Revision b7b803ba171367071f288c5ab8a3fa09c62339bd authored by Hiroshige Hayashizaki on 25 December 2018, 02:04:03 UTC, committed by Chromium WPT Sync on 25 December 2018, 02:04:03 UTC
Manual changes: spec.src.json. All others are generated.

This caused two test files with the same contents with names
- same-origin-downgrade.http.html
- same-origin-upgrade.http.html
in directories under origin-when-cross-origin/.
This CL thus removes same-origin-downgrade.http.html without
affecting test coverage.

(same-origin-downgrade is currently supressed by
source-https-unsupported-by-web-platform-tests-runners and thus
this CL doesn't add new files)

Bug: 906850
Change-Id: I1fcc150c4b2b643b3186cbef9432d343f8b4a1dd
1 parent a357943
Raw File
Tip revision: b7b803ba171367071f288c5ab8a3fa09c62339bd authored by Hiroshige Hayashizaki on 25 December 2018, 02:04:03 UTC
[wpt/referrer-policy] Fix same-origin-downgrade in spec.src.json
Tip revision: b7b803b
<!doctype html>
<title>Assigning mediastream to a video element</title>
<link rel="author" title="Dominique Hazael-Massieux" href=""/>
<link rel="help" href="">
<p class="instructions">When prompted, accept to share your video stream.</p>
<h1 class="instructions">Description</h1>
<p class="instructions">This test checks that the MediaStream object returned by
the success callback in getUserMedia can be properly assigned to a video element
via the <code>srcObject</code> attribute.</p>

<video id="vid"></video>

<div id='log'></div>
<script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>
<script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script>
'use strict';
const vid = document.getElementById("vid");

promise_test(async t => {
  const wait = ms => new Promise(r => t.step_timeout(r, ms));
  const timeout = (promise, time, msg) =>
    Promise.race([promise, wait(time).then(() => Promise.reject(new Error(msg)))]);

  const stream = await timeout(navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video: true}), 10000, "getUserMedia timeout");
  t.add_cleanup(() => stream.getTracks().forEach(track => track.stop()));
  vid.defaultPlaybackRate = 0.4;
  vid.playbackRate = 0.4;
  vid.preload = "metadata";
  vid.srcObject = stream;
  vid.onratechange = t.unreached_func('ratechange event must not be fired');;
  assert_true(!vid.seeking, "A MediaStream is not seekable");
  assert_equals(vid.seekable.length, 0, "A MediaStream is not seekable");
  assert_equals(vid.defaultPlaybackRate, 1, "playback rate is always 1");
  vid.defaultPlaybackRate = 0.5;
  assert_equals(vid.defaultPlaybackRate, 1, "Setting defaultPlaybackRate must be ignored");
  assert_equals(vid.playbackRate, 1, "playback rate is always 1");
  vid.playbackRate = 0.5;
  assert_equals(vid.playbackRate, 1, "Setting playbackRate must be ignored");
  assert_equals(vid.buffered.length, 0, "A MediaStream cannot be preloaded.  Therefore, there is no buffered timeranges");
  assert_equals(vid.readyState, vid.HAVE_NOTHING, "readyState is HAVE_NOTHING initially");
  assert_equals(vid.duration, NaN, "A MediaStream does not have any duration initially.");
  assert_equals(vid.preload, "none", "preload must always be none");
  vid.preload = "metadata";
  assert_equals(vid.preload, "none", "Setting preload must be ignored");

  const haveLoadedData = new Promise(r => vid.addEventListener("loadeddata", r, {once: true}));

  await new Promise(r => vid.addEventListener("timeupdate", r, {once: true}));
  assert_equals(vid.played.length, 1, "A MediaStream's timeline always consists of a single range");
  assert_equals(vid.played.start(0), 0, "A MediaStream's timeline always starts at zero");
  assert_equals(vid.played.end(0), vid.currentTime, "A MediaStream's end MUST return the last known currentTime, says mediacapture-main");
  assert_equals(vid.duration, Infinity, "A MediaStream does not have a pre-defined duration. ");

  const time = vid.currentTime;
  vid.currentTime = 0;
  assert_equals(vid.currentTime, time, "The UA MUST ignore attempts to set the currentTime attribute");

  await haveLoadedData;
  assert_equals(vid.readyState, vid.HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA, "Upon having loaded a media stream, the UA sets readyState to HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA");
  assert_equals(vid.duration, Infinity, "A MediaStream does not have a pre-defined duration.");

  // TODO add test that duration must be set to currentTime
  // when mediastream is destroyed
}, "Tests that a MediaStream can be assigned to a video element with srcObject");
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