $old_changelog_path`;
print "Latest changelog entry is: $latest_entry\n";

# construct determine the version number, which will be the date, with an incrementing integer for multiple builds on the same day
use Date::Format;
my $t = time();
my $date1 = Date::Format::time2str(q|%Y.%m.%d|,$t);
my $n = 1;
for (1) {
    my @conflicts = `grep "^$name ($date1-$n)" '$old_changelog_path'`;
    if (@conflicts) {
        print "FOUND PREVIOUS BUILD FROM TODAY: @conflicts\n";
        if ($n > 100) {
            die "this script is tired of rebuilding this package today";
    else {
        print "No changelog entry found for $date1-$n.  Latest entry is $latest_entry"

# create the new changelog entry
my $date2 = Date::Format::time2str(q|%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z|,$t);
my $changelog_addition = <<EOS;
$name ($date1-$n) unstable; urgency=low


 -- The Genome Institute <gmt\>  $date2

my $new_changelog_addition_path = $old_changelog_path . '.new-entry';
my $new_changelog_addition_fh = IO::File->new('>' . $new_changelog_addition_path);
$new_changelog_addition_fh or die "failed to open $new_changelog_addition_path for writing! $!";

my $new_changelog_path = $old_changelog_path . '.new';

for my $cmd (
    "cat $new_control_path >| $old_control_path",
    "rm $new_control_path",
    "cat $new_changelog_addition_path $old_changelog_path > $new_changelog_path",
    "rm $new_changelog_addition_path",
    "cat $new_changelog_path >| $old_changelog_path",
    "rm $new_changelog_path",
    "echo ****************; git diff $old_control_path | cat - ",
    "echo ****************; git diff $old_changelog_path | cat - ",
) {
    print "RUN: $cmd\n";
    my $rv = system $cmd;
    $rv /= 256;
    if ($rv) {
        die "ERROR: $!"
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